A/N: Right, so first off let me say I don't know whether I'll continue this or not, I want to do a hero story badly, and am still upset about my failure with path of the soul, so please, let me know what you think and enjoy. This is inspired by the Kamen Rider series, just for a quick side note.

It was the early afternoon over the medium sized town of Royal Woods, Michigan. The sky was clear and the sun was shimmering. There were only a few hours before it would begin to set.

"What'd we have to come here for again Lori?" a lighter voice spoke from a teenage girl. She donned a light blue dress with white sunglasses resting on top of her head. Her long blonde hair ran over midway down her back.

"Like I said the last three times you asked, Leni," spoke the other girl. She wore a blue short sleeved shirt and brown shorts. Her shorter blonde hair reached her shoulders in length. "Bobby told me that he got me a very special present… but he wouldn't tell me what it was."

They were Leni and Lori Loud. The second and first oldest of the eleven siblings of the Loud family. They were seated in a somewhat full post office. They had been waiting there for over two hours now in what was meant to be a simple 'quick' side errand after doing the grocery shopping while on the way home.

"Why didn't Bobby just send it to our house?" Leni asked. It was confusing that her slightly older sister's long time boyfriend would send it to the local post office instead.

"He said he wanted it to be a surprise for me and not my family," Lori shrugged. There was the occasional opening of other family members' letters and packages, the many siblings tended to respect that kind of thing as long as there was nothing strange about said letters or packages.

But recently, she was having problems with her boyfriend. Ever since he had been forced to move away more or less, their relationship changed to long distance. They did get to see each other whenever they got the chance, but lately to the oldest Loud sibling, it was feeling like those chances were becoming fewer with each passing month.

Leni saw that disheartened face on her older sister. It had been happening a lot lately that their entire family had picked up on it. "Oh! Maybe there's something we can watch online," the low IQ Loud suggested.

"Leni, the internet's been about as entertaining as television lately. I hardly think there's gonna be anything on the web that'll be less boring then what is going on around us right now," Lori rolled her eyes at the suggestion. The newest video trend was people hunting down supposed monsters, for lack of a better word, or clues for said creatures. The eldest Loud sister could only tolerate so many paranoid people zooming in on shadows for such a short time before it got intolerably dull.

"Yeah, so we can watch the news instead," the fashion designer pulled out her cellphone. Royal Woods Media always streamed news coverage, even if it was mostly rerunning the same one all day.

"Fine…" the oldest Loud sister sighed. It was the only thing they could really do right now. Lori's own phone battery died after an hour and a half into their wait. Leni smiled, after a few moments, she held the phone sideways for them both to see.

The headline text 'From Killer to Hero?' ran across the bottom screen. The news reporter on screen, Betty Breaker, had a look of surprise as she read out the report.

"Today at 11:20am," the reporter began, "There was a large fire in an apartment complex that, according to investigators, appeared to be natural. But the flames started in such a way that it looked like it was made to trap everyone inside on purpose."

Footage of a burning building was shown. It had been taken from a cellphone camera of a passerby, presumably the same one that called emergency services.

"The first two floors of the apartment were like a trap. No one could leave those floors," the reporter continued, "But apparently, a man currently under suspicion of murder in the first degree, was hiding inside the complex. We have an interview with one of the families now."

The footage cut to a small family of three. A six year old girl stood in the middle of her parents.

"We weren't able to go anywhere. The staircases were broken down and the fire escapes were behind an ocean of flames…" the wife said, seeming to be more in dismay about her scorched hair than her near-death experience in a fire.

"There are two fire extinguishers in each floor's hallway, but no one could get to either of them," the young man continued. The life-threatening survival had stressed him out. "Then this twig of a man came out of nowhere from the floor above ours and cleared the way to the fire escape for us all."

"And you're sure this was Kess Ando?" the report requested, and he turned the microphone back toward them.

"No doubt about it. He had the dozen wedding rings on," the husband nodded. Kess was at one point a great marriage lawyer. He tended to take the wedding ring from whoever hired him as a personal reward, in trade of reducing their legal fees. But he was the primary suspect in the murder of his wife and went missing immediately after questioning, after claiming he was innocent.

