He said he was a doctor. So I told him I was a nurse. Isn't that what you say when you flirt the night away with a belly full of alcohol and meds? OOC, AU.

Characters: Anastasia Steele, Kate Kavanagh, Christian Grey.

DISCLAIMER: Characters from the Fifty Shades Trilogy belong to EL James. I feel I have used some (plot/scenes) parts from two other stories but for the life of me I can't remember which ones (I've read too many books in the last 18 months!)


* This is a story of three parts.

* It is most definitely OOC, AU.

* A bit hot and heavy at times.

* Mild BDSM themes, sexual content, and vulgar reference to complex carbohydrates.

* I will not continue this story once the three chapters are uploaded.




"One and only, one Mister Doctor."

-Anastasia Steele, prior downing ten shots back to back.

JEANS AND CHUCKS were no longer my go to chastity-belt, since I was naked.

The small snores seemed comforting, since they weren't too loud as my head thumped. With my brain in a constant whirlpool of pain I thought it through. The heavy snorts and pants weren't coming from my mouth, rather the very naked man accompanied these snores. This was the worrisome proof of last night's antics.

Snatching the thick white comforter, all I could remember was Mister Doctor, and then the rest goes downhill to a grey fuzz.

Don't panic Ana, it's not like you were a virgin.

My knuckles blanched as I held the comforter tight. I flinched acknowledging my bearings, shit!

Okay, quick. Protect the girls, protect the cooch, protect your soul.

I quickly made a seal around my bare sides and gripped that comforter that little bit tighter around my chin.

What was I, seven years old?

How was a polyester comforter going to protect me? Since it was a little late for that, being buck naked and utterly sore. You know, the soreness in your lady regions?

Golden sunlight with speckles of white lint floated around my tired eyes. I finally gave myself two seconds to check out this mystery man's body, which in hindsight was not the best choice of action. Every weakness broken. Broad shoulders, small waist, muscular ass, and very, very bare, all fucking over.

His rhythmic breathing was hypnotic. In five seconds, out five seconds. Repeat. How much sleep did I actually get because damn, maybe I could just pretend I'm asleep for the rest of the morning and ogle at his bare back and messy locks. Those slight curls, I couldn't decide if they were brown or copper, but I sure could agree his muscles were on every angle and curve of his delicious body.

He could do no wrong. Without a doubt he was a ten. The perfect specimen.

Eat that Kate!

I winced, trying to sit up to get a better view of this ten. Everything fucking hurt. My thighs, my vagina and my god damn ear ached. Who can I blame? My best friends of course, Kate and José, and possibly the naked guy with his ass bare to me too. The plan was an early night with my e-reader with several trashy romances, by chapter four the meds would have kicked in and by eight, I would have snoozed the night away. Instead I was now trying to recall the hazy evening… the night where I got an actual ten. It was loud, late and with a concoction of prescription medications, tequila and some other opaque alcohol. Who knows? Probably more was consumed than I could remember but the thought made my stomach roil.

Oh God.

It throbbed and I needed more meds, which were conveniently located in my medicine cabinet. In my apartment. Inconveniently I was not in my apartment.


I shifted my weight ever so slightly, trying to push myself up on the bed. It was difficult moving away from Mister Doctor's heated skin, ignoring the pang of longing for a brief second—okay it was a fifth attempt. My bra was on the floor in a heap. My panties didn't fare well—completely destroyed. A little ache ran through me as I recalled exactly how they'd wound up that way, but I forced myself to focus on the task. Evacuate unknown apartment.

Okay. I wiggled my hips, and it was possible I could handle this commando. I zipped up my jeans, whipped on my bra and slid on my t-shirt. All I needed were my cell, purse and possibly footwear.

When I opened his bedroom door I was amazed to see I was not a few floors up, rather about twenty. There was a wall of solid glass overlooking the city, well thank god I'm dressed or everyone from the neighboring buildings could have see that debacle of all hips, thighs and ass.

I tip toed to the door as my heart pressed against my chest as my only healthy ear strained, listening for the slightest sign of life. When it remained quiet, I figured I was in the clear and went on the hunt for my chucks.

The first shoe was found in vast open planned sitting area and the other in the granite kitchen. I helped myself to a San Pellegrino, while closing the fridge door I discovered a little notepad and pen. I chewed the inside of my cheek, willing myself not to reach for the pen and scrawl my name and number.

"Why bother," I contemplated, "the highly rated ones never call back. Especially tens."

Then I thought again, the instant connection, the primal need, the damn shots and he honestly thinking I was a nurse. He had a look in his eye that made me feel—wanted—desired—and absolutely lucky.

His deep voice felt like dark chocolate sliding down my throat. Such a delicacy but in need for more satisfaction.

It was perfect.

I didn't want, need a relationship, I wasn't looking for seconds or thirds (even though tempting), I wanted no attachments. So I saw this as a win-win for me. Mister Doctor with rippling abs can be locked away into my memory bank for late night sex. Ok, it's really my solo clit-flick sessions.

Tripping over something, "bingo," I found my much needed cell and purse. I ordered an Uber, and winced at my ear for the hundredth time, I could feel liquid oozing from it. Fuck, I really need to get home and sleep the rest of the weekend away.

Seeing his bedroom door, wondering if there were salutations in situations like this?

Thanks for the bone, I now need to go home?

I chuckled, God no. Besides when was I ever going to see Mister Doctor again?


Betas: Jean and Halo140

I apologise for this chapter being so short. I decided to split the original one-shot into three chapters, since it flowed much better (betas don't judge me please!). Never fear, the next part will be posted in the coming days (this will be a little... steamy). Don't forget to favourite, follow and review. Did you know I have a Pinterest with boards for the majority of my stories, maybe check it out - see my profile page for further information.

If you have any questions or concerns please PM.
