Title: The Witches of Mystic Falls

Pairing(s): Bonnie/Stefan, Emily/Damon, Tyler/Elena, Matt/Katherine, Caroline/Jeremy, Bonnie/Klaus, Emily/Elijah, etc.

Summary: When Stefan and Damon Salvatore return to Mystic Falls to find the two witches that they fell in love with in 1864, Sheila Bennett must reveal to her granddaughters, Bonnie and Emily Bennett that they are immortal witches with untapped powers, a revelation that turns their small-town life upside Series Rewrite inspired by Witches of East End.

Warnings: Character Death, Violence, Infidelity, Sexual Content, Non-Canon, etc.

A/N: So this story was a request. Things you need to know are Bonnie and Emily are sisters. They suffer from an immortality curse that is similar to the one on Witches of East End. This is a Bonnie/Stefan and Emily/Damon fic. The rest should be explained as you read. If you have any questions let me know.

Part One || Return

Mystic Falls, Present Day

The rushing water of the falls could be heard from below as Bonnie ran across the bridge towards the man standing on the other side.

The skirts of her white dress lifted in the breeze and her dark curls flew behind her. She smiled as she rushed towards him. The man that she knew and didn't know all at once. The man with the green eyes that glinted blue in the moonlight. The man that was all pale skin and chiseled features. The man that always looked at her with that romance novel stare whenever he appeared before her.

As she reached him she didn't hesitate to jump into his arms. He caught her easily wrapping her legs around his waist. She kissed him, her fingers running through his hair. He returned it full force and slowly retuned her down to her feet.

"I knew you'd come," he whispered before kissing her again. "I knew you'd come."

She pulled away first, breathing heavily and feeling as if her skin had been licked by flames.

She smiled but the smile he returned looked slightly disappointed as he held her tightly against him. "Why do you look so sad?"

His hands framed her face and his smile grew more genuine. "Because I've waited one hundred and fifty years for this and it's not even really happening."

Bonnie Bennett awoke with a start to the sound of her sister pounding on her bedroom door. Bonnie sat up gasping as her sister shouted that she was going to be late for school. The words barely registered as she looked at the clock on her nightstand.

It was the tenth time she had had a dream about the same guy in as many nights. When her door flew open Bonnie was still staring into space.

"You're going to be late," Emily repeated as she leaned against the doorframe, "If you lay there any longer you'll make you and Elena late. You promised to give her a ride, remember?"

Bonnie blinked at her older sister several times before processing her words. It was a Monday after they had spent the weekend with their Grams. Their father would expect them to come back home soon, not liking the woman's influence as he blamed her for their mother leaving years prior. Bonnie had planned on packing a bag before going to school but she would no longer have time it seemed. She had enough stuff left at the home she shared with her father in any case.

"Another dream?" Emily asked, ever the perceptive one. Her brown eyes looked on Bonnie with empathy but Bonnie brushed her off. Dreaming about a hot guy wasn't exactly the thing of nightmares. The problem as far as Bonnie was concerned was that he wasn't real.

"I'm up," Bonnie said, "I'll be ready soon. Text Elena for me."

Nodding Emily walked out of the room tossing her dark hair over her shoulder. Bonnie sighed. She would be going into her first year of high school without her sister. Emily would be entering into her first year of college, commuting to Whitmore College with her Grams and even taking Sheila Bennett's Occult Studies class.

Bonnie would miss her sister's presence but was relieved to be out of her shadow, even if she was still in the shadow of her two best friends, Elena Gilbert and Caroline Forbes.

Getting out of bed, Bonnie got dressed quickly, donning a light blue peasant top, a pair of navy blue skinny jeans and brown wedges. She knew she wouldn't have time to straighten her hair and so she quickly styled her natural curls and made her way down stairs.

She walked into the kitchen and was met by her grandmother's brown eyes watching her over her coffee cup. "Running late again I see. Dreams keeping you up."
Bonnie took the cup of coffee Emily held out to her as she leaned against the kitchen island. "They're just dreams Grams."

Sheila looked unconvinced as she sat down her mug on the countertop. "Dreams are never just dreams to a witch," she said, "Our family can be traced back to Salem. Predates it I'm sure if we look back far enough. If you would just tell me what those dreams are about I could warn you of what's coming."

They had had the conversation several times now. Her grandmother always rambled about witches and danger and Salem and immortality after she'd downed a few drinks. Sometimes it happened when she was sober as well. Bonnie and Emily never took her seriously.

Emily suspected she was in the early stages or dementia, which was the real reason they often stayed with her, to ensure that she was taken care of. Emily had always said that her teenage years would have been a lot more interesting had she spent more of them at the home they shared with their father as he was always away on business and there was never really an adult supervision.

They rarely ever brought their friends to hang out over Sheila Bennett's house. The town thought that she was crazy enough as it was. They didn't need to hear more than they heard already. Bonnie still would never live down the time that Sheila had told Carol Lockwood that she would give her a discount on an aura cleansing to help with her bad attitude when she had been giving them all orders when they were helping set up for last year's Founder's Day Parade.

Bonnie gave her sister a sideways glance before reprimanding her. "I thought you stole the keys to her liquor cabinet like we talked about."

Emily let out a surprised laugh but her laughter ended as Sheila glared. "Laugh all you want but you will respect me in this house," she said, when the girls nodded she continued, "And you will have to face the truth soon enough. Whether you like it or not."

Emily shook her head. "Grams," she said, "The only thing Bonnie's dreams are trying to tell her is that she has a subconscious urge to get laid."

"Watch your mouth," Sheila chastised but she was grinning and Bonnie was sure that it would only get worse when she caught the mischievous glint in Emily's eyes.

