Chapter 6

After Yuri shouted at Yuuri about yet again how he could pay for his own hospital visit, he eventually gave in and allowed Yuuri to pay for the bill.

They sat down on the bench to wait again, and Yuri was relieved. All that shouting had been really painful.

About ten minutes later, Dr. Ivanova walked out with the pain medication. Yuuri thanked her again and Yuri grudgingly followed suite before they walked out of the building. Yuuri bought some bottled water from a vending machine on the way out.

Yuuri was able to quickly hail a cab, and on the drive over, he forced Yuri to take his medication with the water. He listened to Yuri's complaining for a few minutes until Victor texted. He was staying at the skating rink for a while to talk to Yakov and sort out a few things with security. Yuri didn't want to consider exactly what he meant by "sort out a few things with security."

The drive was only about thirty minutes long. Victor's apartment was small but spacious, and smelled like dog even though Makkachin was staying in Hasetsu. It was sparsely furnished and very neat.

The sympathetic looks Yuuri kept shooting Yuri in the drive over were starting to make him want to punch him in his stupid face. Hours of being taken care of by Yuuri and be around his sickening "I'm a good guy, I care about everyone so much, I have a million emotions and I cry every day" routine was proving to be too much. He needed space.

Yuri walked straight to the living room and collapsed on the couch. It was incredibly comfortable, but his chest and head were still throbbing. The ice pack didn't seem to have any effect aside from numbing his fingers completely and soaking his hoodie through. And when was that damned pain medication going to kick in?

Yuri heard footsteps behind him. "Hey, do you need anything?" Yuuri asked.

Ugh. There was that concern."No. Just leave me alone," Yuri groaned.

"Okay. I'm going to start on dinner soon. Just call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Whatever," Yuri called back. He heard retreating footsteps, and he let out a sigh of relief when he realized he was alone.

Yuri nestled further into the couch. He got his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it. He absentmindedly opened Instagram and stared at the screen. He didn't feel like looking at Instagram. Why was he bothering?

He scrolled through his own feed with a detached indifference and sat up when he saw a picture he had posted a few weeks ago. In it, he and Otabek were grinning up at the camera. Otabek had longer arms, so he had taken the picture. Yuri tapped on the picture and swiped to see the others. In the next one, Otabek had his arm around Yuri's shoulders. In the last one, Otabek was looking at the camera confusedly while Yuri yelled furiously at him.

Yuri smiled. He couldn't remember why he had been so angry, but that picture seemed to encapsulate their relationship well.


Yuri needed Otabek.

He tapped on Otabek's profile in the tagged picture and tapped on message. He stared at the screen for a moment before simply sending:

yuri-plisetsky: hey

It looked stupid, but Yuri didn't really care. He set the phone next to him and looked up at the ceiling while he waited for him to reply.

Only a minute later, his phone dinged and Yuri picked it up immediately.

otabekaltin: Hey

otabekaltin: How are you?

Yuri sighed. He wasn't even sure why he was texting Otabek. They texted every few days, and it was always when one of them had something particular to tell each other. He had never been a part of this drifting, aimless sort of texting. It wasn't like he was going to be honest with Otabek and tell him everything that had happened that day. What was the point of even texting him?

If he was being completely honest with himself, he just wanted to be with Otabek. His mere presence calmed Yuri in ways he couldn't explain rationally.

He decided to be half-honest.

yuri-plisetsky: i'm okay i just got back from the hospital

otabekaltin: The hospital?

otabekaltin: What happened?

Yuri stared at the screen, his thumbs hovering over the keys.

One of my sponsors tried to rape me a few weeks ago, and then today he shoved me into a closet, kicked the shit out of me, and tried to rape me again. And then I had a panic attack and fucking Katsudon people had to help me.

Yeah, right.

yuri-plisetsky: i just got into a stupid accident in the rink i'm okay

yuri-plisetsky: i cracked a rib and my head is bruised or something idk

otabekaltin: Do you have to go back to the hospital?

yuri-plisetsky: god i wish i didnt

yuri-plisetsky: my doctor was the worst

yuri-plisetsky: i have to refill my pain medication in a few weeks but not until then

otabekaltin: Good.

otabekaltin: Is someone staying with you and helping you?

yuri-plisetsky: yeah katsuki drove me to the hospital and he's been babying me for hours

yuri-plisetsky: im at victors apartment rn

otabekaltin: Okay.

otabekaltin: How much pain are you in?

yuri-plisetsky: im fine it doesn't hurt at all

otabekaltin: Be honest.

