Author's note: Naruto is having bad nightmares but decides not to tell anyone due to thinking he would be bothering them with something stupid. I'm not going to show his nightmares because I'm planning them to be super gory that you can't even explain it. I don't own Naruto at all.


Naruto gasps awake in a cold sweat just getting out of a nightmare that he was having. It must have been bad because he was looking around franticly for a good two minutes.

Finally he calms down and sighs in relief when he realizes where he is.

Lately he's been having bad nightmares, that mostly involve all his friends getting killed in front of him and he can't do anything to stop it.

They're really gory so I'm not even going to describe them that's how bad they are.

They got worse after the Third Hokage died. Even more gory then they already were.

He hasn't told anyone about them yet though.

It's probably because he feels that he would be bothering them if he did.

He also didn't want them having to worry about him, he is after all just a demon brat that nobody loves.

The villagers and a few other ninja are always telling him this so he's beginning to believe them.

Hopefully he'll find someone to talk to and get help. Or he'll wait and then not be able to sleep at all.


Author's note: How was it? I know it was short but I didn't know what else to write for it. Please R&R.