"That's my cue to leave," Bonnie said, "See you guys later." They said their goodbyes but Bonnie could plainly hear their laughter on the way out the door.

On the way to school Bonnie tried to laugh in the car with Elena. She made jokes about her supposed magical psychic abilities. Snickered at the grandmother's ramblings. However, even as Elena asked for her predictions for the school year Bonnie's mind was elsewhere.

She couldn't help thinking about the guy in her dreams. She felt as if she knew him. Had known him. Had felt his hands on body. Had been kissed by his lips a million times. It made no sense but she felt as if he was hers somehow.

Bonnie went through the motions of as she walked through the halls returning greetings from passersby. She barely registered when Tyler came up to them, grabbing Elena's hands and kissing her friend's lips before greeting Bonnie with his customary, "Sup, Bennett."

"Lockwood," Bonnie greeted as she opened the door to her locker. She still didn't really understand them as a couple sometimes. The best way she could explain it was that Elena was his counterbalance. Where Tyler was all hard edges, bravado and attitude; Elena was all soft curves, doe eyes, and warmth. Bonnie wasn't exactly Tyler's biggest fan but he made her best friend happy.

"Don't look," Elena said, as Bonnie pulled out her history book from her locker, "But Matt is giving you his puppy dog eyes across the hall."

Bonnie sighed as she closed her locker door. She and Matt had dated since freshman year, after Matt had pined over her for almost ten years. To Matt their breakup had been abrupt but for Bonnie it had been a long time coming. She loved him. He was sweet and kind and safe. The thing about it was, while she loved him she wasn't in love with him and wasn't sure she ever had been.

Bonnie had broken up with him at her sister's graduation party telling him that she had needed to be there for Elena after the deaths of her parents and that she needed the space to help her friend mourn. It had been true in a sense. However, once Elena had gotten to the point of moving on with Bonnie and Tyler's help, Matt had expected them to get back together. They hadn't

The dreams had started and Bonnie realized that she had more desire for some guy she had made up than Matt and it became pretty clear that she and Matt were history. While she still wanted to be his friend, she didn't want to lead him on so that left them in a sort of limbo.

"I would tell you to go say hello," Tyler said, "but between me and you, my boy has been moping pretty hard and listening to a lot of Coldplay so you might want to go with the wave."

Bonnie took Tyler's advice and waved at Matt who smiled that smile that Bonnie knew didn't reach his eyes but he waved back and that was progress.

"I'm going to go check on him," Tyler said. He kissed Elena again before walking across the hall and Bonnie watched as they disappeared down the hall.

"He hates me," She said turning towards Elena.

"He misses you," Elena responded, "There's a difference." Elena moved to say more but stopped speaking as Caroline appeared hugging her and asking both she and Bonnie about her state after losing her parents.

The blonde was gone a moment later after reminding them of the upcoming party at The Falls the next day. Bonnie loved Caroline but the blonde always had too much pep in the mornings for anyone's good.

"No comment," Elena mumbled, "Let's go. We're going to be late for class." She began to walk in the direction of their first class.

Bonnie followed behind her friend down the hall, but stopped as they reached the administration office. She felt a sense of déjà vu as she looked at the back of a student signing in at the front desk. "Who's he?"

"All I see is back," Elena laughed.

Bonnie shrugged. "It's a hot back," she joked trying to downplay any reaction that she was having. She recognized him even from behind but she knew that it couldn't be possible. "I'm sensing Seattle," she said, even as she was cataloguing the sound of his voice, "And he plays the guitar."

Elena giggled again. "You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?"

Bonnie tore her eyes away from the guy as he turned around. "Scoff all you want, Elena," she grinned, "I have the gift."

Bonnie watched as Elena glanced over her shoulder and frowned. "I'll be right back." She didn't have to look in the direction Elena went to know it was likely Elena's little brother Jeremy that had soured her friend's mood. He had pretty much been on one long bender sense the death of Elena's parents.

"Holler if you need back up," Bonnie said just as the guy left the office and began to walk towards her.

Bonnie froze as he stopped short and took off the sunglasses he was wearing, stuffing them into his jacket pocket. The face that she had long since memorized stared back at her. The lips that she had kissed that morning curved up into a knowing sort of smile. "It's you," she whispered.

His green eyes stayed on her as he walked past and continued on his way down the hallway. She felt a pull at her center that urged her forward to follow him and Bonnie did so without thinking.

She walked down the hall as if in a trance, no caring about the eyes she felt on her. Or rather on him. He was new and hot so of course the other girls that were near were gawking but Bonnie felt the need to stare for a different reason. She felt a need to be near. To touch. To live out the dreams she had been having, history class be damned.

He turned into an empty classroom and Bonnie followed him inside. She closed the door behind her and he turned to face her stopping in front of the desk.

Bonnie glanced around her as if noticing their surroundings for the first time. It was her French teacher Miss Francine's room. The teacher made them call her "Mademoiselle" and kept flowers all over the room that originated from different countries. Emily had always said it reminded her more of a greenhouse than a classroom. The floral scent hit Bonnie hard as she breathed in and out rapidly but she couldn't manage to regain control and calm herself.

"I don't know what I'm doing," she said aloud, "I shouldn't be here." She took a step backwards and turned slightly towards the door.

He stepped forward so quickly to stop her that he nearly knocked off the pot of white orchids on the desk. "Wait," he said, reaching out and touching her arm.

Bonnie frowned and jumped back as she felt something cold and dark, something wrong where he touched her. No not wrong, but off. It passed just as fast as it came but not before she muttered, "What happened to you?" she backpedaled quickly, "I'm sorry," she said, "This is insane…I just…this is going to sound…but I dreamed about you. I mean, I think it was you."

