Chapter 1: I'm Gonna Kill You.

A/N: I've changed Shanks' age for this story. Instead of him being 27 when he meets Luffy he's going to be 20. He's also going to speak with an Irish accent because I always imagined him with one.

I've been a wild rover for many a year

And I've spent all my money on whiskey and beer

And now I'm returning with gold in great store

And I never will play the wild rover no more.

--"The Wild Rover" by The Dubliners

"Ace! Give it back!" A little blonde hair girl screams, while jumping up and down to try and grab the object from the taller, black hair boy's hand. The boy holds his hand even higher in the air and laughs at the 10 year old girl's attempts to get the object.

"Why would I do that when I'm having so much fun?" The 10 year old, freckled faced boy called Ace teases the girl, "If you want your hair tie back so badly then why don't you make me give it back, Dev?" The girl, Devlin or Dev for short, lunges at Ace tackling him to the ground and getting into a fist fight with the boy.

"Hahahaha!" A 7 year old black hair boy laughs at the fighting pair from the safety of the back of a dilapidated couch. "Go, Ace!"

The fight ends after a few minutes with the two combatants lying on the floor both trying to catch their breath. Ace has a black eye and a swollen lip while Dev has a bloody nose and is holding her ribs. Ace grins, "Uh-oh. You're bleeding, better run off to Makino like you always do."

"Shut up, Ace! I don't always go to Makino when I'm bleeding!" Dev says, defensively.

The 7 year old boy chuckles, "Yes, you do, Dev."

Devlin scowls at the boy, "Shut up, Luffy! You're only agreeing with Ace because he's your brother." She gets up off of the floor then sits down on the torn up couch and pouts.

The two black haired boys flop down on the couch on either side of her. Although the two boys are not truly blood related you wouldn't know it just by looking at them: both have messy black hair, chocolate brown eyes, and big goofy grins. The biggest difference between the boys, physically at least, is that Ace is taller than Luffy and his cheeks are covered in freckles.

"Here," Ace says, handing Dev a handkerchief, "press it against your nose and tilt your head down."

She glares at him, "I know how to treat a bloody've given me plenty of them." Her tactic of trying to make him feel guilty obviously failed as Ace now has a proud grin on his face. "You're not supposed to be proud of hitting a girl, you idiot!"

He chuckles, "Is that what you're supposed to be?"

Devlin launches herself at Ace and they begin to fight again. They roll off of the couch and land on the wooden floor with a loud thud. Suddenly, the cracked door slams open, nearly flying off it's hinges. In steps a huge, older man with grey hair and a grey beard. He's wearing a black suit with a white coat over his shoulders, the traditional outfit of a Marine Vice-Admiral. This man is Monkey D. Garp, Luffy's grandfather and guardian to Ace and Devlin. He looks down at the two fighting youngsters and yells, "PORTGAS D. ACE! How many times do I have to tell you that a man should always treat a lady with respect!" He grabs the boy by the back of the neck and lifts him into the air until Ace is eye level with the older man.

Ace smirks, "Well, show me a lady and I'll show her some respect."

Devlin glowers at Ace, but it goes unnoticed. Then an idea crosses the little blonde's mind and she pretends to cry. "M...m...Mister Garp...A...Ace...he tie made bl...bleed..."

Ace looks at her in surprise and then looks back at Garp in alarm. "Wait a minute, Gramps. She's fak..." but he never gets to finish because Garp slams his fist down on top of the boy's head causing a huge bump to appear. Garp lowers Ace slightly to where he's not looking the old man in the eyes anymore, but his feet is still not touching the ground. Ace looks over at Dev and she sticks her tongue out at him. He scowls at her then whispers, "I'm gonna kill you, Dev."

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Garp yells, lifting Ace back up to his eye level.

"N... nothing, Gramps."

Garp sits Ace back on the floor and the boy starts to rub the top of his head, grimacing when his hand brushes against the rather large bump that's there. Garp sighs and looks at the three children, "If you two can't get along then I'm afraid Devlin will have to go and live with Makino."

This statement causes all three to look at him in alarm. "But, Gramps!" both Ace and Luffy shout.

"But, Mister Garp...we were only messing around. Ace and I get along very well."

"YOU CAN'T SEND DEV AWAY! She's my big sister!" Luffy yells, extremely upset.

Ace stands in front of Devlin and gives Garp a defiant glare. "You can't take Dev away, I won't let you!"

Garp looks at all three children: his flesh and blood grandson, Monkey D. Luffy, standing on the old couch with a huge frown on his face. Portgas D. Ace, his adopted grandson, who apparently inherited his father's passion for protecting the ones that he loves. Then there's little Devlin, who Garp had found five years ago all alone in the woods.

He remembers that day all too well. He was on his way home when he came upon the small blonde. She was covered in her own blood and crying hysterically. Her tearful eyes shot up to look at him when he walked into the small clearing she was in. Her ocean blue eyes filled with terror and she had turned to run away from him, but she ended up collapsing from blood loss. Garp had quickly scooped the girl up in his arms then ran back to the village to the doctor. The doctor quickly patched her up and Garp brought the girl back to his house. When he had walked into the house, Luffy and Ace had come running. Luffy was climbing all over Garp trying to get a better look at the girl. Luffy's movements had woken the girl up and she opened her eyes and her beautiful ocean blue orbs had met Ace's chocolate brown eyes. Ace, had come to a complete stop and just stared at the girl. It was at this moment that he knew his 5 year old adopted grandson had become smitten with this blonde haired girl.

Of course, Ace was and still is unaware of his true feelings towards Devlin. And Dev...well, she can be as thick as Luffy sometimes and that's saying a lot.

Garp let's out a chuckle, "Relax, you three. I was only joking." Luffy, Ace, and Dev visibly relax and Garp frowns a little. "But heed my warning, there will come a time when you three will have to separate. Devlin, when you turn 13 I will be taking you to another island where you will attend an all girl's school." Dev makes a look of disgust, being careful not to let Garp see it. "There you will learn how to be a proper young lady and when you turn 17 I will marry you off to the man I see fit." Dev rolls her eyes at the old man's vision of her future while Ace scowls at the thought of Dev getting married... especially to a complete stranger.

Garp then turns to Luffy and Ace, "When you boys turn 17, I'm signing both of you up to be Marines. I can see it now...both of you rising through the ranks..." As Garp rambles on and on about their futures the trio sneak out of the house, all three mumbling about wanting to be pirates.