What if Reverser took a second shot at Marinette before making Roger lawless?

Reverser Retargets
Chapter 1: Hated

"Final phase of Operation Comic Book, Tikki," said Marinette.

Marinette was her rooftop balcony. She used her cell phone camera to zoom in on the Place des Vosges.

She had set up a meeting between Marc, the author of the story, "The Diary of Ladybug," and Nathaniel, a talented cartoonist who did illustrations of superheros. She was sure they would love each other's work and join forces to create a comic book.

"This will be better than a fairy tale ending," said Tikki.

Nathaniel approached the Square Fountain at the park; his heart was pounding. He had read just a little bit of the beginning of the "Diary" story, and he had convinced himself that Ladybug had a crush on him.

There was a figure in a red hoodie sitting on the fountain's edge.

"Ladybug?" Nathaniel called softly.

"Huh?" said Marc, turning around.

"What? You're not Ladybug!" said Nathaniel.

"Of course I'm not, it's me, Marc. Didn't Marinette tell you?"


Nathaniel looked up at Marinette's balcony. She was up there, and she had her camera out to record his humiliation!

"You were trying to make a fool of me, weren't you?" Nathaniel asked Marc, pointing up at Marinette. "Do you think it's funny to toy with my feelings?"

"No, not at all! I-I just want.. to make.. a comic book, if you want to, that is."

"A comic book? Us? Together? Never!"

Nathaniel tore the book in half and threw it on the ground. He stalked away.

Marc sat by his destroyed book and began to sob.

Hawk Moth sensed a victim. Not just an artist whose work was destroyed, but a young man whose secret crush had just been broken. Hawk Moth opened the window in his lair.

"A blooming friendship brutally ripped up. Picture perfect no more."

Hawk Moth charged a butterfly with akuma energy.

"Fly away, my beautiful akuma, and evilize him!"

Marinette came running up.

Marc was now a hooded figure in black and white, one side the negative of the other. He hovered on a giant paper airplane.

"Marc? What happened?" asked Marinette.

"I'm not Marc anymore. I am Reverser!" said the akuma victim. "And you, Marinette, the one who caused all this, you think you're the super-helpful girl who's loved by everyone? Well, from now on, everyone will hate you!"

A paper airplane appeared in Reverser's hand. He threw it at Marinette as he invoked: "Reversion!"

Marinette dodged and it hit Xavier Ramier, the bird lover, who was feeding pigeons as he sat on a park bench. His birds started to peck at him.

"Ouch! What's happening to you, my little pigeons?" asked Xavier.

The birds responded by flying away from him.

Xavier ran after them, calling: "Where are you going? Wait! Come back! Please!"

Reverser glared at Marinette, ready to try for another shot.

"But, I don't get it! I really was trying to help you!" said Marinette.

"Liar!" Reverser shouted. "You told Nathaniel I was someone else!"

Roger Raincomprix the police officer ran up to them.

"Hey you! What is this thing? Vehicle registration please," said Roger.

"Just a moment," said Reverser.

He wouldn't let himself be distracted from his prey. Sure enough, the instant he turned his head Marinette had started running away. Reverser let fly another paper airplane and it hit her in the back.


"Ahem!" said Roger. "I'm going to write you tickets for flying an unauthorized air vehicle and assault with a paper airplane."

"You're all about law and order? Well, we're all done with that! Reversion!" said the villain, tagging Roger with a paper plane.

"Mhuhahahaha!" said Roger. "Do whatever you want with that paper plane of yours, I've got other plans! Starting by going after that girl, Marinette. For some reason I don't like her face!"

Reverser flew off to find his next target, Nathaniel.

Marinette hid behind the corner and opened her purse.

"Where did Operation Comic Book go wrong? We had better find out!" said Marinette.

"You find out," said Tikki. "I want nothing to do with you, Marinette. I hate you!"

"Tikki, no!" said Marinette, holding out her hand to the kwami.

Tikki bit Marinette on her index finger.

"Ow! Tikki, spots on!"

Tikki was dragged into the Miraculous against her will, before she could do any more damage.

Officer Raincomprix came charging up. "I was looking for Marinette, but you'll do. I hate you, too."

He tried to shoot Ladybug with his taser gun, but she easily got away by leaping and swinging.

Adrien was stuck in a traffic jam with his driver, "Gorilla" Gustav.

The limousine television was tuned to the news. Nadia Chamac reported: "Mayor Bourgeois will later talk about his new space-dumpster program. Protesters gathered under the slogan 'Space is no dump' and are walking towards city hall, causing traffic jams in the center of the city."

Roger Raincomprix ran by with two large bags slung over his shoulders and a taser gun in his hand. "In the name of the law, do whatever you want. Hah!"

A man ran after him shouting, "The bank, he robbed the bank!"

A black-and-white villain flew by, towing a screaming Ladybug.

Adrien spoke to his driver. "I forgot my fencing gloves, since traffic's so bad, I'll go get them and catch up with you on foot."

Adrien found a side alley to transform. He said to Plagg, "That's really funny, what happened to Ladybug!"

"Yeah, I'm sure she deserves it," said Plagg.

"Let's go after the bank robber. Plagg, claws out!"