"Master master wake up," whispered a soft voice. As pressure was put upon a sleeping Zatanna shoulder. Causing her to snap awake.

"G, sniahC dnib eht redurtni," chanted Zatanna. Provoking chains to shot out from under the bed binding the intruder as it slammed him to the ground. Bouncing from her bed shouting, "laeveR ruoy yititnedi." Forcing said intruder to speak. who was all too happy to oblige by the sudden compulsion.

"I am Astolfo one of Charlemagne's twelve Paladins…"

But she stopped focusing long ago, only partially focusing, Still half asleep as she tried to gauge the situation. Then it clicked that name Astolfo one of Charlemagne's twelve paladins a legendary playboy who just so happened to be her younger cousin hero. "Zachary," she growled out. Sprinting to her mirror as her newly introduced guest continued on his ramble. "tcatnoC yrahcaZ arataZ," she sneered at her mirror to rippled into a steady image.

"Hey cousin," came out the oh so natural voice of one Zachary Zatara.

"Hey quick question what were we told exactly about performing necromancy."

"To not do it." He shrugged out with a perplex look. Which led to him cracking a million dollar smile in an attempt to to ease her.

"Oh, that right because an exorcist might come to kill you," gritted out Zatanna, as she struggled to not burst in anger for her cousin doing something so idiotic. But wait, this was sanctioned by an exorcist wasn't it Mason, she sneered out. As the older boy came into view knocking her cousin out of the frame taking his mirror.

"Hey, can you hear me," came the dry voice of one William Mason No last name.

"What reason would you have for dragging my cousin into whatever this Holy Grail War is, spat Zatanna not wanting him to get settled in for the impending argument.

"How unfortunate," he smacked. " Well, at least we found it. Though I was hoping if this was the case you would realize it was a summoning seal beforehand. Which would prompt you contacting me," He sighed out? "Yeah yeah, don't worry I get it don't waste your breath I know what you are going to say how if I drag your cousin into whatever I was planning you would castrate me."

"Wait you summoned Astolfo," said Zachary coming back into the frame before promptly being shoved out.

"Hello," cheered Astolfo from the ground.



"Shut up."



" Explain."

" Brain."



"I said explain!"

"You're not doing it right," cried out Astolfo. Which Prompted a dirty look from Zatanna.

"He's right."

"Shut up."


"Explain." A rapid form of hand gesture were thrown out. By Mason to the ever growing frustration of Zatanna

" Bane!"

"Quiet!" Give me an explanation.

"I couldn't take it the game needed to continue," cried Astolfo in remorse.


"Well, if it—"

"It doesn't now tell me what's going on."

"I think it is best to—"

"There is no one listing Mason magic barriers are put up everywhere."

"Okay listen Zatanna I think— "

"I didn't ask what you thought best Mason I want to know what this war you were going to drag my cousin into is."

"Well first off, war is a strong word there is like, 7 participants, That's at best a street fight. 2nd off I was technically doing it for a selfish reason but it—"

"I don't want ―"

"Listen, it just so happened me and Zachary had a vested interest in your dad, however, I'm honest, I would love to help your dad he is well respected, He dealt with a lot of major supernatural being. Allowing us exorcist to be hermits. But personally, I had no idea of a truly viable option."

"However, as I am confident, you're aware us Protestant don't have a proper hierarchy. We do however have mutual respect for each other. With certain people garnering more respect than others. Which is why when a certain person called. I listened."

"However, I was happy when I got an assignment to retrieve one Giovanni John Zatara. But it had one guideline Dr Fate must have a host. Because as amazing as your father is Dr Fate is considered vital to Earth survival. Hell, I don't know if I would even be able to attempt to. Strip Dr Fate from your father. Without getting taken out by a fellow exorcist."

"So I searched for a way to find Fate a new host and although I found some zealots willing to be the host none were as talented as your father. Add to that what information I have on Fate it would be unlikely Fate would be willing to take the gamble of which involves him getting weaker. Even though it will benefit the world. He isn't willing to risk a weaker host failing to provide him with the tools to ensure the world grander security"

"So I searched for substitution and came up with a potential host. Which leads me to homunculi the only problem being. they will still be falling short in the power department not to mention their short lifespan, leaving Dr Fate out of a body fast. Which means I'm not following the prerogatives set for me meaning I can't do that. leaving me with no way of retrieving one Zatara.

"However, after asking around a friend told me that there this family that supposedly make the best homunculus. So I thought, "great set up a meeting." however, he told me that even then they fell significantly short of what I'm looking for. But wait don't lose faith. Because then he told me that there may be a way because supposedly that family and two other families hold this tournament once in a very blue moon."

"For this wish granting cup that they call the Holy Grail. That acts as a conduit. Where seven participants summon spirits of the past to fight to claim the grail. so I was "great what's the buy in." But given the present pattern I'm sure you're aware this is where the let down comes which was there isn't any buy in it random however of the 7 spot there three have always came from the same family and to add insult to injury the three main families have an advantage being able to summon the servants in a particular category which have advantages over other class which led me to the decision to pay the family a visit and all other determined candidates. Calm down, I just shut down their magic circuit. I'll even turn them back on after the war.

"However, my friend was wrong you can game the system which allowed me to ensure we have a seat unfortunately as you can tell that didn't quite work as planned seeing as Zachary seals is now yours. Probably due to you being stronger mage. My guess is that you accidentally summoned Astolfo do to your immense energy and having tracked his catalyst into your room but that's beyond the point what is the point is that a certain amount of servant needed to die to power the so called Holy Grail."

