A/N : I hope you like it. Review and tell me what you thought!

I know that this is a small chapter, but I can promise that the next chapters will be much bigger. Stick around to find out what will happen next! Thanks! :)

Cammie's POV

NO!" I screamed, cradling Kat's head in my lap. " No!" I cried weakly. No. I wouldn't let this happen.
" Cam?" she whispered. My hand was a bright red, blood, her blood, coating my hands as I tried but did not succeed to stop the bleeding of her wound. " Cam?" She repeated.
" Yes?" I sobbed.
" What's happening?" She didn't even have the strength to frown. My tears dripped onto her cheek.
" You've been shot in the chest. But you're going to be okay. The ambulance is coming, and they'll take you to the hospital and – "
" I didn't think it would be like this…" her voice was barely a whisper.
" What would?" I asked.
" Death." She confessed. " I thought it would be painless."
" No! You're not going to die. You can't!" I pleaded.
" There it is… the darkness." She sighed.
" No! Kat please – "
" Thankyou Cammie." She smiled. It was small, but it was there.
" For what?" I cried.
" For staying with me, just as you promised me all those years ago…"
" Kat!" her head became heaving in my arms. " NO! KAT?!" her eyes became glassy. Pools of grey obsidian. " KAT!" I wailed. Her head dropped into my arms. " Noooooooo!" I sobbed, my tears unstoppable as I gently laid her head on the ground.

As I crouched before her crumpled body, my hand slid towards the gun in the holster at my thigh. The gun was cool in my sweating hands, the trigger against the pad of my finger calming my body. I rose slowly and turned to the row of armed men behind me. My other hand found my other gun on my other thigh.
" I don't take well to people shooting my friends." I hissed. One of them was stupid enough to reply.
" What are you gonna do about it bitch?" My smile was feline as I raised my guns, and showed them exactly what I was going to do. Where I pointed, men fell. I picked them off one by one, and when there were none left, my guns clattered to the floor, and I followed.

I pounded the ground with my fist as my scream echoed through the building.