Hi, there this is your pokeveenz with the new story. the name of the story is Something Something

Hero: Ash Ketchum(Darien shields-past life name)


mother: Delia Ketchum

father: Red Ketchum

heroine: Serena carter(Bunny Tsukino-past life name)(adopted)

adopted parents

mother: grace carter

father: Nick Carter

biological mother - Rose Carter

antagonist: May maple - Beryl(past)

Calem slate -Diamond(past)

other characters

Gary Oak

misty water flower

Brock Harrison

preview -Darien and Bunny were brutally murdered by their enemy without even having a chance to taste of being with each other. but the Almighty has given them another chance and they are reborn as Ash and Serena with a new face. will they become one or someone will separate them once again? armourshipping


Darien and bunny holding each other and breathing heavily after running for so long. they were running from the psycho ex's Beryl and Diamond who were determined to kill them. Darien and bunny just got married and were heading towards their new home but they were ambushed by them with the deadly weapons.

bunny breathing heavily " Darien did we lost them "

Darien also breathing heavily " I think so "

bunny tearing up " I'm scared Darien "

Darien hugging and kissing her " don't worry I will not let anything happen to you or us and I'm going to beat them "

suddenly they hear an ominous laugh and they see Beryl and Calem laughing along with their men.

beryl speaks " do you really think that you are going to beat us seriously "

Darien covering bunny behind his back " Beryl and diamond, I'm warning you now, you let us go without harming us or else "

Diamond speaks " or else what, you can't do anything for us. our men are covering all around you. you can't escape us. bunny I'm giving you last chance, leave him and come with me, I'll protect you from everything "

bunny glaring at him " never, even if you kill me, I will not leave him "

Diamond " well then, your wish, if you want to be killed then go get killed " turning to Beryl " ready Beryl "

Beryl with a sinister smile " yes " turning to Darien " Darien I'm going to give you one more chance, come with me "

Darien glaring at her " never, even if you kill us, we will not give to you both and remember one thing that we will be back "

Beryl " fine, your wish " telling that they start to fire upon Darien and bunny

Darien and bunny hug each other and take the shots bravely. they see each other and kiss passionately for last time promising to meet once again in next life. suddenly one of the bullet goes through the bunny's head, enters Darien's head and exits Darien's head ending both their lives.

suddenly it starts to rain heavily, which shows that even the earth is weeping for the loss of a couple who set a new example for love.

70 years later

Nick Carter and his wife grace carter were sitting in the waiting room of the hospital for the news. Nick was devastated, he saw his baby sister's marriage fall apart, his brother-in-law left his pregnant sister for his wealthy parents. his brother in law told that he can leave his wife and child but can't leave the property. now his sister was having a baby, he hoped everything would be alright since his sister was fully heartbroken because of her husband who left her in this crucial time. suddenly Nick notices his wife calling him. he turns to her ask what

grace tells " doctor is coming "

Nick stands up along with his wife when he sees the doctor standing in front of them.

Nick frantically asks " doctor, how are my sister and her child "

doctor answers " well, the baby is healthy, your sister had a girl child, she weighs 5 pounds. but your sister... "

Nick asks panicked " what happened to my sister " grace holds his hand comforting him.

doctor answers sadly " well, she is bleeding a lot after the delivery and we tried everything to stop the bleeding but it is not stopping. I don't think she will make it, so please call whomever you want to call and she was asking for you both to speak " telling that he walks away leaving behind the couple who was crying inconsolably.

after controlling their emotions both go inside the ward to see her.

rose was lying on the bed and she was holding her baby in her hand. Nick notices his sister was crying seeing her daughter.

Nick and grace go near her to console her, they understand that she knows about her condition.

rose wipes her tear and looks towards her brother and tells " I know I'm dying but I'm not scared. brother and grace, I know that you will look after my daughter as your own when I'm gone, so will you promise me something "

both nods crying

rose tells " I don't want my baby to do the same mistake as me. I don't want my baby to fall in love with a wealthy guy who chooses his wealth upon his love so will you please see that she won't do that, I beg you both "

they both nod and grace answers " don't worry rose, from now on, your baby is my baby and we will look after her and we will make sure that she won't do anything like that "

rose genuinely smiles " thank you "

Nick wiping his tears " so what do you want to name her "

rose seeing her baby's serene face " Serena, Serena Carter "

all three adults smile seeing their baby's face and call her name ' Serena ' three times.

next day, rose passes away in her sleep. Nick cremate her and organizes a funeral in her name. then Nick and Grace adopt Serena officially.

2 years later

Nick and grace were frantically searching for their 2 years old daughter, she was playing in the play area and they were shopping near her but now she was missing. they came to Hoenn for a holiday with their daughter and they never expected this to happen.

on another side 2 years old Serena was crying for her parents. suddenly she notices a little boy coming near her.

he asks " what happened "

Serena tells sniffing" I'm scared, I lost my parents and I want my parents "

he smiles " don't worry, here " he gives her his teddy bear doll " this is my favorite teddy doll and this doll is my lucky charm and always fulfill my wishes, take it and this doll will bring back your parents "

she takes the doll, hugs it and asks the doll to bring her parents back. then both children's smiles and starts to play there.

he gets up and goes to get one more toy from the rack leaving his teddy doll with Serena. suddenly he hears his mother calling.

he turns to see his mother and father coming towards him.

his mother Delia frantically " ash where were you, baby, we were so worried that we lost you " his father Red nods hugging him

ash answers " mommy and daddy, I was playing with my friend. "

red asks "friend, where "

ash shows his fingers towards her but he sees that she is taken back by their parents. she was crying seeing towards him holding his teddy doll to her heart, seeing that even ash starts to cry for her telling that her parents took her away from him. their parents console him.

both the parents of Serena and Ash were confused seeing their children sad because of losing their friend who they met and formed a strong friendship bond in such a small time. Serena's parents also notice a teddy doll which she refuses to leave it. but what both couple parents didn't know that they are the soul mates, Darien and bunny who were reborn as Ash and Serena and they are prone to meet again and again till they become one after overcoming all the obstacles which are in their way.

well that's all for today's prologue

so how was the prologue of this new story?

more to come, so wait for it.

please review and give your support.

note: this story is not some complex story instead this story shows a cute love story between Ash and Serena who fights all odds to become one.

and wait for the next chapter

till then me signing off bye : )