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Wow...soooo sorry about the delay but I got all caught up with my other story, Onigiri Mermaid...anyways, here's the next chappie!! ^_^

~ Maeven ~

Shigure narrowed his eyes, darting a look at Hatori, who managed to maintain his expressionless visage. Shooting another look to his right where Ayame chewed his lip anxiously, Shigure closed his eyes tightly. 'What are we going to do??'

Kyou sat across from him, unknown emotions flickering through his scarlet eyes. Kagura pressed close to his right, her eyes soft in worry. Momiji bounced up and down in his seat, unable to keep still while Yuki leaned an elbow on the table, his face grim. Uotani and Hanajima clustered in another corner, eyebrows furrowed in thought.

Ritsu continued running around in the background, wailing, while Hiro sat close to Kisa protectively. Haru folded his eyes, staring at each person calmly but every once in a while, his jaw would tighten with tension. Finally, Shigure couldn't stand it anymore and smashed his hand down. "I give up! Tori so scary!!"

The doctor calmly laid down his cards and stated, "Royal Flush."

Everyone sweatdropped. "Never play with Hatori...he excels in poker faces!!" Ayame cheerfully declared.

"Now you tell me," Kyou grumbled, trying to brush Kagura away.

"My precious flower, do you mind getting me another piece of cake??" Shigure cried out, shuffling the cards.

"BAKA!" Yuki and Kyou towered menacingly over him.

"Wah!! You two even scarier!!! My darling flower, come save me!! Save me!! Save . . . eh? My flower isn't here?"

Everyone blinked and looked around the room. "Where's Tohru?" Uotani demanded in alarm. The waiters, who busied themselves with magazines, trying not to pay too much attention to the rich but eccentric Sohma family, looked up in alarm at this point and shrugged helplessly.

"She was just here a moment ago!" Momiji cried out.

"Maybe she went out to get some fresh air...don't worry..." Yuki murmured, his eyes lowered in apprehension.

Kyou ran to the door with everyone at his heels. He jerked open the door and found . . . nothing. It was absolutely silent, stars twinkling down on him jovially. A breeze ruffled the branches of a nearby tree. "TOHRU?!" the oranged haired boy screamed into the night air. There was no response.

"What the hell? Where could she have gone?" Kyou growled.

"Maybe she got afraid that your stupidity might diffuse into her so she left early," Yuki mumbled absentmindedly as his eyes roved over the darkness.

"Shut up, nezumi," Kyou murmured as he peered into the shadows.

"AH!" Kagura screamed in shock as she stared at a note pasted on the side of the door.

"What?!" everyone whirled around to stare at the girl.

"We got ripped off for the chicken! This sign said there's a special going on...we should have ordered this instead!" Kagura pouted and then froze sheepishly as the rest of the people loomed over her threateningly. "Heheh...uh, continue the search please."

"AH!" Momiji screamed, staring at another note on the sign.

"If it's anything regarding chicken, fish, seafood, pork, beef, etc, I don't want to know it," Kyou stated warily.

"It's about Tohru!!"

"Eh?!" Everyone immediately crowded around the tiny note:

We have your friend. Give us 2 million dollars in a leather Armani suitcase in 3 days and we would gladly return her. Leave the money on the third bench in Orchid Park and the girl would be back in your arms safely an hour later. Don't call the police, SWAT team, the Navy, or anything of the matter that will cause us severe bodily harm.

P.S. This is for the band, Jyuuni, regarding Honda Tohru; if you're also missing a family member, please check the notes below. Thank you.

Everyone blinked blankly at each other. Momiji was the first one to speak, screaming, "Tohru's been kidnapped!!!"

* * *

Back at Shigure's place, everyone was in a panic.

"What are we going to do? What are we going to do? What are we going to do?" Momiji paced back and forth worriedly. He wailed, "How can this happen?! It's her birthday!!"

Kyou clenched his fist. "Stop bouncing around like that. You're making my eyes cross. I can't think."

"Don't blame someone else for your inabilities," Yuki said.

The cat lunged at the mouse, but Shigure quickly grabbed his shirt, yanking the boy back. "Sit," he commanded. "This is no time to be playing around."

The boys blinked in surprise. Hatori mumbled while sipping his tea, "Impressive, you actually managed to sound authoritarian."

"Did I? Really?" Shigure beamed, clapping his hands to his cheek.

"There goes that image," the doctor sighed. "It only lasted, oh, two seconds."

The dog pouted while Haru spoke up quietly, "I guess the only thing we could do right now is to pay the ransom and hope she isn't hurt."

Yuki nodded bleakly. "Shigure, how much do we have?"

"Oh...well, between paying for the damages to the house you boys did and for our basic necessities....not to mention, this surprise party, your concerts, my new writing desk, your instruments, my new set of magazines, your advertisements, my year supply of face cream, my limo, my twenty tuxedos, my fifty yukatas, my jumbo-size hair gel bottle, my new boxers, my -"

"Shut up already. Too much information," Kyou shuddered. "How much do we have then?"

"Oh, hmmmm...uh, not enough?" Shigure finally offered sheepishly.

The boys wanted to strangle him. "What are we going to dooooooo???" Momiji wailed for the fifteenth time.

"I guess . . . I guess the only choice we have right now . . . is to go to Akito," Yuki stated softly.