A/N: Sorry ahead of time for the extra long chapter! Thanks for reading and commenting!

Jackson drove slower than Derek had ever thought his friend capable of, he was surprised when he realized it was for Stiles' benefit. The healing was faster than a non-bonded omega would be but it was still a wolfsbane blade that cut him, so he still had pain pills to be taken and bandages needing to be changed. Derek had paid close attention to the process so he could be the one doing so.

Jackson pulled up the long driveway leading to his large three storied brick home, "Your brother arrived an hour ago, dad hired a private nurse to look over his, um injury." Jackson held back a growl, having heard what happened to the younger boy from Derek and actually seeing the damage were two different things.

He had watched Brandon grow up, the kid was so small and now he was saddled with a prick named Travis. The nurse was a human beta so her scent was not distressing the younger boy and he was comfortable. However Jackson was confused by his own anger, how could the head Hale alpha do that? There were conflicting stories and he refused to upset Brandon by asking directly, now the Stiles thing.

Stiles was someone they had all picked on since elementary school, countless pranks and physical altercations. And the taunting! Fuck man! Then that night when Stiles was in that accident he had presented the kid was an omega, in pain and he was more worried over someone else being injured instead of his own pain. Jackson felt guilt over that not that he would tell anyone but Lydia. Lydia knew his mind better than he did sometimes it frightened him. He was constantly struggling from blocking her out, knowing just how much pain they both felt when he did that.

She knew he was weird about his father's approval, constantly seeking it. He made friends with the popular alphas, some came from prestigious families and the ones that didn't were top of their class or top of their sports. His problem with Stalinski started when he heard his father talking to his mother in elementary school, surprised that the kid at the head of the class was some tiny kid two years younger. A kindergartner was sitting in his second grade class for half the day smoking the rest of them in math and reading. Jackson hated that he needed tutors and still couldn't get where he needed to be. So he took it out naturally on the kid and the only other kid he hung out with the other half of the day he wasn't invading their class. Scott Mccall. At least Jackson never pretended to be Stilinski's friend. What a hypocrite, the bastard had words for Jackson but Jackson never hid his dislike of Stiles. He rubbed his jaw remembering their earlier fight, Jackson almost went completely wolf after Mccall dared show up at the hospital. Bringing that bitch hunter with him, both boys and Allison had been asked to leave by the deputies guarding the doors.

Although he was confused by it now, Lydia even felt uncomfortable with her treatment of Stiles. She never openly said anything but she never stopped Jackson from going too far. Not that it made it any better, but Jackson stopped with the physical stuff after the guy presented. Sure okay a shove here and there, but why didn't Derek stop him? He had known since the night of the accident that Stiles was his omega, his soulmate. If Jackson would have known, he would have backed way off. Was a reputation worth that? This was really fucking with him, he wasn't as cold as he pretended to be, he had a fucking heart. He was the first to admit he was an entitled rich asshole. However to each his own right? He had a beautiful human beta Banshee, he lived in a nice home, his father didn't make him work. He wasn't the top of his class but he made it by with low c's high enough to let him play. Some teachers gave him A's so he didn't miss games due to GPA. It was that nerd that constantly made them all look bad! So..

It came with the territory, all of the entitlement. Right? Dammit. Why was this so confusing? And the feeling of Stiles nearly dying had felt awful, like a sharp needle drilling from the inside out. His father told him it was a new bond so it wasn't going to be as painful as an older one would be. He had gestured to Stiles' father and Scott's mother, both were on their knees with a hand to their chests. He didn't even notice a bond had formed, was it the feeling of gratitude he felt over Isaac's life?

Jackson struggled with reading in school and some of the kids could be cruel, but Isaac never judged him. The two had been on the same soccer team in elementary and then football. Isaac had helped him with his homework sometimes letting him copy, okay mostly but dad caught on and hired tutors. Not that Dad cared too much, he was always working, mother was just as bad. However Isaac always stayed the night and they played video games or played catch in the backyard. Jackson had thought Mccall and Stiles were close in a similar way however it was flimsy friendship if presenting as an alpha could keep the two from hanging out.

Survival of the fittest right? Jackson frowned again this self reflection was giving him a headache, he tried to control his guilt. He had come clean to his father about the accident and the worst part was Dad didn't yell, he just fell silent. Mother shook her head and said she had to call Lydia's parents. So now their punishment was undecided as their were pressing matters. Jackson had confessed to his father what he overheard the Sheriff say to Stiles when he was in the hospital, and that it was his fault for urging Derek after the accident to threaten Stiles. He tried to explain that he didn't know Derek was Stilinski's soulmate at the time. His father looked even more disappointed.

"That doesn't matter." he had said in such a low tone, "What you did was wrong. I have failed to raise you right. If you think it's okay for an alpha to treat someone weaker than themselves with cruelty. Especially when the person is vulnerable and unable to defend themselves. That young boy has a weak immune system had he not presented he would have died in that accident. He was in pain for three hours waiting for his own father to arrive. I'm not defending the Sheriff but he was unreachable at the time. So his vulnerable son was nearly killed by you and your mate's behavior. He was then pulled from his wrecked vehicle, by his soulmate seconds after presenting as an omega. Instead of being offered safety or security, he is threatened. Then abandoned only to be threatened once more. I have failed as a father and an alpha." Hearing this had torn at their bond and Jackson had wanted to curl up somewhere and die.

He thought it over these last few days, the confusing parts he discussed with Lydia who had no answers. He felt her own self loathing and confusion, the one person who seemed to know better and just act better was the one person they had nearly killed twice. And just thinking of how Derek had treated the omega, in the beginning and then all the way until today.

When Derek had threatened Stiles not once but twice! TWICE! That means Derek Hale, his friend and someone he always wanted to be like had threatened his own soulmate. Even after knowing that the omega was his. It made Jackson physically ill even contemplating the idea of doing the same to Lydia. They argued but he would never threaten her, he would never physically push her down or hurt her. He knew he should feel bad about threatening anyone just out of a wreck let alone an omega. Jackson could usually sweep feelings like this aside but after Isaac nearly being stabbed to death BY DEREK'S FUCKING GIRLFRIEND only to have Stiles DEREK'S FUCKING SOULMATE to take the hit. The guy was one cold dude to be carrying on with Jennifer Argent even after his soulmate was revealed. Again he could never do that to Lydia it was unimaginable. All of this caused a lot of inner reflection, some of which was making Jackson question his own status as an alpha.

Stiles should hate all of them, but he had saved Isaac more than once. That knife had flashed bright against the moonlight and Jackson had felt himself freeze up knowing he wouldn't be there in time to save his brother. He had yelled out, ready for the pain of a severed bond but it didn't come. He remembered looking where his brother was standing only to see him sitting eyes wide. Jackson had followed his brother's line of sight and froze, Jennifer had wrapped an arm around Stiles's shoulders from behind in some morbid one armed hug, her hand bloody holding onto the hilt of the knife not so reflective now.

Stiles was facing them, looking oddly calm, Jennifer stepped away tackled by Allison, and Stiles took a few steps towards Jackson's car. He pulled the knife out and looked around in confusion, he was worried about Isaac while he was bleeding to death in the back of the camaro. Jackson shuddered, that could have been Isaac, that could have been Isaac. Jackson didn't think he could take anything happening to his best friend and brother, he already felt guilt over not noticing the kind of abuse Isaac was forced to endure because of his crazy bastard father.

