Titas handed Reyes a cowboy repeater. She didn't know where he got it from and she frankly didn't care. It may not have been her service rifle but it would do if they ran into any trouble.

"Follow me", Titas whispered to the four of them.

He led them through the moonlit camp away from any of the night time guards. As they walked she didn't miss how Arcade seemed to keep shacking. She hoped the man who's idea this originally was would have more faith in the plan.

She felt a warmth in her free hand and looked to see Melody holding her hand for comfort. She guessed she was more of a guardian figure to the kid than she had thought. Despite how much she wanted to comfort the poor kid she would need both hands to handle the rifle.

"Please let go. I can't use my gun with one hand", she told Melody as quietly and softly as she could. Melody let go but stayed right next to her the rest of the way as the ducked between tent and tent.

Eventually they mad it out of the fort and into the open desert.

Titas led them to the large raft that awaited them by the Colorado.

Before any of them could get on it or try to push the thing in the water, Titas spoke, "Stay here. I'll be back."

He ran back towards the fort.

"What if he doing?", Arcade whisper screamed while Reyes lowered her sight on the legionary.

"Wait!", Siri said as she grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulled it toward the sky.

"He's going to tell someone we're trying to escape!", Reyes hissed.

"Why would he do that?", Siri asked.

"I don't know! Promotion? Award? Maybe to get a kick out of our faces as we're all crucified!", Reyes said in frustration.

"Then why would he build the raft?", Arcade pointed out.

"Don't tell me you trust him now too", Reyes sighed.

"I don't, but I trust that Siri knows him well enough. He's obsessed with her. Why would he risk getting us in trouble?", Arcade said.

"Fine!", Reyes said only because she wouldn't abandon her new friends, "We'll wait for him."


"Starved dog", Titas said his name as he shook him awake.

"What?", Starved dog asked in an alert voice.

"Get your machete and your rifle and come with me."

"Where? Why?"

"You'll find out.", Titas said with both nervousness and hope in his voice.

Titas led him out of camp. For some reason he insisted they sneak quietly past the guards.

He led out of the fort and to a raft. Starved dog stopped moving at the sight of Melody, Siri, Arcade, and Reyes waiting for them. Reyes had some how gotten a rifle.

He quickly shouldered his gun and pointed it at her as she did the same to him.

"Don't", Titas said as he stepped in the way before either of them could go any further. "We're escaping. Come with us. We can start over."

"No", Starved dog said without hesitation.

"Why?", Titas asked, "Would you rather we both just keep fighting till we end up in a funeral pyre?"

"You would abandon everything we stand for! Where do you plan to go? The NCR with there bloated and corrupt miserable excuse for a government? Vegas, full of whores and profligates not even fit for that title? The followers of the apocalypse, made up of a bunch of optimistic fools?"

"I don't know", Titas admitted, "but I have a family to look after."

"What happened to us being brothers?"

"That why I need you to come with us. We have to look after each other.", Titas' ace turned down cast, "Please, we're all that's left."


Arcade walked forward. "Caesar is dead", he told them, "I snuck poison in his drink before he went to bed. Th-"

Starved dog picked him up by the throat and held him in the air. He glared at the doctor with death in his eyes. Titas tried to pull him off of Arcade but he wouldn't budge.

"Kill me. It won't save the legion. It will fall without Caesar. Within a year it'll be nothing but a bunch of warring tribes once again", Arcade struggled to say.

Before Starved dog could respond, Melody ran up to him.

"Please! let him go!", She begged with tears in her eyes.

He looked at her and seemed to freeze in place. He didn't move a muscle for what felt like hours but what was really only a few seconds, before dropping Arcade in the sand.

He turned to Titas. "Leave. I will tell no one."

"Come with us!", Titas begged.


Arcade coughed, "What will you do? The legion is now nothing but a walking corpse!"

"As long as I breath the legion won't die. I won't let it."

"You can't win.", Reyes said.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand loyalty", he spat at the trooper.

Titas looked at him again. He wrapped his arms around Starved dog in a desperate hug.

"Take care of yourself. Try not to die."

"My debt has not been paid."

Titas looked him in the eye, "what do you think the others would say if they could see us now?"

"Sherman would tell us to stop being so gay", Starved dog said seriously.

Titas laughed at this as he clung to his comrade.

"This is good bye", Titas said as he hugged Starved dog one last time.

Starved returned the hug before letting go.

"True to Caesar, brother", the prime decanus said before walking away.

Titas pushed the raft into the water with Arcade and Reyes's help. They All climbed aboard and headed to freedom.

(Thank you all for the support as I wrote this. I'm sorry if it wasn't very well written.)