So this is basically a stereotypical Spider-man goes to Vegas, gets hammered and parties like there's no tomorrow, but this time meets a woman that's also in Vegas for some weird reason, they hang out, get drunk, have sex, keep drinking, have more sex, and then get married and then back to the sex before Peter finally wakes up to the mother of all hangovers and finds himself now married to said woman.

The woman in question will be… Elektra Natciohs!

So yeah, Peter is now married to arguably the greatest assassin on Earth, like that won't create some problems for him…

Also, quick note, this story's Elektra is more based off her MCU version, from the Daredevil Netflix series, though when she's on the job she's more like her comic book counterpart in that she's for the most part serious, cold, and emotionless… but still has enough personality to make a snappy quip like in the show.

Now, will Peter attract any more women aside from the hyper lethal Greek beauty? Yes, but they wont be appearing for a while now so for now it'll just be Elektra that's showing any real interest in Peter.

Disclaimer: I don't own any Marvel characters seen, mentioned or used in this story

"Whelp, this has to be the lowest low I've ever hit, and I've hit pretty low a lot in my life… and been hit pretty low come to think of it" Peter said to himself as he sat at a random bar in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Now one has to ask, why is Spider-man, the heart and soul of both New York and the Superhero community, doing in the city of sin? The kinda town you'd find people like Wolverine or even Ghost rider milling around.

Well it all started about a few months, close to a year ago when Mary Jane Watson broke off her and Peter's relationship just a few days after the events of the Civil War nd Aunt May getting shot and Peter having Doctor Strange use his magic to have the world forget he was Spider-man. Now granted she wasn't entirely selfish in wanting to bail after being with him for almost six years, even if half those years were spent either being kidnapped and nearly killed by a supervillain, be it one of his regulars or not because they found out he was Spider-man. Staying up at night wondering if he was even going to come home or not and finally spending hours stitching him back up after a particularly bad night of patrol, an Avengers Mission gone south or just getting dragged into either the latest fiasco the X-men or Fantastic Four found themselves in or just plain old bad luck on Peter's part, which was quite frequent with him. hell he didn't even make it to the alter on their wedding day because he got knocked out from being Spider-man by some random thug.

In all honesty, Peter was genuinely surprised she stayed with him that long after the last one, hell if he was in her shoes he would have bailed after the first date, not stick it for six long grueling years and through over thirty situations where she nearly died, half of which were because of the Green Goblin!

"At least she's still alive after all the hell I dragged her through... here's hoping she moves on and lives a stress free life" Peter mumbled as he stared into his glass of Cola, yeah that's right it's soda, not liquor even though he's in the heart of Las Vegas in a bar.

He's not that depressed yet…

Now given Peter's love life being at an all-time low since 'The One' left him, one would argue while bad wasn't enough to warrant a trip to Vegas and get shit faced drunk at some point, after all he still has his job at the Daily Bugle, right?

Wrong, with Jameson now mayor, how that happened Peter doesn't want to even comprehend, the Bugle now under some new guy that bought it out afterwards started to do some cuts and sadly Peter was amongst the bunch that got cut. Well actually he stayed around for a while o be the man's paparazzi photographer but that didn't end well.

"Nice to know all of those famous photos I took that helped the Bugle financially over the years didn't mean squat to other major publisher companies cause they didn't want to get on my old boss's bad side. Can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I miss having Jonah as a boss!" Peter said as he downed his soda and asked for a new one, this time asking the bartender to add some rum to it, now he was at that kind of depressed.

Okay so Parker's love life, it sucked and his long-standing career as a photographer at the Daily Bugle, now the DB, was over and sadly Peter isn't sure he can get another job like it without coming up with some very creative ways to explain how he's gotten his award-winning shots over the years at a major news distributor that will risk taking Peter on. Plus, it's not like there's a any other sort of job he can get that'll accept him being late half the time, assuming he'll even show up because of his responsibilities as Spider-man.

"Heh, wonder if Stark's hiring yet?" Peer mumbled as he took a sip of his rum laced soda before letting out a depressed sigh, if he was anymore gloomy, Peter swore a thunderstorm would be over his head.

