That took a lot longer than I anticipated! Like I said in the first chapter, it took me two weeks to write when I didn't have school to worry about. Took a little over two months this time since I only have time to write on weekends now and even then I don't have time every weekend. Quick updates are simply not possible for me.

Anywhat, first things first! I forgot to mention in the first chapter that this story is also being posted on Wattpad. Luckily when I posted the first chapter on Wattpad I didn't forget to mention that it's also here.

Insert transition here

Time to respond to ya'll's reviews!

Caliban Super Saiyan 0: Thanks dude. Appreciate that. Just the sheer fact of location will change the Ben 10 plotpoints significantly, so you can imagine how different they'll be when they do come up considering all the new parties that will be involved and old ones that won't.

Dan 10 Man: Oh yeah, Ben and Gwen's presence will significantly alter the methods used to reach outcomes, even if they don't alter the outcomes themselves. I do plan on Bill striking a deal with one of Ben's foes but Vilgax is not the one I have in mind. I understand you wanting to see Ben and Mabel together but as I said before this is primarily practice for writing and any ship involving Mabel would severely disrupt future storylines I'd like to take a shot at. And all that is without going into the fact that I don't ship.

Oh hey, that's the only two reviews I got first chapter. Maybe get some more of ya'll to review this time around? If not that's fine too I just want a bit more conductoid feedback.

Some of you may have already noticed that the main body of the story is in a larger font size than this little author's blerb up here. That's because of a mistake I made when writing the chapter that I didn't notice until I transferred it from Word into FanFiction. In Word I usually have the fontsize set to 16 instead of 11 on there and didn't realize that would transfer here. My bad.

For some reason they removed the horizontal line button so I'm just gonna do this to separate the author's notes from the rest of the chapter.

"Are you ready for the ultimate challenge?" Mabel exclaims over the kitchen table, holding a Shakespeare shaped syrup bottle.

"I'm always ready!" Dipper answers, holding up a park ranger shaped syrup bottle.

"Don't forget me!" Ben joins in, holding a generic monster shaped bottle of syrup.

"Then you know what this means!" Mabel smiles competitively.

Both the twins and Ben all yell 'Syrup race!' at the same time as they open their respective bottles and hold them upside down above them, cheering for 'Sir Syrup', 'Mountie Man', and 'Soul Sap-er' respectively.

Mabel, now clad in a lighter purple sweater depicting a heart wearing sunglasses, smacks the bottom of her bottle, much to Dipper and Ben's dismay, allowing her to win with a triumphant "Yes!" before she starts hacking and choking on the syrup. "I won!" she wheezes out between coughs.

Ben simply glares at her while Dipper rolls his eyes and then catches sight of Gwen reading a magazine. He stands up and goes to read over her shoulder. "Ho ho! No way!" Dipper exclaims, noticing a particular add and grabbing the magazine out of Gwen's hands.

"Hey!" Gwen protests, standing up and following Dipper back to the table, "I was reading that!"

"Guys, check this out!" Dipper holding the page with the add open for them to see.

"Human sized hamster balls?" Mabel gasps in excitement at an ad on the other page, "I'm human sized!"

"No no, Mabel," Dipper waves his hand in front of her face to stop her from fantasizing, "this." He points to the article he means, a monster photo contest where you can win a thousand dollars, and last month's winner being what appears to be a well made but obvious suit, "We see weirder stuff than that every day!"

"Sure you do." Gwen pinches the bridge of her nose, "Just like how Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes that abducted Mabel."

"He did!" Mabel slams the table with both her arms at the same time.

"Gwen, you saw Ben turn into that Four Arms, and you saw some of Stinkfly's goo in the parking lot." Dipper argues, "Why don't you believe us about the gnomes?"

"It's way too absurd." Gwen scoffs, "I think you three drove him away somehow and don't want to admit it to anyone."

"I have beard hair!" Mabel shouts, holding up a tuft of gnome hair she has from the gnomes.

"That looks like it came from Mr. Pines, not a gnome." Gwen folds her arms and rolls her eyes in disbelief. "Even if it was real, why would you save it?"

Mabel looks down, unable to answer the question.

It's about now that Stan comes in, yawning while wearing only his undershirt and boxers instead of his trademark suit, holding a newspaper. "Good morning knuckleheads." He smiles suspiciously, "You know what day it is?"

"Happy anniversary?" Dipper guesses, shrugging while holding the magazine.

"Monday?" Gwen asks, not seeing what else it could be exactly.

"Mazel Tov!" Mabel shouts the first thing that comes to mind, waving her arms in the air.

Stan slaps Dipper on the back of the head with the paper before dropping it on the table, "Its Family Fun Day, genius." He opens the fridge and smells a carton of milk to see if it's expired, "We're cutting off work and having one of those, ya know, bonding type deals."

"Mr. Pines, is this gonna be anything like our last 'family bonding day'?" Gwen stares at Stan with accusing eyes as they all share a flashback of when Stan was having the children paint hundred dollar bills and him commenting that they made Benjamin Franklin look like a woman before the police arrive.

Mabel shudders uncomfortably, "The county jail was so cold…"

"Alright," Stan raises his hands in defense, "Maybe I haven't been the best summer caretaker." He walks over to behind Ben where he is standing above all the children at once, "But I swear, today we're gonna have some real family fun. Now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car?!"

Gwen leans away from Stan while the other three cry out with joy…until Dipper catches on to the wording and asks, "Wait, what?"

Meanwhile, the 40 ft tall robot from the alien craft crashes into the ground a few miles away from Gravity Falls. Air is released from various places as it silently sends two hovering UFO shaped drones to scout ahead and cover distance much quicker than it can, following after them at a much slower pace. One of the drones begins to home in on a lake near the town where a large energy reading can be detected.

Back in the town, Stan is attempting to get a signal on the radio in his car while he drives down the road at an alarming rate, the Twins and Ben all sitting in the back while Gwen is in shotgun, all four blindfolded. They hit a speed bump without slowing down, prompting conversation. "Blindfolds never lead to anything good…" Dipper states, hugging his knees against his chest in nervous anticipation.

"Cheer up man," Ben elbows Dipper from his seat, much calmer than either of the Twins, "maybe we're going to a Sumo Slammers convention or something." Gwen facepalms in the front seat upon hearing such an absurd idea.

Mabel, having not been paying attention to anything, starts a whole new train of thought for them. "Wow. I feel like all my other senses are heightened." She starts feeling all over Dipper's face, "I can see with my fingers!"