"But dad, what about the monster?" the young girl suddenly chimed up after tugging on her fathers shirt, the camera aiming down toward her.

"Honey, please, not now," the father insisted that she should remain quiet.

"She was downstairs playing with her friends when the fire began… she has a big imagination," the mother added dismissively. The reporter gained a small smile on his face as he crouched down to her height.

"Why don't you tell us about the monster? People have been talking about some of them lately," the report brought the microphone down to the child, though as far as they cared, they were just indulging a young girl's fantasy.

"Okay, Leni, you can turn it off now," Lori yawned, brushing aside her younger sister's hand holding the phone.

"Come on, Lori, they'll call you when they have the package," Leni insisted, shoving the phone back up for them to watch the news once more. Lori sighed, starting to get irritated now with how long they were being forced to wait.

"It was burning and trying to get into the basement! It tried to get me when it saw me…" the young girl looked nervous at first, but she grew a smile shortly after. "Then the ring man jumped from the fire in the stairs and punched it! He cracked its face and made it run. I told him mommy and daddy could fix his burned hand, but he left after he got me and my friends outside…"

"Lori Loud! We found your package!" the post office worker's voice stopped the two sisters from listening further.

"Finally!" Lori hopped up excitedly. She was surprised to see the large box on the counter. It made her more confused by what her boyfriend could have possibly sent her.

"Something feels wrong…" Leni muttered to herself, looking back at her phone. She tried to ignore the feeling and just got up, going over to her sisters side. "Did Bobby send you clothes?"

Lori signed a few things on a paper before sliding the slip back to the worker, letting him take leave after. "I don't know, but it feels a lot heavier than clothes…" she tried to pick up the box. It caught her by surprise with its weight. "I'll find out when we get home. Come on, let's get out of here," the eldest Loud smiled.

Leni was more than glad to get out of this place. Both of them headed back to their family van so they could head home with the package.

"I can't believe you're letting me drive! You never let me drive when we go out," Leni exclaimed. She was the one on the driver's seat of Vanzilla. Lori reached over from the passenger seat and made her younger sister focus back on the road by grabbing her head. She had the package resting on her lap.

"You're doing a lot better ever since Lincoln found you that teacher," the oldest Loud sibling smiled. The only male sibling in the large family had found a tutor capable of working around a lot of tough problems, and they were perfect at working with Leni's lacking intelligence.

While Leni drove, Lori began to work on opening the package, having to tear off the top. With how tightly it was wrapped up with tape on the sides, it was almost like Bobby had been afraid of a postal service worker stealing the contents inside and had done everything he could to keep it closed, short of wrapping it up with chains.

"A note?" the oldest Loud sibling saw a large letter stuck to part of the box lid she tore off. She knew it was from her boyfriend, though it was slightly torn at the bottom from Lori's careless ravaging of the cardboard box it had been taped to the top of from the inside.

"Ohh, what's it say?" Leni leaned over to peek at it. Lori just refocused her head back on the road once again.

"Well, the last third of the note's in too many pieces to put back together now… I'll read it. You just focus on driving," Lori said. She felt bad now for the way she impatiently opened it, but there was no going back on what was already done. She returned her focus on the note itself.

"Hey, babe, I was working at a construction site when this fell out of the wall of a very old building we were tearing down. I have no idea what it was, but my boss didn't care about it and I knew it wasn't the type of thing Ronnie Anne would like. So, I figured you would want it as a good luck charm and it…" Lori stopped reading it aloud after that, since the note was torn apart after that, and so the next sentence was chopped in half.

"What is it?" Leni leaned over. Lori groaned, grabbing the steering wheel with one hand to center them back into their lane and shoving Leni's face back to refocus once more.

