Sorry it's been a while stuff happens (also getting a super cute super friendly cockatiel takes up a lot of ones time) but I'm back this time. We won't make promises this time.

For the first reviewer, Marinette became dizzy and couldn't breathe due to a panic attack (a natural reaction to anyone in her situation)

Feel free to leave reviews about your theories or any questions you guys have.

Also if anyone wants to do fan art or anything like that for this story I'd love to see it. Would anyone be willing to design a more fitting cover? I don't want to force anyone to but I'd adore to use something made for this story.

If I started an Instagram page from this would people follow it?

Hope you enjoy the chapter

"Miraculous ladybug!" A teen-girl (as the press suspected) in a red spotted suit exclaimed, her eyes shone in strong admiration as little butterflies flew around Paris cleaning up the mess the Akuma caused.

"Nicely done M'Lady," A teen-boy (as many online bloggers had deduced) in a black leather cat suit teased, his eyes were bright as he looked to his partner.

Ladybug and Chat Noir, you'd be dumb if you didn't recognise them. Everyone adored the pair- the red bug being more popular in most opinions. They could do no wrong in the eyes of the citizens of Paris. Chat was one of the most desirable men in Paris, much like his identity Adrien.

On the other paw, Marinette Dupain Cheng was the exact opposite of her alter ego. True she had confidence and beauty (the kind only those truly close got to see) but she was hated by most. There was only family, a single friend, a superhero partner, and a kitten. She was bullied daily, though she didn't like to admit that.

The people of Paris cheered as the two made their way off from the scene. A certain Alya Cesaire filmed them on her smartphone (which had a ladybug themed case), to later put on her Ladyblog- of only she knew who the hero really was. That would change things.

Jumping down into an alleyway, Ladybug called off her transformation. Panting, it was hard work being a superhero, she began to make her way home. Hopefully the route she had chosen meant she wouldn't run into Chloe or anyone else from school.

As she walked home the girl tried to think of all the designs she had to redo due to their now ruined state. Her thoughts caused her to zone out, only listening for the traffic near the roads she had to cross. Sighing, she almost didn't notice the blond boy dashing out of an alley until he bashed right into her.

Both of them tumbled to the ground, releasing sounds of pain and shock as their bodies hit the pavement. Holding her arm, which was certain to bruise as she did so easily, Marinette looked across to see who had bumped into her.

Even in his fallen state, Adrien Agreste still managed to look like a freaking king. A small strand of his hair rested on his forehead, the only thing out of place yet it suited him perfectly. He too was staring at her- his agitated expression only added to his high and mighty look. There was a distant gleam in his eyes that caused the girl to stop staring, it was rude to after all.

"Geez I know most girls like me but you didn't literally have to knock me off my feet," Adrien teased, wiggling his eyebrows, Mari grew a look of disgust on her.

Folding her arms and sitting bolt upright, she decided to stare him down," Actually Agreste I think you'll find that you knocked me off my feet!"

Soon after saying that the girl covered her mouth, crimson stained her cheeks as she turned away with a shy squeak. Opposite her, the boy struggled to hide his laughter as his expression was that of triumph. Standing up, Marinette kept her face hidden as began to walk off- mentally cursing herself of course. A hand grabbed her ankle, causing her to loose her balance and fall backwards.

Embarrassment became mortification as she landed in the lap of Agreste Junior. Both of them turned away from eachother for a second, that's all it took for Adrien to regain his composure. Grabbing her chin, the boy turned her head to face him. A devilish smirk danced on his features as he winked at her. It took all of Marinette's strength not to scream out.

"What's up Dupain Cheng?" Adrien asked, his voice was dark yet had a flirty tint," Cat got your tongue?"

Upon this he tapped her nose playfully, this action caused her brain to completely leave her. Scrambling, she jumped up and legged it away, leaving a laughing teen on the floor. Though he wasn't finding it all fun and games, her flight seemed to pull a few heartstrings but he quickly pushed away that thought.


His father stood in the doorframe, his figure seemed stoic. Adrien crept in, his head down. The old man must of knew he'd snuck out, maybe he could claim an Akuma got him?

"Adrien?" Gabriel said, turning to face a painting hung upon the wall," Please enlighten me as to where you went,"

Biting his lip, Adrien looked at his father's back trying to think of some excuse," I thought I saw my friends in trouble so I snuck out,"

He couldn't tell how effective the excuse was as the figure stayed in the same position. In all honesty, it would probably be harder to tell if Adrien could see his father's face. When the silence continued between them the teen decided to head up the stairs. Whether he stayed or continued Gabriel would still seem as cold as ever. The only time he'd show emotion was if Adrien came home with a girl of low class he'd gotten pregnant- rage was the only other emotion his father seemed to comprehend.

"You misses part of your piano lesson so I trust you to make up the time when your schedule is free," Gabriel said, Adrien didn't bother to turn around," I'll be in my office. Don't disturb me,"

Behind him, Adrien heard the clicking off feet against the marbles floor becoming more distant until a door slowly shut. A deep sigh of relief escaped him, he didn't even know he'd been holding his breath. God one day he was going to snap and not even feel a hint of remorse.

Deciding that slamming his bedroom door wouldn't get his father to change his ways, Adrien just slipped in quietly. As soon as the door closed, Plagg came flying out of the blonde's jacket pocket. His face was stern with a hint of irritation, though the teen tried his best to ignore it. The kwami didn't like the fact that air fresheners had been installed in the room as the smell of Camembert had alerted Nathalie.

As he settled on the bed, his phone played an alarm tone. Damn Bourgoeis had text him. Chloe had probably got her hair in a knot about some jewellery her father couldn't get her. Whining and complaining was all she ever talked to him about, Adrien was coming to his wits end quite frankly. She was too vain and selfish to have a decent conversation with.

C- Adrihoney I have the most appalling news

Adrihoney was sick in his mouth at that name. She's always insisted on calling him some sort of pet name ever since she could talk. It was ridiculous and made him want to throw his phone out of the window. Not that he could, the windows would become bars if anything abnormal escaped or entered them.

A- What is it Chloe?

C- Who's Chloe

A- ...

C- I'm waiting...

A- What is it Chloicute?

C- That's better

Chloicute- a self appointed name Chloe had made Adrien call her. Giving in to her demands would make her go away faster. Even if it risked making him see his dinner again.

C- Anyway daddy said that some actor was going to go on a date with me this Sunday. But something came up and he had to cancel. Adrihoney I'm so lonely!

He knew where this was going, he knew where this was going to end up.

A- that's horrible

He hoped that his unenthusiastic tone carried through.

C- I was hoping you could fill his space this Sunday.

Adrien has never been more thankful for his busy schedule, even if it was empty on Sunday he could lie.

A-Sorry photoshoot

C- Don't lie to me! I checked with your father you are free!

Shit, of course he'd land him in it.

C- It's that Dupain Cheng girl isn't it? You know she's an absolute loser. I've seen her designs, they're pathetic honestly. The little bit of water damage did them a favour!

A- Water damage? What did you do?

Adrien gritted his teeth. He knew he had insulted them in the past but in all fairness they were good designs. He'd overheard Marinette and her friend in the library, she was so kind. Her sense of humour was amazing. On top of it all, she was so easily flustered. What was happening to him?

C- Well Adrihoney she was acting like she deserved to talk to you

A- What

A- Did

A- You

A- Do?

C- Some of the girl's and I took her stuff and through it in the fountain. It was quite funny. Her designs were ruined- her face when she saw? Priceless

~Adrihoney has blocked your contact~