Hey everyone! Sorry for the long hiatus. Good news, I just graduated with my Bachelor's! woohoo! I had gone back to school after dropping out, so I was a full time student as well as working full time and had no time to write for my own pleasure.

I hope no one is disappointed with this chapter after so long, it is basically just the last chapter told from Misaki's POV because I felt a little bit like having her leap at the chance to have sex with Hei last time was kinda OOC. So this chapter gives more insight into her thought process. More good news, I have a loose idea for a plot moving forward and I plan to do more writing so the next chapter won't be such a long wait. If you happen to be following any of my other stories, I am working on the CLAMP story, the Cowboy Bebop one will probably have to wait a little longer.

Thanks so much to everyone who has read and reviewed in the last year or so, and thanks to everyone following and sticking with it!

Also just a super important but semi-awkward note for anyone reading this who may be a minor: NEVER HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX (unless you are in a trusting and committed consensual relationship and both parties are comfortable with it). I have a very strong "no glove, no love" policy if/when I do hookups, and even when first exploring things with a new sexual partner. STD's can still be transmitted when wearing condoms so also make sure to get tested semi-regularly! Ok lecture over :)

Misaki had thankfully been able to pull it together after she had shocked even herself with that little admission in the restaurant, and Hei hadn't brought it up again. She was pretty sure that she hadn't projected quite the image she was going for, her face felt kind of tingly from the whisky, but it didn't matter anyway. She just needed to get through the rest of this night in one piece; she wasn't trying to impress him.

They passed the rest of their "date," amicably enough, the food was surprisingly delicious, Hei predictably wolfed down enough to feed at least three. Though they didn't say much more to each other beyond the coded phrases that they had decided on beforehand.

However, Misaki's brain began working itself more and more into a fury when the influence of the alcohol wore off, on their walk back to her place. She had been slightly annoyed when he had offered to walk her home, a large part of her wanted to be away from him as soon as possible. But it was a pleasant evening and she had left the Porsche in the garage at work, so she accepted his offer and they fell into step beside one another. She was sure she was scowling again, she was so deep in thought, and had unconsciously started fingering at the velvet jewelry box that she had slipped into her purse.

The man walking next to her of course was the source of her anxiety.

He had crossed a boundary tonight with the bracelet, and things just weren't adding up. Misaki knew enough about jewelry to see that the silver wasn't a shoddily made cheap back alley purchase. It was real sterling silver, and the chain and clasp felt strong despite their delicate appearance. If he just wanted something to disguise the real information that was surely hidden somewhere within the box, he could have put some 100 yen Gacha-pon jewelry inside, or just left it empty for that matter, and called it good. So what rational reason would drive Hei to go so overboard with this, albeit beautiful, gift?

She knew in her head that he was just pretending about all of this, 'dating,' business; that their whole relationship, personal and professional, must only be a means to an end for him. So why then did her gut keep insisting otherwise? Why did he keep glancing over at her, and then try to hide the barest of smiles, when he thought she wouldn't notice? Misaki came to the conclusion that he must still be teasing her.

The bastard was laying in wait with that bracelet. He planned the whole night just to get a reaction out of me, and I, stupid stupid, played right into his hands.

That thought made her angrier than she would care to admit.

Is toying with my emotions that fun for him? And more importantly, if that's the case, why am I still attracted to him?

Misaki finally allowed herself to admit it; she was indeed at the very least physically attracted to him. That idea made her even angrier, so she decided that she would have to put him in his place.

But then she remembered how nervous he had seemed to her at the beginning of the evening, and a different hypothesis started to take shape. Misaki initially didn't even notice they had stopped walking, having arrived in front of her building. Hei spoke in character as Li for the first time since leaving the restaurant, bringing her back to reality.

"Well, make sure to try on your bracelet when you get upstairs, I put a gift receipt underneath the cushioning in the box just in case. It was a nice evening, thanks for coming out with me. I'd better be going home now, but I'm glad I was able to see you home," and he flashed a brilliant Li smile.

Misaki understood immediately the meaning behind his words, but the smile brought on another twinge of annoyance; she felt like a pulsing nerve might form on her forehead if he kept this up. She resolved then not to let him leave without confronting him.

"You're not coming up?"

It was Misaki's turn to feel a little self-satisfied when she saw the tell-tale widening of Hei's eyes in surprise, before he managed to screw his face back into that unreadable cheshire cat smile. He hadn't pulled it together enough to answer her fast enough however, and Misaki's patience was at its lowest threshold, so she grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind her into an elevator.

