Hello Readers! I welcome you all to the continuation from my previous story "Good Cop Gone Bad". I never expected how much readers would like that story, but so many did so I knew that the end of "good Cop Gone Bad" I knew that I had to continue it but in a different story. So here is that story, there will be as much excitement as the prequel had in this story, but in a different way that could be even more excitement. For those of you who stayed the whole way through the last story, I'm glad for your support.

also just a heads up, this is a different POV then most of my stories so I didn't label a POV, because this is someone else apart from the paw Patrol. But, starting in the next chapter I will be going back to my regular POV style from each character.

I also do not own Paw Patrol or any of the main things that go with that story, the made up places, my OC's and the story itself is what I own. Adventure bay, the pups, Ryder, etc. on the show are all own by nickelodeon.

so lets end the talking and get to the story, Readers I present to you "Paw Patrol: Collision Course"


It was a hot and muggy summer night in the city of Crystal Bay. In an alleyway on Main street, across from the mall, sounds of footsteps echoed off the wall of the alleyway as a dark figure entered a backdoor to an abandoned warehouse, followed by two other shadowed figures that follow the first into the warehouse. As they enter the dimly lit and large warehouse, the howling of the wind can be heard from the holes as a whistling sound, along with the faint sound of loose roof titles banging on the roof sounding like thunder in the distance. As they continue in, some light rain begins to fall through the small holes getting the last figure wet.

In the light, his brown fur shivers "ugh! I'm wet, now I'll smell like shit!" the Dog yelled trying shake the water out.

Then the rusty supports in the building start to creek "geez, why do we always have to meet the boss in run down, dirty, scum pits. It's not good for my reputation" the other dog said, his sleek silver fur shown as he stepped out of the shadows.

"Oh, For Dog's Sake, Would The Two Of you Grow A Pair and Stop Complaining! Wherever the boss wants to meet, we meet him there. No Question, No Complaints, and always early! Now keep moving you sad excuses for bodyguards!" The lead dog boomed at the two as the dog's voice bounced off the walls vibrating the building. The lead dog turned around and started stalking further into the warehouse, the other two followed with their tails between their legs.

As they approached the middle of the warehouse two Doberman Pinschers stepped onto a circle of light from a skylight in the roof above them.

"Welcome, the boss requires a security check" one said

"Of course, whatever he needs. We came as a group and with nothing on us as instructed. But please by all means check to make sure. It is what he wants." The lead dog said standing with their feet apart, the other dogs did the same next to the lead dog.

The Dobermans approached the three dogs and started to check the dogs. One turned around and faced a dark part of the warehouse. "they are all clean, Boss"

"that is good. Welcome my agents, how was the trip?" the Boss asked as he stepped into the circle. He turned out to be a Pitbull-Boxer mix, his body was covered in lean and thick muscles and looked like he could lift ten dogs with only one arm.

"it was good, Sir." The lead dog said

"Well that is great to Hear… Sylvia" the boss said

The blue furred German Shepheard stepped out into the light. "I'm happy to please you, Sir"

"Waxier and Boil, get out here" the boss said and the two dogs behind Sylvia stepped out into the circle.

Well, it seems that you three work well together since I paired you up when Sylvia was with that police pup.

Sylvia growled "I still can't believe that I didn't kill that pup, how he survived me shooting him is beyond me"

"It's ok, I have a feeling that you will be able to finish off that pup for good this time." The Boss said

"What do you mean Boss sir?" Waxier asked

"Well, I have a very secret, and dangerous mission. It is the utmost importance that it is kept a secret, that is why we are meeting here. This mission comes from above me" the Boss said

"What is the mission Sir" Sylvia asked, sounding intrigued.

"Your mission, if you choose to accept so, is to capture and eliminate the Paw Patrol and everyone who may get in your way. You may choose to just capture and bring them back alive but the pup above me would rather see them dead" The boss said

"Who is this job for?" Boil asked

"a snooty, spoiled, undisciplined Princess's pet pup with a British accent" the Boss sighed "I would rather the mission be to get rid of her but no because she is paying us." The boss said

"you can count on us Sir" Sylvia said

"Good because if you fail this mission, I have been ordered to send a team to hunt and eliminate You" the Boss said. Waxier and Boil swallowed hard and Sylvia nodded

"let's go, Scaredy cats" Sylvia ordered and the three ran out of the warehouse to a black dodge avenger waiting in the parking lot.

They jumped into the car and started up the car. "this mission sounds like a hard one, commander" Boil said to Sylvia

"this is going to be our hardest mission to date" Sylvia said in a dark tone mixed with concern.