Several minutes passed as Peter drank his glass before ordering another several and was just about to down his fourth drink in the span of half an hour when suddenly he saw a woman sit next to him. He glanced at her briefly and gaped at what he saw…

She was beautiful, there was no questioning it, long black hair, a tan like complexion and when she spoke, her voice carried a Greek accent to it. She was clad in a scarlet red dress that had slits on both sides that started that the hips, allowing her long-toned legs to be on display for the world to admire. A small keyhole that showed off the top of her breasts and an intricate pattern of straps on her back that went from her shoulders and down to just above her waist.

"Tequila please…" she flashed the bartender a smile that showed off her snow-white teeth and dark red lipstick.

The man behind the counter nodded as he went to get her drink while Peter quickly returned his own gaze to his drink as the woman began to turn towards him.

The woman smirked a little at Peter as she spoke "Enjoying Vegas?"

Peter jumped a little before he risked a glance at her and nodded "Y-Yeah, great place. Can't understand why it gets such a bad rep"

The woman chuckled a little as the bartender returned with a glass of her drink and took a slow steady sip of the liquor before she placed it on the countertop. Peter took a drink of his own glass as he tired to calm his nerves. The woman seemed to see this as she spoke again.


"What gave it away?" Peter asked with a sheepish grin.

The woman nodded towards Peter's hands "Well for one, you look like your about to crush that drink if you hold it any tighter and you look more rounded up then a spring"

"Oh, sorry" Peter said as he took another sip of his drink.

"It's fine, most men I meet tend to be on edge when around me" the woman said with a shrug as she took a sip of her drink.

"Really? Why?" Peter asked with surprise.

The woman smirked a little as she took another sip of her glass "Guess"

At this Peter blushed "Uh, is it… is it um, is it because you like Tequila?"

The woman grinned at this as she leaned towards Peter "No"

"Is it because you don't seem to mind Vegas?" Peter asked as he felt sweat beginning to build.

"No" she teased with a giggle as she leaned against the countertop.

"Is it um… is it…" Peter tired to say as the woman turned in her seat and her leg touched his.

"Is it, what?" she asked with a grin.

"Is it because your… pretty?" Peter squeaked out which in turn caused the woman's grin to widen even more.

"No…" she whispered as she leaned in towards Peter's ear and spoke in a low voice that caused him to almost shiver "It's because I usually have a bloodstained Sai at their throat by now"

Peter's brow furrowed in confusion before everything clicked into place about the mysterious woman. Wears red, looks beyond beautiful, and has an alluring Greek accent, uses Sais...

"E-Elektra?" Peter stuttered out as he backed away from the woman slightly in surprise.

"Hello Peter…" she grinned at the man finally figuring out who she was "It's been quite a while, hasn't it?"

Peter gawked at one of the world's deadliest assassins as he looked around in worry "Uh, why are you here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Elektra said with a shrug as she held up her drink "I was thirsty… and now, I'm feeling a little hungry""

She then took a long gulp of her drink before she placed the now empty glass on the counter and eyed Peter up and down with a look that both terrified and strangely aroused Peter in ways he didn't think possible. The feeling intensified when Elektra's leg brushed against his again.

"EEEP!" Peter jumped a little as he backed away a full seat from the now laughing woman.

"Calm down Peter, your starting to make a scene" Elektra said as she signaled for a refill.

"W-What, what are you doing here!" Peter said.

Elektra gave Peter an amused grin before she took her refilled glass and took a sip "Relax, I'm not here on a job"

"Really?" Peter said with skepticism.

"Really" Elektra said as she patted on the seat Peter first occupied "Now sit back down, it's always nice to drink with a friend"

"Since when are we friends?" Peter asked with surprise.

"Well, best friends with my ex" Elektra answered.

Peter's eyes narrowed a bit at this "That… doesn't sound like a good thing to be labeled as, especially with you"

Elektra responded with a grin as she took another drink of her glass as Peter very slowly sat back down in his original seat. After several moments, she placed her glass down and looked at Peter with interest "So what brings you all the way out here, away from your precious city, Peter?"

"Why should I tell you" Peter said.

"Because I told you why I'm here, didn't I?" the Greek beauty said with a grin.

"No, you didn't, you just said you weren't here on a job, which I still doubt" Peter countered.

