Title: The Summoning

Rating: M

Summary: Bonnie Bennett is called to the time of The Originals to insure that they remain human but things don't go as planned...

Pairing(s): Bonnie/Klaus, Bonnie/Elijah (one-sided), Emily/Elijah (one-sided), Elijah/Lucy, Damon/Emily, Stefan/Rebekah, Caroline/Tyler, Matt/Katherine, Jamie/Elena, Finn/Abby, Jeremy/Kol, etc.


It had been days since Esther had lost the child, the boy, Henrik. She tried to seem composed. Even as they buried the boy she had tried to keep her face expressionless, tried to seem strong but Ayanna wasn't fooled. Esther was strong, yes, but this loss would surely break her. Mikael's temper was getting worse and with it so was his desperation. Something was coming. Ayanna could feel it. The spirits had spoken. Soon Esther would ask something of Ayanna that she could not give. Soon Esther would take matters into her own hands to protect the children that she had left. Soon there would be a crime committed against nature. Ayanna knew that if she could not stop it from happening then she would need help to fight against it when the time came. She would need assistance.

She wasted no time after Henrik's burial. Ayanna knew that she would have to call on the spirits before Esther asked her assistance. Before the world became damned and her powers could do nothing to assist her. She offered Esther and Mikael words of comfort and then she disappeared into the forest on her own. She knew no one would follow. The grief was too heavy in the air on that night; it was a night of sorrow, a night to cling to those that you had left and to pray that they would still be with you when the night turned to dawn. And for Niklaus she suspected it was a night for the guilt to take hold and consume.

But Ayanna would not worry about the others, those who called her prophet. There wasn't time for that. If Ayanna's powers failed, Esther she would surely use her own. Ayanna may have been a step ahead now but she would have to work over time to stay that way.

Closing her eyes Ayanna called upon the spirits, her guides in all things. She asked them for any means to stop what was happening. Any means to bring an end to what was to come. Any hope to stop the abominations that would be born from Esther's magic and Mikael's desperate grief.

Or maybe it wasn't something that she needed but someone. Someone strong. Someone powerful. Someone who could make up for what she lacked. Yes. That was exactly what she needed, who she needed. She felt the power rush through her body and knew that soon she would have her answer.


"What is this place?" Bonnie Bennett asked as she wandered warily behind Damon Salvatore.

She had just started to figure out what being a witch meant and yet her own ignorance of what she was and what she was capable of didn't stop anyone from coming to her for answers time and time again. Didn't stop her from risking her life again and again. And now that defeating Klaus had become essential she wasn't surprised that she was once again called upon in everyone's time of need.

If it had been up to her she wouldn't have been alone with him anywhere least of all a damp cave with little lighting where no one could hear her scream, though no one could hear him scream either so she supposed that it was a good thing. She wouldn't have agreed to come at all had Elena not been busy interrogating Rebekah. Bonnie was always the answer to everyone's prayers when something went wrong but they were strangely absent from her life otherwise, a fact that she had never questioned but now that she was being led deeper and deeper into a cave with no idea if there was an end in sight she thought that maybe for once questioning things would be necessary.

"That's what we're trying to figure out," Damon said finally coming to a stop, "Come here."

Damon grabbed her arm and pulled her to stand beside him. She had to consciously fight the desire to set him on fire. She had no idea how Elena put up with his manhandling without constantly causing him bodily harm.

Damon gestured toward a wall of the cave covered in markings that Bonnie could make absolutely no sense out of. "What are these?" Bonnie asked reaching out her hands and running her fingers over the markings.

"The names of the Originals," Damon answered, "I was hoping if I brought you down here you might feel something…you know witchy."

"I thought you had been around enough witches to know that it doesn't work like that," Bonnie said with a roll of her eyes. No sooner than the words left her mouth did she feel a tug at the center of her stomach that quickly spread throughout her body.

"You were saying?" Damon asked after noticing her visible change in demeanor, raising a brow, his blue eyes dancing and his expression decidedly smug.

"Shut up," Bonnie muttered as she tried to focus on the feeling and not on the growing smirk on Damon's face.

Damon watched her tapping his foot impatiently on the ground. The cave wasn't exactly his favorite place considering what he had gone through to find it and the vampire wanted to leave as soon as humanly (no pun intended) possible. "Would you hurry it up?" He pressed.

"Shhh," Bonnie hissed effectively making him feel like a child. It was a wonder he hadn't killed her already. He might have an inkling of respect for her (though he would never admit it out loud) and she might be their only hope (and he would never admit that either) but still she really needed to learn how to not push his buttons.

Bonnie was so focused on the growing surge of power inside of her and Damon was so focused on his inner monologue about Bonnie neither of them noticed when Bonnie's attire slowly began to change. Slowly the blue jeans, blouse, and cardigan she was wearing transformed into a dark purple ankle length linen dress. She didn't notice the growing changes until her dark hair that had been hanging loosely down her shoulders was suddenly pulled into a tight French braid. Slowly she reached up and tugged at her hair. "Damon," she said worriedly as she looked down at her clothes.

"What now witc-" Damon stopped mid-sentence as he looked at her, "What the hell?"

Bonnie was suddenly hit with a bought of nausea. She clutched her stomach her eyes darting around. The writing on the cave's walls began to blur. Damon's hands came up and grabbed her shoulders.

"Bonnie what's happening?" Damon asked.

Why did he have to ask such stupid questions? If she knew what was happening she wouldn't be clutching her stomach and panicking more than she had the day that she had begged her Grams to help her release Stefan from that stupid tomb on another of the missions given to her by Team Salvatore that ended in tragedy the same way that she was sure that this one would.

"Bonnie," Damon said his voice strangely pleading, "Stay with me. I'm getting you out of here. Don't go into the light."

A sarcastic reply was on the tip of her tongue when suddenly a voice began to ring in her ears and the pull at the center of her gut grew stronger. "Come," the voice as smooth as molasses called, "Come to me." Bonnie shut her eyes and fought against the pull. But she couldn't fight it as her body suddenly grew weak. Damon tried to keep her steady but whatever force that was pulling her toward it violently pushed him away into the opposite wall his skull cracking on the stone and blood trickling from his temple as he slid to the ground. Bonnie heard herself scream and felt her own body hit the ground before everything went black.


Niklaus angrily carved Henrik's name into the stone walls of the cave his hands shaking as he used the blade to tell the story of his stupidity and his brother's death. No matter what he did the guilt ate away at him like a parasite gnawing on his insides. No matter what anyone said he knew that they blamed him. They had to blame him for he blamed himself.

He dug harder into the rock his guilt slowly morphing into anger when suddenly he heard a movement coming from the cave's floor. Squinting through the light of the fire he noticed what looked like a body lying on ground. He hadn't noticed it before but in his grief he hadn't noticed much anything besides the pain.

Cautiously Niklaus walked over to where the body lay. As he grew closer he could better make out the figure. A woman. What was a woman doing here at this time of night? Who was she? Where had she come from? Could it be someone from the village?

Carefully Niklaus kneeled down and studied her features. From what he could tell they were soft. Beautiful. He reached a hand out and gently stroked her cheek causing her to shift slightly. She was dressed modestly, her hair braided, no jewelry, no sign of who she was. He wondered again where she had come from.

He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and suddenly her eyes opened and even in the dim firelight he could see the brilliant green of them. Before he could ask who she was he saw recognition in her eyes along with confusion and something else that also puzzled him…fear.

Then the last thing that he expected to happen did. She opened her mouth and his name fell from her lips, "Klaus."