AN: Hey everyone, new story time! Originally this was going to be a one-shot anthology going over various first moments in a relationship, but I figured the same could be done in a more chronological order. Feel free to pitch prompts in the review section! Also, I'm glad everyone was liking my other story 'One Cold Morning'. I'll be updating it again soon so be on the lookout for that! I hope you guys enjoy this new story. Feel free to review!

Beta: PotatoBlaster

The soft keys of the piano did nothing but highlight the awkward silence held by the two at the dinner table. Weiss was lazily prodding her meal with a fork while Jaune was busy fumbling around with flashcards under the table.

It had only been forty minutes into the date.

Come on, come on! he thought. There has to be something in here to help!

After the breach, Weiss had come to him with an offer that he couldn't pass up on. Simply put, it was one date. If it went well, she would consider another. If it went poorly, he'd stop asking her out and they'd put all his past advances behind them, so they could try and create a stable friendship. Jaune had been confused at her sudden change of heart, however he thought it best not to look a gift horse in the mouth (whatever that meant).

What followed were countless hours of internet browsing on tips to have the best first date. So far, he was following them to a 't'. Fancy restaurant? Check. Being well dressed and well mannered? Check again. Try to be charming and smart if the situation called for it? Check-a-roo.

So, why was it that everything had gone bad right out of the gate?

A slight cough caught his attention. He cleared his throat.

"Yes, Snow Angel?" he asked, trying to make his voice sound smooth.

"What are you doing under the table?" she sighed.

"… uh… um," great start, he thought. "I… was jussssst ummm…" Just say anything you idiot! His mind roared.

Weiss continued to stare with a bored look on her face.

"I-I was… tying… my… shooooooeeeeesssss?"

"You were tying your shoes?" she asked. "From a sitting position, not bending over at all?"

Jaune could feel the sweat drops streaking down from his face.

"I have very long arms."

Weiss continued to hold her gaze, only to shake her head and lower it back to the food she was still prodding.

"Enough about me," he said, "how's your beef boarginon?"

"Bourguignon," Weiss corrected without looking up from her plate. "It's almost like you don't know what you're talking about," she muttered under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," she said quickly. "It's adequate."

"Well," he started, "I'm glad it's okay, then." He flashed her a small but honest smile before lowering his head to his own food. Jaune missed the quick glance Weiss sent before she focused back on her food.

The walk to the airship had been just as silent as the restaurant. Weiss walked a few steps in front of Jaune. It seemed that that's how it will always be between them. Her, this unreachable goal that will always be three steps ahead of him.

I blew it, he thought. With Weiss in front, he allowed his body to slouch over slightly. He didn't care if anyone looked their way. He just wanted to get back to Beacon and forget all about tonight. Shifting his eyes upward, he met the back of Weiss' head.

Even she looked down…

Had she wanted this to go well? No, no she couldn't have. This was Weiss Schnee. She didn't even like him. She probably agreed to this knowing that it wouldn't go over well so he would stop asking her out. Jaune had already planned on it, but she couldn't have known that.

No, Weiss must've been upset that her night was wasted. She could have been studying for classes or relaxing with her team, but she was here with him, just so he wouldn't annoy her anymore.

Had he really screwed up their relationship that much?

The thought made his stomach churn.

He had to apologize. There were too many things to apologize for, though. Flirting excessively, asking her out too much, wasting her time…

Jaune's fists tightened and his teeth clenched. He felt his body start to vibrate in… fear? He didn't quite know.

With a sigh, he relaxed his tensed muscles. There was no point in getting worked up over this. He was the one in the wrong.

"I'm sorry."

The words caused Weiss to stop in her tracks.


"What?" she voiced, not turning around.

"I-I'm sorry," Jaune repeated.

Weiss internally sighed. He must have been apologizing for the bad date.

"I wasted your night… I'm sorry."

Her eyes slightly widened at the sound of Jaune's defeated voice. He wasn't apologizing for the date? Well, technically the date fell into the umbrella of what he said, but still. He could have outright apologized for the date and asked for a do-over, but it almost seemed the thought hadn't even occurred to him.

Weiss finally turned her head. She raised it enough so it was still slanted towards the ground, but also so she could see Jaune's face. Even though she couldn't see his irises, it was obvious his eyelids were drooped.

"I shouldn't have put you in this situation in the first place," he said. "I could have just said 'no' to your offer, but I didn't. I was selfish. You could have been doing something that you actually wanted to do tonight. But instead you're here… with me. I'm sorry."

