Blink. Blink. Two figures hovered over but they're blurry. Blink.

"Well, you were right," one said, "Bolin was the first to faint."

Bolin blinked again and the figures became clear. Korra and Asami are kneeled in front of him with concerned looks on their faces, but neither can keep from cracking a smile. Bolin held his head.

"What happened?" Bolin asked, delirious.

"We told everyone we're getting married and you fainted," Asami told him.

"I thought if anyone was gonna faint, it'd be Mako," said Korra.

"Hey!" Mako protested, "I'm very happy for you both."

Tenzin stepped forward. "We all are. But I'd be lying if I said this wasn't…"

"Too soon?" Korra interjected. She was anticipating some judgement from Tenzin, so she had a feeling what he was getting at.

Tenzin stroked his beard. "I was thinking more…" He shrugged. "Abrupt."

Pema stepped in to save her struggling husband. "What Tenzin means is, we haven't even heard about your trip yet, or seen you two as a couple really, and now you're getting married. It's…"

Now Pema was at a loss for words, so Tenzin jumped in again. "Abrupt," he said.

"Gosh, there really isn't a better word for it, is there?" Pema asked, embarrassed.

Asami placed a reassuring hand on Korra's back. She could sense she was already getting frustrated with their reactions. Meanwhile, Bolin finally found the strength to stand again.

"Korra, ignore them. This is great! I'm so happy for you two I could just—oh no, it's happening again." Bolin's knees started to buckle underneath him. His eye sight got blurry for a few seconds.

"Don't tell me you're about to faint again," Mako sighed, before sliding a chair under his brother.

Bolin immediately collapsed into the chair to catch his breath. "Thank you. I'm just so happy. This is the greatest day of my life!"

Mako crossed his arms. "What about the day you got engaged to Opal?"

Bolin waved his brother off. "That's a close second. This is KORRA and ASAMI, for crying out loud! …..Don't tell Opal I said that."

"Wait a minute, you and Opal are engaged?! Why didn't you say anything?" Korra asked.

"Because you and Asami said you had important news and I didn't want to be a distraction," said Bolin modestly.

Mako had no problem calling out his brother. "Oh please, you love being a distraction."

Bolin grinned sheepishly. "That's true. I really do."

Tenzin needed this to get back on track. He cleared his throat. "So when's the big day, then?" he asked.

Korra and Asami looked at each other nervously.

"Well, that's the even crazier part," Korra started, "It's—uh, tomorrow."


Like clockwork, Bolin fainted again. He fell right out of his chair and spilled on the floor with a very dramatic sigh.

"Should we help him up?" Jinora asked, seeming like the only one to be concerned for Bolin at this point.

Meelo jumped up and down. "Leave him there, we got bigger things to focus on. Like how I'm gonna be the most handsome ring bearer ever!"

"How could you only give us one day's notice?" Tenzin huffed, the vein in his temple bulging. The planner in him was freaking out. "There's so much to do!"

Korra grabbed Tenzin by the shoulders to calm him down. "I know it's short notice but don't worry. The spirits are taking care of everything. All you all need to do is show up."

Bolin jolted awake. "You'll need someone to officiate, right?! I can do it!" he exclaimed, because somehow he heard this entire conversation while unconscious. Their wedding is just that important to him.

"We're so sorry, Bolin, but we already have someone," Asami told him.

Bolin had never been more offended in his life. "Who on Earth could be better than me?"

Korra and Asami exchanged another one of their knowing glances. In just six months these two could already communicate through looks, like they had their own language, like they had an infinite amount of secrets that only they were in on.

Korra thought for a moment. "Let's just say they're an old friend of the Avatar's."

Asami placed a gentle hand on Bolin's shoulder. "We still need someone to make a toast at the reception."

Bolin's face lit up. "Oh, oh, I can do that!"

Asami smiled before helping Bolin off the floor. "I thought you might."

"If the spirits are taking care of everything, does that mean it's in the spirit world?" Ikki asked. She jumped and down while clapping her little hands together. "Do I finally get to go in the spirit world?!"

"Way to spoil the surprise, Ikki," Korra laughed, "Yes, it's in the spirit world."

Using her airbending Ikki jumped even higher with joy. "Yay! Yay! Yay!"

"Enough wedding talk already, I wanna hear about your spirit world adventures," Jinora insisted.

Everyone took a seat for what is surely a long story.

"Where do we even begin?" Korra asked Asami.

Meelo mounted the table with a fist in the air. "Skip to the fight scenes!"

Bolin clutched his heart. "No, no, tell us about the budding romance!"

Korra blushed. "Romance?"

"Yeah, your first date, your first kiss, tell us everything!" Bolin perched his chin on his palms, all ears.

Mako rolled his eyes. "Jeez, Bo back off a little, will ya?"

"What? I'm very invested in their relationship," said Bolin.

"There's a difference between invested and annoying. Just be supportive," Mako said.

"No, it's okay, Mako," Korra assured him, "I think it's sweet that Bolin cares so much."

Asami shrugged. "I guess it would make sense to start with our first date?"

Korra giggled. "Okay, do you wanna tell it or should I?"

"You can tell it."

"Are you sure? You're so good at telling stories."

"Ugh, not this again," Meelo groaned.

"Sorry, sorry," Korra apologized, a little embarrassed. "We'll both tell it."

Asami leans in dramatically, waving her fingers around. "So, it all started when…"

A/N: Sorry there's so much dialogue. I've been trying to "make it" as a script writer so I'm out of practice writing prose. But this scene didn't have much action anyway. Besides, dialogue is my favorite. Anyway, next chapter is Korra and Asami in the spirit world, I promise.