He was blind to that and to the fact his own best friend Derek was keeping the whole soulmates thing a secret. For what? Why? To protect his own damn reputation? Stiles was touch starved, he was beaten up their were unexplained bruises.

The social worker had given his dad a folder with all the information and Jackson had read it when no one was paying attention. The bruises were fresh, they were handmarks, a fractured arm slowly healing only to show signs of stress fractures after the bones had started to mend. It was Isaac all over again, something he missed right under his nose, and now a forced bond?

He was too afraid to ask his father where he stood on this, he didn't want to know. His father's approval carried more weight than any friendship. He needed to make it up to Stiles, and after talking to Lydia she had some really great ideas. He could make Stiles comfortable, and he had looked up what things omegas needed. Lydia helped him make the other rooms just as comfortable and safe feeling. Isaac, Jackson and Lydia went and stocked up the fridge on all things Stiles might like. They had to talk to Scott for advice on this, he wasn't very forthcoming at first but after he heard that Stiles would be there with the Whittemores and not at the Hale's home he gave three pages of things Stiles liked the most. Jackson blushed remembering from experience that having a fridge in the room was helpful when the bond was new. So he filled a small fridge in Stiles' room with his favorite drinks and snacks.

"Derek." Isaac greeted with a timid smile, the alpha was carrying a still sleeping Stiles, Jackson noted just how pale the sleeping omega was, had he always looked so fragile?

"His room is on the second floor, but maybe we should arrange for one on the bottom floor-" Jackson swore at his idiocy, Stiles wouldn't be able to walk up and down the damn stairs he was still healing for christ sake!

"No. It's alright I can carry him and he's still asleep. They gave him something to stay calm. It knocked him out." Derek replied in a awkwardly formal tone. Lydia lead the way with Jackson at her side.

"Your family will be excited to see the both of you. Carolyn and the baby haven't left Brandon's room, or let anyone too close. Except maybe the nurse and Travis."

"Our bond is still new, I'm not supposed to be far from skin to skin contact."

Jackson kept whatever he wanted to say to himself and Lydia quickly gushed forward. "Sure. That's how we were." She blushed bright red.

Derek held back his cynical retort, Jackson and Lydia made a mutual decision while their parents weren't around to bond. Never wanting to be apart, after they discovered their status as soulmates. Derek knew that Stiles was looking into ways to prevent this, but the choice had been stolen from him.

Derek felt a chill run up his spine, Naomi was going to discover a lot about Derek and Stiles' relationship all of which was bad. They were going to take him from Derek, how could the alpha keep Stiles safe if they were apart? Derek was feeling lost, he was cut off from his pack, his mother, uncle and sisters weren't answering their phones. He resisted calling his grandmother not until he received word from his alpha or his sisters.

"Have you heard from Laura?" Derek asked Lydia as Jackson opened the bedroom door, not entering the scent free room. Something Derek appreciated, this would make it easier for him to fill the room with his own scent, and Stiles as an omega would feel safer.

Lydia glanced at Jackson nervously, Derek caught their shared look. "What?"

"Cora and Laura were sent to a foster home for alphas until the situation can be cleared up. Except they both ran away. According to my mom." Lydia gave Derek a sad look, he nodded feeling even more adrift. He continued to the bed placing Stiles on the large King size bed in the middle of a spacious room. He glanced around briefly, before setting the pillows behind Stiles' head and back, sure to carefully prop him up so his lungs didn't gather too much fluid. He removed the omega's red adidas. He pulled a nest of blue comforters and various shapes of red pillows around Stiles. Taking note of the connecting bathroom, he could see dual sinks from where he stood, and a little bit of large claw footed white bathtub, further in he thought there was also a standing shower but he was back to looking around. The bed had a large oak headboard, the quilts were fluffy and feathery, also white. He was starting to feel a theme here, it matched the white carpet.

Lydia called softly into the room, "If you need anything just text Jackson, my mom is coming to pick me up. I'm kinda grounded for Stiles when he's up to it he can text me. He has my number."

Derek gave a thin smile and nodded, his hand resting on Stiles' arm, he glanced over at Jackson who still wasn't meeting his eyes. Derek felt the words so suddenly bubble up it broke the silence between them, "I didn't want to bond like that. They gave me a choice, let him die or force a bond. I was going to show him I could be worthy of a bond. I thought we were starting to be friends."

Jackson flinched from the honesty of the alpha's words, he was still confused but he couldn't find it in him to hate Derek.

"We know." Lydia answered for him, "Derek. We know. I don't think any of us would want to be in your situation because we wouldn't be handling it at all. Everyone has questions, but now isn't the time to ask. We get it. But when you are ready, and Stiles too. There's so much going on, it's best we all back off and let Stiles breath."

Derek ran a hand through his hair and he nodded, "Thank you both." He managed, "Jackson please tell your dad thank you for all of this. This is more than I could have hoped for."

"Sure man. We are friends after all." Jackson found this reply was easy and he meant it. "He's safe here. You both are. Just let us know when you can have visitors, your family aren't the only ones eager to see Stiles. Isaac has been chomping at the bit all day."

Derek nodded, and Lydia closed the large oak door, the alpha removed his own shoes, finding that the walk in closet to his left had both their clothes hanging in it. Derek had significantly more, he noticed the large antique oak desk facing a closed tall skinny window with hanging blue curtins had both their school books. Their backpacks sat under the desk, Derek noted the sixty inch plasma tv hanging on the wall directly in front of the bed, two gaming systems connected to it sitting on the small glass entertainment center with surround sound speakers hanging in the corner of the room. Derek felt at home, he hoped Stiles would too, he found there was a comfortable white cushioned reading nook with red throw pillows, the wide window could be pushed open and lead to a balcony. Derek shivered recalling how Stiles had jumped from one balcony to the next, and quickly went to lock the window closing the blue curtains refusing to allow any light in.

There was a bookshelf with a few old classics, near the nook, nothing too exciting. The alpha sat down on the white cushioned curved armed bench at the foot of the bed, the oak clawed legs made it look fragile but it didn't groan under his weight and it was surprisingly comfortable. This whole room was for comfort and despite the white sanitized feeling it felt safe.

Stiles started to stir and Derek was quickly there at his side, grabbing a water bottle from the small packed fridge. He checked the time on his phone it was too early for a pain pill, he was grateful their bags had been brought up and his gym bag had all Stiles' needed medications, his suppressants were one of them.

"Derek?" The omega blinked slowly instinctively reaching out to the alpha, Derek wouldn't lie he enjoyed the feeling of being needed by his omega. He climbed slowly onto the bed setting himself up behind Stiles before adjusting the boy comfortably with a head on his chest.

"I'm here. You're not alone." He whispered into Stiles' hair as the omega snuggled into his side. The alpha reached down slowly to rest his hand on Stiles' side pulling the red t-shirt up slowly. He enjoyed the electric feeling any skin to skin contact created, and at the same time hated himself for finding any pleasure in Stiles' pain.

He found no pain there just a little discomfort, the omega sighed heavily halting when there was a pull on his stitches. Derek took the sharp pain quickly before it could register his omega smiled comfortably as reward.