So that's what he meant…

That idiot…

The sound of a light tapping getting closer and closer was enough to bring his head upward. Weiss stayed only a foot from Jaune. Her hands lay at her sides as her face stayed glued to his.

Her eyes were soft.

"You think that I didn't want to do this, don't you?"

Jaune's brows slightly furrowed.

"Well, I mean, yes?"

Didn't she? This is Weiss he was talking about. And to be fair, this was him she was talking to. Since when did they ever get along? A night like this didn't seem possible, which was because it wasn't. Why was she looking at him all sad-like?

Oh, wait a second. Her new face looked familiar.

"You dimwit!"

Her hand met his shoulder in a swift slap.

"Ah! Hey!" he gasped.

"Why would I go through with something if I wasn't absolutely sure that I'd be okay with doing it?"

She had him there. This was Weiss after all.

"So, wait," he said. "You… actually wanted to hang out with me tonight?"

"That was the plan, yes."

Ugh, idiot! Wait… should he feel like an idiot? Since when would Weiss even consider-?

"Again, though," she said interrupting his thoughts. "That was the plan. You never gave me that luxury tonight, Jaune."


It was official, this was the most confusing night of his life.

"What are you talking about?" he tried, "we've been together since we left Beacon."

Weiss shook her head. "Not physically, dolt. I mean that you haven't been acting yourself for the whole night."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean that you've been acting no different than suitors back in Atlas," she said. "You take me to an upper-class restaurant, yet it's only for show, you pretend to be sophisticated to impress me, and you tried sweet talking me like how you did back in the beginning of the year."

Weiss paused, allowing Jaune to digest her words before continuing.

"I heard your talk with Neptune during the dance."

She did?

"It made me think that maybe you weren't the way I perceived you. That you were all that Ruby told me about. Someone who was kind, honest, and friendly. Tonight, you were none of these things. Sure, you were kind and friendly, but they fell under the guise of you not being honest. You'd rather impress me than be yourself."

She's… she's right, Jaune thought. It's just like what Pyrrha had talked to me about…

His face formed a determined look.

"Would it be okay if we go somewhere to talk?" he asked. "Away from the crowd I mean?"

They were still in a decently crowded area. Throughout their talk, Jaune had noticed that several pairs of eyes had fallen on the two. He didn't want this talk to be a spectacle. Weiss seemed to catch on and nodded her head. The two headed for a small park close by.

The yellow of the streetlamps highlighted the concrete pathway that the two traversed. By now, the park was nearly vacant. The trees and bushes slowly swayed in the calm night wind. Finding a bench overlooking the ocean leading back to Beacon, the two sat once again in silence.

Jaune was having trouble finding his words. He knew what he wanted to say, but he didn't know how to work them out of his mouth.

Relax Jaune, he thought. You were going to tell her this a few nights ago. You just need to get back into that mindset.

A look over to Weiss confirmed that she was waiting for him to say something.

Jaune took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

"You're amazing, Weiss" he said. Jaune could feel his cheeks slowly becoming warmer. It didn't help that she had started blushing, too.

"Everything about you is," he continued. "You're graceful, so extremely talented, smart- heck you're probably the smartest person I know."

Jaune didn't break eye contact. He couldn't risk Weiss thinking he wasn't being genuine. His fear of her turning away or potentially hitting him for being so forward, slowly trickled away. The strangest thing, he realized, was how easy it was for his words to form as he got lost in her light blue eyes.

"I know you might not see it, but you're kind. Much kinder than most students that go here. When you find yourself in the wrong, you don't fight it, you accept it and try to better yourself in the future. You never gave up on Ruby as a leader or Blake as team member. You accepted them and their shortcomings as well as your own, so the team wouldn't fall apart."

Jaune could feel the need for air, but he couldn't stop yet.

"I know that I've given you no proof, but I couldn't care less about your family name. I see you for Weiss. Not Weiss Schnee, or whatever other words that could be in your name… just Weiss."

Jaune's need for air got the better of him. His speech slowed, and tone lowered. He still didn't move from her eyes, but from his peripherals, it was obvious that Weiss was in fact, as red as he was.

"The closed off, beautiful girl from across the hall, who tries to build up a wall to not let anyone in," he continued, smiling. "The thing is, it's the only thing she's bad at."

Very quickly, Jaune glanced down to Weiss' lips to see if there was any hint of an upwards curl.

