Hey all! I haven't forgotten about TRP. I'm super sorry for the seriously delayed update of this story. I have been trying to push an update for this story for a while. This chapter is a little short, so apologies for that. I feel the ending is rather abrupt but for the life of me couldn't figure out a good way to extend or expand. That doesn't mean it's definitely going to be a while for the next update. I already have an outline for the next chapter, maybe two.

Now, thank you for your comments and reviews. I really appreciate it. Thank you for reading this story as well :)

Now, without further ado, enjoy!

Chapter 18

It was a quarter to six when the Hogwarts Express pulled up into Hogsmeade Station. Once it fully stopped, only a moment later, the students began stepping out onto the platform. Soon enough, Hermione, Harry, Neville, and Luna were able to step off as well. They could hear Hagrid's voice in the distance, shouting for the first years. But, as the young Gryffindor witch settled on the concrete floor, all she could focus on was the confused expressions of the other students. She looked to her friends, they were confused as well. There were more professors than usual as well as an unusual presence of Aurors standing around the station, diligently watching the crowd for anything suspicious.

Hermione was confused. The Order nor Tom or Bella had told any of them of the sudden appearance of the witches and wizards in those black-robed uniforms. With how the Aurors and Professors were acting, clearly, they have known for some time. But why did they need Aurors present now when they hadn't done so last year?

"Do you think this has anything to do with what happened at the Ministry?" Neville asked. Their strange presence was also not lost on him.

"One could only assume so, Neville," Luna replied. "You know, Harry, you might want to reevaluate your career trajectory," she advised, vaguely.

Brow furrowed, Harry queried, "what do you mean?"

"How do you suspect a dozen top wanted criminals and six inexperienced teenagers were able to get into the most heavily guarded Department in the Ministry without being detected?" she mused.

The bespectacled boy was quick to defend, "but, Tonks-"

"I don't think Luna is referring to Tonks, Harry," Hermione quickly interrupted the, no doubt, hysterical defense the boy was sure to have. Her eyes bore deeply into his, trying to understand and all that they have experienced and learned this past summer. "She is right, however. It was too easy. There should have been more guards stationed around the Ministry, especially at the Department of Mysteries. They were deliberately absent. And we know of the sorts of influence that lay riddled throughout the Ministry, which goes all the way up to the Minister's office. The Dark Lord has numerous members of his Death Eaters that hold high ranking positions, like Mr. Malfoy. But, Dumbledore has also infiltrated the Ministry. Mr. Weasley in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office. Kingsley in the Auror Office. Elphias Doge in Wizengamot. Dumbledore, himself, is even the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. And considering all of the secrets he has been keeping, Dumbledore may have more influence in the Ministry then we already know."

"Hermione, are you suggesting that Dumbledore may be behind what happened at the Ministry?"

The young witch looked around, noticing the increasingly dwindling amount of remaining students. She looked back to the bespectacled boy, "I'm not saying yes or no to that. We know that part of it was most definitely planned by the Dark Lord. But, Dumbledore always seems to know what will be happening and when. And, he didn't seem surprised when the Dark Lord showed up. In fact, it was as if he had been anticipating the Dark Lord being present. And it was only when He did show up, did Dumbledore made his presence known. And we can't act like he just miraculously showed up, just in time to protect Harry and battle the Dark Lord just before the Minister, Aurors, and press arrived."

"Convenient, I think," Luna mused, "though, I would assume the leader of the organization when called for assistance would show up alongside his fellow comrades, not towards the end when the main part of the battle was already diffused." It was silent for a moment while everyone thought on her last words before she spoke once more. "Come. We best leave before they abandon us out here." She motioned to the very last thestral drawn cart before the wistful made her way over to Professor Flitwick, who seemed to be impatiently waiting for them.

"Finally," the half goblin sighed. "Names," he demanded in an official manner with his unusually high pitched voice.

Hermione shared a look with Neville, who shrugged. "But, Professor, you already know us."

Filius sighed. "Of course, I know who you are, Miss Granger," he softly said. "But," he flickered his gaze over to the two Aurors behind the quartet, "it needs to be properly recorded."

The teens sighed, apart from Luna—not at all looking bothered.

"Hermione Granger," the short wizard checker her name.

"Neville Longbottom," check.

"Luna Lovegood," check.

"Harry Potter," check.

"Excellent," he sighed once more. "Students, by special request from the Headmaster, Auror Tonks," he gestured to the familiar Auror who was approaching from the station, "will be accompanying you up to the castle." Turning to the bubblegum haired witch, "Auror Tonks, I leave them in your capable hands." He nodded, resealed the gate behind them and disapparated with a pop.

Harry, Hermione, and Neville gaped at the actions. Weren't there supposed to be wards that prevented apparation, Hermione thought.

Luna simply hummed. "Isn't it curious how wards don't work the same on half breeds as they do on full blooded wizards."

Tonks chuckled at that, "yes, curious indeed, Luna." Looking to the others and gestured to the cart, "after you."

Once everyone settled, the thestral slowly began their journey.

"Tonks?" Harry addressed the metamorphmagus, "why are you here?"

