
Mor, Cassian, Rhys and I had patrolled the border all week. Looking for any signs of trouble, which, luckily, none were found. I had a pull in my stomach that told me something was about to happen, something explosive.

What exactly are we looking for, Feyre darling? Rhys asked through the bond,

Something off. I had a feeling it would explode so I wanted to find it before it went off. I answered,

A bomb? Rhys taunted, I turned to glare at him but he seemed preoccupied in a conversation with Cass.

Find a man that can do both I teased,

Oh, you have no Idea he turned and winked at me, I scowled. I quickly turned to Mor, trying to conceal my blush from Rhys and found her laughing at us, shaking her head slightly. I shrugged.

I heard a bang and quickly looked up. The edges of a huge fire appeared at the edge of my heightened eyesight.

Bombs away Rhys laughed again

This isn't funny someone could be hurt I glared at him.

"We should go see what that was," I said, Mor and Cassian nodded.

We crossed the Day, Dawn, Winter and Summer courts before spotting the gigantic fire on the border between the Summer and Spring court.

My blood froze when I saw Tamlin and his Sentries already there. We didn't land until we saw Tarquin, Cresseida, and Varian flanked by guards. Cresseida saw us in the sky and nudged Tarquin. He looked at us and nodded, as if to say, you can land on my territory.

When we landed everyone exchanged smiles and slight bows of the head. Then Tarquin looks at me and Rhys,

"How did you see the fire?" he asked,

"We were patrolling our border, and the edge of the flame could be seen." I interrupted Rhys before he could even say anything because I knew Rhys was used to all the high lords using mind games and cruel words but Tarquin wasn't the same as the rest of them.

"Oh," Tarquin said simply. Then we all walk to the edge of the border. Tamlin looks at Mor and Cassian with distaste and completely ignore Rhys and me.

"Tarquin," he acknowledged, "Cresseida, Varian. Shall we figure this out?" they all nodded stiffly. We all circled around the large fire. After we all saw the fire wouldn't expand I saw everyone moving to the side to start a discussion so I join them.

I couldn't find Mor, Tarquin and I counted one of Tamlin's Sentries missing.

Where are Mor and Tarquin? I asked Rhys through the bond. He shrugs at me. Then I saw Tarquin walking toward us with a knife pressed to his throat. the male behind was fae. He had short silver hair and piercing pine green eyes. He was tall with broad shoulders and his body was one of a honed warrior. A black tattoo in an ancient language I can't read starts on the top left side of his harsh face, going over his jaw, down his throat and disappearing beneath his brown shirt.

I reached out to his mind but it's blocked with a wall of ice, every time I tried to scratch at it one of my mental talons froze and broke off. I saw Rhys having the same problem. Panic set in my stomach as everyone around me froze.

"Let go of him, you filthy fae!" Cresseida screamed, baring her teeth. The fae male simply smiled, showing his sharp, elongated canine teeth.

Is that normal for fae? I asked Rhys. he didn't answer because Mor and one of Tamlin's guards also had knives pressed against the flesh of their neck. The one behind the guard was a warrior human with blond hair and aqua eyes ringed with gold. The one behind Mor was a human woman, her collarbone length dark brown hair was blowing in the wind and her green eyes smiling and full lips painted red. The outfit she was wearing was not one of a warrior, it was a long blue sleeveless dress that exposed her long graceful arms.

"Let them go and we won't kill you" Tamlin said, I scoffed as the blonde man and green-eyed woman exchanged glances with smiling eyes.

Rhys smiled, "Or we could just kill you now?" he offered.

"I won't offer again" Tamlin said, the three of them grinned.

"We don't take orders from you" the blonde man said,

"Then who do you take orders from?" I asked, my voice shrill in the wind.

"From me" I turned to see where the voice was coming from. A beautiful human woman stands behind everyone. Her medium length blonde blew in the wind, her aqua eyes that where ringed with gold were even brighter, fiercer than the blonde man's; they looked like fire. Her high cheekbones and full red lips added to her appeal. Then there was her body, she was tall and toned, but her soft cotton emerald green cropped shirt and tight black trousers showed off a curvy figure that any girl would wish for. A white cape hung from her shoulders. The thing that stood out to me the most were her scars, on her neck and wrist.

"And you are human" Tamlin didn't ask, he announced.

"I, am Queen Aelin Ashryver Galathynius of Terrasen." She said to all of us, through the bond I said

A mortal queen of a place called Terrasen? I have never heard of either. Rhys again didn't answer.

"I have never heard of a Terrasen. And I am the high Lord of the Spring court, and you landed on my territory" Tamlin snarled

"And I don't give a shit" Aelin dismissed him with that. He growled and lunged for her. I was about to scream duck when he crashed into a wall of ice. Tamlin flew back but the fae male was already behind him, he grabbed Tamlin by the shirt and hissed,

"If you attack my queen again I won't hesitate to kill you" And then, as quickly as the fae male grabbed Tamlin he let him go and reappeared behind Tarquin with a knife in his throat. Aelin looked at the fae male and he looked at her, she laughed.

"I would like someone to come forward and tell me where in the rutting hell are we" Aelin demanded in the voice of a queen. Then she strode toward us in a powerful walk, hips swishing and all. After a second of panic I stepped forward.

"We are in Prythian The land of fae. Prythian is divided into 7 courts. He," I pointed to Tarquin "is the high Lord of the summer court, Tarquin. He," I swallowed "is the high Lord of the Spring court, Tamlin." I pause, "Rhys over there is the high Lord of the night court and I am the High Lady. Feyre"

"Ok" she said simply, her face was too controlled for me to see if the information shocked her or not. I took one more step toward and prayed she wouldn't use her twin blades to skin me alive. She unsheathed her sword and threw it, my eyes widened.