Disclaimer: The Characters in this fanfiction and the worlds in which they exist don't belong to me and no profit is made from this work. I'm just having fun playing in their sandbox. :P

A Harry Potter / KHR / WET / American Gods / Assassin's creed / FF15 / Venture Bros. / Dead Like Me Multi-Crossover

What Happens on the Road Trip...

by Mage-Alia

Male bonding

Plenty of things happened on the road trip. Accidents, incidents and chaos.

Here's a look at what happens when the responsible ones got out and leave the boys to their own devices... A little bit more about Shadow and Hank. XD

It was a warm evening.

Arizona had a lot of dry empty desert and the town where they'd stopped for the night was just more of the same.

Citing the need for a drink, Rubi had ventured to the nearest bar. She'd been joined by Laura and George, the former of which had desired to get out of the vicinity of the car which she likened to a coffin or a sardine can given how many people were packed into it these days.

Although that did mean that the male contingent had been left to their own devices.

Desmond had finally been deemed proficient enough to stay as Harry's body guard in Rubi's place. He'd felt pretty good about that, so it figured that they'd immediately find ways to get in trouble.

Well, for a given measure of trouble.

The moment he'd realized it was a boy's night in Hank had given in to his childish impulses and declared it a slumber party. Shadow had nope'd out of that pretty quick, retreating to the other side of the room with a book as Hank had cracked out a bag of potato chips and a deck of cards. Three rounds of Losing poker hands later Harry had switched it for a deck of exploding snap. And while primarily activated by magic, they quickly figured out how to substitute flames to activate the firecracker effect .

Shadow had joined back in when he'd seen them, fascinated by the magic.

They'd played, laughing and shouting until the hotel staff came knocking two hours later and demanded they keep it down. That had killed the mood pretty effectively for nearly twenty minutes while they sat sprawled across their room. They'd made a token attempt to find a movie on the TV before Desmond's rapidly bouncing leg had stopped.

"Heeyyy ... Harry ... " He drawled deliberately.

"Yeesss Desmond?"

"Do you want to spar? "

Harry stilled.

Across the room shadow locked up, interested, And Hank turned to them wide eyed.

"Sparring?" Harry queried and his cloud shrugged. His leg resumed it's bounce.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm bored, and way to wired up to be watching movies. So, you know, spar with me."

It had been a while. Harry considered the offer. None of them were lacking in fighting experience, one of the most effective ways to experiment with their powers had been combat. That said, Hank hadn't exactly sat in on any of their sparing matches yet either. But his sense of childish excitement had him perking up with interest none the less.

Harry managed to resist the offer for all of a minute before he relented.

He was bored too.

"Alright, we can find a place out back, but we gotta text Rubi first or she'll freak out."


Desmond was already putting his phone away and grabbed his leather roll from the bedside table. Harry just rolled his eyes and got to his feet while Shadow shrugged on a jacket. Hank took a little longer. He usually wore this my is ridiculous onesie he'd found in a walmart bargain bin that reminded him of his brother as pajamas and had been wearing them since he'd declared the whole slumber party part.

He was still hitching up his pants when they locked up and left.

Shadows application of mist had curious eyes looking away as effectively as any notice me not and they found an empty park not far away. Desmond, almost bouncing with glee, vanished between one step and the next and left the remaining three staring at the still park.

Harry sighed. It was going to be one of those fights.

"Hey! where'd he go?" Hank was on guard immediately as Harry shook out his arms and legs, cocked his head to the side and listened for the tells of his cloud's presence. Shadow gave his own gravely laugh. With his hands in his pockets you'd never guess that he was just as wary.

"Desmond has been trained as an Assassin." be informed the Lightning. "While Rubi is a much more traditional example of a self taught mercenary Desmond has some rare traits that let him experience his past lives or possibly those of his blood relatives. Either way, he can take what he see's in those dreams and apply them to reality... with some practice."

Abruptly Harry threw himself forward just in time to avoid a dark shape that took a flying leap off a nearby tree.

"Oh man, this is giving me flashbacks. " Hank breathed out, looking a little bit green and not because of his flames. He'd been assassinated once or twice. Not to mention he could remember Brock's strange assassin girlfriend trying to kill him in the guise of training (Never mind that he'd been crushing on the woman so hard he'd kept hurting himself trying to impress her.)

Shadow just chuckled as they watched the sparing match turn into a back and forward game of keep away.

"They're a bit of a bad match." Shadow admitted. "Des tends to stay at range, parrying and countering when confronted and works better with the element of surprise. He's more precise and agile than strong and his style is very much fight so you can run away."

And their assassin did just that breaking line of sight on his opponent and vanishing again.

"What about Harry? " The blonde drifter turned his attention to the leader of their ragtag group, and Shadow 'hurm'ed.

"He's an interesting one." The bigger man rocked on his needs a little. The green eyed veteran was a strange one, and still a bit of a mystery. He had his magic, even if he didn't use it anymore except through pre-enchanted items like his playing cards.

"He used to be a long range fighter, but he can't use those skills right now, as far as I know he's been learning hand to hand from Rubi and Des to make up for it. Plus, he cheats to keep track of Des. Although, Des cheats too. If you're not cheating you're not trying."