"Better yet," Hermione cut in, "Why are the Aurors here? And why weren't we told about it?"

The Auror chuckled, "okay, in order. I am here because it was just as the Professor said: by special request of Dumbledore. He and the new Minister thought it prudent to protect the students of Hogwarts now that the Dark Lord is officially back—especially since six fifth and fourth year, inexperienced, students decided to take their chances up against the 'most infamous and cruel' wizards and witch and the Dark Lord himself. Or so, that is what Amelia Bones told me this morning. Which is why you weren't informed prior. We didn't even know that we were going to be assigned to Hogwarts as glorified security guards until this morning." While they, aside from Luna, knew of how the Dark Lord and the Black and Malfoy families actually were and had meant the students no true harm, they didn't know during the actual battle or prior. It was pretty stupid from Tonks' perspective, to be frank.

"Now, since they weren't with you when they showed up, Kingsley had to go with the Weasley duo, leaving only me to be with you. So, now, would anyone want to tell me why Ron and Ginny aren't here with us?" Tonks was sure it had to do with the male Weasley; more than likely said something stupid to piss Hermione off once again. Him and Molly just wouldn't leave the poor girl alone for the last two weeks of summer.

The Auror looked to Hermione, who sighed in annoyance before regaling the amused Tonks of what happened on the train after they barely even left the station. The metamorphmagus laughed at the ridiculous behavior of the ginger git. She was right, the boy had said something stupid and even went as far as to assume he had the right to demand anything from her. "Ha! That's a laugh. Truly hilarious. Claiming to be your boyfriend and demanding things of you. You know, I would love to see his face when he finds out that he further from your type than he could actually imagine. That you don't do the penis, to put it bluntly." Hermione blushed at the crude statement, much to the amusement of the others. Soon enough, however, the small group arrived at the courtyard, just outside the Great Hall. In the corner, the small group watched as a red faced Ronald Weasley whispered harshly to his sister, Sheamus, and Dean, "you may want to hurry inside, lest you wish to get into another row with him."

The teens nodded and with that, Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Luna hastily made their way into the Great Hall, joining the other students while Tonks checked in with the other Aurors.

The Headmaster sat presidentially in his high back chair as the students began making their way to their respective tables. As he sat and watched, Dumbledore was anxious to see three students in particular, whom he has been thinking about for the past year, especially this past summer. The events at the Ministry and Miss Granger's interaction with Bellatrix Black have caused a ripple of concern for his plans with Harry Potter and Tom Riddle. In fact, it had put a significant amount of stress on his goals of framing the entirety of the wizarding world with his views of the perfect world. Her presence and existence alone could derail his plan. However, if she supported him, he would have the world. But if she was anything like her mother, he would never be successful. And if she was, he'd have to take care of her, just like her mother and family.

He relished in the chaos happening around him. The wizard was wearing a very satisfied smile as he looked across the expansive main hall of the Alexander Palace. The devastation was simply intoxicating. Tonight would be the start of his new world order. Once this night was over, he could set into motion his plans for the wizarding world without the threat of the Tsarina ruining them.

The windows were shattered. Chandeliers, littered and broken throughout the grand room. Bodies of servants and sentries sprawled across the floorboards. "Beautiful," the wizard said as spells whizzed past him, once more lighting up the grand entrance. Smiling to himself, the wizard felt for the directions of the Imperial family.

Humming to himself, the wizard gazed fondly at the bloody bodies as he walked past. The pairs of doors he approached first were the rooms of the children's tutor and found a man leaning haphazardly against the back wall. Clearly, he had been thrown across the room before being hit with a well aimed avada. The next room, a governess', though it laid bare. "I'd imagine she is with one of the children," he mused. With a careless shrug, he continued his venture. "Finally," he muttered as he came across the first of the princesses' rooms. Eyes narrowed and nostrils flared as he found the room empty. It was the next room, however, that brought his vicious smirk back. Though it dimmed a bit when he didn't find the entire family-though, really, he shouldn't be surprised. But, nonetheless, there in the room of the youngest two daughters, he found the bodies of Nicholas, Olga, Tatiana, and Maria. The Tsar had clearly put up a fight, but nevertheless...death was inevitable. Happy, but not fully satisfied, he continued on.

Coming to the end of the corridor, he noticed two of his supporters attempting to get into a closed and evidently warded pair of double doors. Upon approach, he faintly heard a very familiar woman's voice and a terrified voice of a little girl. They were talking. Curious, he pushed the two wizards out of his way. Luckily, the others had already made significant progress with the wards, that he didn't need to work too hard to blast into the...nursery? Alexandra swiftly stood and turned to face the wizard. Looking over her shoulder, the Tsarina yelled to the two governesses behind her, who were clutching onto the children. "Go! Protect them with your lives! Take care of my babies!" And before the wizard could do anything, the last of the Romanovs slipped through his fingers. The witch looked back to the wizard.

Not wanting any more preamble, there was no point, he growled as she merely smirked at him, "Avada Kedavra!" However, she quickly blocked the deadly curse with a strong shield. The wizard's eyes widened slightly, but, really, he shouldn't be surprised. This woman was a Romanov after all.