"Hmm, smart boy. Nice to see that underrated intellect of yours at work aside from making snappy quips and jokes" Elektra said with a chuckle before she downed her glass in one go again before signaling for another "To be honest Peter, if I was here on a job, which I'm not saying I am, you would never know I was ever within a hundred miles of this city"

Peter was about to respond before he thought it over for a few moments "That's… hard to argue against"

Elektra hummed in amusement "It usually is, but in all seriousness I'm actually here for a date"

"Really?" Peter said with raised brows "You came all the way out here, for a date?"

"Yes" Elektra said with a nod "It's been a slow few weeks and I needed a bit more excitement to keep me from doing something stupid"

"Where is this date at? Somewhere nice?" Peter asked.

"It was, at the Joël Robuchon in MGM Grand" Elektra said as she took a sip of her drink "Good food, good service, rather charming atmosphere. The perfect place for a date in the City of Sin…"

"Buuuut?" Peter prodded.

"My date was an absolute bore" Elektra said with a sigh "No sense of adventure, has never left this country for anything and was the very definition of a trust fund brat. And the fact he kept staring at my chest didn't help him either"

"Then why go on a date with him?" Peter asked with confusion.

"Because I thought it might be sort of entertaining and I needed to get laid, turns out I was wrong on all fronts and left ten minutes into that horrible excuse of a date and eventually ended up here" Elektra said with a grin as she patted Peter's arm "Where I've found much better entertainment"

"Me?" Peter said as he pointed to himself.

"For the time being" Elektra said as she looked Peter up and down.

Peter stared at the deadly woman for several moments before he ran a hand across his face "I'm not sure whether it's a good thing that I have your attention or not"

"You're not dead, so good… for now" Elektra said as she leaned in towards Peter with a grin before Peter suddenly tensed and on reflex turned and caught the hand of a young very well-dressed man that was reaching out to grab him and bring him into what looked like a punch.

The man's eyes widened in surprise while Elektra glanced at the expensively dressed individual with a somewhat bored expression "Oh, you were able to finally track me down. I'm surprised you could even navigate your way out of a restaurant on your own. Be honest, you used an App, didn't you?"

The man turned towards Elektra as Peter released his hand "What the fuck are you doing here!?"

"Having a drink and talking with a friend" Elektra said with a simple shrug as she sipped her tequila "Why?"

"You left me!" the man nearly yelled in rage.

Elektra's response was a slow mocking clap "Congratulations on putting it together Sherlock, you truly are a detective of unmatched skill"

Peter stare back and forth between the two and made to get up, he had enough problems on his own and didn't need to be dragged into Elektra's of all people "I'm gonna see myself out-"

"You stay where the fuck you are, jackass!" the man growled as he shoved Peter back into his chair.

The sudden actions of the man took Peter by surprise a little and thus was unable to resist being pushed back into the chair "Uhhhh, huh?"

The man then held a finger in Peter's face with a scowl etched on his own "Don't think I didn't see what you were trying to do! Trying to move in on my date"

"Former date" Elektra said as she watched the scene with a bemused expression "Figured me walking out was clue enough it was over"

"You!" the man then rounded on Elektra, his face red with fury "Shut. Up."

Elektra's eyes suddenly narrowed, and her grin fell "…Make me"

Peter watched as the man's glare at Elektra increased tenfold and or a moment, Peter thought the man was going to try and hit her.

'Okay, best step in before he get's himself killed!' Peter thought as he stood up with his hands raised to show he meant no harm "Hey man, look take my advice and just leave it. You really don't-"

"I wasn't talking to you!" the man said as he turned towards Peter just as Elektra kicked a leg out and nailed the man right in the gut, the force of the blow knocking the air clean out of him and caused him to stumble back before falling to the floor.

Peter gaped at the dark-haired woman as she took another sip of her drink before putting the glass down as she went to stand up and possibly do worse than kick the man before Peter grabbed her arm, stopping the assassin.

"Don't" Peter said as he got in between her and the man groaning on the ground "Please?"

Elektra stared at Peter for a moment before she shook her in annoyance "Just like Matthew, such a little boy scout… fine"

She sat back down in her chair and watched as Peter tired to help the man up before he was shoved away.

"Don't touch me!" he shouted before he pointed towards Elektra with a glare "Your gonna regret this, you fucking bitch. You hear me, when I'm done with you, you won't be able to afford being some two-bit whore on a corner looking for your next meal!"

"Oh, I'm shaking in my several hundred-dollar heels" Elektra said with an eye roll.

