Author's Note: Well we've finally made it. Today the much-anticipated battle finally arrives. Who will emerge victoriously? Will Hiccup receive answers he so desires? Will he be able to kill the man who has killed so many? Or will Johann get his wish and kill Hiccup?

Let's read to find out.


Hiccup walked into the icy cavern, holding Inferno out ready to defend himself. "What is there to talk about? You've murdered over a hundred people."

Johann turned to face his nemesis. "Oh, more than that boy. I've killed people in the thousands. Some you know, and some you don't." Hiccup was ready to charge when Johann stopped him. "Don't try anything yet. You're going to listen to what I have to say."

"There's nothing you can say that will stop me from pushing you over the edge," Hiccup stated.

"What if I could tell you what really happened to your mother?" Johann offered.

"Dragons killed her after a raid," Hiccup said. "Dad spent months searching the oceans."

"Some of that is true, but what you don't know is that the Stormcutter went for the wrong Haddock," Johann informed. "You see, it was supposed to kill you, but took your mother instead. It flew off with her to gods know where and ate her."

"Why?" Hiccup demanded.

"Why indeed," Johann replied. "It happened again some years later when I gave a supply of poisoned knives to Dagur to throw at you. All those knives and you were only grazed. Unfortunately, that pesky mute healer knew what kind of poison and was able to save you."

Hiccup stared at the man. He was admitting to trying to kill him multiple times over the years. "Why do you want me dead?"

"I can't let you fulfill your prophecy. It's already gone too far," Johann stated as if was obvious.

Hiccup gave the villain a perplexed look. "What prophecy?"

Johann began to circle Hiccup, keeping his distance. "Back when I was just a young trader for the Hunters and their various ports, an elderly stout woman dressed in black approached me. She spoke of a boy who would be born to the chief of the Hooligan Tribe with the soul of a dragon. That he would end the 300-year war between man and dragon. He would take a dragon blacker than night for himself. The boy would one day begin an end to all Dragon Hunters if he was not stopped. I took information to Vindall Grimborn and told him. He tasked me with a mission to kill the boy, no matter what."

"All for a prophecy?" Hiccup asked.

Johann ignored him and continued to talk. "When I arrived at Berk, I learned that the boy did not yet exist, so I bided my time, gained their trust. Rose in the ranks of the Hunters as well. After ten years, you were finally born. I wanted to kill you right then, but I had to wait. I convinced Vindall to give me dragons so I could trigger a raid. As I said, the Stormcutter got the wrong Haddock. As you grew, the more enraged I became. Every attempt to kill you failed. When you tamed that accursed Night Fury, I almost lost it and blew my cover. Ever since you were born, you've had a nasty habit of not dying when you're supposed to. But that habit ends today. Today you will die, and the Hunters will flourish once more under my command."

"That's where you are wrong," Hiccup retorted. "It's you who will die and the Hunters will fall apart."

With that said, Hiccup attacked. Johann was quick to dodge Inferno and block the first blade with his daggers. A mighty one on one battle ensued.

The two enemies were so focused on each other neither of them noticed the Riders running into the icy cavern with their dragons. Toothless stood in front, blocking everyone from interfering. He knew his hatchling had to do this on his own.

Hiccup forced Johann toward the edge of the abyss. This time he was going to make sure he went over. This time Johann was going to die. No one could save him now.

"Do you really think you have it in you to kill me, Hiccup?" Johann taunted.

Hiccup gave Johann a fixed glare as he knocked the daggers out of the villain's hands. Inferno was an inch from the older man's chest.

"You tortured and murdered so many people, and hunted dragons, all for pleasure and money," Hiccup growled. "You will pay for your crimes in the depths of Helheim. The gods will have no mercy on your soul. You are damned for eternity."

Hiccup pulled Inferno back and thrust it forward again, pushing Johann over the edge. Everyone listened as his screams faded into nothingness. After what felt like forever and a distant thud echoed through the still air. Johann was dead.

Hiccup dropped his sword and fell to his knees, staring into the abyss. Astrid and Toothless ran to him. Astrid stood Hiccup up and guided him away from the edge. Toothless pushed him forward, careful not to knock him over.

Hiccup stared at his betrothed and best friend, his eyes swimming with every emotion possible. "I killed him," his voice a harsh whisper.

"I know babe," Astrid said pulling him into a hug. "It's over. He's never coming back." Toothless warbled in agreement and licked Hiccup on the arm.

Hiccup felt the initial shock wear off and relief washed over him. The relief was short lived as his muscles tightened. He quickly pushed Astrid away, falling to his knees once more. His body began to convulse as he landed on his side.

Astrid knelt down next to him and held him as still as she could. She could hear Jorn running over to them, ready to assist. Together they kept Hiccup from shaking too violently. Once he was still, Jorn opened his medical bag and pulled out a blue vial.

Everyone else remained where they stood watching the scene unfold before them. What did Johann do? Had Hiccup been injured in the fight? Did Johann slip him a poison? What happened?

After getting an unconscious Hiccup to swallow the tonic, Jorn picked him up and carried him toward everyone. He mounted Garff and told everyone not to worry. Garff flew the two men out of the caves with Toothless right under them.

