Takes after XY and Ash is 17 in this and the other characters ages will be told later when they appear none of the characters from Unova because I just didn't like the series or any characters there so sorry if you are a fan.

It had taken years but I was finally able to make it to the league final I was so close this was the best I had done in the league and I finally thought that it was my time to win but I guess Alain was just the better trainer.

Even with the bond that me and Greninja had I still wasn't able to overcome his charizard so he stands as the only one of my main rivals that I haven't been able to over come.

I mean I'm super proud of my pokemon we did make it to the finals which is the furthest I have gotten and my Pokemon tried there hardest but it just wasn't my day but runner up is still great.

"Say Pikachu you wanna head home so that we can see mom and the others"

"Pika" he jumps around on my shoulders so I guess that he seems happy enough with the idea off going home.

"Well we best got tell the others cause we can't just run off cause they will get worried." I say to him.

We head off to find the others it doesn't take us long but I find them waiting outside the league hall talking to Alain.

"Hey guys"

They all turn around to face me.

"Hey Ash we were wondering where you went off to"Serena says.

"Well I'm just here to say good bye cause I talked with Pikachu and we think that it is best that we head off home"

"Oh Ash but you have only just finished the league don't you think that you should rest for a little first before you head home"

I had thought off that but I want to go home and I can rest when we get there.

"I'm going to rest for awhile when I am home so wouldn't worry"

"So when are you going to leave Ash"

Alain asks.

"Well I was hoping to leave by tonight so then I should be home in a few days"

"Well I would love to battle you again some time Ash so if your ever back in Kalos then just give me a call then we can battle again my friend."

"Sure thing Alain I still need to beat you but right now I'm not able to so we will have to battle it out again"

I turn to the others.

"Well I guess that this is good bye then Ash"Clemont says.

"Yeah but don't worry we will see each other again."

"Take care of yourself Ash" Serena says as she gives me a hug.

"You to Serena" I hug her back and start to walk towards the docks.

"Well Pikachu when we get home we have some work to do Okay so I hope your ready"I look to me pokemon who has a big smile on his face.

We board the earliest boat that we could find it it didn't take us as long to get to Kanto as I thought it would it took a week on the boat but we were finally back in Kanto.

"It's good to be home right Pikachu"

I say as we step off the boat in Pallet town.


"Well since we are home why don't we have a race to the house mum will be excited to see us"

We start off running towards the house and Pika thought it would be funny if he used quick attack to make it to the house first.

When I got there he was waiting out side off the door for me.

"You know that was cheating right"

"Pika"He says with a smile.

I walk in the house and I see Mr Mime clearing the house.

He must have noticed the door open because he turns around and runs towards me giving me a hug.

"Yeah it's good to see you to buddy is mum home"

As if on que I hear a voice.

"Who is at the door"my mum says as she walks in from the kitchen.

"Hey Mum"

"Ash your home" I go over and give my mum a hug.

"Yeah I'm back from my adventure"

"Well you can tell me all about it after you have had some food cause I know that you must be starving"

I think I might have drooled abit by the sound off my mums cooking butniy has almost been a year since I had eaten any off her food I'd say her cooking is still the best I have eaten.

"Yeah Mum me and Pikachu are starving"

My mum made us all some food and I told her about my adventures in Kalos she always loved to hear about how I did on my journey I told her about Serena Clemont Bonny and Alain aswell I always keep out the dangerous parts off my adventure cause I know that would make her worry but she has always trusted me.

After finishing I helped her clean up and she asked me.

"So how long are you going to be staying this time before you head off on your next adventure Ash"

"Well I haven't really given it much thought and I haven't heard off any new regions to explore so I could be here for awhile who knows I might trying going through one off my other league again but right now I'm just going to relax here."

"Well I'd suggest you drop your Pokemon off at professor Oaks lab cause I'm sure oh pokemon have definitely missed you"

Seeing how it wasn't that late yet I decided to head off to the lab.

I walk into the lab shout professor Oak.

"Professor you here"

"Well I am a professor but I don't think I'm the one you are looking for Ashy boy."