There was more than a hint.

"That being said, she still tries to. I understand why, but… she shouldn't need to. That's why… I want her- you, to just, give me a chance and take me seriously. That way I could help break down your walls and show you that everyone will accept you for who you are. That, when you're with us, you don't have to pretend."

The soft ocean breeze became the only audible sound that flowed past their ears. Jaune had gotten his thoughts completely out in the open. Things that have been on his mind for so long…

Much like everyone says, it really did feel like a weight was lifted off his shoulders.

If the look on Weiss' face was anything to go by, he might just get out of this without a freezing. The smile that she held, though not big, was telling. It was soft, sincere, all things that Jaune knew were behind her wall.

It's kind of funny, he thought. I feel so warm right now. Maybe it's just from the blushing but… it feels nice. Even my hand feels kind of-

He was holding her hand.

"Ah! Sorry!" he shrieked, moving his hand away and sliding to the far end of the bench. Once Weiss saw what happened, she too quickly withdrew her hand to her lap and turned to the ocean.

"It's fine just… don't get carried away like that again," she said, trying her best to sound serious.

"Right," Jaune nodded.

"What you said though," said Weiss after a brief pause, "thank you. You… really mean all of what you said?"

"Of course, I do," Jaune answered instantly. "I wouldn't lie about something like that."

"I'm sorry," she sighed. "I'm just not used to such compliments."

Jaune gave her a small smile.

"I didn't mean to act shallow tonight," he said. "I just wanted this date to go perfectly." Jaune let out a chuckle before reaching into the pocket of his dress pants. Taking out several flashcards, he motioned for Weiss to take them.

Weiss grabbed the cards and started to flip through them. An amused smirk graced her face as her left eyebrow quirked. "Be a gentleman, ask questions about her life, don't be afraid to flirt," she counted off through the cards. "Why are you showing me these?"

"I'm trying to be honest," he shrugged.

"These are so generic. It's almost like you got them from some half-witted website."

"Uh… haha?"

Weiss blinked. Then again. Then once more.

"Of course you would, lunkhead."

There was no bite behind her words. Just amusement.

Jaune chuckled. The lights coming from Beacon took his attention away from the heiress.

"We should be getting back soon, huh?"

He didn't want to go back yet. They've only talked for a little over five minutes and it had been better than the entirety of the hour they spent together in the restaurant. He wouldn't push it though. The deal was one date. It was his fault it went south, and an Arc never goes back on their word.

"We never had dessert," she said, following his gaze towards Beacon. "It would be a mistake to not get something. After all, the mess hall should be closed by now."

Looking back at Weiss, Jaune noted she was sporting a sly grin.

She was offering more time, he was sure of it.

He wouldn't let this go to waste.

"We passed an ice cream stand on our way here. It should still be open?" Jaune offered.

"I guess that settles it," said Weiss, leaping up from the bench. "The last airship should leave in about thirty minutes or so. It should provide us time for some ice cream." She offered down her hand to pull Jaune up. He quickly accepted.

"Welcome to Candida's Cones! What can I get for the young couple?" asked the ice cream vendor.

The nerve of the-

Weiss coughed in her hand. "We aren't a couple."

"Is that so? Hmm… it would explain why you two are blushing then right?"


"Excuse me, Mister, uh…" Jaune started.

"Candida," said the vendor. "Candida Brant."

"Nice to meet you!" said Jaune. "Listen, we're both on a time crunch before the last airship leaves and we can see that you'll be closing in the next few minutes. How about we cut the chit-chat and let the ice cream do the talking?"

Much to Weiss' surprise, the ice cream vendor gave a hearty laugh. "A man after my own heart. I'd choose this frozen delicacy over people any day!"

Not sure if that could be considered a good thing, she thought.

"So," Candida said, "what will you two be having?"

Jaune turned to Weiss to let her go first. She shook her head and motioned for him to order.

"Okay, I'll have a chocolate and strawberry mix with whipped cream and a cherry on top," he said.

The vendor had already begun whipping up Jaune's order.

"Cone or bowl?"

"Bowl's fine."

Less than a minute later, Jaune's complete dessert was waiting on the counter. Jaune got ready to out the lien necessary to pay for both his and Weiss' food.

"And you, Miss?"

Weiss had to admit, Jaune's ice cream looked good for a strawberry and chocolate mix, however she had a simple order in mind that she's yet to have since Atlas.