Yuri smirked. He could see through his bullshit, even when they were just texting

yuri-plisetsky: it hurt like a bitch when it happened

yuri-plisetsky: it still hurts like a bitch but not as much

otabekaltin: That's what I thought. Did the accident happen at practice?

yuri-plisetsky: yeah

otabekaltin: How long until you can skate again?

yuri-plisetsky: the doctor told me i'll be better if i rest for 3 fuCKING WEEKS

yuri-plisetsky: 3 WEEKS

yuri-plisetsky: im so mad what the hell am i supposed to do for 3 weeks?

yuri-plisetsky: i have competitions and shit like that!

yuri-plisetsky: ugghHHH i'm sO ANGRY

otabekaltin: I'm so sorry, Yura

otabekaltin: I wish I could be there for you

yuri-plisetsky: yeah me too

otabekaltin: You get a break from skating, at least. That will be really good for you.

yuri-plisetsky: wtf do you mean by that?

otabekaltin: I just mean you live for the ice and getting a break will allow you to relax and maybe explore some other things.

Yuri scoffed aloud.

yuri-plisetsky: yeah right

yuri-plisetsky: like what

otabekaltin: I'm not really sure honestly.

otabekaltin: I actually just found out that I'm coming to St. Petersburg next week. We can figure something out then.

yuri-plisetsky: WHAR

yuri-plisetsky: REALLY?

yuri-plisetsky: COOL

yuri-plisetsky: *T

otabekaltin: Yeah I'm excited too :)

otabekaltin: I'm meeting with someone who may be my future coach. Arav is probably going to retire this season, and he's scrambling to find someone to replace him as my coach.

otabekaltin: The meeting shouldn't be very long, so I'll hang out with you for a few days. Maybe even a week, if Arav and my family are okay with that.

otabekaltin: That sound okay?

yuri-plisetsky: DUH

yuri-plisetsky: I CANT WAIT

yuri-plisetsky: OH MY GOD

otabekaltin: I'm excited to see you too.

otabekaltin: Damn. I've got to go right now.

yuri-plisetsky: aw okay

otabekaltin: But one more thing, Yura

otabekaltin: If anything like this happens to you again, I want you to tell me immediately.

otabekaltin: Don't hesitate. I want to be there for you, Yura.

Yuri looked down at the screen, his brows upturned. Something in him stirred, something deep that made him feel warm. He didn't even want to imagine the ridiculous face he was making.

otabekaltin: Keep me updated, okay? I want to know what's going on with you and these injuries.

yuri-plisetsky: ok

yuri-plisetsky: thank you

otabekaltin: I'm your friend, Yura. This is what I'm supposed to do.

otabekaltin: I'll talk to you later. Text me. I'm here for you.

Yuri's gut clenched with guilt.

yuri-plisetsky: i will

yuri-plisetsky: ttyl

Yuri set his phone to the side again. Maybe he would tell Otabek what had happened when he came next week.


There was rustling behind Yuri in the kitchen and there was soft music was playing. Yuuri must be starting on dinner.

Yuri felt much more at peace now after talking to Otabek. His eyes shut and he suddenly realized how tired he was. It felt like there were weights pressing down on his eyelids. He set the ice pack in the coffee table and repositioned himself, sinking further into the couch. He was asleep in less than a minute.

Yuri woke when he heard voices above him.

"…cute when he's sleeping. He's actually drooling. He is a little kitten!"

Yuri sat bolt upright. He would recognize Victor's annoying voice anywhere. His chest throbbed, but it wasn't as bad as it had been when he had gotten to the apartment. He wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his hoodie as he looked around the room blearily. Yuuri and Victor were standing next to each other behind the couch, Victor still in his coat, suit, and gloves. He must have just gotten home.

Something smelled incredible. Whatever Yuuri was making would be delicious.

"Were you two watching me sleep?" Yuri yelled. "You freaks! I can't believe you! How long have you been standing there?"

"Not that long, Yura. I just came home with Yakov," Victor replied, still grinning.

"Yakov? Yakov is—" Yuri stopped talking as soon as he saw him walk into the room from the entryway. The man looked as grave and gruff as ever.