He stepped forward and this time when his hands framed her face she got a sensation of a different sort. Calming. Warmth. Familiarity. Bonnie stepped closer, seeming unable to do anything but. "I think I had the same dream," he said.

"What happened in yours?" Bonnie asked, not quite believing it but feeling it was true at the same time.

His only answers was to kiss her. Hard. Bonnie let herself be lifted up and wrapped her legs around his waist on instinct. It felt both new and familiar at once. The softness of his lips. The warmth of his tongue. The grip of his hands on her thighs.

The sound of the bell brought Bonnie back to her senses. Still she gripped his shoulders and continued to press her lips to his even as she unwrapped her legs from around him and slid down his body.

They were still pressed together when the door the classroom opened. Bonnie only just barely managed to push him away as Caroline Forbes walked in. She looked up into his eyes and could have sworn they were darker. He looked away quickly however, as Caroline spoke. "The one time I decide to come to class on time and I get a free peepshow. Nice."

Bonnie flushed as the mystery guy's hands rain down her sides and settled on her waist.

"I'm impressed Bon," Caroline continued, "You work fast. And with the new guy. I didn't think you had it in you."

Bonnie shook her head to clear it and stepped away. "I have to go," she said, "I'm going to be late for class."

Bonnie moved to make a run for it but stopped as his hand caught her arm again. "Wait," he said, "I'll walk you."

"You're new," Bonnie said without looking at him, "You don't even know where any of the classrooms are."

She really wanted to run. She didn't do this kind of thing. It had taken her a while to come up with the courage to kiss Matt and she had known him all her life. They had only slept together a few times and they had dated for two years. She had dreamed of this guy a few days and met him a matter of minutes ago and she's kissed him already.

"Then you can walk me." He persisted.

She wanted to say no. She wanted to hind in the bathroom and process. Bonnie looked at Caroline and her friend nodded eagerly, mouthing, "He's hot. Go!"

Bonnie was still ready to decline but as other people began to come into the room, she nodded in agreement. She grabbed his hand before anyone else could figure out what they'd been doing and pulled him out of the room.

She heard someone speak as she passed. "I though the orchids Miss Francine had were white. When did she get the red ones?"

"Who cares?" Someone else answered.

Bonnie glanced backwards and sure enough the white flowers had turned red. She frowned. Something was definitely off.

"This is insane," she muttered as she continued to walk pulling the stranger along behind her, "I don't even know your name."

"Stefan," he said, stopping in the middle of hallway, "Stefan Salvatore."

Bonnie turned around slowly even though she felt like it was a little late to make introductions. "Bonnie Bennett." The bell rang again and Bonnie frowned. She was sure that Mr. Tanner would make an example of her since she was late. "And I'm late for History."

"Me too," Stefan responded, "I'm late I mean and I have History."

Bonnie nodded letting go of his hand and began to wring her hands together, realizing too late that she had dropped her History book in the classroom they had just vacated. She gave up on retrieving it until later and began to walk to class. "It's this way," she said.

Stefan walked close beside her, their sides touching. Bonnie knew that she should feel bothered by this but she didn't. She felt as if he belonged there. At her side.

She felt eyes on her as she entered the classroom and took her customary seat across from Elena. Matt sat behind her and Stefan sat next to her on the other side.

Bonnie tried to focus as Tanner began his lecture. She knew that he would ask something that would make her look stupid or try to trip her up somehow. She couldn't pay attention, however. Not with Matt's eyes boring into her back and her body still feeling overheated at Stefan's presence. Still she stared straight ahead and pretended to be focused on the lecture.

Bonnie's phone buzzed and as she read Elena's text she glanced over at Stefan to find he was in fact staring at her. As he smiled in her direction Bonnie didn't have to be psychic to know that she was in trouble.


Mystic Falls, 1864

Stefan Salvatore descended the steps of his plantation home as the carriage carrying their guest arrived. He was meant to greet Katherine Pierce and escort her to her quarters. He was however, in no mood to do so. He had slept but he had not been sleeping well.

He had been plagued by dreams of a beauty that seemed to possess some kind of magic. An enchantress. A colored girl. The dreams had been innocent at first but then became anything but proper. He often awoke covered in sweat and filled with burning urges that would likely shame his father were he to ever find out.

Stefan's only saving grace was that the girl did not exist. She was some figment of his imagination. Some apparition that could turn fire into water, make dead flowers bloom, and ignite something within Stefan that was so deep and confusing it unnerved him more than anything ever had aside from his mother's death.

He was distracted as he walked down the steps and waited as the carriage stopped in front the house.

The dreams made no sense he knew. Even if the girl were real. He could never have her. There were too many rules in place stating otherwise. He would have a proper match of his father's choosing that would be advantageous for the family when the time came. The girl in his dreams would hopefully leave his mind before then.

Stefan watched as the coachman opened the door and let out a colored girl in a wide brimmed pink hat that obscured her face and then she reached out a hand to help out who he was sure was Katherine Pierce. She was as lovely as many had professed but Stefan sensed a cunning in her smile and her seemingly guileless brown gaze.

He folded his hands behind his back as he approached her. "You must be Miss Pierce," he intoned.

She held out a hand for him to take and her smile grew. "Please, call me Katherine."

He glanced at the girl beside her in the pink brim hat and noticed that she rivaled her mistress in beauty. Something that he might not have admitted even to himself, if he hadn't been having such strange dreams as of late.