Everyone waited outside one of the Healer Tents waiting for Jorn or Astrid to emerge with news on Hiccup's condition. After what felt like forever, Jorn exited the tent. All the Riders erupted with all the questions they had.

Jorn held up his hand to silence them and began to speak. "He's going to be fine. The stress of the past few months has taken a toll on Hiccup's body. The shock from killing Johann didn't help, which resulted in him having a mild seizure. I've given him the proper medicine. He woke up briefly before falling into a deep sleep. All he needs to do is rest for a few days."

"That would be, like, his third seizure in less than two years," Fishlegs pointed out.

Jorn didn't correct him. It was Hiccup's place to tell them of his ailment, not his. "I wouldn't put much thought into it, Fishlegs. It can happen to anyone at any time. Stress can be a big factor, so can trauma, fatigue, and a whole list of things."

Before anyone else could say anything, Jorn walked back into the tent to tend to his patient.

The next day, Ryker kept to his promise and left with Minnow. Astrid made sure to let him know that if he ever needed help, all he had to do was just drop by and ask.

Ryker promised to ask for help of the need ever arose. He had a lot of work to do, like dismantling every Hunter port and ship.

Dagur flew off to Defenders of The Wing Island to be with his wife. He left Captain Vorg in charge of the village until he chose to return. He never said how long he would be gone.

The Hunter prisoners were shackled and boarded on to a ship set for Outcast Island, where they would remain for the rest of their days. They would all face trails for their crimes. They would either be sentenced to life imprisonment or death.

Jorn and Astrid helped Hiccup move to one of the guest huts where he would continue to rest. He made no protests. He was exhausted. Every inch of his body hurt.

Over the course of the next couple of days, the Master Riders flew back to the Edge to finish locking it down and making sure it was secure. The only ones left on Berserker Island were Hiccup, Astrid, Toothless, and Jorn.

Jorn would be heading to Berk the following day to help out Gothi for a while. Hiccup, Toothless, and Astrid would head to the Edge to collect their belongings and help with the finishing touches to secure it.

Three months later:

Hiccup and Toothless sat in Gobber's forge, occasionally glancing up at the sky as he watched his friends and their dragons race each other. As far as he could tell, Astrid was winning. He would have been up there, but he needed to finish his new leg since his last one was at the bottom of the ocean among the wreckage of Johann's ships.

Hiccup was attaching his leg to his stump when Jorn walked in. "Hey, kid."

Hiccup stood and tested the balance of his prosthetic and looked up, quite pleased with himself. Toothless purred, satisfied "Hey Jorn."

"Garff and I will be heading out after the race," Jorn said.

"Any idea where you're headed?" Hiccup asked.

Jorn had broken the news to everyone the night before. He couldn't be tied down to one island. His skills were needed elsewhere.

"Where ever I'm needed," Jorn answered. "There are islands out there that need healers."

"I know," Hiccup smiled sadly. "Just promise you won't become a stranger. These past several months wouldn't have been the same without you."

"I promise to come by and visit. Besides, someone other than Gothi needs to make sure Astrid is keeping up with her Healer studies," Jorn promised.

Hiccup held out his hand. "You're a great friend. Safe travels."

Jorn shook his hand. "Same to you, kid."

Jorn turned and walked back into the village toward his hut to finish packing. He wanted to be ready to go before the race ended. That way, he could say goodbye to his fellow Dragon Riders.

The next morning, Hiccup woke to the sound of Terrible Terrors singing on the rooftop. He looked over at Toothless who was covering his ears trying to block out the sound. Hiccup laughed at his dragon as he got dressed in his flight gear.

Together the two sauntered down to breakfast. "Morning, dad," Hiccup greeted.

Stoick set two plates on the table. "Son, we need to talk."

Hiccup had a feeling where this was going. "Not now dad. Toothless and I have a full day of exploring planned." Toothless huffed, waiting for his basket of fish.

Stoick clearly wasn't listening and continued to speak as if he never heard his son. "You're the Pride of Berk, son, and I couldn't be prouder..."

Hiccup cut him off. "Yeah, that's great, dad. I'm proud too, but we really need to get going." Toothless muttered under his breath, nosing at the basket hanging on the wall.

Stoick still wasn't listening. He went over absentmindedly and put down the basket and opened it. "You're all grown up, and since no chief could ask for a better successor, I've decided to make you Chief." Toothless finished his fish, being the hungry dragon that he is.

Hiccup quickly ran out of the house, Toothless followed. Hiccup climbed on to Toothless. The rest of this lovely one-sided conversation would have to continue some other time. And off they went on their next adventure.

Author's Note: Thank all for reading. I have had fun writing this story.

I will return somewhere down the road. I hope to maybe one day bring Jorn back.

It has been an amazing experience writing this story. It allowed me to explore a different side to writing. I never thought I'd be able to kill such beloved characters the way I did. I stepped out of my comfort zone and discovered what I was capable of.

Thank you for the endless support. You guys kept me going.

Special thanks to Draconbeing2.0 for being an amazing beta reader and friend. She has been helping since Beating In Stride. Her help has been nothing short of exemplary.