"I have some water here. Are you thirsty Stiles?" The omega nodded eyes opening slowly.

"Yes. I feel like I swallowed cotton balls." He yawned then stiffened, not from pain but from the realization that he wasn't in the hospital or at home.

Derek didn't let him pull back to quickly, "Calm, please you'll pull a stitch or god forbid start bleeding again."

The omega's whiskey colored eyes were wide staring up at the alpha with an unreadable expression. Derek tried to feel their bond but again the omega had blocked him out, this hurt, especially now that Derek was feeling alone. Isolated from his pack, his inner wolf was whimpering at gnawing at the edges of his mind.

Stiles smelled so delicious and he was Derek's, why couldn't Stiles be his? Why did the omega hate him so much? The wolf was demanding that Derek stake a claim, stamp his territory but the alpha refused and felt torn because of it.

"Here's some water, drink slowly." Derek gently adjusted his omega into a better sitting position against the red pillow and then opened the bottle allowing Stiles to take it into his own hands.

"Where are we?"

"Second floor guest room of the Whittemore home."

The omega glanced around "Wow, fancy." He remarked sarcastically, glaring down at the water bottle after taking a few sips.

"Brandon, Travis, aunt Carolyn and baby Malia are here." Derek supplied "When you feel up to it they want to see you. "

"Oh, I get a choice alpha?" Stiles snapped at Derek not meeting his eyes. "How kind." He whispered under his breath.

"Stiles. Please, believe me." Derek took the hands holding the now capped water bottle. "I didn't have a choice. I would rather have you hate me forever than lose you. I am so sorry that your choice was taken. I want this to work. I want us to try and at least be friends. Please know that from here on out I will listen to your choices and respect them. Unless it puts you in direct danger. "

The omega didn't reply, so Derek continued. "This isn't an ideal situation but Jackson, Isaac and Lydia went through a lot of trouble to make this room comfortable for us. I have a feeling they are the ones that filled the fridge and I have a feeling the small table on that side of you," Derek pointed "might just have some snacks you find appealing. It's actually freaking me out how much Jackson seemed I don't know. Worried about you. He actually looked at me like-never mind."

Stiles was frowning but sniffing the air he only found his mates scent in the room and the faint smell of red vines? He wanted to reach over and check the drawer of the small nightstand with a rather simple white shade metal lamp decorating it. This room was beautiful and simple, Jackson's mom had good taste. Stiles winced inwardly thinking of his own mother, would they have known each other?

Derek must have figured what Stiles wanted because he was coming around the side of the bed and opening the small drawer to discover a plethora of candy, and chocolate chip granola bars.

Stiles gasped forgetting the water bottle, "This is ten times better than awful hospital food." He sounded more alive.

"It's like christmas." Stiles motioned for Derek to hand him a granola bar the sound of his stomach growling then prompted him to ask for two.

"If you are hungry let me know and I'll go find you something more sustaining than candy and granola bars even with chocolate chips."

Stiles was smiling at the granola bars, "I do like the chocolate chips." There was a sharp knock on the door before Derek could continue to enjoy the omega's rare smile.

He feels like growling but doesn't get a chance, the nurse is entering without permission, she ignores the tension she's caused in the alpha by stepping into his territory.

"Hello. My name is Stacy I'm the nurse assigned to you, Dr. Hale was more than happy to take over your case Stiles. You are very fortunate to have such-"

Stiles nervously looked to his alpha, "Is this a joke?" He didn't meet the alpha's eyes but he did openly glare at the nurse who wore awful red pea green scrubs and a clipboard, she had a syringe resting on the clipboard and Stiles was suddenly very uneasy. "I won't let that idiot near me with a ten foot pole. "

"Get out." Derek growled at the nurse feeling Stiles' sudden anxiety and taking his omega's words in as the final decision.

"Mr. Hale, I am only here to give the omega a shot of antibiotics it's routine." the nurse ignored Stiles' hiss of disapproval.

Derek frowned, "Dr Justice already gave Stiles antibiotics, enough that he should be glowing! I asked him before we left and I have a list of his medications and updated medication and allergy list. You are not coming anywhere him with that, and my cousin will not be allowed to step foot in this room. I want someone else knowledgeable and not a fucking idiot. Stiles is uncomfortable with him, and I don't blame him. I think the asshat still sits at the kids table at thanksgiving because that's how smart he is, and even then that's saying a lot!."

Stiles was shocked at hearing how Derek had made notes of his medications, not that he needed anyone to take care of himself, he could do that just fine. It was just surprising. And having that Dr. Hale anywhere near him made him curl inward. He wanted her to leave and Derek was making her leave with his words and his height he was standing with his hands in fists at his side, growling. Not that Stiles couldn't defend himself but it was nice having back up for once. Not that Derek Hale was someone he could trust-right? Dr. Hale had said something about leaving. What was it?

"My mistake." The nurse gave a tight smile, "I'm sure you grandmother will be upset at that decision she had hoped we could keep some things in the family. Family is all you have now. Seeing how your mother and uncle are behind bars until the council decides on their punishment. Your own sisters have disappeared obviously running from the disgrace of it. Your grandmother heard about the Cora's challenge for your mate's bond. And she's obviously run away to pout not having her way. Am I missing anyone? So I'm here under your Grandmother's show of love and support to you her last remaining family. It will break her fragile heart when I tell her just how grateful you are. I understand your omega is feeling anxious he does not come from a pack and he's been abused by his own father."

"You bitch." Stiles hissed trying to climb off the bed slowly, it hurt but he was going to do this. "You don't know anything about my father! He's a good man. He's never-he might be a workaholic and what he thinks of me is no one one's business. He's never hit me or intentionally done anything-" Stiles was starting to feel the room spin.

"Omegas are sad weak creatures." The nurse narrowed her eyes on the younger boy. "Even now he fights your bond. Lucky for you Mr. Hale, this will kill him eventually. "

Derek was catching Stiles as he swayed, "Get out! Get out and never come back if I see you near my family especially my omega I'll rip your throat out with my teeth!"

The nurse took a step back with a sneer, "I'll have them send someone else. He's unworthy of our-"

Derek almost left Stiles sitting on the floor but the omega grabbed the alpha's wrist. "No. Let her go. She can slither out and take her scent with her." Stiles was gasping his side burned, the alpha was picking him up gently taking him back to the bed. Isaac came rushing in hearing the raised voices, Jackson was talking to the nurse outside the room.

"Stiles?" Isaac was there beside the omega hovering while Derek growled low.

"That nurse was here to-"

"She upset Stiles. She called him a sad weak creature. I don't want her anywhere near my omega. Tell Mr. Whittemore-"

"What?" Isaac growled his eyes running over Stiles' pinched face, the omega turned his head towards his mate taking in a deep breath. In pain and clearly upset.

"It's not like I haven't heard it before." Stiles gritted out, not blushing when Derek lifted the boy's shirt placing a hand near the bandaged side Isaac looked away from the red staining the covered wound, Derek was taking the pain.

Isaac was out the door and he yelled to Isaac who let out another low growl in reply. There was shouting and several hurried feet.