Yuri pushed himself to his feet quickly and put the ice pack on the table, ignoring the pain. "Yakov," he started and faltered. "I don't know—"

Yakov suddenly strode quickly across the room to Yuri and wrapped his arms around him.

Yuri went rigid.

He wasn't sure what to do. A million thoughts ran through his head, most of them along the lines of what the hell is happening, and wow my chest really hurts, and is he actually hugging me, and what am I supposed to do. He eventually relaxed into the hug and they stood like this for several moments.

Yakov broke away and Yuri was shocked to see sincere regret and sadness in his eyes. "Yurochka," he said, his voice still grump and gruff. "I'm…I'm sorry. I should have listened to you. I should have—"

"No. Don't. You don't need to apologize," Yuri cut him off sharply, partially because he didn't want Yakov to blame himself for anything and partially because he found this entire situation supremely uncomfortable. Receiving an apology from him instead of a lecture was unsettling, to say the least.

"You aren't training for the next four weeks, Yura," Yakov said gruffly. "I'm not letting you."

"Yakov," Yuri said exasperatedly, "are you kidding? Do you want me to lose my reputation as the best skater in the world? I just won the Grand Prix! I have to win! I have to train!"

Yakov fired back with an equally furious, loud answer, and they carried on like this for a minute or two.

Yuri crossed his arms and looked back over to Yuuri and Victor, who were both smiling and gushing at him. "Idiots," Yuri muttered under his breath.

"Are you two ready for dinner?" Yuuri asked.

"Yakov is staying for dinner?" Yuri asked.

Yakov nodded grimly. He didn't look very happy about it. "Victor asked me." He looked like he wanted to say "forced" instead of "asked."

"Yay! This is going to be so much fun!" Victor said, clasping his hands together.

Dinner was warm, happy, and delicious if still slightly uncomfortable to Yuri. It felt like they were all dancing around the elephant in the room. The topics of conversation stayed mostly around Victor's ridiculous escapades as a junior division skater.

The only sour moment was when Yuri laughed at something Victor had said and he coughed for a few minutes, then had to take more pain medication and take a breather in the living room.

Yakov actually smiled several times throughout the night, something Yuri rarely saw. It was truly a day of new experiences for him.

When Yakov had left with a gruff goodnight and the dishes were cleaned, Yuri suggested he stay with Victor and Yuuri for the night. They kindly didn't ask why, and Victor set up the fold out sofa for Yuri to sleep on. Yuuri brought out a pile of blankets and pillows for him, and even a set of pajamas, but Yuri refused to wear them.

All of them were exhausted, and Victor retired to bed quickly. Yuuri tried to stay awake and read in the chair by the fold-out bed for Yuri's sake, but Yuri told him it was fine.

"Are you sure?" Yururi asked him. "I can stay up with you—"

"Go to bed, Katsudon."

"But I… Fine. Goodnight, Yuri." Yuuri stood up and was about to walk away. He hesitated. "Listen, Yuri, I—"

"No," Yuri said. "I don't want any more of your worrying, got it? If you keep this up you're going to have to go back to the hospital. Goodnight."

Yuuri still looked hesitant, but he said goodnight again walked away to his room.

It was warm and cozy in the apartment, but it still felt lonely to Yuri. He tossed and turned and watched YouTube for hours, but he still couldn't quite fall asleep. He kept thinking of Cassidy's breath on his neck, his suffocating weight, his hands on Yuri's body, roaming, roaming…

He shivered and squirmed into the couch. He couldn't shake the feeling. He was sick of it. He stared up at the ceiling and looked at the clock on his phone. 02:16.

Oh, whatever. He had slept less than three hours in what had been no doubt the most emotionally demanding day of his life. He deserved some comfort, dammit, even if he felt utterly humiliated asking for it.

He climbed out of bed and tiptoed into the back of the apartment. The door to Victor's bedroom was open and he walked quietly over to peek inside.

There was a comfortable looking, gigantic bed in the middle of the room, but the two forms on the bed were close together on one side. Yuuri was lying on his side facing the door, right on the edge of the bed like someone who had squirmed to try and take up as little space as possible. Victor, on the other hand, had an arm and a leg over him, looking like a small kid trying to grapple a tree. Clearly, Victor's sense of personal space was different from Yuuri's.

