**Sorry for being gone so, so long… I know I have stories to finish, but I need to get back to that place… I promise they WILL be finished… Thanks so much and enjoy my new story**

Approaching Normal

Chapter 1

"Bella I'm worried about you and the kids being so far away and no family around." My mom nagged again for the millionth time since my divorce.

"Mom, I'm not disrupting their school year and not to mention my contract to move back to Seattle. Timber and River have a month and a half left of school and I have 3 months on my contract, I've already started putting resumes out, so hopefully something will come up before the next school year."

"Then send the twins here after school is out, finish your work and try to sell the house, I know it won't be that hard." Mom was right about that, she knew her real estate. Her and her best friend since forever Esme Cullen had been in the real estate business and were always #1 in Seattle, they had the sports stars, millionaires and richest people from the Pacific Northwest wanting to work with them; they had helped Jake and I find this place a month before we were married, so we would be settled to start our new life together and our exciting new jobs, Jake would be the star quarterback for the Houston Texans and I'd end up being the 'darling of morning television', as they liked to say in Houston.

"I'll talk to the kid's mom, they might want to see Jake." Mom's maniacal laughter made me almost choke on my sip of wine.

"They might want to see Jake, but will Jake make time for them? Maybe a day, a weekend if they're lucky." She scoffed.

"If he knows we're moving, he'll be more likely to want to." I tried to defend my husband of 12 years.

"Bella, quit defending him! He left you, like literally left you! Moved all his shit out while you and the kids came for Spring Break and left the divorce papers on the bed. Who the fuck does that?" My mom was getting riled up as always.

"I know, I know. I just try and keep positive for the kids. You know that."

"I do know sweetie. I do. You and the twins need to get away from there though, start over."

"Mom, I grew up in Seattle, how is that starting over, I lived there until college." I laughed.

"But not as an adult, and these anchors here are so boring. The one morning girl gives me a migraine." I knew she was referring to Jessica Newton, we'd went to high school together and she was nice, but ditzy. Seattle morning television was lacking.

"Mom, be nice. Jess is my friend. I wouldn't try to take her job anyway. Look, I've got to go the twins' karate class is about finished and I need to get them."

"Okay. Esme and I are house hunting for you." She trilled before hanging up.

Slipping on my sandals, I grabbed my keys and slid my phone in my pocket, hopped in the golf cart and drove to our community center where the twins' karate class was at.

"Bella." Jake was standing out in front of the center in his workout gear with a smug look on his face.

"What Jake? I'm kind of busy."

"Just wanted to say 'hi' to the kids." He shrugged.

"At least you have the decency to not come by with your girlfriend this time." I scoffed.

"Oh, she's in the car. We just got back from a workout." He shrugged.

"The twins do not like her, I don't want her around them." I warned.

"Pffttt, they're my kids too and she's a part of my life, they'll have to get used to it."

"No Jake! They don't need to get used to anything you need to make accommodations for them! They're 8!"

Jake was in my face at that point. "They're my children and I'll bring whoever I want to around them. You just said it, they're 8! What the fuck do they even know?"

"Don't push me on this Jake. I'll call Garrett and have them taken away for good." I pushed my finger into his chest. "Oh, and if you want quality time with them before you start traveling, I'd do it now, they're going to Seattle for the summer." I pushed passed him and entered the building.

"MOM!" River came running up to me "Timber flipped someone today, it was so cool." River was always so proud of his sister's accomplishments, they were twins, but with the size difference you wouldn't really know. Timber got my petiteness, her hair was wavy with a reddish tint like mine too, River was big for his age, at 8 he was the size of a 12 year old, taller than me and could easily carry me, he had straight black hair with a bluish tint and they both were lucky enough to get their dad's russet skin tone, though not as dark, unless out in the sun, which here in Houston we did a lot of.

"Congratulations baby!" I hugged Timber and kissed River's cheek. "Would you guys like to go out, order pizza and swim or have mom cook?" I asked as we gathered their things.

"Pizza and swim!" they shouted. "Can we have a movie too?" Timber asked.

"Sure. Why not, it's Friday." We had an outdoor screen and projector that we'd set up in the backyard and we'd watch movies while we swam an ate.

"Hey kids!" Jake stepped in front of us.

"Hi dad." River hi-fived his dad and Timber just smiled at him.

"Would y'all like to go out for dinner?" he asked.

"Sorry dad. We've got plans with mom." River shrugged.

"You're with her every day! I can only get away occasionally to see you two." Jake fumed.

"No dad. It's only training season, you've got plenty of free time to be with us; you just choose that nasty woman." River wrinkled his nose. "She's very mean to us." Timber spoke up.

"Don't make up stories because your mom put those ideas in your head." Jake laughed.

"We're not! She told us that she doesn't want us around because we're noisy and messy. Really dad? Have you met our mother? Are we allowed to make a mess and not clean it up or be loud in the house? No! The last time we came to visit, you left us with her while you went to practice and she's the one who made the mess." River crossed his arms, so much like his father.

"We've also taught you to be respectful to adults and both of you are always ignoring her and not giving her a chance."

"Dad, she is mean. She said I could never be a model because I was short. I don't even want to be a model, I don't want men looking at my body." Timber told Jake sternly.

"She's right though baby, models are tall, and I don't think you'll ever fit that bill."

"We're staying with mom, goodbye dad." They hugged him goodbye and jumped in the golf cart.

"This is all your doing." Jake growled at me and shoved passed me.

Climbing in the golf cart we headed home, and I started talking to the kids about Seattle.

"Yes! I can't wait to see grandma and grandpa!" Timber squealed.

"I can't wait to see Uncle Emmett and show him how big I've got!" River whooped.