In different parts of the South and in Virginia he had heard tales of mixed race couples that occurred both by consent and through force. The rapes on the plantations. The plaçage arrangements in New Orleans. The clandestine affairs that kept going even through marriages. Nothing that sounded appealing to Stefan or would be talked about in polite society. Love that had to be hidden or forced had never been something he had wanted.

He had only heard of a few times of whites falling in love with blacks and being able to live out in the open. Real love. Love like the kind that he read about in the romance novels he hid under his pillow so his brother wouldn't find them. Love like the kind that had people running and eloping overseas in France or escaping to be free in Canada, where they could live in the open and the rules of the South and the laws of the North didn't matter. The kind that Stefan doubted could exist for him and might have even dared to hope for were the girl in his dreams real.

"And which Mr. Salvatore might you be?" Katherine asked, regaining his attention, though only momentarily.

"Stefan," he replied just as he heard more movement coming from the carriage.

Dropping Katherine's hand Stefan looked toward the carriage as another girl was helped out by the coachman. Her head was down so he could only see the top of her blue hat as she sorted out her skirts when her feet hit the ground.

When she looked up, Stefan froze. He felt himself stop breathing as he met a familiar pair of green eyes and the same exotic gorgeous face that had haunted him every time he closed his eyes. She looked equally as taken aback as he and she reached out a hand towards the other colored girl who grabbed it and pulled her into her side while eyeing Stefan warily.

Noticing where his attention now lied Katherine introduced them. "These are former slaves of mine that I have freed but kept under my employ," she gestured towards the one in the pink hat, "Emily and her sister Bonnie." She settled on the one in the blue hat. The girl of his dreams.

"Bonnie." He repeated the name and he swore it tasted sweet on his tongue. "I mean…It's a pleasure to meet you both, Emily and Bonnie."

The girl gave a full body shudder as he said her name again. The wind began to pick up suddenly, blowing the ladies hats off and sending Emily and Katherine chasing after them.

Bonnie, Stefan noted, stood still as hers flew off and the coachman went to catch it. Bonnie's eyes stayed locked with his and Stefan had to look away for fear of doing something stupid like acting out one of his dreams.

He looked around to the front of the house as he heard his father's footsteps. Stefan watched as the rose bushes his mother had planted in the front yard that had seemed to be bare since she died begin to bloom around them.

Stefan gasped and turned back to Bonnie only to find Emily grabbing her by the shoulders and whispering into her ear. The wind stopped and Bonnie's head snapped down.

As his father came out of join them the roses erupted, bursting into a pile of petals before dissolving as if they had never been there at all.

Stefan felt like he was still dreaming, his feet staying rooted to the spot long after his father led the women inside.


Mystic Falls, Present Day

Stefan Salvatore sat behind the desk at his study. He had already messaged Damon that they had been right. They had found Bonnie and Emily again, this time back where it all started. Back in Mystic Falls.

He had wanted to start with a softer approach. He knew that she wouldn't remember him. That though she had been reborn thanks to the curse on her mother, Abby Bennett's head, that each life they had was different. They came back a little different each time. Always they died young. That was what Bonnie had told him before, when they had first met and fallen in love.

He knew that things would be better if he didn't push. However, he had always been unable to control himself around Bonnie. He hadn't been able to resist her before and couldn't resist now. Emily had had a similar effect on Damon, so he knew his brother would understand. Still, he was sure he'd scared her off.

Bonnie had avoided him the rest of the day at school. He'd made sure that they'd had classes together but she had been on edge since their meeting and understandably so.

He wanted to try again. To fix things. Go at whatever pace she wanted. Let her take the lead. So he dodged Zach's questions about his return and he drove over to where he had overheard the girl who looked alarmingly like Katherine say, that they were meeting up to hangout after school, Mystic Grill.

Stefan hadn't been too surprised to see Elena. While the Bennett's had curses on their heads, Katherine's family was associated with a curse of their own that Bonnie had spoken of in veiled terms before. Stefan didn't care about that however. He hadn't come back for anyone or anything but Bonnie.

When Stefan reached Mystic Grill he stood near the doorway. He could hear Bonnie speaking to the blonde girl who had caught them in the classroom earlier that day.

Stefan could still taste Bonnie in his mouth. He had missed that taste. Her scent was the same, sweet and floral. His not being human meant he felt more, sensed more. Being with her, kissing her, had been even better than he'd remembered.

Stefan smirked at the fact that he was the topic of their conversation. "Here's the rundown," the blonde was saying, "His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives at the old Salvatore Boardinghouse with his uncle. He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. Military family so they moved around a lot. He's a Gemini and his favorite color is blue."

Bonnie stared at the girl. "You got all that in one day."

"Oh please," the blonde laughed, "I got all of that between third and fourth period. I'm planning you a June wedding."

Stefan laughed as he could practically hear Bonnie's eye roll in her voice as she spoke. "Caroline I told you. It was a fluke. A random messy hookup that'll never happen again. He's probably forgotten all about it."

Stefan knew the tone well. She was trying to talk down things. Giver whatever she was feeling a low profile. He knew her well enough, even without knowing this her, to know that she was lying.

"Come on Bonnie," Caroline replied, "I am not buying that for a second. You of all people wouldn't have been all over him like that if it was just a fluke and from the way I heard he was staring at you all day I doubt he forgot."

Stefan walked more fully into the restaurant and made himself known as he approached their table. He glanced around and noted that Matt, this Bonnie's ex-boyfriend, was across the room playing pool with Tyler Lockwood while Elena watched. All of their eyes were on him as he approached Bonnie's table and the game was forgotten. Stefan didn't mind the audience. Matt and whoever else needed to know who Bonnie belonged to, even if he was planning on softening his approach he wanted to make his intentions clear.