She didn't miss the tension in the air between them. To Misaki, It felt like the whole elevator was filling up and surrounding them with a viscous fluid made from their pheromones.

As if on cue Hei, shifted his weight awkwardly, seemingly absorbed in the details of the elevator's ceiling tiles. Misaki couldn't suppress a chuckle, he had just proven her new hypothesis.

"I do make the Black Reaper nervous then," she said aloud, and his whole body visibly stiffened. She called him by his title, the infamous and feared Black Reaper, as a way to regain some of her own pride, though she knew it probably wasn't a good idea.

He didn't answer or look at her until after they made it through her front door. He was sitting in the entryway, deliberately untying his shoes, when he finally raised his face to make eye contact and opened his mouth to speak.

She interrupted him in her haste to get her hypothesis out in the open and the following discussion over with as soon as possible, lest he react badly. She might have unnecessarily barbed her words to help restore her bruised ego a bit as well…

"I know. I know I shouldn't have said it out there. But it just popped into my head when I saw you avoiding my eyes in the elevator. You are nervous. And it's because of me. You don't know what to do with yourself around humans do you BK-201?"

She spat out his messier number the same way she had used "Black Reaper," in the elevator, as a deliberate jab to this man who seemed to so enjoy making her squirm. Her pride seemed to balloon up to unprecedented sizes when he began to back away. Misaki didn't let him run away even a little bit either, she bore down on him with renewed vigor. She was going to give as good as she got,

"I noticed something was bothering you right away but I didn't want to flatter myself that a contractor could think of this 'thing' we've been doing as anything more than a mutually beneficial arrangement. I was thinking about it all night and the whole way over here. But then it clicked, you're not like other contractors are you, and you said you entered the Syndicate when you were only 12 years old, I'd bet you've never really gone on a real date with a woman before. Forgive me for being smug, but after that shit you pulled with this bracelet tonight, now it's my turn to take some pleasure from making you nervous. I suppose I should really apologize, but I won't."

Misaki thought she saw her words sink in somewhere, the slightest frown formed on his face, but he offered no response. She sighed, suddenly recalling the image from earlier in the evening of "Li," as the perpetual stray dog. At the moment he looked more like a punished dog who had been caught with his snout in the metaphorical cookie jar.

She rubbed her temples, suddenly very exhausted, and continued. Misaki decided to give him a little slack, however she tiptoed very carefully around any mention of her confession at the restaurant earlier.

"I'm just so tired of this fake lovey dovey 'are we aren't we' bullshit Hei. I don't know if I can stand another minute around 'Li,' I know that this is just an act for you, and you make it look so easy, it almost makes me sick. If this is just a relationship between a cop and a CI let's keep it professional. No more teasing, no more gifts. Let's just call a spade a spade ok?"

It seemed like it took him another couple moments in 'kicked dog,' mode to truly process all that Misaki had said. She knew she was in trouble when, in a rare display of his emotions, Hei straightened his posture and began bearing down on her, all but radiating a single idea;

'Who the hell does she think she's talking to?'

That's when everything started happening at his pace again, and Misaki lost all sense of the upper hand she may have gained.

Before she had any time to react beyond taking a small step backwards, Hei grabbed her and kissed her very hard. Mashing his face into hers, selfishly taking pleasure from her.

To Misaki's own horror, before her brain could make a decision, her body seemed to make one for her, as she felt her eyes closing and relaxed into his hands.

Ok, so maybe she was a human being with these kinds of 'needs,' too.

She had forgotten how good it can feel to have a man's large hands appreciatively running over her body. Especially it seemed when that man was the very one Misaki had spent the last month trying to convince herself that she wasn't attracted to.

The thought managed to drift its way even into Misaki's very distracted brain; she was about to object when he reached down over her shoulders and back to grab her ass, and squeezed. All conscious thought left her brain again as she felt a twinge between her thighs. If she wasn't otherwise occupied she would have been angry at herself for feeling a wetness already beginning to build there as well. Misaki sighed, letting a small whimper escape her lips as he kissed his way down the column of her throat, and she felt him shudder slightly against her like he was having trouble controlling himself.

That idea should have frightened her, but to her dismay it seemed to turn her on even more.

He began to speak into the crook of her neck and the vibration of his voice and his warm breath against her skin spread goosebumps across body. He was playing up his BK-201 voice now, no doubt to intimidate her.

