
By: Csi-Panther

Pairing: Barbara X Strickler

Summary: not much of 1 just a thought I had going through my mind.

A/N: I don't own Trollhunters or its characters. And I also didn't know what else to call this.

It had started out as small things, Walt noticed.

It was some months after Young Atlas, Ms. Nunez, Nomura, Merlin, and the surviving Trolls of Trollmarket left Arcadia. He of course was now a full troll, who could fly, and hide his wings when he wanted and could no longer go out during the day, but that didn't stop his and Barbara's new friends, the Nunez's, Nana; which is what she insisted that they all call her, Toby, Arrgghhh!, Darci, Mary, even Eli and Steve from coming over to Barbara's and his place to visit and to hear from Young Atlas and Ms. Nunez's day or night or if they had yet to make it to New Jersey safely. Nana would even bring Dictatious with her, she had finally figured out where her poor kitty's had been disappearing too and didn't trust him to watch the house, though how he could, was beyond him as the fool still hadn't gotten used to being blind.

One day as said group was visiting, he was just returning from his basement room; the safest place for him during the day, he had just finished putting the little beasts to sleep in the cradle stone. 1 of very few things he and Barbara had to deal with was getting them to sleep, they had yet to figure how to get the babies out of the stone or if they can even be taken out, she had asked Young Atlas to ask Merlin if they could take them out, but the old wizard wouldn't give a straight answer.

It seems that they didn't need to worry about them not having bottles to be fed and there for didn't need their diapers changed, it was like Angor Rot's immobile spell, but they could move and not need any nourishment, just put to sleep every few hours and entertained.

He noticed that everyone was being lively, well, almost everyone. He noticed that Barbara was less lively and seemed to be distracted, she was biting her bottom lip in a worrying way and saw that she had barely touched her coffee, which he hoped that someone else had made, he loved this woman with all his heart and soul, but her cooking? That he could most defiantly live without. He grew even more concerned when he walked up behind her and gently placed his clawed hands to her shoulders and she jumped, she never jumped when he touched her, not even when she was deep in thought like she was a second ago.

Her jumping caught the others attention to them.

" Is everything alright Barbara? " Mr. Nunez asked Walt's unasked question.

" Yes! Yes of course. Walt just startled me is all. Rough day at the hospital. " she answered quickly.

Walt frowned as he, and he was sure Dictatious and Arrgghhh! could smell her lying. He decided to wait until they all left before confronting her about it.

" So, how's it going with the 1,000 or so babies? " Mary asked.

" Still rather well actually. " Walt answered her as he took a seat next to Barbara, his right wing coming out and wrapping around her form, shielding her completely from view of the others, making the women giggle at the sight, they made it an inside joke that Walter was shielding her from the world.

" You're only saying that because you don't have to feed and change them. Wait until we find a way to get them out of there! " Barbara teased, back to herself, if only a bit.

" Please don't joke like that! If all of them come out at once, we wouldn't know where to put them! The house isn't big enough! Besides, I'd rather we just take care of my familiar alone. " Walt replied back, the glim in his yellow eyes showing that he was partially joking, he wouldn't mind taking care of his familiar and just his familiar. Though he's pretty sure Barbara would want to keep a few more than just the 1.

" Like how do you know which 1 is your familiar, Mr. Strickler? " Mary asked.

" It's the 1 with black hair and green eyes. " Walt answered.

" Walt, there's at least 200 of those babies that look like that! " Barbara joked.

" Actually, it's a 169 of those little beasts that look like that. And like Not Enrique, I know my familiar when I see him, it's part the bond we share with them. Even if they are out of the Darklands. " he replied with a smirk, crossing his arms over his exposed chest.

Time skip

It was a few minutes after the last guest left, Walt helped Barbara clean up. As he picked up another dish, he turned to her as she turned the light off,

" Barbara? " he began, waiting until she turned to turn him in question, " is everything alright? " he continued, walking towards her.

" Of course it is Walt. Why wouldn't it be? " she answered, trying to be nonchalant, but Walt saw through it and she knew it when he raised his eyebrow at her in a ' don't pull that on me ' look.

Sighing, she replied, " It's really nothing Walt, I promise. " she replied.

Putting a gentle clawed hand under her chin, he turned her to him, " You'd tell me if it becomes something more. Won't you? " he said in a gentle tone, but his eyes were serious and filled with both concern and worry for her.

" I promise. I'm just a little stressed from work is all. " she said, putting a gentle hand to his in a reassuring manner, giving it a gentle squeeze and giving him 1 of her kind and sweet smiles before taking her load of dishes to the kitchen, but stopped when his hand was on hers,

" Here, let me take those. You go upstairs, take a nice bath and relax. " he said, taking her dishes and adding them to his, going on to the kitchen like they didn't weigh anything in his hand, which, she reasoned, really didn't weigh anything to him as he was way stronger in this form. He could easily lift her up with just his finger if he wanted.

" You sure? " she asked.

" Of course. " he replied turning to her and giving her 1 of his own gentle smiles, 1's that he only reserved for her and Jim, though his smiles for Jim were different than the 1's he gave to the boy's mother.

Barbara returned it, moving a stray hair from her face to behind her ear before turning and locking the front door, a habit she had taken to doing since Jim had left, though he told her there was no need for it as he would hear anything coming a mile away, figuratively speaking of course as his senses were greater than any animal's.