This continues until they hit another speed bump, causing all of passengers to bounce into the air for a second. "Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blindfold?" Dipper asks, frowning at the possibility.

"Heh." Stan laughs, looking back at Dipper, "Nah, but with these cataracts I might as well be." He looks forward and squints, trying to see something, "What is that? A woodpecker?" The car immediately blows through a barrier on the side of the road and sign on the other side of it, effectively taking an unintended shortcut while all the children scream in surprise!

A twig falls out of the engine of the car as they stand outside it at their destination. "Ok, ok," Stan comes back from where he had gone to do something he wouldn't tell the kids, "Open em up!" They remove their blindfolds to reveal Stan in fishing outfit, wearing a hat full of fishhooks, and carrying several fishing rods under a sign that reads 'Fishing Season: Opening Day'. Behind him is the local lake. "Ta da! It's fishing season!" Stan exclaims excitedly.

"Fishing?" Mabel asks, a concerned and confused look on her face.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Ben grumbles in aggravation, already feeling the boredom creeping in.

"What are you playing at, old man?" Dipper accuses, pointing a finger at his great uncle.

"You're gonna love it!" Stan yells, ignoring their comments and turning to face the lake, "The whole town's out here!"

Down at the lake is the owner of the local Dinner, asking the fish to get in the frying pan she's holding. A photographer takes a picture of a fisherman holding large fish on the pier, who falls into the water after being blinded by the flash. Another family that looks like it might be Wendy's is there as well, the father snapping his son's fishing rod in half, grabbing a fish out of the water, and wrestling with it in the boat while his three sons and a random stranger on another boat cheer him on.

"That's some quality family bonding!" Stan beams at the fun day he has planned for the Twins and the Tennysons.

"Grunkle Stan, why do you wanna bond with us all of sudden?" Dipper asks, folding his arms and complete confusion.

"Why do you even want to bond with me and the doofus at all?" Gwen adds, hands on her hips, "We aren't even related to you."

"C'mon!" Stan encourages, pumping his arm in the air as he walks over to them, "This is gonna be great!" his face drops from enthusiastic to pleading, "I've never had fishing buddies before." He then gets an annoyed look at a memory, "The guys at the lodge won't go with me. They don't 'like or trust me'."

"I think he actually wants to fish with us." Mabel clarifies, turning to her brother.

"Hey! I know what'll cheer you sad sacks up!" Stan takes two hats from behind his back and plops them onto the Twins' heads, "Pow! Pines family fishing hats!" the Twins look at their hats in concern, Dipper's being misspelled 'Dippy' and Mabel's having the E backwards and the L halfway torn off, "That's hand stitching ya know!"

Gwen gives Stan a questioning look, and he misinterprets it as disappointment, "I didn't make any for you two. More of a family thing ya know?"

Stan turns back to address the entire group, "Anyway, it's just gonna be you and me on a boat for ten hours!"

"Ten hours?" Gwen clarifies, disbelief all over her face, "There is no way I'm going out there for ten hours, especially not with this jerk." she shoves her thumb in Ben's direction, "If you need me I'll be on the pier." She walks off to go grab a chair to sunbathe on at the pier.

"Her loss." Stan shrugs, "You guys ready?" he holds up a book from his back pocket, "I brought the joke book!"

"No! NOOO!" Dipper shouts in shock and cringe!

"There's gotta be a way out of this!" Ben states, looking at the other two.

"I seen it!" an old man screams at the pier, "I seen it again!" he goes running across the shore, knocking over everything in his path including a citizen's sub sandwich. He grabs onto one of the fishermen, "The Gravity Falls Gobblewonker! Come quick before it scrab-doodles away!" he throws the man aside and starts dancing of all things.

"Awww!" Mabel holds her hands up by her face, "He's doing a happy jig!"

"Nooooo!" the old man grabs Mabel by the shoulder, "Its a jig of great danger!"

"Hey! Hey!" a lake ranger comes out of the lake cabin holding a spray bottle, scaring the old man away from the trio, "Now what did I tell you about scaring my customers!" he sprays onto the old man like a bad cat, "This is your last warning, dad!"

"I got proof this time, by gumbiddy!" the old man exclaims, shielding his face from the water. That grabs the attention of Dipper, Ben, and Mabel pretty quick. The old man leads everyone to a smashed boat at the end of the pier and yells, "Behold! It's the gobbldywonker that dun did it!"he starts miming the description as he describes it, the actual Gravity Falls police pulling up to the pier as he does so, "It had a long neck like a ge-raf! And wrinkly skin like, like this gentleman right here!" he points at Stan, he is currently digging earwax out of his ear.

"Huh?" Stan hasn't been paying attention until now.

The old man continues, "It chawed my boat up to smitheroons and shimshammed over to Scuttlebutt Island!" he points over to the island in the middle of the lake, then grabs his son and starts pulling, "Ya gotta believe me!"

"Attention all units!" a somewhat short and round police officer in the boat begins, "We got ourselves a crazy old man." Everyone starts laughing at the old man, except his son who just hangs his head in shame, and Ben and the Pines who just watch in somewhat sympathy and somewhat confusion.

"Aw donkey-spittle!" the old man waves his arms up in defeat and walks away saying something about banjo-polish.

"Well that happened." Stan deadpans, less interested and more weirded out. Then he steps into a homemade looking boat titled the Stan-O-War, "Now let's untie this boat and get out on that lake!"

"Guys," Dipper turns to Mabel and Ben with clear excitement in his eyes, "did you hear what that old guy said?!"

"'Aw donkey-spittle!'" Mabel mimics the old man rather well.

"The thing about the monster? What about it? Are we gonna fight it?" Ben asks, his own interest peeked at the possibility of testing out more new monstrous forms!

"Maybe! But all we need is to snag a photo of it. If we can do that," Dipper takes Gwen's magazine from earlier out of his vest and holds it open to the photo contest page, "we could split the prize three ways! Imagine what you could do with over three hundred dollars!"

Mabel turns around and looks into the sky, imagining herself in one of those human sized hamster balls acting condescending to an actual hamster in a hamster ball and then flirting from within the ball at two unrealistically good looking boys staring at her in awe.

Ben on the other hand imagines becoming a world famous monster hunting super hero, with Gwen as grumpy secretary doing all the paperwork that might come with it!

"Guys?" Dipper snaps his fingers in both their faces, "Guys." This snaps them back to reality.