Stefan turned back to Bonnie and smiled as she looked up at him from where she was sitting across from Caroline. "Hey," he said.

"Hey," she responded and then, "I'm sorry for earlier. I don't normally do things like that."

"You don't have to be sorry," Stefan told her, seriously, "I'm not. Unless…you regret it." Stefan smiled when she shook her head. "Good," he said, and then, "Can I sit."

Bonnie opened her mouth but Caroline talked over her. "Of course you can."

Stefan took the seat next to Bonnie and sat down close to her. He stared at her openly as Caroline began to ask him questions. He nodded briefly in acknowledgement as Elena came to join them. His eyes rarely left Bonnie however, he wanted to let it be known where his interest was.

"So Stefan," Caroline said, "Since you're new you don't know about the party tomorrow night at The Falls."

"It's not that big of deal," Bonnie stated, "Just a back to school thing."

"Are you going?" Stefan asked.

"Of course she is," Caroline said before Bonnie could answer.

Stefan reached underneath the table and brush his hand against Bonnie's gently smiling as she blushed, "Then I'll be there."


Mystic Falls, 1864

Bonnie Bennett walked down the steps of the Salvatore Plantation House arm in arm with her sister Emily. They made it to the bottom in time to see Katherine Pierce run off with ball that the Salvatore brother's had been tossing, laughter on her lips.

Bonnie glanced sideways at her sister before rolling her eyes and she returned Emily's grin as it formed. She wasn't surprised when Damon ran after Katherine after declaring she wanted to be chased.

"He's right you know," she said, as she and Emily stopped as they approached Stefan, "She does love the chase. She gets bored with being the prey once she gets caught though. Then she becomes the predator and she really starts to have fun. You and your brother should be careful."

The youngest Salvatore turned to her and looked at her in surprise, his eyes wide. "If she likes the chase," Stefan smirked, "I suppose that you like speaking out of turn."

Bonnie raised a brow in challenge, before letting go of Emily's arm. She approached Stefan slowly, stopping almost close enough for their bodies to touch. Stefan looked even more alarmed but said nothing. "You know that whole 'no rules' philosophy Katherine has," she whispered, "She got the tidbit from me. We make our own rules, while pretending to play by other's rules. Someone as reserved as you should probably take notes. Especially if you want to pursue the likes of Katherine."

Stefan gave her an once over before saying, "One moment, Miss Bennett."

Bonnie expected some look of appall and perhaps some correction for not using an honorific with Katherine's name or more chastising for speaking out of turn. She didn't expect the look or awe in his eyes. She didn't expect him to walk away either. She blinked as he walked around them and back towards the house.

Her sister stepped up and hissed into her ear. "You should not tease him in such a way. Just because Katherine has ensured we have our freedom papers does not mean they cannot punish us for less if the mood suits them. You need not be so reckless."

Before Bonnie could reply Stefan was returning, walking around them once more with one hand behind his back. Bonnie became momentarily nervous about what the unseen hand was hiding but she stood her ground. She hated having to be subservient with all the power they possessed and she sensed Stefan wasn't going to hurt her.

Something in his tone had been teasing her in turn and whether he liked it or not her warning had been sound. She had been trying to protect him in a way. There was something about him that she liked, something that drew her to him even with the underlying arrogance he had inherited from his father. Emily sensed that his heart was pure but Bonnie felt something different from him, something that made her nerves stand on end and her insides feel as if they were on fire.

Stefan surprised Bonnie then by smiling and moving in closer to her even than she had moved into him, their bodies brushing together. He reached out of tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm not as naïve as I look," Stefan said, "I recognize someone who plays games when I see them. Besides that, it's not Miss Pierce that I'm interested in pursuing."

Bonnie inhaled as he pulled a white rose, that had once again bloomed on the bushes around the front yard from behind his back and placed it into her hand just as Katherine and Damon reappeared, Katherine laughing and Damon looking annoyed. "Now who is speaking out of turn, Mr. Salvatore," Bonnie whispered as the two approached.

"No rules, right? None except the ones we make." Stefan said into her ear, his lips brushing the shell before taking a step back to leave himself at a more respectable distance.

Bonnie nodded, her eyes locking onto his green gaze, not noticing as the white rose in her hand slowly began to turn red. Emily did however, snatching it quickly from her hand and clearing her throat as Katherine and Damon stopped in front of them.

"Hello, Emily," Damon smiled, nodding and the witch and ignoring Katherine's attempts to get his attention as she held out the ball in his direction. "I've been meaning to thank you for your work in our gardens in the maze out back. The flowers haven't bloomed quite so well sense the passing of our mother. When you said that you could tend to them during your time here you neglected to tell me how very gifted you were."

Bonnie noted her sister's blush in spite of her stiff demeanor. "Thank you, Mr. Salvatore." Emily quickly turned to Katherine whose face had gone from beaming to unexpressive rather quickly. "Miss Katherine we have business with Miss Pearl today. We must be going."

"Of course," Katherine nodded. She moved to say goodbye to the Salvatore brother's and then huffed when neither of them were looking in their direction.

Bonnie laced her arm through Emily's again and nodded at each Salvatore in turn, though her eyes lingered on Stefan. "Right," she said, "Let's be off then. Leave the boys to play with their balls."

Damon chuckled as Emily elbowed Bonnie in the side and Stefan grinned.

"We'll just take our leave then," Emily told them, moving to walk around them. She paused as Katherine moved to stand in between the two sister's and they reluctantly parted to allow Katherine some space in the middle as she linked arms with both witches. "We'll be sure to give your regards to Miss Pearl. Stefan. Damon."