Placing the dishes into the dishwasher, he could hear Barbara upstairs, moving around in her room, her dresser drawers open and close, going from her room to the bathroom, the water filling the tub, smell 1 of her new bath bombs she got after seeing it on T.V. 1 time, it was a simple 1, (sniff) Lilac and (sniff) rain. A wonderful combination, 1 that mixed well with her natural scent of after-rain and morning dew.

He heard her began to remove her clothes and decided that now was a good time to ignore any further sounds from upstairs and listen to the 1's outside as he turned off all the lights, making sure that all the windows were shut and locked, the doors shut and locked. Looking out of the back-kitchen window, he saw and heard a large figure move about. Smiling knowingly, Walt went to the window and opened it, he stuck his head out and called out,

" Arrgghhh! Go back to young Tobias, the house is as safe as can be. "

Arrgghhh! had taken to checking the area around the house after making sure his own new dwelling was safe in the months that he, Toby, Steve, Eli, and just recently, Darci and Mary had taken to doing the night patrols in Jim and Claire's absence. Walt himself had taken to training them as well, showing them the ropes and what to do if they came in contact with any of the Darklands creatures that were more than likely still roaming about. Seems that the children had a better knack for the fighting and defending lessons than school lessons.

" Home safe? " Arrgghhh! asked in confirmation.

" Yes. Home safe. Now go back to your home. "

" Jim Mother safe too? "

" Yes. She's upstairs. Now go before someone sees you. "

Arrgghhh! nodded his head and went back to his new home.

Walt chuckled lightly at his antics before turning around, he tuned into the upstairs and heard Barbara's light snores in her room. Knowing that she was asleep and safe, he closed the window, locked it, went to the door and slipped outside. He walked out into the yard and jumped up to the roof, taking visual over the property.

Time skip

The next time he noticed that something was wrong was how perturbed she was.

He confronted her again, she gave the same answer, he tried to push it, but she got upset and stormed off to her room and hadn't spoken to him again for almost a week.

Then 1 night she came home in a rush and didn't even say a word to him as she went straight to the bathroom. He heard the running water soon after and went up to see what was wrong, it took everything in him not to break the door down to see what was bothering her so much, he could smell her distress, disgust, even a hint of both fear and anger. His instincts told him to go in and comfort her and at the same time to go and destroy whatever was causing these emotions in the woman that he loved more than the world.

She said she was fine, he didn't believe her, but didn't try to push it again, fearing that she wouldn't talk to him again after they had just got back to talking after that first fight.

So this night, he was going to surprise her. He took to the air and flew to the hospital, avoiding the cameras, he donned a glamour mask and waited by her car. He texted her, saying that he was checking on her, she replied that she was fine and that she was heading out the door.

' Perfect. ' he thought, sneaking into the shadows and continued to wait. And wait. And wait. He was about to go and get her himself when the doors opened and out she came with a man about the same age as her. The man had dark hair with blonde ends, brown eyes, was about the same height as Walt in human form at least and muscular, but his muscles were nothing compared to that of a full-grown troll or even to a youngling troll.

He looked be a nurse or a doctor in training. He also looked to be giving his Barbara a hard time as she was just trying to get away from him and to her car.

" Max, I appreciate your concern, but I promise you, I am very capable of getting to my car on my own, now could you please let me go?! "

" But Babs… " he began but was interrupted by Walt clearing his throat.

" Barbara? Is everything alright? " he asked, coming out of the shadows, a calm face in place, but Barbara could see that he was just waiting for Max to make 1 wrong move before he attacked him.

" Walt, what are you doing here? I thought you were at the house? " she asked, trying, and he knew she was, to distract him from attacking the man behind her, who still had his hand on her wrist, though he could see that it wasn't in a tight grip.

" Well I decided to take walk earlier and found myself here. And since it was so close to your time to leave, I thought I surprise you. " he answered casually, though he still kept his eyes on the man until he finally let her wrist go.

" Babs? " Max asked, flinching when Walt glared at him, he took a step back further from Barbara.

" Max. This is my boyfriend, Walter Strickler. Walt, this is my friend Max. He was just escorting me to my car. " Barbara introduced, moving to Walt's side, he wrapped 1 arm around her shoulders and stuck the other out to shake Max's hand.

He noticed Max try to put a little extra strength in the shake, which he returned, only his made Max flinch a little.

" Quite the grip you got there. " Max commented.

" Yes well I do try to take care of myself. Keeps the young 1's on their toes. " Walt joked though his smile didn't reach his eyes as the tension in the parking lot kept getting more thick, Walt could cut it with 1 of his hidden daggers at his waist.

" Thanks again Max for walking me out. Walt can take it from here. " Barbara said, pulling gently at Walt's arm toward her car.

" Yeah. See ya tomorrow Babs. " Max replied, rubbing the back of his neck and looking around the lot before going back inside, his action not unnoticed by Walt, who wondered if it was someone else he should be concerned about being around his beautiful Barbara. Or if he was just making sure no one else was around so he could try something as they were leaving. If he did, he'll be in for a surprise. A surprise in the form of an angry changeling turned full troll who would do anything in his power to protect the woman beside him.

Here's the 1st ch. Let me know what ya think. I might make it M rated later