Authors note: Sorry for the wait all, a lot has happened since this year started but it's now started calming down so hopefully I can get back to writing as usual. Sorry for that, please review and enjoy.

Lori was on her way back home, riding on her motorcycle. That more populated part of town was safe from the bee monster now, thankfully with no casualties as far as they could tell.

"It seems your training is paying off quite well," Jundao stated to his contract holder. She had achieved finishing off an enemy without his help. Their opponent wasn't too tough anyhow.

"I do feel sore, but it sure beats yoga," Lori joked, starting to pull back up to her home. The garage was open for her to simply ride her motorcycle inside. After parking, she turned off the engine and made to undo the buckle of her helmet.

"Welcome back, Lori," Lisa greeted her practical second mother, seeming happy to see her back in quite quick time.

"Thanks Lisa. By the way, I brought you something," Lori pulled out the core crystal fragment from her pocket and handed it over to the child prodigy. The child's eyes seemed to glow upon setting sight at its bright red splendor.

"Finally, I can examine a core fragment… thank you, Lori. I am grateful to you for not forgetting my request," Lisa went over to her workbench to get working on it right away.

"It was nothing… Bad news though. The bee I had to fight was just playing distraction," Common Fighter Jewel came over. She wondered where their mother was at the moment. She expected Rita to have been waiting for her return rather impatiently, to continue their discussion from earlier.

"Distraction? For what purpose?" Lisa put the core fragment into a small sample tray before sliding it under a microscope to begin examining it.

"He was supposed to draw out all the common fighters by attacking crowded places while the others go after Frenzy… They didn't know how many of us there were," Lori explained. She wondered if she had to go hunting down the other two monsters now, but she had no clue where to even begin in that case.

"And I take it from your tone that you're still uncertain as to whether view Frenzy as ally or enemy," the child genius replied with a raised eyebrow, not taking her eyes off the examination of the crystal, but Lisa never had any trouble multitasking.

"Yeah… I can't tell what's worse. The fact that the other common fighters seem out for only themselves, or that one of them broke into our house just to steal the sealed drivers," Lori exclaimed. She had no clue how they knew nor what motivated them. But nonetheless she was hoping to be able to talk to Frenzy one day in a non-transformed environment.

"I still cannot find any logic nor reason behind how they'd acquire the information of the driver's location to begin with… I fear a third party may be involved," the young scientist confessed her fears. Lori rubbed the young girls back trying to comfort her, more than aware and sharing that feeling of worry about having an unknown presence involved in this giant mess.

"Don't worry. We'll find who did it. Hopefully nothing will happen before Luna's concert at least," Lori stated. There was their sister's first onstage performance with Sam to look forward to after all, she hoped that monsters would lay low for a couple of days, she knew that was a very unlikely thing to happen sadly.

"Let me know if Frenzy or those other monsters pop up, please," the young woman requested.

"Affirmative. I'll keep an eye out on the reports," Lisa nodded. Lori left to go try and relax before she would get back to training.

"Hey, Pelacur! Where are you," Sam called out, wandering through her home. She had not seen him since she woke up from her nap. She was exhausted from all the practice she had been doing with Luna these last couple of days.

She heard a small shuffling noise. A box plonking onto the floor from near it sounded like. She went to the partially open door to the basement, becoming partially unnerved or an unknown reason.

"Pelacur?" the drummer called out through the door. She began to make her way down the steps. The sound of the creaking wood echoed out. One of the steps was broken, like too much weight had been put on it. She just avoided it.

"Dude…" Sam gulped worriedly. She turned on the light. The gargoyle was there, laying against the wall, having knocked off one of the boxes with his tail by accident.

"Akrea-caso…" Pelacur weakly coughed. Sam ran right over to him.

"Hey! Pelacur, are you okay?!" she asked. The gargoyle replied with gargled gibberish. "Oh no…" she saw the crystals on his back. They had grown up to his nape and hunched section of his back. Sam was nervous. She wanted to try to feel part of the crystal to try and break part of it off in some hope that it would help somehow.

"NO!" Pelacur screamed, suddenly jolting to his feet and knocking Sam down to the floor on her side.

"Hrk! My arm…" she groaned, holding her right arm in pain. Pelacur stood with his back against the wall, panting. Sam watched as her monstrous friend slowly slid onto the floor again like he was fighting himself for control.