"I am one million percent on board with this!" Mabel exclaims, staring determinedly at her brother.

"I'm in too! I've been wanting to try out this watch again!" Ben adds, pumping up the arm wearing the watch.

Dipper nods and then goes to tell Stan. "Grunkle Stan! Change of plans! We're taking that boat to Scuttlebutt Island and we're gonna find that gobblewonker."

After explaining the new plan the Twins and Ben chant 'monster hunt' in anticipation! Until the old man from before comes running back to chant with them and then leaves sadly when they stop chanting.

Another boat called the S.S. Cool Dude pulls up to the pier honking at them, driven by none other than Soos. "You dudes say somting about a monster hunt?" he asks, leaning over the side.

"Soos!" Mabel yells in happiness.

"What's up, Hambone?" Soos asks, fist pumping the girl and then both making explosion noises. "Dudes, you can totally use my boat for your hunt! It's got a steering wheel! Chairs! Normal boat stuff." he pats the hull proudly.

"Alright, alright," Stan halts the entire exchange, "Let's think this through." He purposely makes himself sound bored, "You kids could go waste your time on some epic monster finding adventure," he changes his tone to sound more excited, "Or you could spend the day learning how to tie knots and skewer worms with you Great Uncle Stan!"

The kids look between eachother unsure, then they all glance at Soos and see him doing the robot for no apparent reason and smile. Then glance back at Stan to see him bouncing his eyebrows and smelling his sweaty armpit and frown in disgust. Then they look over to Scuttlebutt Island and decide their course of action!

"So whaddya say?" Stan confidently asks, expecting them to go with him and being surprised and disappointed to see Soos leaving the dock with all of the kids in tow.

"We made the right choice!" he hears Mabel yelling as they leave him behind for the sake of adventure.

His face twists into dejected anger as he shouts, "Ingrates!" at them and sitting in his boat alone, "Ah, who need's em." He sits down, "I got a whole box of creepy fishing lures to keep me company." He stares down at the fly swarmed lures and shivers, closing the box.

Back on the S.S. Cool Dude Dipper stands on the bow of the boat dramatically, now clad in a life jacket rather than his usual vest. He turns back and commands, "Hoist the anchor!" which prompts Soos and Ben, also wearing life jackets, to work together to do, then he turns to Mabel, wearing one as well, and continues, "Raise the flag!" which she does by holding up a towel depicting the word 'fun' and a sun with sunglasses.

"We're gonna find that gobblewonker!" Mabel exclaims in anticipation as the boat nears the island.

"We're gonna prove it's real and maybe fight it!" Ben adds on, hoping to learn more about the forms in the watch.

"We're gonna win that photo contest!" Dipper finishes for both of them, holding his camera in the air!

"Do any of you dudes have sunscreen?" Soos asks, it just dawning on him that he doesn't.

They all look at eachother for a bit before Dipper pipes up, "We're gonna…go get sunscreen!" and they turn the boat around with a collective 'yay', unaware of the large shape lurking beneath them.

On the way back to the boat from getting sunscreen, they spot Gwen sitting on a bench near the lake, seemingly relaxing and soaking up the sun. Unfortunately for her, Ben is the only one to notice. His face twists into a devilish smile as he sees a fisherman carrying a bucket of live worms heading past them. He quietly snatches one out of the bucket and snickers as he drops it in Gwen's hair while they pass behind her, causing her to scream and freak out!

"Gwen?" Mabel turns around upon hearing the shriek of her friend.

Dipper and Soos turn around pretty quick, the former looking as though he thought she was getting kidnapped by gnomes.

Ben snorts and bends over from laughing so hard. It's about this time that Gwen finally pulls the worm out of her hair, revealing Ben's prank to everyone. She sends him a glare, "Not funny, Ben!" She throws the worm onto the ground and stomps on it.

"You're right, it's not funny." Ben hangs his head, seemingly in remorse. Then his smile grows even wider, "It's hilarious!"

"Oh man, I thought a monster was attacking." Dipper heaves, "I was ready to take a photo and run."

"Photo?" Gwen questions, still glaring at her cousin, "For what?"

"Monster photo contest!" Mabel exclaims, jumping up and raising her arms with her voice, "Wanna come?"

"Do what? Watch you take pictures of Ben? No thanks." Gwen denies, rolling her eyes.

"We can't take pictures of Ben and risk the government coming after us." Dipper argues, "Besides, the gobblewonker will be a much better monster!"

"You can come if ya want, dawg, we'd just need to get you some sunscreen." Soos offers, pointing toward his boat behind them.

"As in that kraken monster that crazy old man was talking about?" Gwen scoffs, "I'm gonna say no to the wild goose chase. Just take the dweep and go waste your time away from me."

"Booo!" Mabel shouts, holding two thumbs down.

"You're loss man." Dipper shrugs, walking away.

Ben wipes a tear from his eye before the group leaves Gwen behind on the shoreline.

After boating back to middle of the lake, Dipper calls everyone to the deck where he begins briefing them. Pacing back and forth, he explains, "Alright. If we wanna win this contest we gotta do it right." He turns and halts his pacing, "Think: What's the number one problem with most monster hunts?"

"If you're a side character you die in the first five minutes of the movie." Soos answers, before thinking for a moment and jolting, "Dude! Am I a side character?! Do ya ever think about stuff like that?" Mabel gives Soos a worried look while Ben just laughs a bit under his breath.

"No no no, camera trouble!" Dipper corrects, "Say Bigfoot shows up." He points Soos, "Soos, be Bigfoot." Soos turns around in a sort of still frame of walking while he turns his head back with a primitive look on his face. Dipper acts out the next bit to emphasize the point, "There he is! Bigfoot!" he starts feeling around his pockets, "Uh oh! No camera!" then he pulls one out of the jacket, "Oh wait! Here's one!" he mock tries to take a picture, "Aw! No film!" he stops acting and puts the camera back into the life jacket, "You see? You see what I'm doing here?"

"Yeah." Mabel nods.

"Makes sense." Ben agrees, folding his arms.

"Dude's got a point." Soos holds his arm in acknowledgement.

"That's why I bought Twenty-one disposable cameras!" Dipper shouts, pointing directly up! He starts revealing them as he lists them, "Two on my ankle, three on my jacket, four for each of you, three extras in this bag, and one under my hat." He calms down as he finishes, "There's no way we're gonna miss this."