Yuri pushed the door open and it squeaked loudly. Neither form in the bed moved. He stepped inside but was hit with indecision on what to do, so he sat on the floor beside the bed and watched for a few minutes. Yuri wanted to wake them up or something, but had to work up to it first.

From the floor, he was on level with Yuuri's face. Yuuri was cute when he was asleep. His face looked round and soft, and he was so much more relaxed than he was when he was awake.

"Yuuri," he finally whispered into the dark room. There was no response so he tried again, louder. "Yuuri."

Yuuri's eyelashes fluttered and he took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before he blinked his eyes open.

"Yurio?" he murmured quietly, voice thick with sleep. He didn't seem very surprised to see Yuri.

"That doesn't look very comfortable," Yuri commented. He paused. "Can you come sit with me?"

It took Yuuri a few long seconds to respond, blinking himself awake before shifting to sit up, knocking Victor's arm off. He didn't appear to be woken in the slightest by the movement.

"Okay," Yuuri finally said, pushing Victor off and pulling the duvet over him before standing. He had a sponsorship shirt on and a pair of pajama pants that looked at least three sizes too big on him.

They shuffled out of the bedroom together and Yuuri dropped onto the fold out bed without protest, looking instantly boneless and sleepy. Yuri carefully slipped into the bed too, keeping as far to the side as he could while facing Yuuri. Yuuri sighed, adjusting his pillow and resting his hand on the empty space between them.

"Bad fall?" Yuri asked quietly, studying the bruised knuckles on Yuuri's hand.


"Your hand."

"Yuuri opened his eyes, looking like he had trouble focusing on his own hand.

"Oh," he sighed. "You should see the other guy."

"I should—what?" Yuri suddenly understood. In those precious few seconds when he had been stunned in the closet he had apparently missed a lot. "Did you punch that guy?"

Yuuri was smiling a little sheepishly.

"Good job," Yuri said and they both ended up laughing as quietly as they could.

"I've never hit someone before, it hurt a lot." Yuuri shook his hand out before gingerly placing it on the mattress between them. "Don't tell Victor, okay? I don't think he saw that part."

"Are you kidding? Victor will fall to his knees imagining that and—" Yuri started with a grin.

"Don't finish that thought," Yuuri cut him off and buried his face in the pillow.

Yuri snorted and waited for Yuuri to resurface, looking tired and guilty.

"It'll feel better in a few days," Yuri said. "I know from experience."

Yuuri smiled. "I believe it. How are you feeling?"

"Better. It still hurts, but I think the medication is helping."

"Good. I'm so glad."

Yuri let out a long sigh. "What the hell am I supposed to do for three weeks?" Yuri asked him. He looked lost.

"That's up to you, Yura. You're really smart. I know you'll figure it out."

Yuri snorted. "Well, now that I know you think I'm smart, I'm fine. Thanks, Katsudon."

Yuuri chuckled.

"Otabek is coming to visit next week, maybe for an entire week,"

"Really? That's wonderful! I can't wait to see him again. Almaty is too far away," Yuuri said, still smiling.

"You're right…"

Yuri didn't remember falling asleep, but the next time he opened his eyes it was morning. Yuuri was still sound asleep across from him. There was soft classical music playing in the background.

"He's cute when he sleeps, right?"

Yuri jumped, yanking his hand back and looking up at Victor leaning over the back of the couch with a mug of coffee. He was smiling brightly, but he only had eyes for Yuuri.

"The first time I saw him sleep I couldn't look away. He's so relaxed," Victor sighed quietly and took a sip of coffee.

"If you think he's cute," Yuri said, grinning, " You should hear about how he punched Cassidy in the—"

"Nooooo," Yuuri groaned sleepily from next to him. "That was a secret."

"Yuuri!" Victor gasped, looking deeply interested. "Did you really?"

"I told you he'd like hearing it," Yuri said, smug, and relaxed back into bed listening to the two of them.

"It was very satisfying," Yuuri said with a soft smile. The three of them laughed together.

Yuri felt more safe and warm and happy than he had felt for a long time. He didn't know what the coming weeks were going to be like, but he was glad he would have Yuuri, Victor, and Otabek with him to help get him through them.


Thanks so much for reading! Please, please leave a comment for me. Once again, all appropriate credit is given to the original author. I need your criticism. It's the only way I'll ever get better :)

Have a great day!
