AN: Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the wonderful reviews. I'm not sure this chapter is quite as good, but it is what it is. The first part of the is M-rated.

Chapter 2

Elizabeth pushed her cabin door open and crossed the threshold, Henry followed, linked to her by loosely intertwined fingers. He pushed the door shut and Elizabeth moved the few steps to the middle of the room and pulled the string attached to the light bulb on the ceiling. Dim light filled the small room. Henry reached up and pulled it again letting everything fall back into the shadows. "I don't want anyone to have reason to come knocking on the door," he murmured. He moved in behind her, pushing her hair to the side so he could kiss her neck. Already, there was a steady current of energy pulsing through her. She let her head fall to the side giving him better access.

"Is it crazy that I'm nervous?" she whispered into the darkness.

Henry turned her around to face him. "Not crazy at all. I'm nervous too.' He placed a soft kiss on her lips and smiled against her. "You are everything. I want you to know that."

Elizabeth swallowed the lump in her throat. "I've never felt so connected to anyone else, ever." She moved her hands from his upper arms to the hem of his shirt, tugging it up and over his head. She dropped it on the floor at his feet. His skin was still damp from their swim and she moved her fingers nimbly over his chest, placing a kiss over his heart.

Henry hummed with anticipation. He pulled her shirt over her head and unclasped her bra, letting it fall off her arms and landing on the floor between them. He sucked in a breath, when she stepped back and let her shorts fall to the floor, standing naked bathed in moonlight before him. Henry unfastened his own shorts and gave them a shove past his hips, taking his boxers with them.

Henry moved to her pressing himself flush to her body. She gasped and quivered under his touch. His hands moved her hips and she snaked her hands up his chest and neck to up his face. She angled him down to meet her lips. Elizabeth was suddenly much more timid now than she'd ever been in the past. She kissed him softly,

"What's wrong babe?" Henry asked.

"I want it to be good. I want to be good for you." Elizabeth shifted her eyes away from him.

"I thought you assured me that you were good," he tickled her side and she squirmed under his touch.

"We'll call that wine bravado," she smiled wryly. "Not that I think I'm bad or anything."

"How about we just be who we are," Henry said. He brushed his fingers across her cheek and she looked up at him wide eyed. He lowered his lips to meet hers and she parted hers to take him in. His tongue explored her mouth as it had many times before, only this time, his hands worked their way up her body lighting a fire in Elizabeth everywhere they touched. She moved Henry backwards toward the bed and pushed him down on it. He looked up and grinned at her as she climbed on top of him. Her lips met his again in a heated exchange. Henry squeezed her ass and she moaned into his mouth, rocking her hips into his thigh, pushing his erection into her abdomen.

Henry moaned the loss as Elizabeth pulled away from his mouth, trailing kisses down his chest and stomach. As she made her way down his body on her exploration, she captured his erection in the valley between her breasts. The supple skin stroking his dick nearly sent him over the edge. "Oh God, E-liz-a-b-" he managed to get out before she was back up near his face, sucking on his lower lip.

"You called?" she asked, her voice low and laced with desire.

"You feel so good," Henry rasped. "I love you."

"I love you," Elizabeth murmured into his ear before she was back down his body once again. She pushed his legs apart with her knee and settled between them.

"What are-you don't-Oh my God," Henry cried out when she put her mouth on him, alternating between broad strokes of her tongue on his shaft and darting licks of his tip, he pre-cum oozing out on her tongue.

"You taste good," she said, pulling off. Henry was in the middle of an incoherent daze. It was an onslaught of sensations that he couldn't sort out, other than knowing he'd never felt this good in his life. She pulled herself back up his body. "I need you in me Henry, please," she begged. Henry kissed her and shifted his legs so that she straddled him. He took hold of his dick and pumped it a few times before running it through her arousal, coating himself with her juices.

"It's all you babe," he said, lining himself up. She sucked in a deep breath as she slid his tip in her opening, then after a few seconds, she pushed herself the rest of the way down and cried out. The stretch was painful, but it felt good and ignited a fire within Elizabeth that she didn't know existed. She tilted her hips, taking him in deeper before she pulled back up and repeated the maneuver. Henry turned his attention to her breasts, kneading them and rolling her nipples in his fingers. She arched her back

"Don't stop," She swiveled her hips and rode him hard, placing her hands on his chest for balance. When she was close, she moved a hand to her clit and started to rub tiny circlest. As soon as Henry realized what she was doing, he pulled her hand back and replaced it with his own. "Are you close?" she managed to get out. He nodded. "Press harder," she commanded and he did. He felt her walls start to seize up. Instinctively, Elizabeth reached around and massaged Henry's balls They came together, her clamping him in place and him filling her with his semen.

When they had ridden out their orgasm, she slumped against Henry's chest. "That was pretty good," she mumbled against his chest.