His confidence still brimming, he adds, "Ok everybody, lets test our cameras out."

Soos holds his camera right up to his face and takes a picture, the flash blinding him for a moment, causing him to throw his first camera into the lake from the recoil, "Aw dude!" he cries out.

"Ya see?" Dipper doesn't sweat it, "This is exactly why you need backup cameras. We still have twenty!"

Just then a seagull swoops down a bit too close to Mabel, scaring her into throwing her first camera at it! "Ah! Bird!" she yells in surprise.

"Nineteen!" Dipper corrects himself, throwing his arms up in a slight impatience, "Ok guys, I repeat, don't lose your cameras."

"Wait, lose the cameras?" Soos asks, a panicked look on his face.

"Don't!" Dipper yells, angrily standing straight with his arms up.

"Dude I just threw two away." Soos states, pointing to the second and third cameras Soos lost.

"Seventeen!" Dipper roars, throwing up his arms in frustration "We have seventeen cameras–" they hear a breaking noise and see Ben sitting on the broken remains of his first camera, playing his handheld, then looking back up them apologetically. "Sixteen! Alright! We have sixteen camera—!" He slams his fist down, destroying his first camera, "Fifteen. We have fifteen cameras."

"So what's the plan?" Mabel inquires, "Throw more cameras overboard or what?" she holds her second camera over the side of the boat.

"No!" Dipper screams in horror at seeing his chances constantly dwindling, "No. Ok."

He collects himself before explaining the actual plan, "You and Ben will be lookouts, Soos can work the steering wheel, and I'll be captain."

"What?!" Mabel voices her disapproval, "Why do you get to be captain? What about Mabel, huh?"

"Or Ben maybe?" the ten year old chimes in, putting his handheld in his pocket, "Why can't I be captain."

"Ben, you're ten years old." Dipper deadpans, "And frankly I'd trust Gwen to be captain more than either of you." He looks between them both.

"What about co-captain?" Mabel inquires, a big braces-filled grin on her face.

"There's no such thing as co-captain." Dipper states, his face going blank.

Mabel throws her second camera off the side of the boat. "Aw, whoops."

"Ok fine!" Dipper yells in dismay, "You can be co-captain!"

"That make me co-captain too?" Ben asks, looking between them.

"If it'll keep you from throwing away your cameras, than sure." One could almost see the fumes coming from Dipper's attitude at this point.

"Can I be associate co-captain?" Soos asks, raising his hand as if in class.

"As co-captain I authorize that request!" Mabel pipes up, holding her finger up.

"Well as first co-captain," Dipper draws attention back to his plan, "Our first order of business is to lure the monster out with this:" he motions to a barrel of fish food next to Soos.

"Permission to taste some?" Soos sheepishly requests.

The child all look at him funnily before shrugging. "Granted." Dipper states.

"Permission co-granted." Mabel adds.

"Permission co-co-granted." Ben continues for them.

Soos raises his own hand, "Permission associate co-granted." Then reaches in and grabs a hunk of the food from the barrel and licks it. Then he suddenly starts coughing and grabbing his tongue trying to get the taste out of his mouth, as the children laugh at him. "Dude, I dunno what I expected that to taste like."

"Oh Soos." The kids slap their knees from laughter.

"Traitors." Stan scowls, watching them from across the lake, "I'll find my own fishing buddies." He looks around trying to find candidates when he spots a couple only a few yards away. "Ah!" Stan says in excitement as he starts the motor on his boat, "There's my new pals!" he boats over as fast as he can.

Meanwhile, the man in the boat is hunched over, looking at a wedding ring while the woman in there with him is distracted. He takes a breath and begins speaking, "Now that we're alone, Rosanna…" 'Rosanna' turns to him in curious wonder, "…There's a burning question that my heart longs to ask of you."

"Oh Reginald!" Rosanna clasps her hands together a stereotypical lovebird fashion.

"Hey!" Stan pulls up next to them just in time to interrupt them. Rosanna leans into the 'Reginald' in weariness of the stranger. "Wanna hear a joke?" Stan asks, his enthusiasm unsettling the couple. Reginald was about to say 'no' when Stan continues anyway, "Here it goes: My ex-wife still misses me…but her aim is getting better!" he swings his arms around foolishly to get a laugh, though the couple is downright scared and offended by joke. After a few seconds of silence Stan repeats himself, "Her aim is getting better!"

The couple look to eachother in a silent agreement that Stan is a terrible person.

Stan decides to explain himself, "Ya see? It's funny because marriage is terrible."

Rosanna folds her arms and looks skyward with her eyes screwed shut in disgust while Reginald rows them away. "What?!" Stan fails to understand his own misconduct.

Meanwhile, the S.S. Cool Dude is slowly approaching Scuttlebutt Island, Soos shoveling out fish food without really paying attention to where he's going. Dipper and Mabel are watching the front of the boat for any sign of the creature while Ben keeps an eye on the back.

Mabel grabs the lower beak of a pelican that landed next to her on the rail. "Hey! How's it going?" she asks it. She moves the bird's beak with her arm to simulate it talking while giving it her own voice, "It's going awesome! Bow bout ba bout bow!"

This grabs Dipper's attention, and he takes it to see that she's neglecting her assigned job. "Mabel, leave that thing alone."

Mabel answers from the pelican, "Awww, I don't mind none!" she then takes up her glass of water and announces, "Hey look, I'm drinking water!" and attempting to sing twinkle twinkle little star in her pelican voice while guzzling it, at least until she starts choking on it, scaring away the fowl.

"Aren't you supposed to be on lookout?" Dipper insists, hands on his waist.

Mabel answers throwing a volleyball she got from somewhere at him. "Look out!" He doesn't catch it and it bounces off his shoulder while he flinches from the unexpected assault.

Mabel chuckles a bit, relaxing on the boat's rail, then telling her brother, "Seriously, I'm on it."

Not even a full second later the boat runs aground, causing everyone but Soos to fall over. "What's happening over there?" Ben calls, standing back up and peering around the side of the cabin.

"We arrived!" Mabel exclaims, climbing back up the guardrail. "I'm a lookout genius." She smugly states, despite the S.S. Cool Dude now being beached. "Hamster balls, here we come!"

The squad climbs out of the boat and travel toward the woods of the island. Dipper leads, holding a lantern to light the strangely foggy woods. Soos stops next to a sign nailed to a tree as he gets an idea, Mabel and Ben stopping right behind him. "Dudes, check it out!" he invites, holding his arm over the 'scuttle' half, "Butt Island!"