Isaac returned Stiles' face was still pale but he breathing without a hitch, his hands weren't gripping Derek's forearm instead he had his head on Derek's thigh, his exposed bond mark looked so angry and red. The alpha looked so lost not knowing how to comfort, "It's time for his pain pill. But I don't want to move him-"

"I'll move. I'll move." Stiles grumbled eyes still closed his hands in a praying position under his face.

"I told Jackson and he's escorting the nurse and her staff out. Along with her equipment they brought. Mr. Whittemore will no doubt have someone here in a few hours. They only came because he thought Derek and the rest of the Hale family would feel more comfortable with their pack-"

"My third or fourth cousin is is a jackass. He's a misogynist that views omegas to be second class citizens. I think that's his brother's mate that nurse. I don't know, she looked familiar and reeks of their kinscent. I don't want them anywhere near my family."

Stiles tensed, he bit his lip trying to hold back the wave of pain, "I shouldn't have gotten up so fast. I couldn't-couldn't let her say things about my da-ad. My dad isn't bad. He's a workaholic." The omega ground his teeth. "He's never hurt me. Not like she thinks."

Isaac flinched his own anxiety started to rise remembering his own father's cruel hands, his words. There were ways a father especially an alpha could hurt a child it wasn't always with fists or belts.

"Please Isaac. Can you get me my bag." Derek motioned to his gym bag near Stiles' side of the bed. Isaac forced his memories back he needed to focus, needed to be strong. Stiles needed him, the omega had saved Isaac from injury had walked him through a panic attack and never brought it up. The omega could have told everyone just how pathetic the blond lacrosse player was, but he didn't. He didn't say anything. Then at the party instead of just leaving him to defend himself, Stiles had fought for him! Twice.

"Isaac?" Derek tried to snap the blond back into focus, the alpha's arm was viney with black as he pulled the pain from the thin omega. Isaac could see Stiles' ribs and guilt twisted in his gut remembering how he had once kicked him while he was tying his shoes. He had kicked him hard enough it probably cracked a rib, and he had laughed. He wiped at his eyes and nodded.

"Bag right. Sorry."

"I'm oh-k. I'm fine." Stiles melted into the alpha's touch. "That's better than ibuprofen."

Isaac found the bag, he carried it obedient to Derek hearing the clattering of pill bottles and rattle of tablets. "I'll get some water or gatorade? Stiles do you want juice instead?"

The omega was drowsy, "Huh? Where did nurse Ratched go?"

"She's long gone. Jackson kicked her out. I think he may have even thrown her out physically."

The omega giggled, whimpering when Derek removed his hand, the alpha quickly returned his hand.

"Stiles, I need to check to see if you pulled the stiches. First I'm going to give you a pain pill."

"No. I hate the medication. It makes me sleep too much. I'm fine. Please don't touch the bandage it hurts-"

"It hurts because it's healing Stiles and you moved too fast getting off the bed. You need a pain pill. " Derek kept his voice even, but omega huffed, eyes still closed, "Can't you keep the wolfy touch thing? I-I don't. I'm sorry do you hate touching me? I know-"

"Stiles." Derek looked hurt, Isaac could see it, he opened the bag needing something to do. "There were pain pills, two types and anxiety medication. He knew these ones so well because he had the same prescription. It wasn't a new bottle, he could see that by the date on the bottle. More guilt, how many panic attacks had they caused? Why? Why had he taken his anger out on Stiles? Jealous, the kid was smart he was always doing better than Isaac in every class they shared.

Stiles was quick with answers, he had a father that loved him. At least Isaac assumed so, remembering how Mr. Stilinski used to pick him up and drop him off at school, how Stiles mother had once come to the school to drop off a lunch box that Stiles had left at home. Isaac had just seen her that one time and he had watched as she knelt down and kissed the dark haired boy's head. She was smiling, her scent was sweet but not overly so. She wore a white dress with red roses swirling in a repeated pattern. Stiles had been angry and told her to go home that she shouldn't have come. Isaac hated the boy for that, his mother looked ready to cry but she just continued to pet the boy's hair.

She had wished Stiles a good rest of the day and hugged him. Isaac didn't have a mother his mother had died or bailed who knows and his father always blamed him. He had blamed him with his fists and his angry words that carried a heavier scent. And Stilinski had both parents. Isaac had felt jealous and angry at that age he never understood it. Watching the small kid, Isaac had later knocked the lunch box from Stiles' hands and Derek had waved it over the kid's head. Instructing him to jump for it, while the rest of the group laughed.

Realization hit him now, that was the first and last time Isaac saw the omega's mother, and now he knew why. She died, Mr. Whittemore had told Jackson that Stiles' mother had died. He never said how.

That evil bitch Jennifer had said something but Isaac thought he was dreaming. "Just like mommy sent to the grave by an Argent!" what had she meant? Isaac tried to remember more but he snapped back to Derek, the alpha was struggling to keep Stiles calm.

Isaac realized his own anxiety was feeding into the omega's and he hated himself for being so weak. "Stiles." Isaac placed his hand on the omega's exposed shoulder, the shirt Stiles was wearing was Derek's, the lacrosse warm up shirt was way too big and hung off the omega's shoulder. There was bruising around the bond mark but no other marks trailing down the delicate collar bone and pale skin that lead further down. Isaac blushed as he arranged the bigger t-shirt, glad the alpha was too busy digging through the bag.

Stiles made a face as did Isaac the smell of copper, blood and dirt filtered up both the beta and omega grew tense. Dere had already climbed off the bed so Isaac was quick to act. "Sssh. Stiles. It's alright. You're safe. Just concentrate on my voice. You're safe, you're not alone. We are all here. Remember you said that to me

"Sorry, I wrapped my clothes in a plastic bag but I guess it still stinks. I'll throw them out, let me just set up your medication. So later Stiles is more aware of what he needs to take. First, Stiles take this pill. "

Stiles frowned trying to remember anything before the stabbing even the night of, it was all a blur. He wanted to remember everything but it made his chest tight and head ache, he t he opened his eyes wide, Derek was placing a pill to his hand. Isaac was holding a bottle of water, both watched him silently.

Stiles fought the panic and it was Isaac speaking in a calm tone, "Safe." his words were saying and Derek's scent was close the omega mechanically took the pill and drank the water someone was sitting him on his side so he could drink slowly. He tensed feelin air on his shoulder but Isaac had pulled his shirt up adjusting it once more careful not to touch his bond mark.

The blond, looked nervous and Stiles took his hand in his own, forgetting that Derek had disappeared from sight, not hearing the sound of running water indicating someone was washing their hands and putting gloves on. Isaac was telling Stiles something, and the omega wondered if the blond had always possessed such sad blue eyes. The omega could feel the guilt from the other party, knew that some things between them could not be forgiven and at the same time some things between them could never be forgotten.

"I wanted to tell you thanks. That night. What you did. You saved me, but even after beating some guy three times your size, you put my shoes on Stiles, fixed my shirt and my pants." The blond was holding the warm hand, his own going clammy. "I was so scared. I couldn't move even with the drug starting to wear off."

"Sssh." Stiles squeezed the hand holding his, Derek pulled the bandage off just as he had been shown, and glanced at Isaac urging him to continue, Jackson had silently come into the room washing his hands hastily helping his friend by holding out the saline and sterile gauze to dab at the moisture. His hands trembled slightly hearing Isaac retell his story. Stiles held Isaac's sad blue eyes with his own, there was no judgment, no pity no there was something else.

