Our Tangled Bliss

Chapter 1: Escape

Catching movement out of the corner of his bruised eye, Sam turned around to see Steve approaching his cell. Shaking his head trying to hide his smirk, he said, "About damn time you showed up. I was starting to get claustrophobic in here." Given the severity of the situation, Steve couldn't help but let a soft chuckle. He expected Sam to be angry, but he still had his humor, even in the worst of situations.

Sam's comment caught everyone's attention, including Wanda's.

Even though she was on the floor restricted in the straightjacket, Wanda managed to push herself up onto her knees and scoot to the front of her cell, looking through the glass to find out whom Sam was talking to.

Her breath caught in her throat. She couldn't believe her eyes as she saw it was Steve on the other side. Hope and relief flooded her, feeling it rise through her chest, causing her breathing to quicken. Tears spilled over, not from sadness, but excitement of getting out and away from that place and those people.

Glancing around at the others in their cells, Steve asked, "Is everyone okay?"

"We will be better once we are out of this place," Scott smarted off. He stood in the front of his cell, hands braced against the glass.

"Cap! Get Wanda first. We've got to get that shock collar off of her," Clint yelled, pointing towards the main security box in the other side of her cell.

Shock collar? Steve immediately reached into his pocket for the badge he swiped off the main security official, who was currently unconscious on the floor behind him. He quickly made his way to the main keypad and slid the badge through the slot. Instantly, the bulletproof glass walls separating him from his team disappeared as they rose up into the ceiling. He runs towards Wanda's cell and is taken back by her condition.

Along with being restrained in the straightjacket, he saw the large, black shock collar wrapped around her neck, as if she was a dog. The bright red light blinking indicated it was still on and ready to use.

His eyes met hers, which were extremely red and swollen. They revealed her sadness and pain. Her complexion was almost sickly pale and she physically looked smaller and weaker. He could see she wasn't being properly cared for in any way.

Even though Wanda noticed his horrified expression, she still gave him a smile. "Hi, Cap."

"Oh my God, Wanda." He was stunned and appalled. How could they do this to her? Before he could catch himself he muttered, "Ross, you son of a bitch."

"Language." She grinned, showing him she still had her humor as well.

"Why did they do this?" He tried to find an answer as he crouched in front of her. She was still on the ground leaning against the wall. He reached up to turn her head, revealing the small box housing the blinking light, trying to figure out how to disable and remove it.

"They're scared of me... and they didn't seem to appreciate my answers to their questions." She let out a small laugh, "Vision was right."

Before Steve could respond, Clint walked in holding something small and shiny in his hand. "Here's the key to that. I say we put that on Ross and give him a taste of his own damn medicine."

Steve leaned over Wanda to undo the straps on the back of the straight jacket, slowly releasing her arms. She attempted to help push it off as he pulled. Once that came off, he inserted the key into the box on the shock collar and turned the key. The light turned green and fell in between them at their feet.

They both released a breath they didn't realize they were holding.

Steve helped her onto her feet, holding her forearms to make sure she had her balance. He gasped as he finally noticed the dark, angry red burns wrapped around her neck along with deep, purple bruising making its presence known.

"Professional courtesy and handling my ass," Clint muttered in anger.

Suddenly, an extremely loud alarm blew through their ears. Even though her arms felt like lead, she still managed to reach up and cover her ears, trying to block out the noise.

"Cap, we need to get out of here!" Panic masked Scott's voice, looking around the room trying to find their exit.

"We need to get to the landing pad!" Steve scooped Wanda into his arms, one under her knees, and the other around her back holding her close. Shakily, she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on for dear life.

As he began to exit her cell, her gaze locked onto the limp straightjacket and shock collar on the floor, remembering the pain and helplessness it had caused her.

In that moment, she made a vow to herself that she would never allow someone to put those on her ever again. She would never allow herself to be contained to a cage again.

Sam, Scott, and Clint followed Steve and Wanda as he led them out of the main holding area. They went through a door by the main control unit that turned into a two-story staircase. They ascended up the stairs and reached another door that opens up to the top of the raft.

Steve set Wanda onto her feet, freeing his arms to open the door. As he pushed it open, the sun's brightness immediately flooded the staircase, blinding the others. They moaned and groaned, reaching up to block the direct light, trying to stop the burning sensation in their eyes.

The jet was already on and ready to go. The roaring of the engine was loud and ferocious.

"Come on, let's go!" Steve yelled, his voice being blocked by the sound of the jet. He grabbed Wanda's hand in a tight grip, pulling her towards it. The others followed, running towards their ticket to freedom.

Once they reached the loading door, Steve released Wanda's hand again to reach up and unlatch it. It began to lower, opening up for them to load. As they ran in, Steve made his way towards the pilot's seat. Clint hit the switch to close the door. Everyone made their way towards a seat, catching their breaths.

Wanda collapsed against her seat, trying to slow down her breathing. Her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest. Her whole body hurt, but she was more than relieved to finally be out of there. As she tried to relax, a million questions began to explode in her head.