"Soos, you rapscallion!" Mabel waves her arm humorously at the joke, said joke also earning a smile from the Tennyson.

Dipper just stares, shocked that they're all joking around during a hunt for a dangerous monster. "Hey!" Mabel waves at her brother, "Why aren't you laughing?" she gets a sly look in her eye, "Are you scaaaaared?"

"Haha, right. I'm not—" Dipper was responding when Mabel boops his nose with a fart noise.

"Yeah you are!" Mabel playfully argues, booping his nose several more times despite his protests, causing him to drop the lantern.

"You got nothing to worry about man." Ben puffs out his chest and stands in a heroic pose, "Not when me, Four Arms, Stinkfly, and whatever else this thing has in it are here!"

The teasing ceases when the group hears a strange mechanical hovering noise nearby. "Dude, did you guys hear that?" Soos asks.

"What was that?" Mabel adds, standing a bit closer to Soos than before.

"Doesn't sound like a gobblewonker whatever it is." Ben answers as best he can, laying one hand on the Watch just in case.

Just then, a possum comes out of nowhere and steals their lantern. "Man, I can't see anything!" Dipper complains, trying to see further by shielding his eyes from the sun.

"Dude, I dunno man." Soos interjects, shrugging, "Maybe this…maybe this isn't worth it."

"Not worth it?" Dipper questions, looking more surprised than concerned, "Guys, imagine what would happen if we got that picture!" In his head Dipper imagines a scene where he and Ben are being interviewed by a talk show host about the gobblewonker hunt, and receiving gold medals for their achievement while at a photoshoot. That's when Mabel in her human sized hamster ball smashes through the wall of the studio and demands to get interviewed despite her unkept appearance, and rolling through the scene like a wrecking ball! "I don't know about you guys but I'm in!" Dipper exclaims.

"Me too!" Mabel throws her arms into the air with excitement.

"Make that three!" Ben adds, holding up his left arm dramatically.

The three children run in the direction they heard the noise emanate from, followed shortly by a not so enthusiastic Soos that's yelling, "Alright dudes, I'm coming!"

Later, as the group travels through the oddly not so dense island woods, one could hear the sound of Soos beatboxing and Mabel rapping. "My name is Mabel! It rhymes with table!" she sings, entertaining herself and Soos, "It also rhymes with glabel! It also rhymes with schmabel!"

"Dude, we should be writing this down!" Soos exclaims, thinking they might have a legitimately good song on their hands.

"Wait, guys, listen." Ben puts a stop to them, looking through the fog as he hears the same mechanical sound from before.

"Over there!" Dipper points over to a dim red glow in the mist, "If we get a picture of whatever that is it might be better than the gobblewonker!" Dipper races toward the light eagerly, Ben and the others trailing behind, Soos grabbing a sharp looking branch on the ground as a weapon just in case.

That's when they discover the source of the noise; a UFO shaped drone of some kind, one with an alien design. "What the what is that?" Mabel asks, scratching her head.

"It's not a monster." Soos plants his branch in the ground, resting his hand on top of it, "Maybe it belongs to the government or something."

The 'head' of the drone rotates a bit and it catches sight of the group. It scans them until it notices the Watch on Ben's wrist. It wastes no time rotating until the two claw-like appendages are facing toward the wearer of what it seeks. "I think it saw us." Dipper cautions the group, backing a little away from the robot. The robot blasts two lasers at Ben, seemingly unprovoked! It does miss fortunately, but only by a hair! The others scatter behind the brush in the area.

"Government or not I'm taking this thing down!" Ben shouts, slamming his hand onto the watch without looking at the dial, just hoping for the right transformation for the job to happen as it had before! His muscles bulge abnormally around the watch once again as the green light consumes him, his eye turning into a bright orange color without a pupil as the muscles reach that area of his body. Orange fur grows from his skin like a crop in a well-tilled field, even covering the eyes and making them useless. His mouth and jaw widen as his teeth grow larger and sharper while his nails extend into claws! He can't help but roar in ferocity as the transformation is complete and the light fades!

Now in a large orange body that seems like a cross between a dog, a bear, and an ape, Ben growls at the assaulting drone. Said drone hovers over Ben, a red glow in the pincer of its claws growing.

"Now's my chance!" Dipper whispers to himself, taking out one of his cameras. He aims carefully to get a shot of the fight, Ben currently trying to rip the drone's appendage off with his bare teeth while hanging onto the top of it. The bright flash of a picture being taken grabs the robot's attention and it aims its second appendage toward Dipper, whose face is now pale. "Oh no…"

"Take this!" Soos exclaims, throwing his spear like branch to Ben, who manages to catch it and jam it into the machine.

"We need to get out of here!" Mabel shouts, leading the charge away from the fight back in the general direction of the boat. Dipper and Soos follow, both so pumped full of adrenaline they could run for hours.

When Ben hit the drone with the branch, it ended up shooting the blast it had charged at him instead of the children, knocking the kid turned beast off. Its censors shorting out, it peruses the others, forcing Ben to chase it!

Ben hops from tree to tree, unable to see but able to orient himself through smell and hearing enough that he could easily be mistaken for an ape-man.

Soos throws away his last camera and Mabel throws away her third camera as they try to stall it, neither accomplishing anything other than lowering their collective camera total further.

Ben manages to leap from the branch of one of the trees onto the drones head once again, this time ripping the branch from before out of the drone and stabbing it back in even harder, which causes a chain reaction the makes the branch catch on fire! The machine starts to move erratically with the burning of the branch interfering with its systems, and it eventually crashes into the lake, Ben jumping off just in time to faceplant on the shore! An explosion erupts from the remains soon after.

"Whoa dude," Soos announces the presence of himself and the Twins as they come out of the woods, "that was intense."

"I wonder what it was doing here." Dipper places his hand on his chin.

Ben finally manages to pull his head out of the sand and shake it around, swinging quartz particles everywhere. "You ok, Ben?" Mabel asks, looking at him funny. Ben answers with a snort, unable to talk in his current form.

"That thing you turned into sure is one wild mutt isn't it." Soos laughs, deciding to pet Ben a little as if he were in fact a dog. Ben responds by small roar that would probably come off as a bark if he were smaller, smiling from the massage like feeling of being pet.

Dipper sits on a rock nearby, looking through the camera film to see if he got any shots of the drone without Ben, only to find his one and only shot featured Ben tearing the thing apart. "Aw man…All that for nothing." He rubs his forehead in dismay.