Stefan moved to block their path standing in front of Bonnie. "It was lovely seeing you, Bonnie," he said, "Thank you for the advice. I'll be sure that my brother and I take it. Though, a portion of it may have been unneeded."

"My pleasure, Mr. Salvatore," Bonnie replied. She moved to speak again but Katherine cleared her throat and gave her a pointed look. Sighing Bonnie nodded and her mouth shut.

Damon nodded in the direction of each woman as they began to move around him and his brother, his gaze settling on Emily. "Emily."

"Mr. Salvatore."

The sister's steered Katherine around the brothers and they began to walk in the direction of the waiting carriage.

"Did you really have to steal another one from me," Katherine, whined in Bonnie's direction and then turned to glare at Emily, "The both of you without even trying."

Bonnie sighed. "For the last time we don't remember doing it the first time," she frowned, "That was a different life remember. Different men. Different circumstances. Given the fact the one I supposedly stole before tried to kill you, which is the very reason you're alive to meet our incarnations now, you would think you would be grateful you were not the one sleeping with him before you had to get yourself turned into a vampire just to escape his evil wrath."

"That was before," Katherine complained, "This is now. These two were going to be enjoyable. I had plans."

"I'm sure you did," Emily laughed. "However, we cannot allow you to have all of the fun. Besides, Stefan and Damon would be off limits either way. I have my own plans for the elder and the younger, Bonnie has been dreaming about him since before we arrived."

"You mean?" Katherine asked.

Bonnie nodded. "I believe so."

Katherine smiled a bit resignedly before squeezing Bonnie's arm. "I suppose I'll just have to find a new toy elsewhere then. The Founder's Ball is coming up soon and the Lockwood's are rather wealthy. Perhaps there'll be some prospects there."

The three separated as they entered the carriage one at a time, Katherine sitting across from the two sisters. Bonnie took the window seat on one side and Emily gently placed the rose that Stefan had given her back into her hand.

Bonnie looked down at the red color of the rose and then glanced back at her sister. "Passion, desire, fire and love."

Emily nodded. "But it could also mean…." She hesitated.

Katherine, never one to hold back, filled in what Emily could not bring herself to say. "Blood, danger and death."

Bonnie looked out of the carriage window to find Stefan gazing back at her. She wondered which of the fates that she would face.


Mystic Falls, Present Day

"So your dream guy started at your school yesterday and you made out with him in an empty classroom and now you're getting ready to go to a party where he'll likely be attending," Emily said as she lounged on Bonnie's bed. "Your school year is definitely starting out better than mine."

Bonnie ignored her as she smoothed her hand over her top. The skirt she was wearing was a little short but she was sure the tights underneath would help to stave off the night air. "You don't think it's weird that this guy I've been dreaming about just pops up out of nowhere," she frowned, "Or that the mug I was drinking out of this morning spontaneously combusted when I was thinking about him. Or that the flowers on Miss Francine's desk changed colors or-"

Emily stood from the bed and walked across the room, placing her hands on Bonnie's shoulders. "I think you're stressing out about the new school year and you're nervous because this is the first guy you've liked since Matt," she said, "As for the rest, if you want to talk witch theory then you need to talk to Grams."

Bonnie knew that it was impossible but everything that was happening was too much to be a coincidence. "What if she's right?" she said, "What if we're really witches?"

"Then we'll give her back the key to the liquor cabinet and call it even," Emily shrugged.

Bonnie glared. "I'm serious, Emily," she said, "Even if it's not the whole witch thing, something is going on. All these animal attacks around town. These weird symbols popping up in different places. Grams shoving this witch stuff down our throats."

The news that morning had broadcasted another round of suspicious deaths just as it had the day before and Bonnie wasn't sure what that she was too excited to go to some party in the middle of the wilderness after dark for that reason. Everyone said that they were animal attacks but she wasn't so sure. Some of the bodies had been found near odd symbols of something that looked like an eye to most. A part of Bonnie had wanted to investigate the symbol in one of her grandmother's occult books but she was afraid of what she would find. Besides that she had enough to worry about, she would leave the death investigations to Caroline's mother.

"If something is going on," Emily ventured, "It's not as if you're going to figure it out tonight. So go to this party. Have fun and try not to think too much."

Bonnie tried to take her sister's advice as she made the drive over to The Falls.

By the time she arrived, the party was well underway. Stefan Salvatore was nowhere in sight and Bonnie wasn't sure if she should be disappointed or relieved.

She had managed to have a few drinks with Elena before her friend brought him up. "So do you think he'll show?"

Bonnie shrugged. "I don't know," Bonnie replied, "I don't know if I want him to. I just…he makes me feel all these things. When he looks at me it's with this romance novel stare and I melt."

"So what's the problem?" Elena asked.

"I've never felt anything like this before and I don't know what to do about it."

"You don't have to know Bonnie," Elena smiled, "Just go with it and see what happens. Not knowing is a part of what makes it all exciting."

Bonnie was about to respond when she realized that Elena was looking over her shoulder at something or rather someone. Bonnie turned and wasn't all that shocked to see Stefan standing behind her. "Hi," she said, smiling.

"Hi," he smiled back and when he reached out his hand Bonnie took it, "I'm here."

"You're here," Bonnie nodded. She glanced back at Elena who nodded encouragingly. Her gaze refocused on Stefan as she spoke again, "How about I show you the falls?"

"I'd like that."

They walked hand in and hand through the crowd. Bonnie felt like she should be more nervous, but instead it just felt natural. Natural being near him. Holding his hand. The sound of his voice as they talked quietly about nothing in particular.