"How dare they. It wasn't your fault. None of that. That bastard was a thief and he deserved every inch of the beat down he received. Don't feel ashamed. Stiles gripped the hand, "You are never what happens to you." Something he always whispered to himself when he was at his loneliest. Look at Isaac he has friends, a new family to love him. Stiles heard Jennifer call Isaac an orphan and there were rumors about the beta's crazy abusive father. Stiles hated pity so he refused to give it in return. There was the fog, of the pain pill he cursed his weak immune system, he grumbled.

"I hate pain pills." Stiles whined.

"Sssh, It's done just don't move too quickly Stiles, you agitated the stitches, you're healing but it's still slow. Stop trying to fight everyone." Derek sighed.

Isaac felt Stiles' grip loosen, "I don't want this. I want to see my dad. Why hasn't he come to see me? Is he still mad at me? Tell him I'm sorry."

Isaac watched a tear slip past the closed lids and Jackson flinched looking away confused, he was always confused when it came to emotions more complex than the ones he was used to. Later he would call Lydia and talk to her she was smart she knew just what to say.

Derek didn't look at anyone instead he pulled the gloves off pulling his old lacrosse shirt down he thanked Isaac quietly and colmbed fingers through the soft brown hair of his mate. Swearing he would be better, he would try harder to show his mate he loved him, he was unworthy of Stiles but he would try to at least be better. He needed to talk to the Sheriff, if that was what Stiles wanted then dammit the alpha would make it happen no matter what it cost him.

As for the nurse and doctors Derek was feeling suspicious of anyone at this point, remembering his brother's near brush with death due to a hospital "mishap" but looking back was that even a mishap or was there something more going on? That nurse couldn't be right. His sister's would never leave like that. There was so much more going on and Derek was out of the loop, He couldn't leave this room for another four days, but maybe the Sheriff or Mr. Whittemore could come into the room. Would it upset Stiles? Maybe, but the omega deserved to know what was going on with the family he was now apart of. They were on equal grounds no secrets, misunderstanding led to all of this. Derek could at least start on mending some of these before the two moved forward.

Isaac stayed with Stiles pulling the soft red throw blanket up over the softly snoring younger boy, he glanced at Derek and Jackson. Both alphas had a very determined look.

"Dad said the Sheriff isn't allowed anywhere near Stiles there's a temporary restraining order. There were bruises and old wounds that the doctor brought into question."

Derek nodded, "If it's the cuts, we already talked about that. His dad doesn't even know as for the bruises that bastard Mccall caused the ones on Stiles' upper arms. That's why Cora headbutted him in the cafeteria. I didn't know it until later. Then again, Mccall tried to say I did it, but I saw him grab Stiles in the hall. Stiles fell to his knees and sobbed holding his arm. It was the one he uh, he heals slow and it was the arm from the accident but the other bruises had to be from Mccall. We fought in the nurse's office."

"That's the thing Mccall told the police he saw Stiles' bruises in the nurse's office and thought it was you." Jackson said this carefully and Derek growled low.

"I would never hurt him-"

Isaac and Jackson both winced before Derek could finish not meeting the alpha's hurt look.

"That's not fair! We all have a past with him. I just threatened him in the hospital I would have never gone through with it. I was just trying to get over the shock of finding out I was his soulmate. And the whole car accident that need I remind you YOUR MATE caused. " Derek shivered thinking of Sitles now in a hospital bed curled up in pain afraid. Or how he had been hanging in his seat bruised and bleeding.

Derek had pulled him out, he was the first one to touch Stiles to hold him and lay him on the grass. What feelings did he have then? God he was an idiot, he was a piece of shit that deserved everyone's judgment. He remembered Cora's accusations, Stiles had been in that hospital for hours waiting on his father.

"I know. I know. It's just. I'm a hypocrite. Alright we all are. Let's just find a way to fill in the holes my dad seems to think something big is going on. He was on the phone with Stiles' father he said it feels fixed. But I don't know man, I'm just a teenager okay, my biggest worry has been what color of sneakers to wear to school every day. "

Derek nodded, "It was easier when it was just lacrosse and Theo's parties."

"What if his dad is hurting him? Letting the Sheriff come here might do more harm than good." Isaac added, he made both alphas jump.

"Stiles isn't like that. He is stronger than you think." Derek recalled how the kid had fought off that attacker that tried to take Brandon. "I saw him shoot a fucking guy in the balls with a tranquilizer gun. He can be terrifying."

"Now that's a story I'd like to hear." Jackson looked over at the sleeping figure, "I'll um call my dad. Maybe he has the Sheriff's number, the Sheriff has been temporarily relieved of duty."

"This may just be a career ender." Derek murmured thinking of the older alpha. He had thanked Derek for saving his son that night of the accident, he didn't sound like a man who hated his son. Even when he was yelling he was more shaken then anything, and perhaps he wasn't the best father but when he was a father that loved his child. Derek remembered how the man had lunged at him after finding out about the forced bond.

Derek suddenly needed to talk to Mccall, even if they weren't on talking terms. His mate having been related to that crazy bitch Jennifer. The Sheriff's office was suspicious that the Argents had something to do with this but when his mother ordered all Argents rounded up Jackson said that Edwina Hale had halted the order talking directly to the council. Instead they questioned the local Argents that had always been true to the peace treaty signed centuries ago. Jennifer was found to be acting under her own adopted parent's orders. Poor girl was misguided. Was what Jackson had repeated word for word, something he didn't seem to believe.

Edwina was now head of the Hale pack until Derek was old enough to take over, that's when he turned eighteen. In a year, in a year he would be expected to properly mate with his omega despite Stiles' young age and produce another heir. Derek felt sick, this was his grandmother's old views. He was always secure in his mother's position that the idea of mating and starting a family was something he would be allowed to put off for years.

This was another choice they would take from Stiles, and Derek was going to fight it, he would fight all of it. He needed his mother and uncles' names to be cleared. He didn't even know what the hell the charges were yet. Jackson said he would find out, the alpha was warming back up to Derek and he felt as if their friendship was becoming more than just shallow acquaintances. It was developing into more of a pack like bond.

"I'll text Erica and Boyd and let them know how you two are doing they've been bugging me since you left the hospital. They've wanted to come visit but hang back not wanting to crowd or overwhelm the both of you."

Derek smiled slowly, "I'll text them I've been trying to text my family and no ones answered. I didn't even think about anyone else."

"It's okay we've kept them informed on Stiles' condition. Everyone is worried about you two. New bond and all." Isaac blushed again.

"What do you think about Mccall?" Jackson sighed, "I mean he did help us stock up on all Stiles' favorite things, the video games and movies, the books on the bookshelf he even dropped off a pile of comics. I just brought them up when you were yelling at the idiot nurse. He and Allison were cleared by the cops but I was there, you saw how Stiles had said Jennifer lured him out with Scott's phone. No way that idiot didn't know what his mate was up to. We all heard her call Stiles a slut in the cafeteria."