Back on the lake, Stan is sharing some of his fishing knowledge with his replacement fishing 'buddy', "Look, when you're threading the line, lot of people don't know this, but you wanna use a barrel knot. That's a secret from one fishing buddy to another." Stan beams as he winks down at the chubby child in the boat he pulled up next to.

The child stumbles over his words in nervous confusion before he finally manages to ask, "Who are you exactly?"

"Just call me your Grunkle Stan!" the old man pats the boy on the head as if it were his own kid.

"Sir! Sir! Why are you talking to our son?!" the child's mother demands, her and her husband glaring at Stan as if he were the Devil himself, "If you don't leave right now I'm calling the police!"

Stan tries to defuse the situation, "Haha, ya see the thing about that is—" he pulls the cord on his boat's motor before he finishes, sending him flying away from them!

Back on the island around an hour later, long after Ben had transformed back but not quite long enough for the Watch to have recharged, Ben can be seen discussing name ideas with Soos and Mabel. Dipper on the other hand is still sulking about his failure to get a usable picture. "What're we gonna tell Grunkle Stan?" he thinks aloud, catching the others' attention. He picks up a rock and throws it into the lake, "We ditched him over nothing."

"I'm sure he'll understand." Ben comforts, placing a hand on Dipper's shoulder, "He's your family."

"Yeah," Mabel smiles, pumping her arm into the air, "It'll be alright!"

"Hold on." Dipper gets a puzzled look as he notices a minor vibrating underneath him, "Do you guys feel that?" That's when the rock Dipper was sitting on submerges all of a sudden, as if resting on something's back until the something moved, "Hey hey whoa!" he calls out in surprise as he swims gets back onto shore.

The group watches as a giant aquatic reptile creature moves through the water, only the back showing above the surface. Dipper's face lights up in glee as he pulls out one of his cameras, "This is it!" he whispers, beginning to take photos of the beast. "C'mon, this is our chance!" Dipper urges the others, only to find them backing away. "What's wrong with you guys?"

The monster had swam up behind Dipper while his back was turned, and its head was rising out of the water behind him as he asked why the others weren't taking pictures.

"Dipper…" Ben and Mabel try to warn at roughly the same time. Soos tries to warn the detective as well, but says 'Dude' instead.

"It's not that hard, alright?" the boy deadpan, "All you gotta do is point and shoot. Like this!" He turns back around to demonstrate, finding the Gobblewonker right at the shore next to them. The beast unleashes a roar of fury at the group, causing Soos to lead Mabel and Ben away while screaming for Dipper to run. Dipper was caught in shock and dropped his currant camera before going to run alongside the others, followed shortly by the lake's leviathan, who knocks down a few trees in the pursuit, a few coming close to hitting the group!

"Get back to boat!" Soos demands, "Hurry!"

The monster almost gets close enough to chomp Mabel, but she jumps onto Soos's back just in time and they speed ahead of Ben and Dipper, the latter of which is trying to take a second picture. But before he can take the picture, Ben slaps the camera out of his hand, "Not the time man!" the ten year old scolds.

Ben grabs Dipper by the arm to force them to speed up to catch up with Soos and Mabel without risking their lives over a photo.

They just barely manage to make to the boat and push it back into the water, Soos suggesting, "Let's get outta here dudes!" as he puts the boat into high reverse gear.

"Alright…" Dipper sighs in exhaustion and relief that the boat is probably much faster than the Gobblewonker, "This is it!" He digs another camera out of his life jacket and tries to take more photos, only to discover something horrifying. "Cracked lens?!" he exclaims in dismay, "Someone get a photo!"

That's when he notices that Soos is throwing both Ben's cameras and the spare cameras at the monster in a vain attempt to slow it down, Ben trying to get the Watch to work faster the entire time. "What are you doing?!" Dipper screams.

Soos catches on to the boy's meaning just after he threw away the second to last one, leaving a currant total of five cameras left among them. "Oh! I still got one left! Don't worry dude!" Soos tosses the camera to Dipper, but misses and smashes it on the cabin of the boat.

The monster enters the water just about now and begins creating water turbulence from swimming, forcing Soos to turn the boat around and put into full speed forward, Dipper urging him to go faster the entire time.

Stan meanwhile is making grumpy Grunkle noises while tying some bait to his line. He freezes up when he hears a sickeningly youthful voice in a nearby boat. "Can you pwease tell me more funny stories, Papa?" it asks. Stan looks up to see another elderly man with his two grandchildren, neither of whom could possibly be a day over five.

"Anything for my fishing buddies!" 'Papa' laughs, ruffling up the hat and hair of the boy while laughing, unintentionally infuriating Stan in the process.

"Papa?" the boy begins, a shy but heartfelt expression crossing his face, "I just reawized that…" his voice drops to a whisper, making him sound almost corny, "I wove you."

That sent Stan over the edge. "Aw come on!" he angrily shouts, "Boooo! Boooooooo!"

"Hey now!" Papa stands up, hands on his hips, "What's the big idea?"

"Maybe he has no one who woves him, Papa." The boy suggests, a sad expression making itself known on his face at the thought.

"Yeah? Well I–" Stan tries to start an argument, but gets cut off by the S.S. Cool Dude and the Gobblewonker's chase through the lake, drenching both parties. Stan throws his fishing hat into the boat in frustration, then sits down and sighs in loneliness.

Soos tries to dupe the monster by driving around Scuttlebutt Island and through part of an inlet. "Beavers!" Ben calls out, noticing a beaver dam shaped oddly like the Gobblewonker right in their path. Soos tries to turn out of the way but the momentum they already had was too great for them to stop, and they crashed into the structure, beavers raining down all over the boat and chewing on whatever they landed on! One of them latches onto Soos face, causing him to panic and run around the deck instead of drive the boat while its claws rip apart the collar of his shirt! Mabel takes over but isn't able to steer as well as the 'adult'.

Dipper pulls beavers off the boat's rails and tosses them at the beast, then turns to Ben and shouts, "Why aren't you helping?!"

"I'm trying! The Watch usually charges back up around now but it's still dead!" Ben retaliates, holding up his left wrist as proof.

"Well do something until it recharges or it might not matter if it ever does!" Dipper argues, pulling another beaver off the rail and throwing it at the raging reptile behind them.

