In the beauty and wilds of Africa, there was a family and they moved from San Francisco for a better life. The girl is only twelve years old and she loves her family. Until that awful day when poachers killed her parents. The girl who is called Abigail was starting to get upset and remembered her parents' advice. Her parents advice is to be kind to other animals and have courage and never be afraid to do anything. She is on her own now and she left to find a place to spend the night.

Hours start to pass and Abigail started to feel like that she is lost and alone. Thunder was heard and she needs to find shelter and fast. Then she heard growling and it came from a pack of hyenas. Abigail gasped and she started to run and run for her life never looking back because her father always told her when to run she should not look back and keep running. She kept that advice in her mind and memory of her parents. Abigail started to run for her life and then she didn't look where she was looking and then she tripped over a root and tumbled down and she looked and heard the hyenas' growl and she knew they're gaining on her. Abigail cried out, "HELP! ANYONE HELP ME! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP! HELP!" The poor preteen thought that she would be hyena food, but she was not even though she is wounded a bit like a few scratches from the sharp branches of the trees and she had the urge to pass out. Before she did she heard roaring and some shapes in different light colors. Then finally though, everything went black for the poor preteen girl.

A few hours and couple of minutes have passed and Abigail groaned a bit and she heard voices, "Is she alive? Yeah of course she's only breathing." Abigail opened her brown eyes and saw only shapes and colors. Her vision was blurry and then when it was clear, she groaned and got up. Her orange hair was a bit messy though. She got up and looked around then her brown eyes went wide when she saw some lions looking at her. She didn't say a word at all. She thought that she might be a meal to the lions. Then she felt a lick on her leg and she realized that they were not going to eat her at all. Then to her surprise one of them spoke to her asking if she was alright. Abigail looked down for a bit and said yes she is. Then she heard the lion saying in a deep voice, "Abigail you almost got killed badly if we hadn't come and saved your life." Abigail got her eyes wide and she asked how he knew her name. The queen said that the kings of the past told them about her and what happened to her parents. The king known as Mufasa then said to her, "We'd be honored to take care of you Abigail and you will make a great member to my pride." Abigail smiled at them.