Cake time.

The boy's blue icing cake made to look like a large swimming pool was well received, as were the little jelly fishes on top like sharks.

Carley's was pink. Like… fluro. It was a hover.

She screamed with glee, her hands clasped together as she stared at the doll sitting the hover that looked just like her down to the almond shaped eyes and Idris lifted it out to hand to her, "A real dolly. She can be a friend to help you play."

Jazz hands, gasping and a loss of words as she gaped at her doll with delight, Idris full of pride as he watched her face glow.

"Well done, she loves it" Ianto assured him, "she will remember to breathe any second and…there she goes.

A shuddering breath then a shrill squeal of glee as the dolly was shaken about a bit and Idris laughed as she hugged his legs. Ianto could see his grandfather hovering so he stepped aside to let him in, the old man crouching to offer her something as well and she crooned as she accepted the little box, opening it to find a diamond bracelet inside that made her eyes widen.

"All princesses have bling" he told her as he fastened it to her wrist.

"That…looks expensive. She is only three" Ianto finally said softly.

"Doesn't matter. I got your mother one when she was this age and she still had it when…"he cleared his throat and rose to brush his trousers as Ianto finished it.

"When she left" Ianto watched the children race about and sighed, "Line."

"Yes. It's her day" John agreed, "Yes. Thank you"

"And I want your gratitude even less than apologies" Ianto huffed, stalking inside to check on the food. He took some cleansing breaths then turned to find a line of children, capes flapping and hero poses as they filled the kitchen.

"And jobs for us to save the world?" Dylan asked pompously and Ianto melted as he saw Jack in the little man.

"Thank the gods. All this food has to go out and the empty containers come back in. It was going to take me all day!" Ianto clasped his hands with glee. The children cheered and whooshed about complete with sound effects, saving Taddy Ianto.

Presents were piled and her eyes kept shifting there, especially at the large hover sized one that looked most important and when Jack finally called time she ran to it and tore as the paper like a thing possessed. The hover was a brilliant pink. It was huge and there were two seats, making it large enough for her to have a friend… a little special friend maybe and the little girl was eagerly looking for something to jam in there when Dorbit rose from beside his wife and cleared his throat, "Sweetie. Auntie Annabelle and I have our gift here."

He knelt and opened the basket that had been by his feet and to Ianto's horror he removed a Fluffit. A creature that was a mix between a kitten and a dragon. Cute when small but also known for their destructive natures and huge appetites.

Jack was equally shocked, excitedly so as he squealed and declared it the healthiest one he had ever seen, helping her put the fuzz ball into the hover. With a scream of glee she took off and Ianto sighed as it became obvious that Jack had not placed perimiter sticks to contain it in the garden like the boys' ones and as she took off down the end of the section Jack's grin faded and he started to run as Andy followed with pure horror.

"Well now, an unusual choice" Ianto said diplomatically to Enzo and Carley's Mama's family as they preened.

"I know" Dorbit boomed, "I guessed no one else would bring one."

Ianto grimaced then the hover came back into view with Carley laughing as the thing looked back behind them at the men chasing them, its tiny paws clutching the edge of the hover.

Well … it would give her something to fuss over I guess.





The party wound down and some left with party bags, some settled with the boys in beds and such, pullouts made up and Andy snuggled in amongst lots of excited children to watch cartoons. Ianto left them to it and found his grandfather at the table in the kitchen helping Jack fill goodie bags for those going home in the morning.

"I would say this was a success" Jack smiled, "even with that animal."

"Yes, Owen you did a good job" Ianto patted Owen's head and he blinked then howled with mirth, calling him a cheeky prick.

"Cariad, why don't you go check her and her little friend, they have room in the bed for someone who can work the remote control for a movie" Ianto touched Jack's shoulder and the man rose for a kiss then left, Ianto setting into the abandoned chair.

"You are so much like her. Your mother. She would have loved this today" John sighed, "My wife would have too."

"I am just glad no one lost an eye" Ianto slumped as Idris laughed and settled to eat some popcorn half eaten in a bowl.

Things still needed to be sorted and Ianto looked at Idris calmly, "I want in on the Parlay."

"Thought you might"

Nuff said.





So, the next one will be Dylan's first Grup Meeting. I know this one was short but we all want some Dragon Ianto now ... they will be sorry they poked this one.