Meanwhile, Mabel is maneuvering around all the different boats in the area, trying not the hit any, but the monster overturns all of them anyway.

The fishermen that looks like it might be Wendy's father is still wrestling with fish as the chase passes by them, knocking them into the water and undoing his headlock. The fish from within the lake begin to rain back down, several landing in the area of that specific group. "The fishes…" the father's eyes widen in fear, "They seek revenge!" he begins to head toward shore with his sons, "Swim boys! Swim!"

The Gobblewonker finally catches up to the S.S. Cool Dude as it starts to run out of gas, knocking the cabin completely off it with a headbutt version of a left hook.

"Look out!" Mabel calls as they approaching a couple of men in boats, carrying a large glass pane across the lake…for some reason. The remains of their boat crash right through the pane.

The monster finally catches back up to them as they near a waterfall on the edge of a craggy cliff, and it bites the boat in half, completely destroying it and sending the group plunging into the water. On the bright side, it also dislodged the beaver from Soos's face.

Giant yellow eyes and a gaping maw big enough to swallow a bear whole approach the group, but the Watch turns green just in time for Ben to hit it and be encased in green!

Dirty white scales coat his arm, encasing the Watch more rapidly than normal, and his hand is put under incredible strain as his fingers turn into short, yellow, sharp claws while green webbing spreads between his fingers. An antenna like appendage grows out his forehead, becoming a lure not unlike those used by deep sea fish, and his neck splits open into gills! His teeth enlarge as he closes his eyes, to the point where his mouth can't completely contain them anymore, causing them to burst forth around his lips! He finally opens his eyes, revealing purple eyeballs without obvious pupils, and he opens his maw to let out a monstrous roar as the light fades.

Ben breathes in deeply, as if gasping for air, then pauses as he realizes he can breathe under water in this fishy form. "Sometimes I love this watch." He smiles to himself while hearing his new, raspy voice that sounds like he has a sore throat.

He facepalms as he remembers what's happening, "The others!" The black loin-cloth-like flap between his legs grows and merges his legs into a fishtail, giving a mermandic appearance, and this grants him the speed to grab Soos and Dipper just before the Gobblewonker is able to snap its jaw down on them! The 'human' torpedo surges forward with the two and he manages to nab Mabel in his mouth.

He swims literal circles around the Gobblewonker while looking around for somewhere safe to drop off the Pines and Soos, leaping into the air on occasion so they can breathe. "Behind the waterfall!" Dipper shouts during one of said leaps. Ben doesn't ask questions, moving as fast as he can without harming the humans toward the waterfall from under water, then leaping out of the water and through the falls into an underground cave! They land in a pool of lake water still at the mouth of the cave.

"Dudes…" Soos wheezes, catching his breath from the excitement, "…That was awesome."

"Yeah it was!" Mabel shouts, pumping her arm in the air with a huge smile!

"Let's get to shore before it realizes we're in here." Dipper suggests, looking down solemnly.

That's when the water begins to get a little rough. "I think we're too late!" Ben calls out as the Gobblewonker charges into the cave's entrance, splashing the entire gang onto the shore nearby! Luckily the beast is far too large to actually get into the cave and is left stuck squirming in the entrance, trying and failing miserably to eat the children. It lets out a roar of frustration.

"It's stuck!" Mabel smiles, pushing herself off the cave floor to stand.

"Haha!" Ben laughs, pumping is right arm in triumph, "Yes!"

"Wait…" Dipper chokes a bit while he gets up onto his knee, "It's stuck?!" Without missing a beat the boy runs up to a cropping in the upper end of the cave where he can get the best shot. He reaches into his life jacket for a camera, only to find all his camera holders empty. He almost panics as he frantically looks for a camera, hoping they didn't all get lost while they were underwater, but Mabel lifts up his hat, revealing the last of their cameras with a 'boop'.

Dipper laughs in celebration as he snaps picture after picture of the beast below them, Mabel, Soos, and Ben all laughing along with him, Ben having folded his arms. The Gobblewonker tries to take a bite out of them but they remain just out of its reach. "Did you get a good one?" Mabel inquires.

"They're all good ones!" Dipper answers, raising his arms up high! The twins hug in celebration of their victory.

Until that is, a bit of debris falling from the roof of the cave due to the monster's struggles hits it directly in the head! The monster begins to lower itself down with a suspiciously mechanical noise emanating from it as it goes entirely limp. "What?" Ben scratches his head confusion.

Dipper climbs down the face of the ledge they stood atop and onto the Gobblewonker's flipper. He gives it a look and puts his hand against it, pulling it away with a start at the feeling of metal.

"What's wrong?" Mabel calls down just as Dipper raps the hide of the 'monster' a couple times, only to discover it making a metallic noise.

He starts climbing up the scales that aren't completely smooth against the thing. "Careful dude!" Soos warns.

"You don't wanna take a fall from that height!" Ben adds.

"I've got this," Dipper responds, "hold on." He climbs over the edge of the entity and discovers something. He climbs back into view and calls out to the others, "Hey guys! Come check this out!"

The trio of others follow Dipper's path up the 'creature' and discover a hatch of some sort. They glance at one another before Dipper and Ben each take a side opening the hatch, causing steam to flood their immediate area.

Inside the hatch is the old man who they first heard about the Gobblewonker from at the pier! "Eh?" he notices them after a few seconds of trying to operate some controls, "Awww banjo-polish."

"You?!" Dipper exclaims, "You made this?! Why?!"

"Well I…I uh…" he tries to find the right words to explain himself, "I just wanted attention." He looks away in sad expression.

"I still don't understand." Dipper emphasizes.

"Welp!" the elderly man perks up a surprising amount and begins to act out his explanation with exaggerated movements, "First I just hoot-nannied up a biomechanical brainwave generator, and then I learned to operate a stickshift with my beard!" he points down to where his beard is tied to a stickshift.

"Ok, yeah, but why did you do it?" Mabel tries to get him back on track.

"Well, when you get to be an old fella like me nobody pays any attention to you anymore." He takes off his hat and scratches his bald head, "My own son hasn't visited me in months. So I figured maybe I'd catch his fancy with a fifteen ton aquatic robit!" he begins to laugh in a less than sane way. When he calms back down he adds, "In retrospect it seems a bit contrived. You just don't know the lengths us old-timers go to for a little quality time with our families." This prompts a train of thought for both of the twins, them taking out their hand-stitched fishing hats and thinking of Stan.

"So what's your robot for?" the man suddenly interrupts.