The man gritted his teeth in absolute rage before he turned towards Peter "And you!"

"Me?" Peter said as he pointed to himself "What did I do?"

The man stared at Peter for several seconds before he spoke "I know your face, I'm gonna remember it"

"Dude, seriously all I was doing was sitting here having a drink!" Peter said as the man turned away and began to limp towards the doorway.

Peter watched him go before he turned towards a smirking Elektra with a scowl "Seriously?! I was just here for a drink before I decided to try and hit the casinos and make even more bad and costly decisions, this time with my wallet and dignity!"

"Oooh, you are?" Elektra said as she clapped her hands together "Well what are we waiting for?"

"We?" Peter repeated as Elektra stood up and grabbed his hand and began to pull him towards the doorway.

"Congratulations mister Parker, you are now my new and far more interesting date for the evening!" the Greek assassin said with a grin.

"Wait, I'm what!?" Peter said with surprise.

Elektra had to admit her night, which started off as painstakingly boring, was quickly beginning to change as the infamous assassin dragged Peter to their third casino for the evening a little over two hours after they left the bar. It didn't take long for Elektra to realize that while Peter was atrocious at slot machines, he seemed to be adept at other games like Blackjack.

'It must be his spider-sense… very convenient' Elektra thought with a slightly drunken giggle as she pulled with her a even more drunk Peter Parker.

She was surprised the man could get drunk, given that his healing factor seemed to allow him to heal from some rather grievous injuries. Granted it wasn't as strong as Wolverine's, not by a long shot, but she figured it was strong enough to filter out the toxins of alcohol far better than most. Elektra's thoughts on Peter's oddly working healing factor was cut short as she stumbled a little in her heels, causing Peter to reach out and grab her before she could possibly fall.

"Whoop, so much for grace of a cat" Peter chuckled as he brought Elektra close to his body.

The Greek assassin smirked as she kicked off her heels and stood on the pavement barefoot as she pushed herself back into Peter and looked over her shoulder at the man "Says the man with a precognitive sense that's nearly walked into several lamps posts on the way here"

Peter hummed at that as Peter whispered in Elektra's ear, causing her to shudder a little "Touché Ms. Natciohs…"

Elektra giggled as she pulled away from Peter and looked up at the casino they arrived and grinned when she saw that it was also the one she was staying at, convenient. She grabbed Peter's hand and pulled him towards the revolving door, leaving her heels on the sidewalk for whoever wants them, she had plenty more and they were a bitch to walk in drunk anyway. Peter stumbled getting into the revolving door and nearly fell out face first after the duo pushed out into the main lobby of the casino.

Peter glanced around and let out a low whistle at what he saw "Wow… this place looks waaaay better than the place I'm staying at"

"Oh?" Elektra said as she leaned against Peter to keep her balance as she tried to find out where the casino part of the hotel was. She wanted Peter to clear this place out so they can have even more money to blow away.

"Y-Yeah… yeah…" Peter nodded as he looked behind them to see an attractive woman pass by. He then leaned in towards Elektra and whispered again "And the girls here don't look like they might be hookers…"

Elektra broke out into a laugh at that and had to cover her mouth as she saw several passing guests give her a funny look "Oh god… though to be honest Peter, I think some of them here still are!"

"Yeah, really classy ones…" Peter said as he broke down into a laugh as well as he buried his face in the side of her neck in a vain attempt to muffle his laugh as Elektra saw the entrance to the casino portion of the building and began to pull Peter towards it before he stopped. The raven-haired woman glanced back at Peter and saw him rubbing his stomach with a slightly irritated face.

"Ooh… I think those shots wanna come back up" Peter said with a grimace.

Elektra rolled her eyes at this before the action caused her to stumble slightly as her sense of balance wavered "Lightweight"

"Heeeey, I don't drink often!" Peter whined as he looked for a bathroom he could possibly throw up in. He was still sober enough to know that the people of this hotel likely wouldn't appreciate him puking on the floor which looked like they were made of tiles more expensive then his apartment back in New York and the motel room he was staying in combined!

"I'm sure" Elektra teased as she began to pull him towards the elevator "Come, we're get to my room first and let you upheave your stomach before we return to take this sorry excuse of a casino's money for ourselves"

"That's the nicest way I've ever heard someone when it comes to taking someone's money" Peter said as he let Elektra lead him to the elevator and push him inside before she leaned against him.