"I've wanted to do this for so long. You think you're so tough but I knew that you would melt like butter in my hands. You've been wanting this too. You as good as admitted it, that you are attracted to me, your favorite contractor."

Fuck I did, didn't I?

Her eyes widened but he wasn't looking at her face, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her body. He pushed her backwards against the kitchen counter, finally moving them out of the entranceway, until she felt the edge of the counter digging into her back. He wasn't done humiliating her, though he had long ago regained the upperhand; he spoke, twisting the knife deeper, as he slowly unbuttoned her blouse,

"Well I'm here, Section Chief, what do you want BK-201 to do to you now that he's right in front of you?"

Misaki's voice felt like it was stuck somewhere down inside her stomach as she tried to answer. He picked this moment to finally look into her eyes, and the raw desire and need she saw there scared Misaki more than anything he had said so far.

I need to stop this before it goes any further.

She broke eye contact and started pulling her blouse closed, panic bubbling up now for the first time. However he managed to catch her off guard again,

"Don't do that, your skin is so beautiful I want to touch every part of you."

The way he said it was almost worshipful, and it was much closer to the voice she had come to know as "Hei's" voice, not Li's, not the Black Reaper's. It disarmed her so much that she did not resist when he grabbed the bare small of her back to pull her flush with his body and began kissing her neck again.

Far from it Misaki actually moaned fully out loud this time, even though she knew that it would just encourage him. She felt his erection growing harder grinding into her pubic bone through the layers of both of their clothes. Her hands came up weakly to his chest, in a half hearted attempt to push him away, but found herself fisting her hands in his shirt instead.

Do… I really even want him to stop?

Misaki was momentarily irrationally afraid that in addition to his electrical powers, Hei could read minds, because it was as soon as that first seed of doubt crossed her mind, that he left his position towering over her to kiss down her body. The feeling of his lips lightly pressed to her bare stomach was almost ticklish, but she resisted the urge to squirm under his gaze. When he seemed to make himself comfortable crouching down in front of her and began working at the buttons to her slacks Misaki couldn't help but gasp in surprise.

Hei slowly pulled her pants down from her hips and she shimmied slightly to help them along. He seemed to freeze for a second and Misaki felt herself flushing for the millionth time that night as he just stared at her. She thanked whatever God was up there watching out for her that she at least had worn bikini cut panties today instead of some horrible beige granny panties with holes or something. But then became angry at herself, she wasn't supposed to care about stuff like that, especially with this particular man. She wasn't supposed to be doing this at all come to think of it.

Right when she was ashamed enough of herself to push him away, he leaned into her, placing tender kisses along her inner thighs and at the hemline of her panties. The gentle sensation was a shock after the rough way he had initially grabbed her and kissed her; out of reflex Misaki gasped and slipped her hands into his dark shaggy hair. It was a lot softer than she expected it to be.

Her involuntary actions only seemed to egg him on and Misaki had a split second to think, Oh no I shouldn't have touched him back, before he growled lowly, leaning in for the main course. Her.

Hei was back to being rough, yanking the panties down with one hand, inhaling one big breath of air before running his tongue up the length of her slit. As he went he exhaled, and the combined sensation of the rumbling in his throat with the hot air around her clit sent Misaki to another plane of existence. Although her head rolled back as she arched her back, Misaki still tried her best not to make any noises and encourage him further.

That plan went out the window when he finally started teasing her clit directly. Alternating wide flat licks with quick sharper circles of his tongue she couldn't help letting out the smallest of "Oh" 's. Just as she had feared, her outburst gave him a cue to continue, and she felt him grin slightly against her thigh before he slyly pushed two fingers inside her. That was truly the point when Misaki let herself just shut up her inner monologue and feel him. Caressing her. Licking and kissing her. Now ramming fingers up to the knuckle inside her. She dared a look down and the sight sent a renewed wave of desire through her. There he was, BK-201, crouched in her front of her with his face in her most private place, lost to the world, focused solely on pleasuring her. She didn't notice the death grip that she had on the fistfuls of his hair, but neither did he, it seemed. Misaki felt the edges of her vision blurring as that inexplicable warm building sensation threatened to overwhelm her. Then he curved his fingers slightly inside her, and her orgasm hit her suddenly, like a bolt out of the blue. But he didn't stop, as she exhaled forcefully; her knees began to buckle and her whole body twitched under his continued ministrations.