"Pelacur…" Sam realized why he had reacted the way. He had she remembered Loris words about being infected by the crystals being lethal. The young drummer did not know what to do. She got out her cellphone and dialed Lori's number. "Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up…" she waited. And she felt relieved when she heard her answer. "Hello?! Lori! I need your help with Pelacur!"

Here Lincoln was, at a medium sized home, where the party that Lynn invited him to was taking place.

Things were going very weirdly. He stayed away from the main part of the party, wishing to be alone. "I still can't put my finger on what's wrong. I feel like I should be a hundred miles from here," Lincoln murmured. So much of his recent memories got consumed that there was no chance for him to remember when, why or how he agreed to come here. He could not recognize anyone here either, he knew one thing for certain, being here felt very wrong for some reason.

"Hey, at least you look fancy!" Lizzy's voice rang out in his head.

"What can I say? I like having any excuse to wear a tux other than a funeral," Lincoln looked over the large group of strangers here. They seemed welcoming, but at the same time someone here was making him very insecure. "I wish Ronnie Anne could be here," he rubbed his slightly throbbing head. He missed his girlfriend. Long distance relationships were far more depressingly stressful than he ever anticipated them to be.

"Hey! Sorry for the wait," Lynn returned from the crowd, carrying two plastic cups full of soda. She handed her only brother one of the cups.

"Thanks. I was about to try and find you," Lincoln replied. She had taken so long to get a few drinks.

"I had to find something not opened yet. They've spiked everything with booze I swear," Lynn stated. She did not expect this to be that kind of party. Then again she did not know what she expected when she stole the invitation to this from the trash.

"I want some of the other drinks, daddy," Lizzy's voice giggled in his head.

"Not now, honey…!" the bucktoothed teenager hushed under his breath.

"What was that?" Lynn quirked an eyebrow, regaining her slightly younger brother's attention.

"N-nothing! I was just saying, thanks for inviting me to come along. It's nice to relax for a change," Lincoln lied. He still could not figure out why his senses made his body feel so paranoid around her.

"I'm happy I got you to agree. I'm sorry for how forceful I was about wanting you to come. I just didn't want to look like a lone loser here," she struggled to confess, finding it hard to keep eye contact with her brother. Her eyes stayed locked at the cup of soda in her hands. "I'm sorry about all I said during those fights we had…"

"We had fights…?" Lincoln chirped, very confused. Lynn was made confused too by his parroting.

"You don't remember? Jeez… How hard did you hit your head when you fell?" she didn't know to be happy or not about that concussion happening now. She wondered if it meant he had no memory of her confession to him either.

Lincoln suddenly gasped, dropping his cup on the ground. He began holding his head as it began to ache. His skull felt like it was about to be torn in two. He stumbled and began to fall to the ground.

"Lincoln?!" Lynn caught him, "What's wrong?!"

"I-I don't know…!" he tried to resist the pain, unsure if this was Lizzy's doing. Blood started to seep out his nose.

"I know this is a bad time dad, but I think we have a problem," the monster he had a contract with stated. And only moments after her words echoed in his head they felt the whole home rumble.

"What was that?" Lynn fearfully spoke. Lincoln bared the pain long enough to grab her and force her down to the floor, causing her to fall on top of him.

They heard the shattering explosions. Many people screamed as one after another, the windows were busted by an odd bright flash with something flying through them to either impale a random unfortunate person or embed itself into the ground.

"Are those knives?!" Lynn wondered if someone had lost their mind and was attacking the party at first, but it made no sense to her.

"We have to get out of here…" Lincoln coughed, the pain dying down in his head slightly as he forced himself back onto his feet with his sister's help.

"Wait! Daddy, those are crystal fragments we need! We can't run away!" Lizzy objected while whining. Lincoln paid not a second of attention to her though. He quickly made for the back door through the kitchen.

"Lincoln, what's going on?! It's not safe out here!" Lynn tried to stop him, insisting that they would be safer inside. Even with her black belts and degrees in various fighting styles she did not feel comfortable trying to fight a presumed knife maniac running around out here.

"It's not a crazy person running around! It's…" he felt a sharp pain shoot through his leg. He looked down to see a dagger sticking out from the side of his left leg. And on the spot, he collapsed onto one leg.

"Lincoln! Oh my god!" Lynn gasped. It was that moment that she saw the two large bug monsters land in front of them.