Elektra moaned as her body pressed against his and she consciously rubbed her rear against his pelvis, aware of the growing erection within. Perter groaned as he pushed Elektra away a little as he tried to calm his body down.

'No Peter, down… she's, she's…. what is she again?' Peter thought as he tried to remember why grinding against the beauty before him would end badly for him. Something about Sais and hitting was all he could think of.

Before Peter could try and remember what it was that he was supposed to know, Elektra grabbed him by the face and pulled him into a hungry kiss that he was more then eager to return. He gripped the deadly woman's hips and pushed her back against the wall of the elevator as it slowly made it's way up to the floor Elektra was staying on. The Greek beauty raised her leg up Peter's side and wrapped it around his hip, pulling him flush against her as the two tried to dominate the other with their lips. while Peter liked to think he was no pushover when it comes to the more intimate things of life, he found himself outclassed in just about every way conceivable as Elektra began to dominate the kiss. Her hands knew what areas of his body to rub to get his blood pumping and the way her groin would press into his, teasing the growing bulge with a dampening spot in her dress, caused Peter to slowly submit himself to the dangerous beauty before him, if for nothing else to keep experiencing the pleasure she was inflicting on him.

Soon the elevator came to a stop and the two stumbled out, though disentangling themselves from one another proved to be a challenge.

"Come baaack… want you now" Peter said as he buried his face into Elektra's neck as she pulled him towards her room, his hands wandering upa nd down her body.

"Oooh, I can tell..." she breathed out as she stopped and pushed Peter against the wall before she pulled him into a heated kiss before pulling back and looking up at him with hunger etched on her face "But the manager here doesn't tolerate sex in the halls"

"Well boo on him" Peter chuckled as he kissed Elektra on the neck and traveled down to her chest.

Elektra moaned as Peter began to try and lick her nipple through her dress before she turned down the hall to see how far her door was from them. It was only a few meters but to her it was too far. She wrapped her arms around Peter's neck, keeping his head in her cleavage as she did her best to pull the man to her door, not an easy feat considering that he was now actively sucking on her nipple through the fabric of her dress.

'Finally!' she thought as she reached her door and quickly fished her card out and held it up to the door for it to scan while she grabbed Peter by the hair and pulled the man up into a kiss.

The two stood there for a few seconds until they both heard the door lock beep before it unlocked. Peter didn't waste anytime in scooping a giggling Elektra up and pushing in the door before carrying her inside. Elektra laughed as she kicked her foot out and closed the door while she began to tear the top buttons of Peter's shirt off, eager to undress the man and expose his flesh for her to worship with her lips and tongue.

"Where's... where's your r-room?" Peter asked as he turned in a circle in the middle of Elektra's room, causing her to chuckle.

"We're already in it!" she teased as she licked his adams apple.

"No, the one with a bed!" Peter said as he leaned down and captured Elektra's lips with his own.

She laughed into the kiss before she leaned back and looked at Peter with amusement "Didn't you say that your shots wanted to come back up"

"Y-Yeah..." Peter chuckled as he saw a door that he thought was her room and began to approach it "But now something else wants to come up"

"Ooh, I can't wait to see what it is" Elektra cooed as Peter literally kicked her door in to her bedroom and carried her over to the king sized mattress where he promptly dropped her on the soft mattress.

The Greek assassin moaned at the feeling of the soft sheets against her hot body before she sat up and pushed the top portion of her dress down to her waist, exposing her breasts to a awed Peter before she grabbed him and pulled him on to the bed.

"Now mister Parker…" Elektra said with a drunken giggle as she straddled Peter's hips and took his hands and placed them on her waist before she leaned in until their noses were touching as she began to grind her hips into Peter's "Let's see if your title of being 'Amazing' is well earned…"

"It most definitely is well earned" Peter said with a bemused expression, his speech slurring even more as time went on.

"We's will see you naughty little boy…" Elektra said with a equally slurred giggle as she leaned forward and licked the side of Peter's neck before leaving a series of kisses down the other side.

And that was the last thing either of them remembered for the rest of the night as Elektra crashed her lips into Peter's as one of his hands reached up to one of the Greek beauty's breasts and pulled it out and began to tweak with the nipple, causing her to moan into the kiss…

And done.

Next chapter, The morning after…