"I'll have vanilla, with no other toppings except for some jimmies."

Candida froze on the spot. A spoonful of vanilla was still held in the scooper. Jaune and Weiss traded confused glances.


The vendor's fist hit the counter causing the two teens to jump.

"What did you just call them?" came Candida's voice, contending with Weiss' when Ruby was caught playing with her tiara.

"What do you mean?" she asked, not being faltered by Candida's tone.

"The sprinkles… Whatdidyoucallthem?"

"… jimmies?"

With a grunt, Candida slammed the scoop into a bowl, passed it over to the teens, and grabbed the Lien out of Jaune's hands.

"Hey, you can't just-"

"I want you two to take your ice cream, and never come back," said Candida, interrupting Weiss.

"Do you have any idea who you're talking to!?" she seethed. Before she could continue, Jaune moved his hand up, motioning to let him try and talk some sense into the vender.

"Mister Candida, I'm confused. What did-?" tried Jaune before Candida's head slowly turned to the boy.

"Go. Now."

"Mister Candida, this is crazy!"

"So now you insult my mental state?"

This was hopeless. This man's business practices are about as effective as Professor Oobleck on a day without coffee. Really, how would patronizing his customers ever bring back any customers?

In the middle of the back and forth between Jaune and Candida, Weiss turned, and started to walk back to the park, ice cream in hand.

"Weiss wait, where are you-?"

"It's obvious that this man doesn't know how to run a business," she interrupted. Weiss stopped and looked over to Jaune. "It's okay Jaune, let's just go eat before the ship leaves."

"You best listen to your girl, Jaune." The vendor slid Jaune the frozen dessert before turning to go into the backroom. "I don't serve people who are so blatantly disrespectful to my life's work!" Candida said, speaking slightly louder so Weiss heard.

With a slam of a door, Candida disappeared into the backroom of the ice cream shop.

Well that certainly could have gone better, thought Weiss. Perhaps the mess hall isn't closed. If that's the case, then maybe Jaune and I-

A blur of yellow with quick gust of wind by her side snapped Weiss out of her musings. Before she could comprehend what was happening, a terrifying yell came out from the ice cream stand.


Jaune's hand latched onto her arm, giving a slight yank as he propelled them down the street.

"JAUNE, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON?!" Weiss yelled over the unnatural speed that he was pulling them at.


Well this was a turn of events. Out of all the things that could potentially go wrong on a date with Jaune Arc, Weiss never would have imagined that being chased by a psycho ice cream enthusiast would be on the list.

Everything fell past them in a blur of colors. Then, the left of her became overwhelmingly green.

I'd assume that to have been the park, she thought. Strange, if not the park, then the only thing that would be lying ahead would be-

Everything came to a grinding halt. The blur that she was held in with Jaune gradually faded, revealing a familiar sign.

The airship?

"IIIIIII thhhhhink weeeeee loooost himmm" said a very disorientated Jaune. He was crouched by a railing trying to regain his senses.

A light 'bop' to his head took him out of his trance.

"Pray tell, why did any of that just happen?" asked Weiss. Her hands had moved accusingly to her hips as she hunched over him.

Jaune lethargically moved his clenched fist upward, almost like he was presenting fingers gradually dropped, allowing his palm to be open for the world to see. She couldn't believe it.


"I don't think we'll be allowed back anytime soon," he chuckled.

The night sky brought a certain tranquility to the exiting passengers of the airship. The evening dark clouds brushed over the sky, directing where moonlight hit. Much like how Beacon was seen from the shores of Vale, the city lights reflected perfectly over the ocean separating the two locations. In some spots on the water, it looked like both Beacon and Vale were connected through their lights. Never letting go and always connected. It was… beautiful.

It was also something that Weiss hadn't had the chance to see in the past few weeks. Preparations for the dance, Mountain Glenn, and the breach - this had all happened in such a close time frame that just thinking about it made her head whirl.

But, tonight was different.

She didn't feel the need to sit and take everything in.

Instead, she was living in the now, which had its perks.

One perk being the sugary delicacy she was finishing on the walk through Beacon's courtyard. The other perk, well-

"So why do you call them jimmies?" asked Jaune, who was currently plucking his cherry from the stem.

- she had admittedly delightful company.

"It's a northern thing," Weiss shrugged. Her spoon dug into the remains of her vanilla scoop, bringing with it, a hefty number of sprinkles. Such a tantalizing taste. She hummed in delight as the dessert met her tongue.