"Wait until we reach a stop sign!" the oldest Loud sister barked. However, when she looked back into the box, the items inside confused her. She pulled out a medium sized wooden box. It looked like something a grandparent would stash candy in for their grandkids when they visited. "It's beautiful… this was in a wall?" Lori chirped. The box had a golden flourish to the edges. It was smooth and in pristine condition. Someone had taken great care when making it, and even greater care with preserving it.

"Why don't you open it?" Leni asked.

Her older sister blinked. It had not even occurred to her that there might be something else inside. She just assumed Bobby had sent her a very decorative jewelry box. The oldest Loud sister was a little nervous to open it for an unknown reason. Lori nonetheless released the latch and lifted up the lid. The contents inside the wooden box confused her.

"Is it jewelry?" Leni asked. Inside the box were four various shaped jewels, they all were colorless, each one was resting snugly in a luxurious cushion.

"I think they aren't real… they kind of look like kids' toys," Lori replied. Each one was shaped in specific three dimensional styles, like a square, a diamond, a triangle and a sphere. It confused her more than anything. The oldest Loud picked up the colorless ball. She noticed that each of the shapes had grooves in them. It was like they were meant to be opened, but not by human hands.

"Good luck charms… Bobby's trying too hard to find gifts for me lately," Lori lightly giggled, finding the effort adorable at least. However, she noticed that one end of the pillow was unevenly sat up. She wondered if there was even more hidden presents within the box that Bobby forgot to mention.

"Oh no… does that mean you two are about to break up?" Leni worriedly questioned. Her oldest sister was about to order her younger sibling to focus on the road again, but realized they had come to a stop in a gas station to refuel. Lori figured this was safer than risking getting into a wreck. Then what she said finally registered.

"What? N-no! What makes you think that?" Lori gawked in surprise, while trying to remove the pillow holding the various shaped items.

"Because people start sending more gifts before they break up… Like what happened to Lucy with her boyfriend last month," Leni stated. Despite her very low IQ, she made a good point. Now the oldest Loud sister was anxious on the matter. Slowly, Lori removed the pillow. Under it, she found a short blue crystal.

"Oh my gosh…" Lori gasped. It was jagged and only about the size to fit into her palm. She tried to reach for it, picking it up gently with her hand. "Ow!" the oldest Loud sibling dropped the gem back into the box when a sharp pain shot out from her hand, the gem landing on the pillow had the small stain of blood mixing with its blue shine.

"Lori, what happened?!" Leni gasped in worry, reaching over to see what happened to her older sister's hand.

"I think it cut me… it's not bad, don't worry," Lori reassured. It was simply a cut across her palm, and a few small drops of blood struggled to leak out of it.

"You wait here. I'll go inside and get something to treat it," Leni ordered. Before her older sister could argue, the fashion designer hopped out of Vanzilla.

"Got a feeling Bobby didn't know about that extra one…" the eldest sighed, reaching over and stuffing the items all back in their fancy box, letting the gem rest on the pillow with the other odd items before closing it back.

Her pupils then shrank when she looked back to her palm. The small amount of blood had turned blue right before her eyes. The scratch itself looked to be cracking slightly around where the cut itself was, like her hand had been made of glass.

"Uhh… Okay, maybe this IS bad… I need to show this to Lisa…" Lori muttered to herself. Her second youngest sister would be a lot more expedite with treating her, compared to waiting in a hospital emergency room, where she knew she would get sick from another ill person there. The teenager opened the van's glove compartment and found a roll of gauze among the many other random items inside. She began to use it to wrap up her hand.

"Some good luck charm…" Lori murmured. A cold chilling feeling suddenly hit her from nowhere, she was having goose-bumps running through her body, she had no idea why at all since it was a normal hot spring day. Lori could then see Leni coming back with a small first aid kit in her hand.

Lori was relieved to have gotten away without letting Leni see her injury. She'd claimed she had found a first aid kit in the trunk of the family van. The oldest Loud siblings were now back home, and Lori was letting her younger sister get the groceries from the car. She herself was trying to head straight upstairs.

"Lori!" a high-pitched squeal sounded. Of course, things were never that simple in the large home.

"What is it, Lola?" Lori stood at the first step as she eyed one of the third-youngest twins who was dressed like a princess.