Does anybody know they were busted out? By whom? What happens now? Where are we going? Does Tony and the others know?

Does Vision know?

Where is he? Is he okay? What will he do if he finds out? Will he come for us? Help us? Does he know I'm sorry?

I miss him.

Scott interrupted her thoughts, "So, what's the plan, Cap?"

"I need to keep you all hidden. So for right now, I have a place we can clean up and figure out what our next move is."

Wanda sat up and asked the one question that is burning her brain. She's almost scared to hear his answer. "Do Tony and Ross know that you busted us out?"

Steve turned his heads towards her, his eyes casted down, "Not yet, but I am gathering that they will soon."

She got an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

As he spun the chess piece in his hand, he was contemplating many things in his head.

How could everything have come this far? If he had known Wanda was going to be taken, he would've never left her alone at the airport. He never would've joined the fight in the first place.

He felt like a complete fool to believe Ross and his lies. The Accords wasn't worth the entire team being torn apart. Being separated from Wanda made him feel lost, especially because he knew she never meant to hurt him. She was helping Cap, who has helped her more than anybody else. He was hurt when she shoved him deep into the ground, but he understood her reason why.

But he still missed her.

He missed their time together at the compound. She didn't act like a different person, but she opened up and acted more like her true self. He wasn't scared or appalled by her or her abilities. Instead, he was fascinated by her and in awe of her. He could tell she felt the same about him, even if they never said it to each other out loud.

He wanted those moments back. He wanted to see if there was a chance they could have the opportunity to have more moments.

He became startled, causing him to drop the chess piece onto the floor. As he leaned over to grab it, he saw Tony walking into the kitchen. He sat quietly as he watched him march towards the liquor cabinet, reaching for the scotch. He retrieved a glass and proceeded to pour himself a drink.

Vision could sense how tense he was. "Mr. Stark, is there a problem?"

Tony took a sip before turning around to face him. "Ross just called and reported that Clint, Scott, Sam, and Wanda escaped."


"Well, he believes they were busted out." He downs the rest of the drink, sets it on the counter, and crosses his arms over his chest. "He's supposed to be sending over security footage. It's fuzzy and there's no audio, but still fairly visible."

That's when questions began to invade in Vision's head.

Is Wanda okay? Was she alone or with the others? Where are they? What is their plan?

Would she try to find him? Was she thinking of him as he was of her?

"Do they know who did it?"

Tony glared in his direction, daring him to test his patience by playing dumb. "Obviously we both know it was Cap, Vision."

"Are you certain?"

"If you mean am I going to be proven right when the tape comes back then yes-"

Friday's voice interrupted them, "Mr. Stark, I have just received the security files from Secretary Ross."

"Transfer them to my office. I'm headed there now." He tore his eyes from Vision and started towards his office.

Curiosity got the best of Vision, so he rose from the sofa and decided to follow him.

He walked in and found Tony opening the file to play the video. It showed the camera was behind Cap. He's talking to Sam in front of his cell. What came next made Vision release a gasp.

He saw Wanda on the ground in her cell, restrained in the straightjacket and shock collar. She was obviously trying to get a closer look of who was outside of her cell, but struggling to do so.

As the video went on, his hands balled up into fists when it revealed the marks and burns the collar left behind. He watched as Cap picked her up and held her as he took her away, leading the others out of there. When it showed them running into the staircase, the video shuts off.

Both of them just stared at the blank monitor in silence. Tony was trying to process what he does with this now. What is he supposed to do?

All that Vision could see is that Cap saved her because he couldn't. Because he didn't.

Now the question remains: where are they?

Tony turned off the monitor and turned to look at Vision, "Did you know anything about this?"

Vision's head popped up, startled by the absurd accusation, "No, sir."

"You know I can see if you're lying."

"I do not doubt your abilities, sir."

Tony chose to ignore the sarcastic tone in his comment; he had other things to worry about.

"Well, now we need to figure out what our next move is."

"I assume Ross is going to want you to find them and surrender them back into his custody." Vision hated to think about something like that, especially for Wanda.

"Well, I can't surrender them unless we find them. How hard we try isn't something we have to report..."

Vision watched him as he exited the room, leaving him alone to his own thoughts.

Maybe he could find her. He wouldn't dare try to turn her in. He couldn't do that to her again. He never wanted to in the first place.

Maybe, if she would let him, he could hide with her…

In order to find out for sure, he needs to see her.

He needs to make contact with Steve.


I AM WARNING YOU: this is going to start off as a slow burn until we get Wanda and Vision alone together! That is coming very soon I promise!

I wanted to know what happened during those 2 years and what kind of "moments" Wanda and Vision had until everything in Infinity War happened... I am still heartbroken and am hoping Avengers 4 turns it completely around and fixes my broken scarlet vision heart.

Kudos, comments, and reviews are so so appreciated! Please let me know your thoughts!
Thank you! I hope you enjoy!