"Why only vanilla?" Jaune asked.

Weiss tilted her head in confusion. "Does it really matter?"

"I mean, not really, no," Jaune concluded. "Its just, I don't know. I figured with how Ruby is, she'd have you try and get hooked onto different flavors of sweets and wouldn't rest at something as simple as vanilla."

That was true. Ruby would constantly try to force new sweets down her throat. Key word being 'try'.

"What did I say about not going along with something unless I'm completely okay with it?"

Jaune looked thoughtfully into what remained of his chocolate and strawberry ice cream.

"Would you be up to trying some chocolate and strawberry?" he asked hopefully.

"Nope!" Weiss stated in a chirpy voice. Nothing was coming in between her and her precious childhood memory.

"Oh come on," whined Jaune. "Don't be a chicken."

"I am not being a chicken!" she snapped. "I just don't care for that peculiar mixture. Also, you've been eating it. I don't need your germs."

Jaune held out the ice cream and used his spoon to point to a large portion of his scoop. "This part was untouched. I'm pretty much done as is. Try it, it won't bite."

Weiss crossed her arms. Her eyes flickered from Jaune to the ice cream and back to Jaune. Like a kid who didn't want their vegetables, she stuck her head up and away with a 'hmm'.

"Well aren't you mature?" he teased.

"Says the boy who's whining about me not trying a type of dessert."

"Strange," he said ominously. "I keep hearing a weird sound in the distance. It sounds like clucking."

"I'm on a team with Ruby," she sighed, losing more control. "We were just over this. No form of childish teasing is going to work. What makes you think I'm going to try it?"

Jaune's smirk grew wider. His eyes were playful. He leaned in closer.

"Cause you're acting like a chicken," he whispered.

Weiss snatched the bowl from his hands, forcing him to hold onto her own. Her spoon quickly grabbed a scoop of ice cream, which was promptly placed in her mouth instantly after.

"There!" she spoke with a mouthful of ice cream. "You hap-"

Her eyes widened.

"-py?" she finished.

She certainly was. The flavor was so much better than she expected. Not better than the vanilla, but this flavor was up there. Who knew that chocolate and strawberries worked so perfectly together?

"See, it wasn't that bad. What did I tell ya?"

To be fair, he hadn't told her how delicious it would taste. In fact, he never once mentioned at all how it tasted.

"You're eyeballing it pretty hard you know," he once again stated playfully.

Darn, he noticed, thought Weiss. Don't back down again. Assert your dominance! Don't give into the sweetness of this treat!

"You said you were pretty much done, right?" she asked innocently.

With a smile, Jaune nodded, allowing her to eat whatever else she could salvage from the untainted scoop.

After they threw out the remnants of their dessert, Jaune and Weiss called it a night and ventured back to their dorms. There wasn't much action going on in the halls after sunset. Most students were either lounging in their rooms or making rounds in the sparing chambers. It let the two continue their walk back in a comfortable silence.

Except Jaune's mind was stuck in a fierce storm.

I mean, she seemed to enjoy the latter half, thought Jaune. She knows how I feel about her and why, we had a nice dessert and a funny, yet, terrifying story to tell the others…

But wait! Another voice interjected. What if the teasing was too much? You were just being playful, but did it go too far? Better question, what were you thinking about trying to get her to eat some ice cream that you were just eating? Oh God, you went too far! Word will get out around the school somehow. Someone had to have seen it! Everyone's going to think you're a creep! WHAT HAVE YOU DON-

"I had a fun tonight, Jaune."

The maelstrom of thoughts had stopped, but it was still cloudy.


"What?" he voiced.

Weiss looked to the door of her room shyly. "I was skeptical, yet hopeful at first. Early on, I believed my pessimism to have been well enforced… but then you turned it on its head completely. I-I really had a nice time tonight."

When she moved her head to see Jaune, she was met with a beet-red face and eyes that stared into nothingness.

"Y-you mean," he stammered, "you actually enjoyed tonight?"

The question seemed to take her aback.

"Did… did you not?"

The realization of how Jaune worded his question snapped him out of his stupor. He shook his head wildly back and forth.

"No, no, no!" he all but shouted. "Tonight was amazing, like one of the best nights of my life! It's just, I didn't expect you to enjoy it, is all."

Jaune mirrored Weiss' previous action and scratched the back of his head.

"I screwed up a lot tonight," he sighed.