I look to the door I come face to face with my first rival Gary Oak.

"What are you doing here Gary"

We ended our rivalry back in Kanto so we are good friends now.

"Well my Grandad is away on some research so I decided that I should watch the lab for him so you know it's not really that busy here so I can just relax a lot"

"So have you finished your training then to be a professor then"

"No I haven't yet it is a lot off work but I don't mind that part it's funny especially all the traveling I get to do oh and I forgot congratulations on how well you did in the league I was impressed"

"Thanks Gary anyway I'm just here to drop off my Pokemon so I'm going to head out back to see them"

"You want me to tell them that you are here so you don't get trampled on"

"Nah that's part off the surprise"

I run out back with Pikachu.

"Hey everyone I'm back" i shout and then the next thing I know all my Pokemon are running towards me at once.

Okay maybe this was a bad idea after all I look to see that Pikachu had stepped away so he doesn't get caught up in all off this.

First few Pokemon to catch is my Bayleaf and Heracross followed by all of my Taurous's.

Next up was my Totodile who was doing his little dance and Corphish was there with him.

I see Swallow and Staraptor flying around in the sky

the rest off my Pokemon all come along aswell besides a couple.

"Hey guys I'd like you to meet my new Pokemon I throw my Pokeballs in the air and my Greninja Goodra and the others come out.

The head over to the other Pokemon and it is good to see that my Pokemon are always happy to welcome the other Pokemon.

Snorlax is probably asleep somewhere and doesn't even know that I am back and Infernape and Sceptile haven't turned up either.

"Wonder where those two are"

I walk round the lab and I hear some noise in the trees I looked up to see Infernape and Sceptile.

"You guys going to come down and say hi to me or just going to sit up there all day then"

Infernape jumps down but Sceptile just smiles at me he always has to play the cool guy doesn't he.

Pikachu comes running back over since all the commotion has stopped and he says hello to both off them.

"I'm hoping to do some training guys and since you three are some off my best Pokemon I was hoping to you guys would wanna come on my next adventure"

They all nod there heads at me wanting to come I mean I plan on training all off my Pokemon aswell but I'm probably going to bring these three with me.

I spend the rest off the day with them we just run around and have some fun since there isn't any point training today when it starts to get dark I head back into the lab.

"Gary how long are you here for"

""Just until my Grandad is back and who knows how long that is you know how into his work he gets if Tracy was here then I could carry on my training but since he isn't im here."

"You still train your Pokemon"

"Off course Ash I might be a professor in training but I'm still a trainer aswell why do you ask"

"Well I was hoping to have a battle tomorrow if you weren't to scared"

"Like I could be scared off you Ash don't think because you reached the final that you can beat me I'm a lot stronger than I was last time we battled you know"

He is just as cocky as ever I'm glad that hasn't changed no matter how much older he gets

I was hoping he was stronger it means it will actually be a challenge for me.

"Well I'll be here early tomorrow then we can have our battle you want to do a 1-1 or a 6-6"

"You know what let's go 6-6 it will be fun to see how strong each off out teams are"

I pretty excited I haven't battled Gary in three years and since I wasn't expecting him to be here I just wanted to battle him again and he was never a weak trainer so I can see just how strong some off my Pokemon are.

"Well see you tomorrow Gary"

"Bye Ashy boy"

He really needs to get a better nickname for me what does he still think we are ten or something.

I head out off the lab and head off home I was a little tired so I head up to my room and it might seem weird that I still have Pokemon covers at my age but it's nice to come home and still feel like a kid again I put my runner up trophy next to my other awards but there is always room at the front for when I finally become a league champion.

"Well Pikachu we best get to sleep cause there is no way that Gary is going to take it easy on us tomorrow"

"Pika" he says clearly pumped for our battle tomorrow he jumps on the end off my bed and with in a few minutes he is asleep.

Okay that is the first chapter done and I hope your ready for Gary vs Ash in the second chapter and tell me what other characters you would like to see appear cause I want this to be a big story so there should be plenty going on.