When they made it to the bridge over the falls Bonnie had let it slip that her Grams believed that they were witches. "Our family came here by way of Salem, according to her," Bonnie said, "I don't necessarily believe the witch stuff but it's more interesting then telling people that my parents are divorced, I don't remember my mom and I live with my dad who's out of town more often than in. My sister's a skeptic but now that you're here I'm not so sure."

Stefan stopped walking and Bonnie did the same. They were at the center of the bridge and Bonnie half expected him to call her crazy and walk off the other side. "I happen to think that everything about you is interesting," he said, instead, "As for the witch stuff, I'm not that well versed but I believe that Salem witches are heroic examples of individualism and non-conformity. They made their own rules in society where anyone who didn't follow the rules was persecuted. That's like the definition of brave and badass."

Bonnie laughed but she felt something warm stir inside of her. Most people brushed her Grams words off as the ramblings of a mad woman. Even she did. It felt nice to have someone say something good and complementary about it for once. "You're right," she said, "Thank you."

"No problem," he said, "What I want to know is…what about me being here makes you want to believe what your grandmother says is true?"

Bonnie leaned against the railing of the bridge. She looked up at the stringed lights. She looked across at her friends on the other side watching them. Met Matt's pressing gaze and sighed. She felt like this would be a bad idea but she knew she was going to do it anyway. "I wasn't lying when I said I dreamed about you before you got here."

"Neither was I," Stefan said leaning against the railing beside her.

"You popping up out of nowhere all hot and mysterious seems like a little more than a coincidence don't you think?" Bonnie pressed, "It's like I conjured you up out of my head or something. Or I am actually psychic. I can't really think of any other explanation."

"You think I'm hot?" Stefan asked and then laughed when she playfully nudged his shoulder. "I think you're hot too. Making out with you the first day we met probably made that a bit obvious." He leaned closer to her and relished in the blush on her cheeks. "I think that there are some people that are just destined to find each other. Though, in our case I don't think your friend Matt seems to think so. He can't take his eyes off us. Or you rather."

Bonnie sighed looking back towards where Matt and the others were watching. "Matt and I were friends for a long time," Bonnie explained, "We wanted to see if we could be more and it worked in a way. He was sweet and kind. He likes to take care of things. People. I mean Vicki can attest to that. And I love him…I do but….Matt and I…our relationship just wasn't…" Bonnie stood up straight struggling to find the words.

"Passionate?" Stefan suggested.

"Right," Bonnie nodded, "It wasn't passionate." As Stefan turned his full body towards her Bonnie noticed his eyes changing, just as she had before the first time they kissed. They darkened but before Bonnie could notice anything else Stefan was kissing her again.

Bonnie kissed back even knowing that her friends were watching. Her body felt like she was on fire. Like there was a surge of electricity running through her veins. As if on cue the light bulbs on the string lights above them began to burst and Bonnie jumped away from Stefan who pulled her into his body to shield her away from the shattered glass as it fell.

Sparks flew through the air and all Bonnie could manage to say was, "Wow," as she looked up at him.

"Yeah," he responded.

He moved in to kiss her again but stopped as they heard a scream coming from the woods. Bonnie turned and watched in horror as Jeremy ran out of the woods with Vicki Donovan's prone body in his arms screaming for help.


Mystic Falls, 1864

Stefan watched through the door as Bonnie placed log halves into Katherine's fireplace. It wasn't often that he caught her alone. He wanted to speak to her but he didn't know what to say. She put him on edge and every time he was near her he felt out of control.

Stefan's gaze followed her as she knelt before the fireplace. He waited for her to pick up the matches on the mantle but instead she reached her hand inside of the fire place and mumbled something he couldn't quite make out. His eyes widened as the logs ignited and without meaning to he pushed inside of the room.

"How did you do that?" he demanded. He thought about his dreams. About the flowers blooming of their own volition upon her arrival. "What are you?"

She stood upright and she opened her mouth to answer, or likely make an excuse before she seemed to think better of it. "Please come inside and close the door."

Stefan did as he was instructed and came in more fully shutting the door behind him. He waited for what seemed like an eternity before she spoke. "Are you afraid?" she asked. He shook his head. He was stunned. In awe. Confused. But there was no fear. "Good. I mean you no harm." She looked down and then back up again. "I need to swear you to secrecy before I can say any more."

Stefan crossed the room quickly and took her hands in his. "I know we haven't known each other long," he said, "But I would never do anything to hurt you. You can trust me Bonnie. I swear it."

Bonnie searched his face a long time before she was satisfied enough with what she saw in his eyes to continue. "I'm a witch," she revealed, "Emily is as well. I believe…I'm not sure but I believe your brother already knows."

Stefan blinked as things became more confusing and made more sense all at once. "What I feel for you..." he began, "Is it because of whatever powers you have?"

"No," Bonnie said, seriously, "We can do a lot of things but we can't do that."

"Good," Stefan said, "I couldn't take it if it were. I…" He wasn't sure how to continue. She must have known he felt something. He knew it wasn't one sided. They had never spoke of it however, not outright. It was just something that seemed to linger in the air. "Even before you came here I dreamed of you and I knew the day we met that I would never meet another woman like you. I look at you and I never want to look away. I touch you and my whole body ignites. Whatever you are I don't care. You were meant for me. I can feel that like nothing else I've ever felt before. I know that I'm falling in love and nothing can change that."

Their first kiss afterwards made the flames in the fireplace erupt so high that Katherine's room was no longer inhabitable once Bonnie got control of herself enough to put them out.


Mystic Falls, Present

Stefan felt his brother's presence even before he saw him standing on his balcony. After fifteen years of separation, his brother looked much the same. Stefan had expected him much sooner but he knew that Damon worked on his own time, even where Emily was concerned.