"Professor Dumbledore," she gesture with her still planted smirk.

The handsome wizard sighed, he wanted this to end quickly so he could truly begin his plans. "Your majesty," he greeted with a frustrated tone. "I assume you've sent Alexei and Anastasia off to someplace I may never be able to reach them," he asked.

"Ahh, and you would be correct," Alexandra said mockingly. "And, even if you are able to find them, you won't be able to stop them," she forewarned maliciously. Keeping her wand trained on the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, she fleetingly glanced a look at the two wizards standing behind on either side of the bearded wizard. Looking back at Dumbledore, in quick succession, two green flashes shot out, killing the two nameless wizards with deadly accuracy.

Dumbledore looked bored at the vicious display. He wasn't the least bit impressed at the deadly demonstration of power that could only come from the Tsarina. "And I assume that you will not tell me where you have sent them." She smirked in response. He frustratedly sighed. "Then we have nothing further to discuss. Until I find them and kill them, I will do what I must do to achieve my goals. Goodbye, your majesty."

"Happy hunting," she replied with a ghoulish smirk. And this time, she didn't block the bright green light from striking her chest.

The bearded wizard dispassionately looked down at the dead body of wizarding Russia's Tsarina. This night was supposed to be happy and victorious, but now, he only felt disappointed and bitter. With one last huff, he walked out of the silent nursery.

The Headmaster couldn't help but think back to the last moment and her chilling 'farewell' whenever her daughter walked into the room. Whenever he looks at Hermione, he just sees the same personality her mother once possessed, unyielding, steadfast. A major part of him feels as though Hermione would have to meet the same end as Alexandra. But, that will be his last resort. First, he needs to utilize a certain level of finesse to get her support. But, that's going to be harder than he originally thought when Hermione walked in with Harry, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood, all the while Ronald and Ginerva walked in with the wizard glaring in rage at the auburn haired witch. Something happened on the trained, he grimly thought.

Looking away, Dumbledore had to put that aside as the last of the returning students entered the Great Hall. The Headmaster looked to his Deputy and nodded, signalling for the start of the sorting ceremony. He silently watched as Minerva filed down the middle walkway to the pair of giant double doors to fetch the first years. Just a moment later, the Transfiguration Professor came back through, leading a long procession of wonder eyed eleven year old witches and wizards.

"Now, as I call your name, you will sit upon this stool and I will place this hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses." With her Scottish lilt, Professor McGonagall announced once the first years gathered at the foot of the stairs. "Brooklyn Alles!"

The Headmaster watched as a petite brunette confidently walked up. The hat barely brushed the girl's head when it shouted, "Slytherin!" and the little witch was proudly accepted into the house of green and silver. The bearded wizard didn't pay too much attention to the rest of the sorting, but by the end of it, he counted more Slytherins than any other house. Dumbledore smiled at Minerva as they exchanged places before he looked out to the student body.

"The best of evenings to you!" Albus Dumbledore spread his arms out, welcomingly. "Now, to our new students, welcome, and to our returning students, welcome back! Before you, awaits yet another year filled with magical education. For this new year, we will find many similar experiences we've had the previous year, whilst we will also find ourselves immersed into new, unique opportunities. A few we will find is with a delightful change to our curriculum and staff this year. To which, I shall address after some important business.

"Our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to inform you all that there is a blanket ban on all joke items sold from the shop, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. For a full, itemized list, you will find it posted just outside his office. As per usual, magic shall not be used in the corridors. Those wishing to play for their House Quidditch team should give their name to their Head of House as per usual. We are also looking for new Quidditch commentators. Those of whom are interested, should do the same.

"Now, with that out of the way, I am pleased to introduce a returning member to our staff, Professor Horace Slughorn." The Headmaster gestured to a seated squat man. "Professor Slughorn is a former colleague of mine and he has happily agreed to resume his old post of Potions Master, welcome Professor!" He twisted to look behind him at the bespectacled wizard, clapping. Though, it was immediately swallowed by the mutterings of the student body. Raising his voice, " Meanwhile, our Professor Snape will be graciously taking over the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Thank you, Professor," he clapped once more.

"Now, as you have seen," his voice suddenly gone grave, "there has been an increase in security here at Hogwarts. Upon your arrival, your items have been searched and identities confirmed. And you have a right to know why.

"Many years ago, a boy, just like yourselves, walked through these halls, ate the same food, slept under the same roof as you do now. The boy, today, is who we now refer to as Lord Voldemort. You see, even while dark forces are once more at large in our community, they can also and have done the same in these very walls.

"Tom Riddle, intelligent beyond his years. Exceptional student. Since his entrance into the Wizarding World, he has achieved many great things. Great, but gruesomely terrible. And a considerable amount happened in this very school.

"So, I ask of you, be cautious of what you see here within and outside these grounds. Report any suspicious activity to a member of staff. I urge you not to approach or engage it, yourselves. We must be wise during these troubling times. Just some words to think about."

Expression changing, the Headmaster looked around at his students warmly and appraisingly. He waved his arms in an elegant matter and many different dishes of delicious food appeared on the five tables. "Now, tuck in," he smiled.