"You did," she agreed, "but, you owned up to it and fixed your mistakes. Honestly, you need to stop being so hard on yourself."

The clouds cleared, and the sun came out.

Jaune let out a slight chuckle. With no more need to stare awkwardly at the door, his eyes found Weiss'.

"Thanks, Weiss," he said bashfully.

Jaune didn't know what else to say. Should he ask her if she's up for another date or would that be too forward? Would it be better to say their goodnights and talk about what this means later?

Whatever the case, Weiss looked to him expectedly. Maybe that was enough of a hint that he needed.

Jaune took a deep breath.

"Would you like to go out again, sometime?"

She smiled.

"Yes Jaune, I'd be interested in another outing with you."

It took all of his willpower to not jump for joy on the spot.

Then a stray thought crossed his mind.

"You're accepting this because you want to and not because it was the deal, right?" he asked.

"Do I need to go through the whole 'only doing something if I really wanted to' speech again?" she questioned.

Okay, now he could celebrate.

"Yes! Or- uh, I mean, um, you know, good, that's great," Jaune stuttered out. He had to keep cool.

The sight of Weiss giggling told him that his efforts were in vain.

"Well, I'm pleased to know that that's 'great'," she teased.

Jaune amusingly rolled his eyes and looked away. It was only fair that she could get a few licks in on him.

It was new, really. Before tonight, they barely got along. Now they were acting like nothing bad even remotely happened between them during the first semester. The thought brought a warm smile to his lips. Anything really was possible.

Then her arms very quickly wrapped around his torso before returning to the front of her door. Jaune didn't even get any time to return the hug before she retreated.

Both stood frozen in their spots.

Both were about as red as red could get.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow!" Weiss shouted, immediately disappearing behind the door to her room.

"Y-y-you too," he whispered.

Once behind the closed door, Weiss put her face in her hands and slid down its frame.

"I can't believe I did that," she mumbled.

"That bad, huh?"

Removing her hands, she was met with the face of concerned Yang. At least, it was a concerning look until Yang noticed her blushing face.

"Well, well, well," Yang drawled. "I think you meant something different then how it sounded."

She had the biggest grin that Weiss had ever seen.

"Give it a rest, Yang," Blake called from her bunk. She had yet to look up from her book. Regardless if she even knew what was going on, Weiss silently thanked her for coming to her resc-

"If she kissed Jaune, then it's between the both of them. Not you."


Weiss choked.

"You kissed Jaune!" Ruby shrieked in excitement from her top bunk.

"We did no such thing!" Weiss screamed.

"The way you exploded says otherwise," said Yang.

Weiss glared daggers.

"Okay, okay," Yang backed off. She gave Weiss more breathing space, but never left her line of sight. "What happened?" she asked more seriously.

Weiss sighed before letting go of her rage. If there was one thing she could count on from her blonde teammate, it was that Yang knew when she crossed the line.

"I- I hugged him!" she said quickly before retreating into her hands.

She was met with silence.

"Are… are you being serious?" Yang was dumbfounded. Even Blake had put down her book to stare across at Weiss in disbelief.

Weiss nodded, embarrassment creeping over her entire being.

Yang let out a sigh and walked back to her bed. "Why would I think it was anything juicy?" she muttered. Blake nodded towards Yang's sentiment and went back to her book. Ruby on the other hand, looked more betrayed than weiss had ever seen.

"No fair!" she exclaimed. "Jaune gets a hug, but not me! We're partners and best friends, Weiss! How could you do this to me!"

"That's what you took out of this?!" Weiss yelled back.

Yang and Blake shared a sigh. Tonight was going to be a long night.

Jaune's back slumped against the door to his room. He could only stare in astonishment at the space Weiss once stood before entering RWBY's dorm.

Weiss hugged me, he thought.

He still couldn't believe it.

Even though it was quick, Jaune could still feel the ghost of the warmth she left.

He looked upwards to the hallway light, letting out a short breath.

Tonight had been a success. Even he had to admit that he didn't think it would have been.

His gaze shifted back to RWBY's door.

She had hugged him. She had done something very un-Weiss Schnee-like. Maybe that's why he was smiling. He was hugged not by Weiss Schnee, but by Weiss.

The closed off, beautiful girl from across the hall, who tries to build up a wall to not let anyone in.

He had managed to chip a hole in the wall. On their first date nonetheless.

Then again, he probably shouldn't had been so surprised.

After all, it was the only thing she was bad at.