A/N: This is just a little silly crossover between The Mentalist and Timeless. Apparently this summer is giving me crazy ideas.

The Mentalist spoilers: up onto 3x24 Strawberries and Cream.

Timeless spoilers: up onto 2x6 The King of the Delta Blues.

Setting: I don't know if I need to clarify the setting. It takes place at three different points in time for both the characters in both shows, should be chronological accurate. Hopefully it's easily deduced from the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Timeless or The Mentalist, any and all strawberry encounters are not gonna change that.

He wasn't freaking out, or panicking or anything like that; Patrick Jane was just a bit overwhelmed. Or that's what he kept telling himself at least. Being a new father was quite a handful, who knew there was so many things you had to know and do to take care of an infant? It was wonderful, no doubt about that, he had just never imagined that all the worrying and no sleep would be this stressful too.

Right at this moment he was standing in aisle 4 at their local supermarket, trying not to freak out, no, he was definitely not in some sort of frenzy over the fact that there were what seemed like 3 million different bathing articles for babies. Angela had sent him to the market, at an ungodly hour, for supplies; diapers, formula, baby shampoo, wash cloths, 117 other things more and adult food – her word, not his – that was all she could come up with after a week of zero sleep, not that he blamed her, he just wished she could have been a little more specific on a few things, so he wouldn't look like such a crazy person trying to decide what to buy.

He took out a bottle of shampoo and looked at the label. The list of ingredients went on and on and on. Who knew there were so many possibilities, so many things to choose from? There where bottles for straight hair, curly hair, dry hair, greasy hair, chemically treated hair, which sounded a bit weird when it came to children, he thought. Then there were organic shampoos, and dandruff shampoo, the brands you knew and those you'd never heard of, brightly colored shampoos, natural white shampoos, odorless shampoos, and a whole wall of assorted scented shampoos; with flowers and fruits, exotic and not the not so exotic. Then came the mixtures; shampoo with conditioner, and shampoo with lotion. He really was at a loss. Maybe he should just choose one at random. Charlotte didn't have that much hair yet anyway; did it really matter that much? Would Angela even care, she was probably too tired to even notice if it wasn't the right one? He ran a hand through his golden curls as he considered his options. The "spirits" was not of any help in this situation.

Another customer smiled politely at him as she walked by. He couldn't help but use his mentalist "powers" to analyze this other late-night shopper. She had shoulder length brown hair was slender build and had kind eyes. And he was pretty sure that she was in the teaching profession. She looked for a moment at the shampoos smiled at what he figured was a happy memory then walked a bit further down the aisle stopped and picked up a few different items that she lay in her shopping cart. He was pretty sure she was single, and didn't have kids, but maybe she could still teach him a thing or two about shampoos. He figured it was his best shot, as neither the store clerk nor anyone else was in the immediate vicinity.

"Excuse me." He said as he walked over to where she was standing.

She looked up at him, and after a split second of deciding that he wasn't a threat she smiled again. "Yes." She said.

"Do you know anything about kids' shampoo, my wife sent me to pick up some stuff and I seem to be a bit at a loss."

"Not really, no, sorry." She could see that he was disappointed. So, she scrutinized her brain once again, considering something that might be helpful and then added: "I do know that my little sister loved her strawberry scented shampoo when she was a kid, she still uses the fruity kinds these days, but she's a bit of a nutty one, so I don't know if you want your kid to turn out that way, all because of the wrong choice of shampoo." She said it with a twinkle in her eyes and a broad smile.

The immense love for her sister shone straight through her whole being, which almost made him want to add another addition to the family right away. Charlotte needed siblings like that, but it might be a little too early at this point. "I'm sure she's not that bad." He said.

"No, she's not." She admitted. Then she cocked her head sideways and looked more directly at him. His perfectly cut blond curls that somehow still managed to be messy in a frantic new parent kind of way. His fancy suit that no one in their right minds would wear at this hour and which didn't exactly scream helplessness but rather privilege. He already knew that he had been recognized when she asked: "Have I seen you somewhere before?"

He wasn't one for being modest, not in the least and so he answered. "You might have seen me on TV."

She narrowed her eyes a bit, concentrating. "You're that psychic... hmm Patrick Jane." She said with glee over having remembered.

"The one and only." He confirmed and asked courteously: "And you are?"

"Oh, I'm Lucy." She said as if she'd wrongly forgotten to introduce herself to the stranger in the store.

"Ah the bringer of light, that makes sense." Was his cryptic answer.

She wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that, but she was a bit intrigued by his whole persona, as he seemed a bit different from the person she'd seen on TV. "I consider myself pretty open, I'm just not sure if I fully believe in all that stuff, but the way you help the police is very honorable, I must say."

She wasn't one of the people who immediately upon recognizing him wanted a demonstration of his powers, which he liked. But he also liked showing off, it would only be a bit though, because of the late hour and the lack of sleep. So, he hit her with a sure zinger. "Teaching young minds is an honorable profession as well."

"How did you...?"

She was surprised by his insights but she wasn't as taken aback as he would have liked, so he added: "I was never much of a student myself, but maybe if I'd had you as a teacher I would have paid more attention in history class."

Her mouth was now practically agape.

He smiled at her, knowing he'd hit a homerun. It was best to leave your audience in awe so he held out his hand and shook hers. "Thank you for your shampoo expertise; I've always loved strawberries, so I might just go with that, though there are probably at least 10 different varieties on the shelf."

"Try the strawberry and cream one; it always reminded me of milkshakes." She added.

He quirked up an eyebrow. "And that's a good thing?" He questioned.

"Definitely." She smiled in confirmation

"Okay, I'll leave you with some advice as well then. You shouldn't live your life for anybody else. And tenure is not everything. Go out, find love, live a little."

To Lucy, just then he sounded a bit like he was channeling her sister, who was always telling her that she should make her own choices and not care so much about what their mom thought about it. So, she couldn't help but look at him with a mixture of awe and perplexity for having pegged her so spot on.

He, in the meantime, grabbed the nearest strawberry and cream shampoo that he could find. She felt a bit nostalgic after their encounter and thought 'what the heck I might as well surprise Amy with her favorite shampoo' and so she picked up a bottle of strawberry shampoo herself.

They exchanged pleasantries and then both walked their separate ways.