Derek shook his head, "No. As much as I want to blame it on someone I think that crazy bitch Jennifer did it all on her own. Or rather without Allison to help. Mccall and Allison showed up to my house that night, they both wanted to see Stiles and refused to leave. They actually accused me of leaving bruises-" Derek frowned as if piecing something together. "It's weird, Mccall was sure I was the one hurting Stiles. Her refused to leave until he saw Stiles for himself, and the Sheriff was arguing with my uncle. Stiles wouldn't let his dad into our room. My idiot cousin the doctor had just looked Stiles over said he would live. He told me to give my omega room I shouldn't spoil him by allowing him to be so clingy. Stiles by then had locked himself in the room we figured out he had climbed out of his room from the balcony.". Derek shivered recalling yet another unwanted memory. He would have to keep a better eye on this crazy, brave clever omega.

"Cora told me Scott had been texting about Stiles needing to help him talk to Allison. To convince her the two were just friends. Allison was confused, because Scott had lost his phone. If she had stolen it I would have detected a lie. That's why we had all gone to that party, why I texted you and the others. Why the Sheriff was on our asses. I got there in time to see Stiles climbing out of yet another damn balcony. The rest you know."

Derek's hands were shaking, he shoved them in his pocket out of sight, that night would give him nightmares till the end of his days.

Jackson reached out and put a grounding hand on his friend's shoulder squeezing, then an arm around Isaac's waist and squeezing him closer. "Do you think he remembers anything?" Jackson asked slowly having an idea he knew Derek would disagree with.

"We can't ask him it would upset him."

"It may-" Isaac started slowly "but what if there's something we missed. I barely remember anything it's mostly a blur mostly but you saw those guys with Jennifer. They had a plan and we obviously ruined it. I don't think it was some simple jealousy plan. Sure she wanted to be Derek's next mate but those guys they boasting about how proud their alphas were going to be. LIke they would receive a promotion." Isaac shivered.

Derek thought of the dream he had with his mate, the way he found his mate in a dream. Stiles had chattered about a lot of things some Derek vaguely remembered, due to his wolf just wanting to be close to his mate enjoying his scent and the sound of his voice. He had said something about little red riding hood and the alpha felt as if the words were at the tip of his tongue.

"Fine. Let Mccall and Allison visit but we ask Stiles first." Derek growled. "He has a choice in everything. " The alpha sighed, "Even if he makes the wrong ones sometimes we have to respect his requests and decisions. "


Stiles felt warm and protected in this nest with Derek behind him he should feel nervous but it felt like a giant blanket of warmth and muscle. The omega blushed, it was night the clock over Derek's shoulder showed it was 1 am in red numbers. The small adjoining bathroom light was left on to allow some light reach the still unfamiliar room.

He wondered what woke him up, he was having a rather nice dream, or rather it was a memory of baking cookies with his mother. Her face was had started to slip away from him over the years but recently he felt as if he remembered her more clearly. Recalling the bond he had made with another, that other person had fed memories to him, seeing her through someone else's eyes was different but he could see that whomever was giving him this gift of memory loved Claudia.

His heart felt heavy for the person, there was even a memory of watching her stand in her wedding dress with a very young Noah Stilinski. Stiles put a hand to his chest he held back the pain that he knew was not his. That person felt so much regret over misunderstandings and lost time. He glanced at Derek his face was pinched and his breathing was off.

The alpha was wearing a red lacrosse t-shirt and black sweatpants with the BHS running down the legs in white letters.

Stiles frowned realizing he was wearing a red lacrosse shirt as well, not remembering changing into it. He took a deep breath he smelled like Derek, and he had a feeling this was Derek's shirt he was wearing. A soft growl almost whimper brought him out of his trailing thoughts, he slowly sat up, feeling Derek's arm around his waist tighten. The alpha was mindful of Stile's wound even now, and the omega wasn't sure how he felt about all of this.

Stiles studied Derek's pinched face in the glow of the dimly lit room, he was handsome. He had always been handsome, he would probably age slowly and his strong jawline and scowly eyebrows would remain his most prominent feature. That and those eyes, as long as they weren't narrowed on a person like a predator does to prey.

Stiles wondered suddenly what Derek Hale would have nightmares about? He kept to himself and let Stiles just do whatever in the room. Not that Stiles had the urge to leave the room, he was still jumpy at the idea of being in Jackson's home, Carolyn had yet to come to their room and he was getting nervous. Derek couldn't leave for another three days, the two had to remain close. Stiles was starting to realize Derek never reached for him he waited as if for permission for Stiles to put a hand on his arm or allow an arm around his waist. Except when they slept, Stiles was starting to get used to the idea of waking up and not being alone. There was a protective arm around him always. And it felt as if the nightmares that usually plagued his dreams had suddenly been turned off like a switch.

His thoughts went back to the alpha at his side, he was frowning in his sleep a slight sweat broke out over his forehead. Was this a nightmare? What could the alpha be afraid of, he had everything, friends, family, status. Alright maybe he didn't have everything instead of an omega he picked he was stuck with Stiles.

Stiles curiously tested their bond, dropping his defenses, suddenly a tidal wave of emotions hit him. Guilt, sadness, loss, fear, anger and one Stiles knew all too well but would never associate with Derek. It was loneliness.

The omega moved closer but slowly, taking even breaths trying not to be overwhelmed by the emotions. He put a hand out to gently and slowly to run fingers through the dark hair resting now at his hip. His touch had the desired effect, the larger body seemed to melt under his touch, a deep shuddered breath released from Derek.

Stiles felt it, his alpha was closed off from his family, Carolyn had refused to even look at him let alone visit their room since the beginning of this ordeal. His mother isn't answering her phone, neither was uncle Peter. Cora and Laura had run away and weren't answering his desperate texts. He was always surrounded by friends and family and now he was alone, closed off. Stiles was still angry but he understood these feelings.

He could feel a calming start to move over the bond from Stiles' end, and the wolf on the other end relaxed snuggling closer to Stiles' hip. The omega's cheeks burned bright red at such close intimacy. "Get it together Stiles it's all instinct!" he whispered to himself.

Derek grunted hearing the omegas distress but Stiles calmed him once more by running his hands through the thick black hair.

Stiles allowed himself to drift back to sleep, finding himself in a familiar clearing. He heard his name coming from just behind the trees that circled the clearing. He hesitated from leaving the safety and warmth of this place but the urgency was there. It sounded like Derek, and Scott. Were they in trouble? Were they fighting?

Stiles glanced at the grass around him remembering the big comfortable black wolf, where was he?

"Scott!? Derek?" The omega hurried forward pushing through the trees, away from the light into the dark.

He was standing on the grass, the moon bright above him, people were arguing and fighting. He found himself there again on that lawn at that party. Things were a little hazy to him, that night was a blur but watching as a spectator was mind blowing.

"Derek?" Stiles could see how the alpha was standing glaring down at a person in his trunk.

"You don't fucking touch him again! I'm not going to kill you! I'm going to let his father decide what to do with you." he growled slamming a trunk down. Stiles could see how the alpha's claws dug into the expensive paint job, he was shaking with anger trying to pull his wolf back in. "They almost raped him, they were trying to rape him." Derek whispered to himself, "If I kill them it will be too soon, they need to be taken to the sheriff Stiles needs justice. Isaac is ok. He needs justice."

Then Stiles could see himself, it was so surreal, he was holding Issac up, and though the beta was taller than him he looked so much more vulnerable and almost fragile.