Misaki was lost to the world herself. When she came back into her body slightly, she felt that he was still pressing light teasing kisses on and around her clit as well as her inner thighs. She felt overwhelmed at the sensations threatening to make her lose her mind and sighed out words without really thinking, "H-Hei, please stop I-I don't know how much more I can take."

That seemed to trigger something even more primal in him than she had seen before. He quickly stood pulling her hands out of his hair and pushed her bodily back to lean against the counter again before he stripped off his jacket. Afterwards he lost no time unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down just far enough to free his now rock hard erection.


Misaki couldn't help it, her eyes went straight to his groin and she missed the split second cocky grin that crossed his face. Her attention snapped back to his face though when he actually growled, God no man has ever actually snarled at me like that why is that so sexy?

"Sorry but I'm not done with you yet," he finished by wiping his face, which was shiny with Misaki's juices, before he grabbed her hips again and spun her around pressing, rubbing, teasing, placing his hard cock in the cleft of her ass.

Misaki felt her rational consciousness drifting away again as he continued to grind against her, pressing her against the counter top in a way that would have been uncomfortable if she wasn't so deliciously distracted. She felt him press more kisses to her throat and his hot breath on the back of her neck as he began to knead her breasts and pinch her nipples through her bra. That didn't seem to be enough for him though and he roughly tugged her bra down so that her breasts spilled over and were exposed for his hands. The straps of the bra and the sleeves of her blouse were similarly yanked down to her elbows, which restricted her movement and kept her semi trapped within the circle of Hei's arms and body. Her eyes were rolling back in her head when suddenly she felt a hard slap to her right ass cheek that brought her back into the present moment. She nearly jumped out of her skin but was slightly disappointed in herself that the spank had involuntarily but noticeably made her pussy contract, and she thought she felt a little more wetness dribble down her thighs.

Thankfully, just as Misaki was beginning to become afraid of what they were doing, of what they were about to do and second guessing having sex with a man who had all but forced himself on her, Hei seemed to come to his senses a little bit.

He leaned over her body, so that his chest and stomach were pressed flush to Misaki's back, and gently tucked a sweaty strand of hair that had escaped from Misaki's bun back behind her ear before whispering, "This is your last chance. Say no now and we can still pretend like this never happened… Say the word now and I'll leave no questions asked."

Many things ran through Misaki's mind at that moment, but Hei seemed to be waiting for her relatively patiently considering his actions of the last 10 minutes or so.

What do I want? God he said that he's been thinking about this for a long time. And it costs me nothing to admit, at least to myself, that I have too. How long? Could we keep working together afterwards? He's not wearing a condom and I don't have any but I'm on birth control so that isn't as much of an issue but… What would Father think - no stop thinking about Dad right now. Is this part of the Syndicate's plan?

Then Hei shifted slightly and Misaki felt that tingling need to be filled, to be fucked hard and deep, spreading throughout her body like warm candle wax was being poured inside her. Her whole body trembled with the sensation and for once in her life Misaki thought, Damn the consequences.

Trying to save some of her pride, Misaki answered without turning back toward him, but gave her unmistakable consent with a whispered, "I want this too…"

Hei mumbled something that might have been "Oh god yes," as he torturously swiped at her clit with the head of his cock before truly pressing into her fully. Misaki felt the front of his thighs once again press flush to her ass, as he used his hands on her hips to pull and gain better leverage to thrust as deep as possible. Misaki arched her back and felt her mouth and eyes open wide in slight discomfort at first, it had been a while, but it quickly morphed into extreme pleasure and her eyelids fluttered closed with a loud moan.

Frustratingly Hei did not seem to take that as his cue to start moving, but he did grip her hips harder like her was trying to control himself. Misaki surprised herself for the 100th time that night and found herself thinking, I don't want him to. The idea of him ravaging her against her kitchen counter like an animal made her knees wobble slightly and sent a new wave of pleasure to the nerve endings in her pussy. Apparently Hei could feel that because he gasped out, "Fuck."

She'd never heard him use language like that, not that she was some innocent maiden, it just made Misaki more impatient. Why isn't he moving?!

She chose to express her displeasure and turned around to face him for the first time in a while. The sight that greeted her was a shock to her system, but not an unpleasant one. The emotional mask that Hei always wore was all but destroyed, his pupils were so dilated his eyes almost looked completely black, and Misaki saw that he was actually breaking out in a sweat. His collar was rumpled and it really seemed like he was barely keeping it together.