"Our robot?" Soos asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah! That robot!" he points to Ben, who is still in his fish monster form, "What's he fer?"

"I'm not a robot." Ben folds his arms, "I'm…uh…I'm…" he realizes he hasn't really got a good answer.

"He's the Real Gobblewonker!" Mabel pipes up, pointing to Ben with a weird sort of impulsive look.

"Uh…yeah!" Ben goes along with it.

"Really? Yer a lot smaller then the legends said." the as of yet unnamed man scratches his head.

"I don't want you building any more robots to impersonate me!" Ben gives a fake angry look to the old-timer, "No more suits and no more drones."

"Drones?" the man looks surprised, "I don't have any drones. Never made anything I couldn't pilot myself."

"That wasn't your drone?" Dipper asks, surprise hitting him like a brick, "The one on Scuttlebutt Island that attacked us before you did wasn't yours?!"

"No sir!" the elder answers, "I made lots of robits in my day!" He starts a very conveniently placed projector, "Like when my wife left me and I created a homicidal pterodactyltron. Or when my pal Ernie didn't come to my retirement party and I created an eighty ton ShameBot that exploded the entire down town area!" he takes a moment to laugh at his memories, then recollects himself, "I ain't never made a drone of any kind though."

Everyone gives eachother worried looks for a minute.

"Anyway! Time to get back to work on my death-ray!" he goes back down into the hatch and tools can be heard in use. He reaches up to them and asks, "Any a you kids got a screwdriver?"

"Well…" Dipper begins, taking out the last camera, "So much for the photo contest."

"We still have one roll of film left." Mabel states.

"What should we do with it?" Ben asks.

Later, when the day is almost over, Grunkle Stan is steering his way back to shore, sighing in his loneliness. "Hey! Wait up!" Ben, now human again, calls out to him from where he, the Twins, and Soos, who isn't wearing his shirt anymore, are swimming toward him, Mabel riding on Soos's shoulders.

Stan stops his boat to wait for them to catch up. "Kids? What happened to your boat?"

"We spent all day trying to find a legendary dinosaur." Dipper answers, scratching the back of his head.

"And it sorta broke the boat when we actually found it." Ben adds, pointing skyward to draw attention.

"But we realized the only dinosaur we wanna hang out with is right here." Mabel picks up where her brother left off while gesturing toward Stan.

Stan rolls his eyes at the sappiness. "Save your sympathy! I've been having a great time without cha!" he starts listing off his activities of the day on his fingers, "Making friends, talking to my reflection, I had a run in with the lake police." He lifts his leg to show off an alarm with a blinking red light clamped around his leg, "Guess I gotta wear this ankle bracelet now so that'll fun."

"So I guess there isn't room in that boat for four more?" Dipper inquires.

Stan gives the Twins specifically a skeptical look. They respond by putting on their now soaked hand-stitched fishing hats. Stan's expression softens as a result. "You knuckle heads ever see me thread a hook with my eyes closed?" he asks.

"Five bucks says you can't do it!" Ben challenges, a confident look across his face.

"You're on!" Stan agrees, proceeding to help Dipper into the boat while Soos puts Mabel in.

"Five more bucks says you can't do it with your eyes closed plus me singing at the top of my lungs!"

"I like those odds!" Stan smiles, putting his hands on his hips.

Soos helps Ben into the boat and then climbs in himself, nearly turning the boat over. That's when Stan notices his shirtlessness. "Whoa. What happened to your shirt?"

"Long story dude." Soos waves it off.

"Alright, everybody get together." Dipper orders, holding out the last of their disposable cameras to signify why, "Say 'fishing'!"

Ben, Mabel, and Stan all do just that, Mabel waving, Ben folding his arms and smiling, and Stan leaning down enough to actually be in view. Soos steps next to them asking, "Dude, am I in the frame?"

That is the first of several pictures the group takes for the remainder of the day, others including the bet mentioned before, Stan telling jokes from the joke book, Dipper and Ben catching some fish, Stan in a Napoleon pose at the head of the boat, the group stealing fish from other families on the lake, and being chased by the lake police.

Later, on the way back to shore to pick up Gwen and go home, they feel their boat hit something. "What was that?" Dipper asks. Ben shrugs and Mabel makes an 'I don't know' noise.

Little do they know of the large aquatic reptile lurking just beneath them.

The group meets back up with Gwen once they reach the shore. "So, how was your fishing? Or was it to hard for you to understand?" Gwen addresses the group, specifically Ben, getting up from a chair she had been sitting in on the pier.

"It was easy enough. But you'll never know since you didn't even try it!" Ben retorts. The two buttheads, almost literally, while they approach eachother.

"Pack up!" Stan orders from the parking lot gate, "We're heading back to the Shack now!"

"Finally!" Gwen exclaims, ready to get back to something more to her standards, even if only marginally.

"See you later dudes." Soos waves as he heads to the gate as well.

"Why was he with you?" Gwen asks, "And why isn't he wearing a shirt?"

"Long story." Dipper shrugs.

In the car on the way back, Mabel goes on and on about their day chasing the Gobblewonker down, telling Gwen all the major things that happened, only to be met with skepticism. "It'd be farfetched enough for you to tell me that thing is real, but that it was a robot built by a crazy old man is way too ridicules to be real." Gwen shakes her head at the absurdity of it all, "And don't even get me started on some random other robot that isn't the old man's."

"Kids and their imaginations. Am I right?" Stan asks, looking into the back seat at the two girls and Ben – Dipper is riding in the front – and forgetting to look where he's driving.

Dipper just pats the spot in his vest where he's keeping the Journal, a knowing smile on his face.

I know some of you may be disappointed that I somewhat wrote Gwen out of the chapter. In my defense, it made everything easier to write and since she did the exact same thing in very similar circumstances in 'The Krakken' I felt it would be fine.

Worry not, she will be included in the weird stuff later. Maybe next chapter. No need for you to worry about that.

As for why I refer to Ben's aliens as monsters? Because none of the kids know that what Ben is turning into is aliens yet. And they won't know until they come across a character from Gravity Falls who would know.

Anywhat, I'll see ya'll again whenever I can actually get the next chapter finished. Could be two weeks like the first one, probably more like two months or so like this one was. I apologize for the slowness. And don't be afraid to criticize my writing. The entire point of writing this is to improve how I write. Suggest better ways to work characters around certain situations, how I word things, etc.

See ya whenever I manage to get back.