"What if we moved there?" I asked.

"Like for good? Leave here?" Timber asked.

"Yes. We'd be closer to Uncle Emmett and Aunt Rose, plus your Uncles Garrett and Alistair and your cousins Rowan and Ivory." I tried to sweeten the deal.

"That would be great!" River jumped out of the golf cart as we arrived at the house.

We talked a little more as they changed into their swimsuits and I ordered the pizza and it seemed like they were on board, not one mention so far of their dad.

Swimming, eating, and watching Lego Batman, we had a great night. Settling down on the couch with a glass of wine after getting them to bed, I was about to open my book when the phone rang.

"B!" Garrett exclaimed into the phone.

"Were your ears burning today? I had to threaten Jake today." I laughed.

"What? No. But I heard my favorite sister was coming up this summer and possibly moving back?" Garrett my oldest brother by five years was a divorce lawyer and married to Alistair who worked with our dad as a police officer, their adopted son Rowan was 12 and had been with them for about seven years now.

"I discussed it with the kids tonight, they were pretty excited about it."

"Well, you'll need to get a court order to allow you to move with the children first off; even though you're the primary parent- Texas does have it set up that way. It also wouldn't hurt to have Jake already on board with the idea, even though he travels he still has visitation." Garrett warned.

"Now I know why you're the oldest." I sighed.

"Because I'm the brightest of course!" he laughed.

"No, because you suck the joy and easiness out of everything. Ugh! Now I've got to talk with Jake, he's all about his cheerleader." I gagged.

"Bells, just get your ass home and then you won't have to worry about seeing the asshole." Garrett reprimanded.

"True. I'll get on that Monday."

"You're too slow, I've already filed the paperwork on your behalf; just talk with Jake."

"Fine. I'll call him tomorrow when the kids are at a birthday party."

"Good and start talking up your bosses, mom and Esme are already conspiring." Garrett teased.

"Good god! They've probably got my house picked out and found a man for me."

"My lips are sealed! Gotta go." And he hung up I me.

Groaning I shook my head as I hung up my phone.

Stopping at my favorite coffee shop, I ordered my simple black coffee with 1 sugar and retreated to the outside patio to call Jake.

"Hello?" Came the nasally voice of his girlfriend.

"This is Isabella, I need to speak with Jacob." Short and snappy as always, because nothing else worked with her.

"JAY!" she yelled, right in my ear.

Several minutes later he picks up the phone "What B?"

Gritting my teeth "We need to talk. I'd rather do it face to face, but if you don't have time, now is fine."

"Just saw what you need to say, it's never stopped you before."

"Fine. Look, my parents really want the kids and me closer and I want to be there too. You can visit whenever you're free, much like now." I pulled out all my niceness.

"When did you decide this?" he snapped.

"My mom just called last night, that's one of the reasons she wants the kids to come for the summer."

"Of course, Renee would spearhead this. You turned them all against me." Jake accused.

"No Jake. You're the one who caused all that! You moved out with all your belongings while the kids and I were in Seattle and left the divorce papers on the bed. You're the one who was having the affair. You got off easy, I could've went for alimony and half of your earnings, but I didn't! You know why? Because I make my own money, damn good money! All you have to pay is child support, set up their college fund and pay off the house."

"I'm not going to argue over this B. You're primary care giver, we know the judge would side with you anyway because there is family where you're going, just go. I'll let you know when I have free time and I'll come visit. Sound good?"

"Seriously? You're not going to put up a fight?" I was skeptical.

"No. I've got training and the season starting, I don't need my name dragged through the news." He growled, he always blamed me when things about him leaked out. As if I'd put myself or the kids through that.

"Okay, hopefully the process is fast then. You'll need to spend time with them before we leave."

"I will, I'll clear a weekend and spend some time with them. Just me." He assured.

"They'd like that. They really don't like her. Hell, I don't even know her name." I laughed, and he started laughing.

"Melanie, her name is Melanie and yeah she's young and doesn't like kids. She just admitted that to me when I asked her if she was mean to my kids, but she is… Nevermind. I've got to go, just let me know." Jake wasn't an ass at the end, he sounded defeated. Whatever, I didn't dwell on it, I called my parents to let them know the kids would be there for summer, we'd all fly to Seattle and I'd stay the weekend before flying back.

The next month and a half had flown by, the kids were going with Jake this weekend, so I was spending it applying for jobs and cleaning before leaving for Seattle.

Finishing my dinner, the phone and I laugh because it's my dad, or mom calling from dad's phone; his ringtone is "I Fought the Law" by The Clash, one of his favorite groups.

"Hey dad."

"Hey baby, how have you been?" my dad was chuckling.

"Good. Can't wait to fly out Sunday."

"We can't wait either, mom has a few houses to show you." He laughed out loud then.

"What is going on?"

"Esme and your mother have 3, very over the top houses for you to look at, that's all."

"How over the top?"

"Well, they're two million dollars and up." He sighed.

"Daddy, I have to have some security and privacy, people know who Jake is and I don't want to jeopardize their safety and this place will sell in no time, so I'll have plenty of money to purchase a house, plus don't forget- I make pretty good money too." I whispered the last part and he laughed.

"Yes Bells, I know you do. And sometimes I forget you're all grownup."

"I know. Would it make you feel better if we stayed with you and mom until we found a place of our own? I had a few condos I was looking to rent, but y'all have the room for the kids and I can sleep on the couch."

"Bells, we've added a daybed in the office."

"Oh, so I'm guessing you and mom were going to entice me this weekend." I laughed.

We finished talking and after I gave them my flight information we hung up and I crawled into bed, looking forward to starting over.


There you have it…

Chapter 1, finished!

Thanks for reading!