"Frenzy… So, this is what you look like under the mask," the wasp chuckled. It gripped one of its two daggers tightly, throwing them around with no hesitation.

"Is this a joke? The same heartless monster who murdered our queen is a mere child?!" the gauntlet wielding killer bee found this hard to believe.

"I can't understand them…" Lynn whimpered to her ears. To her, it was just random gibberish. But Lincoln understood it clear.

"Daddy, what are you waiting for? You have to transform if you want to beat them," Lizzy reminded her contract holder. The young monster foresaw this attack, but she was shocked by how full out assault these two were.

"But Lynn's right there…! If I reveal it to her…" Lincoln stammered back. The wasp suddenly lunged forward, thrusting one of the daggers at them. Lincoln shoved Lynn aside before dodging himself. He groaned, his leg throbbing in agony from where the dagger dug into him. The oversized killer bee was able to deliver a strong blow to his stomach when he tried to get up with its spiked gauntlets, hard enough to push the human onto his back across the ground.

"Lincoln!" Lynn ran up and jumped on the anthropomorphic wasp's back.

"Geatu olf! Seranka cand!" It growled, trying to shake her off of his back, but unable to reach her. She kept hitting him in the back of his head.

"Maltove!" the killer bee stepped to deliver a harsh blow to Lynn's right side, knocking her off his comrade. She had grabbing one of the wasp's many wings though and ended up tearing it off as she fell to the ground.

"My arm!" Lynn held her right arm. It seemed almost dented from the spikes on the gauntlets. She struck a nerve on the revenge hungry insects with her interference.

"I knew I had a bad feeling about tonight…!" Lincoln decided he could not play secretive. He removed the dagger from his leg, ignoring the pain while he could. "Hey, freaks! Catch!" he threw the knife. Sadly, his aim was off. He hit the killer bee by grazing its side, barely doing any harm. It still gained their attention. "You wanted Frenzy? I'll give you Frenzy!" Lincoln pulled out the king's driver, the belt and card holster dangling off its side. That flare in his eyes made the two monsters seem slightly afraid, though they clearly were pleased to have their confirmation that he was Common Fighter Frenzy.

Lincoln threw the belt of the king's driver around himself before catching it and reconnecting it again to the driver itself. "Bow to your king," the driver spoke in a hollow, yet harsh voice. He reached for the card holster, opening and revealing a collection of mainly blank cards. He pulled out only one card. The ace card had a jester like shadow entity on the front. He slid it into the top of his driver. the front of the card showed in the small glass, displaying it to his enemies.

"Lincoln, what are you doing…?" Lynn just stared from where she lay as her brother grabbed the handle on the side of the king's driver. Its bright silver body seemed to shimmer under the few lights around them.

"Finally!" Lizzy's voice eagerly rang in his head. The young boy tried to remain calm.

"You monsters have chosen to follow the same fate as your queen," Lincoln thrust the handle forward, watching it slide to the other side of the driver and scanning the card with the handle with a red light. The two monsters watched, a slight fear paralyzing them from seemingly nowhere.

They saw a fracture appear above Lincoln's head. Transparent cards fell through, hovering above his head. He pointed at the two bugs. That anger in his eyes was enough to keep them in place. An orange suit appeared around his body.

"Henshin," Lincoln hit the button on the handle of the king driver. The multiple cards began to fall on him, letting him pass through harmlessly. Each one that landed on him added a separate piece of armor onto him. With each card, he grew a centimeter, until he was as large as an adult once more. Once the last of the damaged armor was on, his cracked helmet appeared around his head.

"The Benevolent Berserker! King!" the driver called out. Common fighter Frenzy now stood before them. Lynn could only stare at her brother's secret form being revealed to them.

"Lincoln… You're a common fighter?!" she was unable to believe this. She could only spectate now. Her brother got into a fighting stance, glad to have a battle to distract him from his body's pain.

"Let's do this, daddy!" Lizzy hummed with glee. Her surrogate father reached down and hit two buttons on the front of the driver before hitting the button on the handle.

"Yes, king! Weapon!" the king driver called out as a second fracture opened up above him. The weapon fell from above, and the blade impaled itself into the ground.

Common Fighter Frenzy grabbed the sword and pulled it off the ground, like it was akin to the legendary Excalibur, he swung it wide once, before getting ready and gripping the blade with both hands. "Now, let me show you what happens when you harm a king's family!"