"Lana hid my doll somewhere and I can't find it! Can you help?" Lola requested. This was nothing unusual. The twins always did stuff like this to each other.

"Check the back of the freezer. You know she likes to hide them in places you hate, like the cold," the oldest Loud sister. She let the girl in pink run off in a hurry to save her doll from a frozen fate. Lori sighed in relief before continuing upstairs.

"Oh, welcome back, honey! Did everything go well?" the Loud family mother, Rita, greeted her oldest child. She ran into her after having gathered the laundry from upstairs.

"Yyyyeah, mom. The post office was a nightmare though…" Lori held the decorative wooden box under her arm, with her wounded palm as a way to hide the injury.

"Wow, that looks really pretty. Is that the gift Bobby sent you?" Rita asked. She always found her daughter's relationship cute, but far from perfect. She had shared all the advice she could already to help her eldest's relationship with Bobby, she was uncertain if she had been actually helpful.

"Yeah. He found it at a construction site. Some weirdo hid it inside a wall," Lori stated. She was happy with the gift for the most part, aside from the strange injury she had received because of it. "Where's everybody?" she tried to not dwell on the topic. She hoped Lisa was home. The Loud house being quiet at any time of the day was a concerning thing most of the time.

"Well, Lucy is taking a nap, so is Lily. Lynn is at football practice, Luan is in the garage repainting her props, Luna is practicing with that girl Sam at her place, and Lincoln is hanging out with Clyde. Lola, Lana and Lisa are around here somewhere," Rita answered to the best of her ability. Keeping up with eleven children was a challenge, no matter how many years passed or how much they grew.

"Thanks, mom. I want to show Lisa this," Lori gave a thankful smile, not wasting any time heading to the younger children's room.

"Okay dear, have fun!" Rita hummed before continuing down the stairs with the laundry basket under her arm, not paying much attention to her oldest child's slightly strange behavior.

Once she arrived to the room shared by Lola, Lana and Lisa. Lori knocked on the open door. Lisa was working away at her computer. The youngest sister, Lily, used to share this room as well, but she was moved into Lincoln's room to help her rest easier, since being with their only brother helped the infant sleep better.

"I'm a little busy at the moment, apologies," Lisa responded. She was a child prodigy with her high intelligence and a PhD, although she had her issues, mostly emotional, due to essentially being a child with an adult mind.

Lori continued into the room. "Lisa, please. It's important. I got hurt and I… I've been feeling weird ever since."

This was enough to make the child genius refocus her gaze to her oldest sister. "You're requesting a private examination?" Lisa asked. The short blonde-haired woman nodded as she rested the wooden box down on the desk before showing her bandaged palm.

"I want to know if it's anything to be afraid about," Lori claimed. The child prodigy took a moment before she got up and went to the door to close it as well as lock it.

"Take a seat on the bed," the child genius said, letting Lori get comfortable while she went to retrieve a stool to stand on, so she could perform the examination, without having to ask her to stress her back by bending constantly during the exam.

"Do… do you really need all those?" Lori nervously stuttered as she watched her second youngest sister bringing out several tools on a tray. She never took Lisa for a surgeon, but was more afraid of what those tools had been used on prior.

"These are common instruments held in any medical office. The only difference is I'd rather be prepared for anything due to your very vague description of your symptoms," Lisa rested the tray with the tools down on the bed before hopping up onto her stool. "Now, tell me your symptoms and explain how this transpired," Lisa slipped on a pair of rubber gloves that were far bigger than her hands.

"I feel scared for no reason and really cold… it started a minute after I got cut by that dumb jewel. It's in the present Bobby sent me," Lori explained to the best of her recollection. She doubted the coincidence of this happening right after she was cut was very unlikely.

"Well, that rules out pregnancy," Lisa slightly smirked as she was working on removing the gauze from around her oldest sister's hand.

"Hahah… very funny," Lori rolled her eyes. "I'm worried that it's worse than a cut, because… well, you'll see."

