A/N: so i have decided to start this new thing where i will tell a name of a song which goes with the chapter so the song for this chapter is KING OF THE CLOUDS by panic! at the disco.

Percy's mother was in shock but before she can say or do anything, a brown owl flew in and dropped something on the table and flew away but not before giving Percy a scratch on his arm with his claws. Percy used the water from the tap in the kitchen to heal his recently inflicted wound.

Percy started walking close to the table but before he could reach it his mother beat him to it. Sally took what the owl dropped off from the table. Percy was surprised to find that the owl dropped 2 letters. Sally opened the letters with her name on it and started reading it. Percy wanted to peer over his mother's shoulder but decided to leave her alone with her privacy.

After her mother had read her letter she sighed and fell back into the sofa with her back to the sofa and her head leaned on the headrest.

The silence between them becoming uncomfortable. Percy finally breaking the silence asked: "mom is everything okay?"

His mother just sighed and looked into his eyes and said "Percy we need to talk"

Percy seeing the serious expression on his mother's face became alert.

His mother slowly breathed out and then she began "Percy, you know that sometimes gods come down from above and give a wish to any mortal who has praised and sacrificed things to gods. A long time ago, 4 people two women and 2 men by the name of Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin praised and sacrificed a great many things to Hecate, the goddess of magic. Being pleased Hecate granted each of them a wish. Each of them wanted her blessing of magic. Hecate was surprised after all these mortals could have anything they wanted but they wanted her blessing, so she gave it to the people were mortals they could not do magic with their hands so Hecate made each of them a wand so they could channel their inner magic. The wands were based on the specific qualities of the for Godric the core was based on a single hair of the Nemean lion which symbolizes his bravery, for Helga the core was based on a single tooth of Cerberus which symbolizes her loyalty to her friends and family, for Rowena the core of her wand was based on a single hair of the oldest sea spirit god namely Nereus which symbolizes her intelligence and wisdom, as for Salazar the core was based on a single scale of the monster python which symbolizes his ambition. The four were named the first witches and wizards. They then went on to create Hogwarts the greatest wizarding school in the world."

Percy then cutting off his mother said: "but mom what has this got to do with me?"

Sally giving a glare to Percy under which he squirmed said "as the years rolled the population for wizards grew and they started to spread all over the world. Then fast forward a few years Tom Marvolo Riddle a powerful wizard gone rogue rose as Lord Voldemort and became 'The Dark Lord'. A fake prophecy was issued to scare the dark lord but instead of fearing it the dark lord found the child of prophecy and went to kill it. when the dark lord reached the house he killed the father as he stepped into the house but the mother was with the child and as he went on to kill the mother, but when he reached the child he was not able to kill the child and the spell backfired and killed him instead. He was dead for quite a while until last year he raised from the dead to kill the child that he was unable to kill and now here we are."

Percy shocked managed to ask" what was the name of the child and again what does this have to do with me?"

Sally with sadness in his eyes said:" Percy, the name of the child is Harry Potter and as for your second question" taking a deep breath she continued "I am one of these people and with me so are you. And now that The Dark Lord is back they need my help, our help to defeat him."

Percy mouth formed into a single line as he expected this but was hoping for his instinct to be wrong. Now he understood why Hecate was looking at him in disbelief.

He argued with his mom "but mom I don't know anything about magic"

As soon as he said this there was a knock on the door Percy took a deep breath and went to open the door and was surprised to find Hecate the goddess of magic outside of his mother's apartment. His jaw dropped to the floor and he was bewildered.

Hecate smirked at his expression and said "hello, Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson, heir to the house of Slytherin"

If possible Percy's jaw hit the floor at hearing this information and now he was looking at his mother with the expression that said 'what else are you not telling me?'

His mother ignoring his look looked at Hecate and bowed a little and invited her into the house.

Hecate sat on the sofa and then looked at both of them before giving a sigh and said "sally, now that you have told your son of his other heritage it is time that he goes and attend to it too. He is a powerful wizard I can sense this much but not how much powerful he is. Because of his divine energy he is even more powerful. I was surprised of this because this is the first time that a demigod is a wizard also. I wanted to talk to you about this. I wanted to take Percy with me so that he can learn to channel his energy properly and perfect him in the craft of wizardry. He will have to be ready in 2 months for what he has to face. I wish to take him away with me and I will drop him to wherever you want. If that is acceptable to both of you?"

Sally and Percy both were silent and were contemplating the offer presented by the goddess in front of the same time both of them spoke "yes" "no". Percy looked at his mother and a silent conversation took place at the end of which sally sighed and nodded.

Hecate now smiling jumped up and said" ok now that that is done I will pick you up tomorrow at ready. Also, sally give Percy the key he will need it as we are going shopping tomorrow." this led to a quick nod from his mother to the goddess

Saying this she flashed out of the apartment. Percy sighed and leaned back on the sofa and leaned his head at the headrest. A silence fell over the pair of mother and son.

Percy then got up and said" if I am going away again tomorrow let us spend this time together" a quick nod came from his mother and then the pair spend the day doing mundane things.


Percy was standing in the living room of the apartment with the necessities that he would need in a bag, waiting for the goddess to come and pick him up. Percy's mother had given him a silver key with intricate design and a small indentation of a small snake on its head with a emerald for it's eye.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Percy opened the door and there stood Hecate in a chiton.

Hecate smiled at seeing him and her clothes changes to comfortable jeans and a dark purple t-shirt. She told Percy to grab her hand and she flashed themselves away to the underworld where her palace awaits.

Reviews are always appreciated