I don't know why I felt this needed to happen but it did? Hope you enjoy and I don't own Sentai.

Kairi woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He reached up to the sound without opening his eyes.

"Kairi, where are you?"

Kairi opened his eyes and looked around, "That's a good question."

"You went to the bar last night and didn't come home," Umika complained.

"Oh, I'll be home soon," Kairi assured as he shut his phone. He rubbed his eyes which were blurring at the bright sunlight. He heard a groaning noise next to him. He pulled back the blanket to reveal Noel.

"Hey, wake up, what happened?" Kairi shook Noel.

Noel rolled over and opened his eyes, "Kairi?"

Before they could talk anymore, they both heard another phone ring off the side of the bed.

"Huh? Oh I'm late?!" Keiichiro shot up and quickly noticed he was on the floor.

"Kei-chan?" Kairi asked confused.

"What is going on?" Keiichiro wondered.

"We went out," Noel reminded.

"Where are we and why are we here?" Kairi asked.

"This is my place," Noel informed, "but I'm not sure what happened. I'm assuming we all drank too much."

"Well, we can figure it out later. I need to get to work," Keiichiro stood and grabbed his jacket. He made sure he had his VS changer and trigger machine before Noel pointed the way out.

"I don't remember drinking much," Kairi thought.

"I don't know, but my head is screaming," Noel admitted.

"I have to get to work too," Kairi spoke. He stood up and noticed he was just in a shirt and boxers, so he found his pants on the ground and pulled them on.

"Check that drawer," Noel pointed. Kairi opened it and found Noel's changer as well as his own and his dial fighter.

"I hope I didn't reveal my identity," Kairi yawned.

"I'll figure out what I can." Noel assured as Kairi left.

"Where were you?" Umika questioned when Kairi finally arrived.

He quickly pulled on his apron, "I don't want to talk about it."

A few hours later all four Patrangers entered The Jurer.

Nigou and Sangou sat down while Ichigo and Noel went up to Kairi.

"It turns out there was a bunch of thefts last night and they attributed it to a gangler," Keiichiro informed.

"We tested positive for some kind of drug," Noel continued.

"We think we were targeted to prevent us from stopping them. I'm sorry you got dragged into police business," Keiichiro apologized.

"It's fine, Keii-chan," Kairi smiled, "Though we still don't know how we ended up at Noel's place."

Noel responded, "I've been busy so far but I was planning to enlist the help of the Lupinrangers to search the security feeds from the nearby businesses."

"Good, well it looks like your team is waiting," Kairi waved to the Patranger's table.

Later that night Noel called Keiichiro over to his house. Kairi was already there, but acted like he was surprised at the footage too.

"Lupin Red brought me this," Noel informed. He pressed play and watched the three of them stumbling around walking.

"I think we need to go this way," Noel pointed as he almost fell over.

"Keii-chan," Kairi laughed as Keiichiro faceplanted on the ground, "You won't catch the Lupinrangers like that."

"I'll get them," Keiichiro slurred in response.

The footage flipped to another camera.

"We need to watch a movieeee," Kairi giggled.

"Yes!" Keiichiro agreed a little too loud.

"I think this is it," Noel struggled with his keys. He dropped them a few times before finally unlocking his door.

The video then cut.

"Normally my video player is empty but I did find a movie in it, so I think it's safe to say we just had a movie night sleepover," Noel chuckled.

"This footage better not get to anyone else," Keiichiro paled in embarrassment.

Kairi just giggled at the entire situation.

The next morning Keiichiro went into work to find the whole office watching the part of Keiichiro face planting into the ground, "Dammit Lupin Red."