Harry could feed any of them nearby. It was something he'd picked up early on. An instinctual sense of their flames. Shadow himself, had noticed him using it and quietly prodded him into training it. Harry hadn't wanted to use it, he'd thought it was magic and part of him feared being tracked by the wizards even after all this time. He kept his flames leashed as tight as his magic, but the sheer strength couldn't be hidden, not entirely, and he was glad for it. Shadow had been on an endless march since the end of the war. Aimless, adrift, carried on by the faith of other gods and Laura, an iteration of something... new. Even among the new gods of America.

But running across Harry, Rubi and Desmond had left him with the feeling there could be more. He'd rubbed the silver coin in his pocket, the little silver namesake whispering to him in the voice of a girl. (He'd never regret giving Laura the sun. He'd always preferred the more patient, non-judgemental company of the moon anyway.) She'd murmured of peace, kindness and death, of turmoil and purpose. And he'd investigated. Discovered the flames, the watchers and when you believed it hard enough, even the most outlandish dreams could come true.

strong em (A dream of falling snow becomes a misty glimmer of indigo flame.) /strong /em

And in spite of Laura's fears he'd taken the plunge, getting to know the little god that shone with orange light...

-Beside him Hank gave a short scream as Desmond landed on an illusion of Shadow that he'd replaced himself with a while ago.

The assassin came crashing to the dirt and cursed as he recovered.

"Try it again Kid." He laughed from by the playground equipment while Hank gasped for breath, still more than a little surprised. The blonde did start to move toward the clone on the other side of the lawn but an invisible hand stopped him in his tracks as suddenly the clear area wasn't clear anymore. People, or the shades of people meandered around them as the dark playground became a day time bazaar. People picked out of their minds, random faces and a few strangers in bumblebee costumes with numbers pinned to their chests started going around in a familiar kind of scene that made Hank laugh and feel the tiniest bit homesick at the same time.

"Come on."

Shadow's heavy hand felt a lot like Brock's as he steered him into the illusory mass of humanity.

"Lets go see what you're good at."

The key scratched in the lock and the girls fell into the room.

They did have rooms of their own, but they were looking for the boys who'd left them an unusual string of texts over the last three hours. Eventually they'd given up on the idea of relaxing when the last two had been "Oh god oh god what's happening?!" followed by "Oh, we're fine now, see you when you get back."

So when they went to unlock Harry's room they weren't expecting anything to be okay. (Things Liked to go sideways where their Boss was concerned.)

But instead they found Harry, Desmond and Shadow playing 'Go fish' while Hank was hogtied on the bed.

Harry was the first to react, immediately waving to them.

"Oh hey, wanna join the game?" he asked, completely unconcerned, but Rubi just held up her phone.

"Explain. " The boys looked at each other then sagged under the combined stares of the girls.

Harry just sighed .

"Turn's out Hank's soul is a little bit loose." he admitted.

George turned a gimlet eye of her own on the hogtied man.

"What? Does it wiggle in its socket or something?" her eyebrows rose when Harry wiggled his hand back in a "kinda" gesture.

"So what happened?" She asked as Laura went to prod him.

"Well me and Harry were sparing."Desmond admitted, he'd sent the first text after all. "And when Shadow joined in he called up all these bystanders for us to practice with." Rubi nodded along. It was pretty normal for them. Even if it was just illusions it helped with many of their more lethal skills and Shadow needed the practice.

"l used some shades from Hank." the older man shrugged out of his involvement.

"And then what?"

The three looked at each other.

"Then Hank absorbed one."

The girls all turned to look at Hank who struggled at the attention.

"He managed to make contact with a red haired woman with an eye patch that got sucked into his hand before he started hitting himself screaming 'Niet Hank! Niet!' over and over."

Now they were all staring at Hank, who muttered a few more filthy words in Russian around his gag.

George finally rolled her eyes and marched over. Her blue fire rising as she wrapped it around one hand, grabbed Hanks face and pulled. A ghost of the guardian was yanked half way out looking startled before her other hand poked the body in the forehead causing a second shade to pop loose. Even as Hank was dropped unceremoniously back into his body the others all turned their attention to the second spirit.

It was a thin red haired woman with a red and black cat suit that was open in the front and a heart shaped parch over one eye. Her mouth was still spitting expletives even as her form broke apart and vanished.

"Ohh kaay."

Rubi drawled uncrossing her arms and looking away from the spectacle as George went on to untie the Lightning guardian. "How much did I drink ? "

"Not enough. "Laura responded. Her hands already going for her cigarettes as Rubi went to raid the mini-fridge.

Behind them, now mostly forgotten behind the bed. Hank stared up at the ceiling and giggled perversely to himself.

"Hehee. Boobies."

He was still a little boy at heart.


After being killed so many times and technically being reloaded into his body Hank has a very... tenuous grip on his life at best. Sometimes if he comes across a strong enough spirit or impression, he can absorb it and start acting like them. basically a possession. Which, as far as the Venture bros. cannon went, is actually cannon. So as far as a supernatural skill goes, it's appropriate. At the end there George Shows off the ability I've had in mind for her since the beginning. Since her cannon ability is to bump souls out of their bodies to spare them the pain of dying, exposure to Harry and the properties of her rain flames has given her a much better control, to the point where she can choose to pop out souls of the people who's time isn't up and sometimes even put them back in. It doubles down on the "Don't touch the rain" warning. XD

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