"What took you so long?" Stefan asked as Damon walked around his room.

"Had to look into a few things," Damon replied, "Tie up some loose ends. Have you seen her yet? Your precious little Bonbon?"

Stefan nodded. He smiled that same sappy little smile Damon had become all too familiar with in 1864. "I saw her. She's the same but different. This time she let me in quicker," he told his brother, "She could sense what we are but for some reason she wasn't afraid. It was like whatever she was feeling for me trumped whatever instinct she had had to be wary of what we are now. We kissed. Twice."

Damon rolled his eyes. "Never could quite control yourself around each other. Always causing trouble. You two always were ridiculously soft and romantic. Even when you couldn't keep your hands off of each other," he said, "I'm going to see Emily tonight. She works the graveyard shift at Mystic Grill."

Stefan saw the hardness Damon had developed over decades seem to soften as he thought about Emily. Damon was volatile as a vampire at the best of times, dangerous at the worse. He was more polite and innocent as a human in some ways but just as restless and reckless. Like before, even the thought of Emily seemed to ground him. "You nervous?" Stefan asked.

"Never," Damon smirked. Stefan frowned as his brother's eyes became serious. "Can I ask you something? When's the last time you had something stronger than a squirrel?"

"Damon," Stefan said, his tone warning, "I know what you're trying to do but-"

"You know you're not as strong off human blood," Damon cut him off, "Whatever came for our girls, whatever they were running from before, it's still out there. If we want to keep them alive this go round we have to be at our full strength. If you're afraid of going on a binge then suck it up and learn to control yourself. If not for me, then do it for Bonnie."

Stefan looked away but nodded. "Everything I do is for Bonnie. Everything I've gone through up until now has been to lead me back to her."

Damon reached out and grabbed his shoulder. "Then prove it," Damon hissed, "We both know something is out there killing people. Making it look like us. We know what happens when small town people get scared Stefan. We lived it. They'll hunt us down just like they did Katherine. Then not long afterwards-"

"Damon," Stefan said his tone warning.

"They'll come for the witches next and we'll have to watch them burn all over again," Damon spat, ignoring the lethal glint in Stefan's eye, "It's a set up. Just like before. I don't know about you, brother, but I don't plan on letting Emily go again. So whatever it is we're fighting we need to make sure we're ready."

Stefan knew that he was right. "There was a girl attacked tonight," Stefan said, "I left the crowd when they were taking her away in the ambulance. I wanted to make sure it wasn't another vampire in town. There was a symbol carved into a tree nearby, like the one we saw carved into Emily's door the night that she and Bonnie were taken."

"Looks kind of like an eye?" Damon asked.

Stefan nodded.

Damon frowned looking thoughtful. "It's here and this is only the beginning. I'm working on a way to get Emily's back. This town erased all of their heritage and I'll be damned if I let them steal it and put it on display at their next Founder's party. Do you still have Bonnie's talisman?"

Again Stefan nodded. He'd found it in the twenties. It was how they'd known that Katherine had in fact been telling the truth. By the time Stefan had found it, Bonnie had already been dead in that time. There was so much about the twenties Stefan didn't remember and he wondered how many lives they had missed that Bonnie and Emily had lived between now and the 1860's.

"Figure out a way to give it to her. She's going to need it," Damon said interrupting his thoughts, "I'm going to see Emily. Introduce myself. Put on the charm."

"Be careful Damon," Stefan said, "They don't know what they are this time. Sheila has been trying to tell them but they haven't been listening. We'll talk later about changing my diet."

"Glad to see you're on board, brother," he said, "I'll see you soon."

Stefan watched Damon leave and waited only a moment after he was gone to follow and speed towards Bonnie's home. She'd said that they normally spent their time split between the house they shared with their father and the house they shared with Sheila. If Emily was working and their father was away on business that meant that Bonnie would be alone in the house. Stefan didn't like the idea. Especially with whatever was out there lurking about.

Before, in the past, Bonnie had been sure it was another witch. Emily hadn't been completely sold on the idea as witches were meant to keep the balance and were loyal to one another. However, Bonnie had known that wasn't always the case and their mother had at the time been gone investigating much in the same way Stefan was sure she was now in this time. She had come home to find both of her daughters dead, burned to ashes while Stefan and Damon had been transitioning.

Stefan had never forgiven himself for not being there. Not protecting them. They had tried to break them out and ended up shot for their trouble and sometime between them lying dead and waking up undead the woman he loved and had agreed to be turned for had been killed. However, as Katherine had promised Bonnie and Emily had returned to them. This time would be different. Stefan would make sure of it.

Stefan ascended the steps to Bonnie's home and she opened the door before he could knock. She leaned against the doorframe in a tank top and a pair of pajama pants. Her hair was tied up and Stefan was sure she was more beautiful than he remembered.

"I know it's late," Stefan said, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm more worried about Vicki Donovan," Bonnie replied, "I couldn't even comfort Matt. Our friendship is in a weird space and that's on me. I can't believe that people are being attacked. I feel so helpless. My sister went to work and I didn't want her to leave."

"You sound like you're afraid," Stefan frowned, "Why not go to your grandmother's?"

"She's been talking a lot about witchcraft and Salem and I knew she would have some cosmic explanation for all of this. I kind of just wanted to be alone." Stefan moved to make his excuses and leave but Bonnie reached out and caught his arm. "Until I saw you that is. Did you want to come inside?"

Smiling Stefan allowed himself to be pulled forward. He wanted to be with her. Be near her. See for himself that she was alright. Make sure she was safe. They would worry about the rest another day. Tonight he just wanted to be close. To feel alive again. "I'd love to."