Stiles felt anger boil up, realizing it was a mixture of his own and someone else's.

"Stiles! You're safe!" Derek was moving slowly towards the two figures cradled between the two cars.

The omega could see his own wild look, the way his eyes darted between the figures closing in on him and the anxious beta. Then this alternate Stiles was shaking his dark head glaring down the alpha in front of him. He didn't know that he could be so protective it was almost embarrassing seeing how he held Isaac to him ready to fight anyone that got too close.

"I'm not going back there, I don't want to go anywhere near that house or your family."

"Stiles you're in shock!" Derek had his hands up he was trying to inch closer, he halted his actions and Stiles could see how the words caused the alpha to flinch as if slapped.

"Stop Derek he said he wasn't going back! I'll take him to my house." Scott was panting, Allison was with him and her shoulder was bleeding. The two looked like they'd been rolling in the dirt, Stiles watched in morbid fascination as his friend tried to step closer to Stiles, eyes flashing his hands out reaching.

"Fuck off Derek!" Isaac was growling, his focus was steady on Isaac and Stiles could see as well as feel the alphas concern. As much as he hated Jackson he could see he was being protective of Isaac but not just Isaac. Oh man, this was a dream because no way Jackson would ever feel protective of Stiles. Maybe he was taking a cue from Isaac, the beta was clinging to Stiles drunkenly, trembling visibly. "Scott you can't protect yourself let alone a weakling like Stiles."

Well I guess that was one way to sound protective, the omega rolled his eyes, something catching his attention. Jennifer she was pulling something out from behind her back, where the hell did she have that stored this whole time? Her angry glare was focused on Isaac like this whole thing was his fault.

Stiles ignored the whole argument unfolding he yelled for Isaac as he was taken by surprise, she was going to hurt him. The lying bitch, the way her eyes shown reflecting in the moon's light, almost just as bright as the blade so close to Isaac's adam's apple.

Stiles watched himself take a step forward, Isaac was trembling telling him not to, Jackson looked so helpless, no one was moving.

Stiles didn't remember this, not really any of it but he was watching like any spectator, his eyes were on Derek, Allison threw the star and it was struck away by the knife. Stiles fell forward ducking down, Jennifer easily sidestepped a tackle by Allison and instead focused on Isaac.

That bitch could hold a grudge, Stiles watched as Jackson cried out, his whole body propelled forward with an absolute helpless look of resignation. He knew he was going to be too late, he knew it but he still tried. Stiles knew this, he would do the same for his own friend slash brother. That's what Isaac and Jackson were they were assholes sure but they loved each other like brothers. Stiles recognized this and he respected it. He watched everyone's face focused on the blond. Except Derek, Derek was pushing forward he had yelled for Stiles, maybe he read Stiles' actions before the omega had even registered what he was going to do.

It was odd from this angel, like a ghost the omega stood close to the alpha watching his face lose all color, shock taking affect and both hands trembling clamping to his side. At first Stiles thought it was his alpha that had been stabbed or hurt and he whimpered wanting to wake up. However the look of confusion was heartbreaking as some slow truth dawned on the alpha that searched his clean hands. The alpha was expecting blood or something perhaps a knife's handle buried into his side. Instead he was on his feet eyes watery and focused on the figure leaning against the expensive charger.

No one moved, and Stiles tilted his head watching himself once more, he looked smaller. Was that really how he looked in comparison to everyone else, why were they so tall. Even that bitch Jennifer was taller than him, by the way Allison had an impressive hold on her cousin.

Stiles was remembering something, something Jennifer had said when she drove that knife in, except this wasn't his dream. He watched Derek run forward how he caught Stiles before he hit the ground,with the grace of a football player. No fumble, his words were pleading, they were demanding. Scott had removed his shirt Allison was being pulled off her cousin by deputies. Stiles wanted to yell at them, they were handcuffing her, they took Scott away too!

Dad was yelling, he was confused but Derek and Jackson were putting Stiles in a car, they were carrying him away, Derek was begging, he was demanding Stiles to stay awake to keep his eyes open. It was so confusing, Jackson was praising Stiles for saving Isaac, he was answering Stiles' slurred words.

Derek promised to buy Stiles a thousand more hoodies if he just stayed awake, the alternate Stiles watched the pain being taken away. He watched as the two blood stained alphas refused to leave the omega. Derek followed the stretcher into a room with a heavy metal door. Then Stiles was watching Derek.

He was being pulled away, he looked pale and lost that Stiles stopped himself from reaching out to touch him. His uncle Peter took Derek's place, and the omega realized they were pulling his pain away.

He could hear his father and Melissa yelling just outside the room and then recognized Deaton as he approached.

The monitors were singing, and Derek looked ready to faint or puke, he had a hand on his chest.

"NO!" Stiles returned to the conversation looking away from his motionless figure, what a weird thing to see himself laying there looking dead.

"It's his choice! Do you understand! It should be his choice, I'll be taking this from him!" Derek ran a hand through his hair. Stiles really did think the alpha was ready to puke.

"Make a decision! And quick!" The doctor snarled starting chest compressions. "We are losing him!"

Stiles wanted to tell the doctor to shut up, he was making Derek anxious, and it was giving Stiles a stomach ache. The omega ignored how they were beating on his chest, well the other him. He remembered his sore throat after waking up later, so that tube explained a lot.

Derek was on his knees his head down hands pulling at his hair, "He'll hate me." He whispered and Stiles took a step back, Uncle Peter put a hand on his nephew's broad back.

"He'll die Derek, if you don't." Red eyes flashed at red, and Stiles could see the pain in Derek's face. He had streaks where tears had cleaned the dirt away and his resolve was weak but it was there, he nodded closing his eyes briefly before standing.

Stiles hated this he wanted to throw something at the doctor's, wanted to shout angrily. They had taken their choice from them. They had stolen their lives, or whatever they would have decided. Derek's mouth wasn't moving but Stiles could hear his words, his apologies, his vow to make it up to Stiles every day until he dies.

Accepting that he would be hated for the rest of his life but Stiles would be alive. The omega took a step back hearing his father's continued shouts from behind the closed doors. A nurse had swung the door open coming in with bandages and he caught sight of Derek's friends all standing looking so lost, and Scott stood back confused. There were Deputies taking his dad away and then doors closed once more.

Stiles heard Derek's savage growl after he bit down, Stiles gasped sitting up coughing and shaking.

"Sssh. Stiles. Stiles, it was a dream. Just a bad dream you're okay. You're okay." Derek's voice was strained but he was holding Stiles to him, the omega sobbed uncontrollably.

These bastards playing with people's lives, toying with their future like they were just pawns on some giant fucking chess board.

His trembling hands were clutching to the soft t-shirt the alpha was wearing and Stiles pulled himself closer to the alpha needing to be near his scent taking deep pulls of the calming scent.

Derek's hand was cradling the back of his head, his other rubbing circles into his back. The omega was trembling uncontrollably.

"Stiles, sssh. Are you in pain? I've got you. No one can hurt you here. I have you. I won't let them ever hurt you again."

' Who will protect you?' Stiles thought to himself sadly.

"You should have let me die. Why didn't you let me die. No one would miss me" Stiles sobbed feeling the alpha suddenly stiffen.

