Love's Journey

Originally by The Muse of Apollo, now carried forward from Chapter 8 by Castlefan6 with permission from author

Authors Note This is set before the end of season 2, but after Tick Tick/Boom. Chapters 1-7 are the work of the original author The Muse of Apollo, following chapters are work of Castlefan6

I don't own Castle, I only use the characters for amusement purposes only

Final Author's Notes

I would like to thank Matt, AKA The Muse of Apollo for kindly allowing me to continue a story he began, I hope I did it justice Matt, Huge Thanks for the help with the site as well.

Several people have been so kind along the way, I won't mention names in order not to slight anyone but please know I valued each of your input. For the guests I could not respond to Thank You, even if you disagreed with a point, it caused me to think and challenge myself on what I was writing for the truth. I also truly appreciated the reviews that backed me when I called out trolls, many comments were deleted, and for the life of me I still cannot fathom investing time to read 31 chapters of a book, then deciding it wasn't for me, oh well different strokes I guess.

What to look for next will be a new story, Love's Journey 2 which picks up right after this one, with only a minimum time gap if any. We wouldn't see Alexis or Martha, only in perhaps short clips since this story is about two lovers' journey. Paula is gone, and Gina will only make as much a presence as she did in the TV series, new characters are being developed. We will see Jess take charge of the homeless shelter construction, hopefully it is completed in this story, and Rick completes his story Lost Innocence under a pseudo name, Alex Richards.

As for Kate, she will be here, perhaps in a surprising role, and the rest of the precinct will appear as necessary. I welcome ideas from my readers, but please remember, I will decide what finally goes into this or the next story. This series looks like 3, possibly 4 separate stories including the original.

If you enjoy please Follow, Favor and drop even the briefest of comments, they are the fuel to us Keyboard Junkies sitting pounding keys for hours on end,