Both Waxier and Boil froze solid "why is that, commander?" Waxier asked nervously

"I have a past with the paw patrol, and it's not a good one. i have no idea how this is going to end, I already killed one of them, so that makes it easier"

"oh, wait I heard about that mission, that was you who betrayed that police pup" Boil said surprised

"yeah that was me, then I shot him" Sylvia said coldly

"I hate to break it to you commander, but he was on the news the other day" Waxier said

"what that is impossible, I shot right through the vest he was wearing. Are you sure it was him?" Sylvia asked

"yeah, his name was Chase, and he is the police pup for the Paw Patrol" Waxier said

"Shit, well that news means this job just got 10 times harder boys" Sylvia said as they pulled out of the warehouse parking lot. They got onto the highway and followed the sign towards Adventure bay.

After about two hours of driving the black avenger arrived into Foggy Bottom. The neighboring city to Adventure bay, then they pulled off the highway.

"what's going on, why are we getting off here?" Boil asked

"we are meeting with someone who will be helping us to take down our targets." Sylvia said

"who are we meeting?" Waxier asked

"someone else who has some bad blood with the Paw Patrol as well, or well mainly one pup" Sylvia said

Just as she said that the car pulled up to another warehouse. When they all got out the warehouse door opened, and three dogs came out all wearing red bandanas around their necks.

"who are you and what are you doing here" A big German Shepheard said darkly

"I'm Sylvia and I'm here to talk to your boss" Sylvia said coolly

The German shepherd started to growl "what is it about"

"it's about taking down the Paw Patrol" Sylvia said with an evil smile

The shepherd's eyes then lit up with interest "follow me, my boss would love to hear this" he turned around and walk towards the warehouse. Once inside there were a lot more dogs spread out around the building all wearing bandanas of different shades of red. Sylvia, Waxier, and Boil were lead to the far wall where there was an office and it was guarded by two Pitbull guards.

The Shepheard nodded, and the guards let them inside. Inside the dimly lit office, there was a window where there was a silhouette of a chair.

"Craig, who have you brought into here" a voice said

"it's a girl sir, she said she is here to meet you about taking out the Paw Patrol" the Shepheard said

The chair turned around and the voice started laughing "ah then you must be Sylvia, little lady"

"yes, it's very nice to finally meet you" Sylvia said pleased

"I agree, I have been wanting to get back at the paw patrol" the voice said

"can I ask sir, why do you want to get back at the paw patrol" Waxier asked

Suddenly there was a growl "the reason is because they took my family from me a few years ago and turned him against me" the voice said angerly.

"sorry about my partner here, he doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut apparently" Sylvia said stomping on Waxier' s paw causing him to wince in pain "I'm sorry he brought that up" Sylvia said

"oh no that is quite alright, he is just curious" the voice said

"also, I don't believe that you ever mentioned your name since we have been in contact for the past year. If we are going to work together in person, I would like to know your name" Sylvia said

"oh, I'm sorry, I can't believe I never told you my name. geez, my mother would be ashamed of me, rest her soul." He voice said

"I'm sorry to hear that" Sylvia said

"she was great. anyway…" the voice started but the sound of him getting off the chair sounded then he stepped into the light.

The dog was a German shepherd who looked exactly like one on the pups on the paw patrol but only much older. He wore a black bandana and as he passed into the light it gave a slight gleam of red to it.

"My name is Swift, it is a pleasure to finally meet you Sylvia. Sorry to hear that you didn't get that Paw Patrol police pup." Swift said

"yeah, I guess he had more protection then I had thought" Sylvia said

"I'm glad that you didn't kill my little brother" Swift said angerly

Sylvia's head shot up and horror plastered her entire face "I-I-I"

"sorry, what I meant was I'm glad that you didn't put him down… because I want to." Swift said maliciously

"alright then, how are we going to do this" Sylvia asked with a wicked smile.

Oh Crap! Sylvia is back and wants revenge, Chase's Brother, Swift, is in this too but for more than revenge (foreshadow); and who is the pup that wanted this job done anyway? I guess we will find out in the upcoming chapters of this new story.

man this is going to be epic. I can't wait to see what happens next. so for those of who might know who is behind this and wants the Paw Patrol taken out, leave a review with your answer. also if you leave an answer or don't, please tell me what you thought about this first chapter. Tell me what you want to see happen in this story since this is the first chapter, or you can send me a PM and both you and me can discuss that topic further.

I also wanted everyone to know that Swift belongs to the "Paw Patrol Origins story" that I used bits of for my previous story. that story belongs to the talented Mokocchii, if you haven't already read it, please do. it is a great story and I read it all the time, it was what gave me the inspiration to start writing my stories. I hope that you all find a story on this site that does the same for you as that story did for me.

I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter and come back for the next one. Until we meet again, TTFN!