"No. Stiles no! You don't ever say that. You are worth ten of me. You make everything better just being there. It's me who should have died, I should have been there to take that knife. You are so brave and clever. So clever. Please. Just don't ever say that again. I-I'll die too if you die. Bond or no bond. I'll die too. I'll die too."

Stiles pulled away glancing up at the alpha holding him gently, Derek's eyes were squeezed shut, and the omega tried their bond feeling the flood of strong emotions. Protectiveness, fear, and something he wasn't familiar with but Stiles would think about it later. He instead remembered the few moments in their past were they had cuddled silently just enjoying the quiet. Or the fun exchange of banter, those text messages had been real. Before things started to snowball downhill. Stiles took a deep breath, still aware the alpha was so focused on trying to convince Stiles of his worth that he hadn't realized the omega was studying him.

The big idiot hadn't even realized that Stiles opened their bond he needed to know the truth of whatever this was. Be it instinct or biology, or maybe something else. He held onto hope, the small things the alpha had done for him leading up to this. Sure there were bad things, Stiles could hold onto that later, but right now he wanted to know if they were even compatible. The alpha had begged him to not die, and that was before their bond.

It started as a slow nuzzle, Stiles rubbed his cheek against the apha's coarse unshaven chin. He took a deep breath and nipped on the alpha's chin, there still wasn't a response or at least one Stiles wanted. The alpha instead had only pulled Stiles closer thinking the omega was still lost in his dream needing comfort. This feel of protectiveness and warmth pushed Stiles more, like a challenge. He wondered if there was more there, under the guilt, under the pain, the sense of obligation, duty and the loneliness.

He felt something flare in the red ribbon representing their bond, and when his lips connected with unsuspecting alpha's. Stiles had never kissed before, he was sure from watching countless romcoms, and maybe the notebook once or twice. Don't judge, he got the jist, lips pressing against lips, he could do that. However he had not prepared himself for the electricity behind such intimacy. When his soft lips moved over Derek's slightly chapped ones there was an energy that flickered invisibly between them. Or maybe he imagined it, he felt the tug on his bond, and with his eyes closed he could see the deep red ribbon light up like lava.

He took a deep breath, feeling the alpha hesitate not from rejection or disgust but more from shock. His eyes were wide open, and Stiles held the alpha's face between his two hands and it was the alpha who Stiles' body relaxed on top of the alpha's. How did he get on top? Derek's body tensed he opened his mouth running thick pointed tongue's tip to trace over Stiles' less prepared. The omega gasped allowing entrance, their tongues danced. Stiles' more hesitant and clumsy but Derek deepened the kiss, welcoming, coaxing Stiles' small wet tongue into his own mouth. The alpha sucked down and Stiles caught his breath once more. Hands were in his hair, then he realized he was rolling his hips downwards. The feeling through the bond was pure pleasure, he could feel what he was doing to the alpha and at the same time feel what was being done to him. He had only meant to kiss Derek, but what was this?

Hands were under his shirt, his own twisted into the alpha beneath him, then a phone's alarm went off and the alpha pulled his head back breaking the kiss with a moan.

Stiles groaned blinking down at a mystified face, Derek was looking up at Stiles as if he had been presented with a birthday present a day early. Unsure if it was real, Stiles could feel the alpha tap their bond, shuddering when he felt a tug back.

"Why would you have an alarm for five am?" Stiles broke the silence, squinting at the clock over to Derek's side of the bed. The orangish red numbers flashed five am, Derek's alarm on his phone fell silent.

"It's time for your pain pill." Derek half whispered running a tongue over his lips.

This brought Stiles' attention and focus on the movement remembering what it felt like to have the alpha's tongue in his mouth. "Oh." Stiles replied not ready to be released or to release the alpha. He laid his head down against the older boy's chest, hearing the galloping heart just behind the muscled and bone. He was glad Derek couldn't see the blush he was feeling spread from his cheeks clear to his toes, Derek's hand was still under Stiles' shirt. One rested with a thumb just an inch away from Stiles' puckered nipple, and the other very low on Stiles' back. He could feel something very hard against his thigh and was very aware that he had something equally as embarrassing resting against a nicely toned stomach.

Stiles took another deep breath enjoying the mix of their scents, realizing he probably wasn't in any pain because Derek had his large warm hand near Stiles' wound and had most likely been checking if he was in pain.

This was amazing that the alpha still maintained a fucking hot as hell kissing technique all the while making sure the omega was comfortable. There was warmth in the bond, warmth, affection and arousal, from both ends well no shit he didn't need to be psychic to know that they were both aroused. Stiles smiled to himself, he moved to make himself more comfortable and the alpha's hands shot downwards to hold the omega's hips still.

"Stiles, uh. Please don't move around too much. I'm-I. That is I need a minute." Stiles would have worried about the gruff tone but he could feel something in their bond. And when he closed his eyes he thought he heard the faint echo of math equations. He started to giggle, Derek Hale was embarrassed and definitely trying to talk his erection down.

"What's so funny?" Derek pushed his head back into the pillows exhaling heavily, only to groan painfully, the this action forced his hips upwards having the opposite effect of what he intended.

Stiles bit his kiss swollen lips, was he taking advantage of Derek? The alpha had been pulled from a nightmare and suddenly they were making out. Stiles could feel the rock hard length against his thigh and it only made his own weep with want. Was this a bad idea with stitches and a fragile bond? Yes, definitely yes, but tell a hormonal teenager that.

"Sorry." Stiles squirmed innocently appearing as if he was trying to make himself comfortable. Derek was holding his breath, his hands trying to be gentle but he kept Stiles' hips still. It felt good to be touched Stiles watched the apha beneath him close his eyes and try to even his breathing.

"Sorry, am I crushing you?" Stiles asked shyly, Derek grunted when Stiles rolled his hips downward. The alpha shook his head and Stiles was glad Derek had his eyes closed.

"I better get that pill for you-" Derek groaned Stiles continued to supply friction. "Stiles?" The alpha caught his breath.

"Derek." Stiles moaned breathlessly.

"Stiles, oh god. We can't your stitches. Just let me-"

The omega felt drunk with power, the alpha was unable to move away but his phone alarm went off once more refusing to be ignored and the warm pressure disappeared. Derek had shifted out from under the smaller boy slowly and almost hesitantly.

Stiles felt his cheeks flush when a warm hand reached out to gently cup the side of his face, offering a water bottle and then a hated pink pill.

"I-I'm sorry Stiles. If I was inappropriate right now. It's no excuse I was half asleep-"

Stiles grinned taking a sip of the water swallowing the pill, he winced briefly, maybe moving around had been a bad idea.

"I should look at that-"

"No. It's just now, that. That wasn't all you. I may have initiated it. Anyway. Goodnight Sourwolf." Stiles said this in the same tone he would be telling someone about the weather. The very confused alpha was caught off guard he didn't know how to reply. He just stared with his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water before replying.

"Uh, um. Goodnight then."

Derek switched the bedside lamp off and slowly climbed into bed next to the omega, his body was stiff. Stiles almost felt sorry for Derek, it was going to be a long night, whereas the omega already felt the warmth and security helping the drugs push him right back into a deep sleep. His last memory was of a blanket being pulled over his smaller body and arms holding him against a solid chest.