"But don't worry a servant was only going to make thing easier I am an exorcist I can counter a mage. You yourself can take them to trust me. Most of them were subpar. You can take them with ease. So all you need to do is stay low till I deal with them. Ill bang this out in a week two tops if they scatter right."

"However, I personally think the safest place is with us. If you object to it though. I'll try to draw as much as attention as possible. But you still need to keep your head down. If they locate you, they might start pining for you. Which means they might go after your teammates. ...oh your voice. Sorry about that." As he snapped his finger returning Zatanna voice.

"Thank you."

"Like I said ain't no saint. at least in the Catholic sense. I'm doing it for the prestige. Thank your cousin if anything. Or don't his ego immense as is. But enough of that your decision, please."

"I think my team will be suspicious if I left. I might just end up dragging them deeper into it."

"Fair point don't worry. like I said I'll be done in no time at all. Sorry about the voice stealing and all I just wanted to get it out of the way."

"Thank you, Zachary."




"Bye have a nice day," chirped out Astolfo The last voice brought up a troubling point for Zatanna. As Mason powered down the conversation.

"Um, do you mind freeing me?"

"Sure," smiled out Zatanna. All to confident that the young man smile was a farce for a deviant. No, she has the upper hand she won't be played like any of his past conquests. sniahC esaeler.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. Now some ground rules. One don't leave this room with—"

" But I'll be bored."

"Unfortunately, I can't explain to my team—"

"What does your team do by the way? Your other friend an exorcist are you an exorcist? Wait what a Protestant?"

"A team of crime fighters. He is not. An off sec of Catholicism."

"A sec like monks?"


"Is your cousin a monk?"


"Do you have a monk on your team?"


"This is cute." Proclaimed Astolfo holding up some of Zatanna clothes. Now on the other side of the room."

"Focus please."



"Sitting!" Saluted Astolfo now cross legged on the floor. To the aggravation of Zatanna

"I'm not supposed to have other people here."

"I'm not a person Im a ghost. Well, technically I'm a ghost. Am I a ghost, or an incorporeal na. Yea, I am a ghost," Declared Astolfo breaking off his ramble confident in his ghostly presence.

"That's not the point. The point is, you're here."

"Aren't you a witch? Can't I pass as a spirit or familiar?"

"No, I'm a magician, not a witch. I don't use spirits or familiars."

"Fair point but why can't we go on vacation."

"Because it not like me. They'll be suspicious if I did. Besides, there's plenty of books for you to read. Wait, you can read modern English."

"Yeah, it's all up here." Motioned Astolfo to his head. "But your friends are still a bunch of stiffs."

"I'm sorry Astolfo bu―." Chills ran down her spine as she was embraced by a sincere hug unbeknownst to her.

"It's alright master! Astolfo shall heed your request. on my honor as the prince of England I shall help you however way I can to secure your father safe return."

"But despite his touching proclamation Zatanna was to focus on the slightest graze she felt on her arm to truly take his words to heart. Thinking his speech and embrace nothing more but a ploy but it matters very little in her mind a week or two tops.,"Thank you Astolfo."

"Mason are you alright," Zachary said with concern.

"Great. it just using magic weirds me out. Hey, you can come out now Chevalier."

"Understood. I simply wish not to hinder you, master."

"No hindrance," smiled out Mason. Besides, I like knowing where my ass is when around a Frenchy's. Not knowing is the second most common way for a man to be violated only dropping a water bottle in San Fran is more dangerous. Oh, come on I'm just pulling your leg Chevalier." laughed Mason as he socked d'Eon in the arm.

d`Eon only reply was a soft nod.

Mason mood now hitting an all time high turned his attention to Zachary. "Hey, Zack are you sure you want to come."

"Don't worry I can handle myself just fine," "the greatest teen 'magician' assured cockily.

"Never said you couldn't did I. Fine then hurry up will get lunch and then begin are hunt."

"Alright, I'll start the car." Proclaimed Zachary as he began his hunt for Mason key. Unaware they were still on his person.

"You ready Chevalier."

"Lead the way I'll follow you anywhere."

"I'm not talking about the war. I'm talking about eating we're going to a place where chairs are meant to hold up 300lb. your so small you might just get flatten if you are not careful. Watch out you don't want to be known as the legendary hero who died via Alabamians.

"I believe I'll manage, proclaimed d'Eon as he maintained his composure."

"Cool now put on the clothes." However, this caused d'Eon to hesitate looking at the cloth Mason was now pointing to the laid out a red Pendleton, cargo pants with a side of hush puppies. "Jesus are you really cringing at the prospect at wearing simple clothes. Why must you reinforce stereotypes? I'll tell you why because they're true des—"

"Put on the clothes please or else he won't stop bitching Bitching.—"

"Who bitching g—"

"You're really going to talk about st—"

"I just said stereotypes are true me reinforcing proves me truer!"

"Truer not a real world."

"Of course truer a real—"

"Oh, boo hoo is the li—"

"You're turning into someone who―"

"This conversation going nowhere I'm dressed let's go," cried out d'Eon as he left.

"Man, what a stereotypical little French twink. ...Amazing I already like him more." which promoted Zachary to shove past him to the car. "What I never said who I liked him more than. ...Though it is you," whispered Mason at the end following obviously the two greatest people to walk the earth.


November 13

8 days till full moon