"If that was just pretty good, excellent will probably kill me," Henry said, smirking. She kissed him again and relaxed against his now sweaty chest.


Bright morning sunlight poured in through the small windows of the cabin, Henry opened his eyes and smiled at the feeling of Elizabeth draped over him. He sighed. Last night had been good. Better than good actually. She loved him. He smiled at the thought. Henry shifted his arm out from under her to check his watch. "Shit! Elizabeth, babe. We have to get up. It's almost 8 o'clock."

Elizabeth's eyes flew open. "Are you serious? Shit!" She rolled off of him and pulled her suitcase out from under the bed and dug through it quickly finding new clothes to wear.

Henry slipped his clothes back on from the day before, and took a drink from a bottle of water at the end of her bed, rinsing his mouth. "I guess this will have to do," he said, running his hand through his hair. "How bad is it?" he asked.

She shrugged, "Not terrible." Elizabeth pulled her own hair back into a ponytail and dug in her toiletries case and pulled out her toothbrush, put a dab of toothpaste on it and took the water bottle from Henry. She brushed her teeth and then stepped outside to spit. She dumped some water on the toothbrush and offered it to Henry. He gave her a disgusted look. "You've had your tongue in my mouth, but you're being weird about this?"

"Point taken," he said taking the brush from her. He brushed and spit outside as well. "Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah. Are you ready to do the walk of shame?" she grinned at him.

"I wouldn't want to walk it with anyone else." He stopped her from leaving. "I probably won't get to see you again today. So, let me kiss you before we go." He stepped in close and kissed her thoroughly, leaving her flushed and short of breath. "Now, we can go."

They walked across camp together hand in hand and entered the main building at 8:10. "Nice of you to join us Miss Adams. Mr. McCord." Everyone turned and stared, but they both smiled and sat down with the group. They listened to the lecture and were given their assignments for the last day. For the first time all week, Elizabeth and Henry were placed in the same group. Their task was to work on building a ranger station at the edge of the nature preserve. They worked with the other people in their group and returned to the main building late in the afternoon to find that once they had dinner, the evening would be free to pack and take some leisure time. Everyone was excited and had gathered together to chat. Henry was chatting with a small group of guys, when he stuck his hands in his pockets while leaning back against the wall. Feeling something unusual, he pulled it out only to realize too late what it was.

Across the room, Elizabeth was sitting at a table filled with girls, waiting for dinner to be served. She was listening to a conversation a couple girls were having when there was an uproarious amount of laughter from the guys' group across the room. She looked up to find Henry in the center of it, a deep shade of crimson. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets and looked more embarrassed than she'd ever seen anyone before.

It took her a second, but then she figured out what must have happened. It only took her three seconds to cross the room, "Hey handsome! I think you have something of mine." She wrapped her hand around his neck and pulled him down to kiss him. She dug her free hand into his pocket and fished out the panties and shoved them into her own. "Thanks for holding those for me," she murmured against his lips. Turning to the rest of the guys, she said, "What can I say? Religion majors are hot!."

It was announced that dinner was being served. Elizabeth laced her fingers into Henry's and pulled him into the quickly forming dinner line leaving the guys standing in stunned silence for a full minute before one by one they shuffled into the end of the line.

"You didn't need to do that." Henry whispered into her ear. He stood at her back with his arms loosely wrapped around her waist.

'Well, it was kind of my fault. I expected you to find them last night or this morning when you were by yourself, but then you didn't end up going back to your cabin or changing clothes, so-" she shrugged. "Let's eat." They got their food, sat down together, ate quickly, and left as soon as they could, excited about spending their free evening together.

After taking a long walk through the camp and the local preserve, thankful for the somewhat cooler 80℉ temperatures, they ended up back at the dock, staring at the cool water. "What's this going to look like when we go back?" Elizabeth finally asked. "I wasn't planning on having a committed relationship when I returned from Spring Break."

'I think, or at least I hope, it will look like it did before we left, maybe with some extra curricular activities thrown in." Henry leaned into Elizabeth bumping her shoulder and she looked up at him and grinned. "As for the summer, I don't know. I already have a research internship lined up at home."

Elizabeth sighed, "Yeah, I've already promised my aunt that I'll work at the horse farm." She paused, staring at her lap and the she finally spoke, quietly," Three months is a long time Henry."

"It will seem that way, but we can do it. We will do it. Maybe a three day weekend here and there."

"Holidays?" she asked. Henry nodded.

"Maybe even a roadside motel tryst halfway in between Pittsburgh and Charlottesville." Henry murmured before placing kisses along her jaw. She giggled and turned her mouth to him, allowing Henry to kiss her. "I'll scope a few places out on my way home next time," he said.

"We're going to last, right? Tell me we're going to last. I don't want to lose you." Elizabeth looked at him with a longing desperation in her eyes. He knew that it was connected to the loss of her parents.

"We'll last. I promise. We're meant to be together. Always."