Which Lisa did. When the last of the gauze was removed, her eyes shrank at the sight of the odd damage. "...And you're certain that Luan isn't simply pranking you and thus me by proxy?" she questioned, looking at the blue wound. Its many cracks running around it like it was breaking the hand the same way one would break a mirror.

"Not unless she has a part time job in the post office," Lori shook her head. She watched as Lisa took a small scalpel and a weird instrument that looked like a form of even thicker tweezers.

"Wh-what are those for?" Lori fearfully squeaked, looking ready to run for her life at the signs of the knife.

"There's something embedded within your hand and I must dissect your limb to retrieve it," Lisa declared, understanding her practical second mother's fear.

"And you can't just use NORMAL tweezers or something?" Lori gulped, watching her second youngest sister bring the scalpel to the cut mark.

"One of these are tweezers, but they're meant for surgical use… I can't give you a confident diagnosis without examining the object," Lisa adjusted her glasses with her free hand. She looked up to her oldest sister. "So, do I have your permission?"

"Alright, alright…" Lori knew Lisa wanted to simply do everything to help, despite her usual straight monotone voice implying otherwise. The blonde teenager closed her eyes, trying to not watch.

Lisa breathed a sigh to try and keep calm as she began to widen the cut with the scalpel. As the young girl did so, a little more blue blood came out. The wound gained several newer cracks to it as well. "This is certainly interesting…" the child super genius was confused. She put the scalpel down on the tray.

"Is it over yet?" Lori fearfully asked, resisting the stinging pain in her arm. Lisa reached her tweezers in and grabbed onto the embedded item in question, pulling it out with a simple tug.

"Yes, it's… over…?" Lisa went wide eyed. She saw a crystal fragment in the tweezers. It looked to be half organic as if the fragment had grown inside of Loris injury.


"Oh! Apologies, I won't be able to give you a definitive diagnosis without examining the item," Lisa snapped out from her daze, putting the shard aside on the tray before she started to treat the injury, cleaning her hand with peroxide.

"Should I be worried?" the oldest Loud sister asked.

"No, you just need to take it easy for now," Lisa stated while she re-wrapped the hand with gauze. "If any other symptoms emerge, you come back to me immediately. Understand? Otherwise we'll check later tonight with a follow up to see if your hand has healed, as well as to see if your blood has returned to its normal color."

"Uh… okay…" Lori nodded, agreeing without any argument. That seriousness in Lisa's eyes concerned her. But Lisa was a lot smarter than the rest of the siblings and herself thought. There was no reason to doubt her. "The thing that cut me's still in the box over there," the oldest Loud pointed with her free hand.

"Really? That'll be quite helpful," Lisa sounded glad to hear that. Once the bandaging was done, she hopped off the stool and took her tray over to the nearby fold out table where she normally ran her tests, at least the ones that didn't require a person to test on.

"Thanks, Lisa. I owe you," Lori said as she held her now treated hand. She felt better already just having been treated.

"Don't think highly of it. I know you'd do the same for me if I obtained a wound of any sort," Lisa insisted. Lori surprised her by giving her a tight hug, almost squishing her.

"I love you, Lisa. I'll make sure you get your favorite for dinner tonight," the oldest Loud smiled. Lisa could not resist gaining a smile across her face either.

"Thank you, Lori," the prodigy hummed with glee as the hug ended.

"Call me when you find out what it is," Lori requested, as she left the room. Now alone in the room, Lisa cast a weary glance to the chest beside her that her oldest sister had brought in with her.

"The odds are astronomically impossible… but it appears fate is an unpredictable factor," the young genius opened the gift Bobby had sent Lori. Lisa stared at the crystal that had cut her oldest sister for a minute.

"I actually have a genuine sample of it… a pure solid sample… The government may have denied my request for the material, but my family never lets me down," Lisa became excited as she used a pair of clamps from her many tools to grab the crystal and take it out from the box inside. She was ready to spend all night checking over this and the shard she had taken out from Lori as well. She just hoped this really was a good thing.

"I hope I was able to extract it from Lori in time as well..."