"Move!" was all Misaki could manage in that moment, and Hei, god bless him, didn't need to be told twice. He began, slowly at first, and Misaki kept her upper body faced his direction long enough to see his eyes roll back in pleasure. At that point she turned back facing forward, closed her eyes and well and truly gave herself over to the sensations of being fucked. By the man she had been fantasizing about, though she had been in denial about it, no less. Misaki could tell that he probably wasn't going to last long, but she wasn't complaining. Being fucked so hard wasn't something she could maintain for long sessions. God there was just something so perfect about it right at that moment though. How do you describe the sensation of feeling like all of your nooks and crannies, all your empty spaces, all your insecurities are being filled in the most delicious combination of pleasure and pain?

Misaki could feel her own orgasm building for a second time that evening, more evidence how much she was enjoying this. And with him. None of her other partners had ever succeeded in making her cum more than once. Usually because her mind was a million miles away, but tonight she was right here with… BK-201. That thought traitorously sent another jolt of pleasure to her vagina, gripping desperately at Hei's cock that was now slamming furiously in and out of her. Hei must have picked up on it because he let go of one of her hips to rub as best he could at her clit while keeping up the same pace and her orgasm hit powerfully, almost immediately.

Misaki screamed. Really screamed, and spared a split second thought for her neighbors, but that thought was quickly drowned out by a particularly savage growl from Hei as he moved his hand from her clit to grab her hip again and pull her further towards him in an instinctual need to cum as deep inside of her as possible.

Misaki had long since let the counter do most of the work in holding her upright, and she laid her head down on her folded forearms, panting heavily, knees almost knocking together she was trembling so strongly. There were still little white dots floating around her vision, and she tried to consciously steady her breathing. She heard Hei release a massive exhale before he collapsed on top of her, thankfully bracing most of his weight with his hands on the edge of the countertop, but letting his sweaty forehead rest at the nape of her neck. His breath sent more little goosebumps down her arms.

Unfortunately it was then that the atmosphere in the room changed. Misaki could feel her brain start working in overdrive again and the consequences she had so gleefully damned in the moment were now rushing back into the forefront of her thoughts. We are currently embroiled in a secret investigation of an international conspiracy and this is how we chose to spend the time? This was so incredibly unprofessional I can't believe I let my stupid libido override my good sense. She felt Hei tense slightly as she inwardly scolded herself and guessed he was probably going through his own version of the same process.

When another couple moments had passed and Hei still had not made any kind of move away from her, Misaki decided that she, as usual, would have to be the mature and coolheaded decision maker. And if she was being honest with herself, she wasn't sure that she really wanted to hear any excuses that might come out of his mouth right now. She had consented to this too, she reminded herself, so she decided to try and reign in the temper she felt bubbling below the surface.

"I'm going to get in the shower. I think you should probably be gone by the time I'm done. We can talk about this… maybe never. I'll look over whatever it is inside the box with the bracelet and advise you on my course of action later."

She got the impression she might have caught him off guard changing the subject back to their 'work' together, but he responded with a very unsure, "Y-yeah, ok," after a brief moment.

She shivered and involuntarily let out another sigh as he pulled his rapidly softening penis out of her. Misaki didn't turn to look at him just reached over the counter for the roll of paper towels that were sitting by the kitchen sink and blindly offered them to Hei so he could clean up a little before he left. Being very careful to spare herself any embarrassing mishaps, Misaki went through the motions of neatening herself, pulling her bra back up her body so it was covering her properly, and she wrapped her open blouse around her torso, though she didn't bother buttoning it. Before bending down to pull up her panties as modestly as it was possible to do such a thing, she spared him a glance, now with his back to her washing his hands at her kitchen sink. All the anxiety that she had been holding back about this encounter seemed to hit her full force then, and she was struck with a powerful desire to escape.

Misaki did her best to hold any regrets at bay as she padded silently to her bathroom and closed the door behind her. When she peeked her head back out from the bathroom after her shower, he was gone, the apartment once again had that unmistakable 'empty' feeling. She sighed a breath of relief. At least this gave her some time to sort through her thoughts and decide what to do. Despite all of the warring emotions and hormones coursing through her body at the moment, Misaki still let herself feel a little disappointed that he had followed her orders and left before talking to her.

It certainly was a 'date' she wouldn't soon forget.