Here is my little surprise for all of you, hope you like it

Pain, that's all the young faunus could feel right now, whether it was from her empty growling stomach or the cuts and bruises that covered her body, but that was not important right now, she could lick her wounds and rummage through the trash to find food later, just like she always did.

What was important now, was to stay hidden. After the peaceful protest that came to a rather violent end, the cops came trying to catch all of her Faunus companions, it was something to be expected, so the protocol was to escape and reunite again in some pre-established location.

Using her natural agility she jumped through cars, between people, under tables. with no particular destination in mind, she kept running and jumping. Until she came to a dead end, and she hid herself in a nearby alleway under a box, unsure if the cops were still chasing after her.

No one told her running away from home and becoming a White Fang active member would be so difficult. But if she didn't do it, who would, her father had stepped down from the leadership, and the new one hasn't made any move or signal that the situation would change for the better. Quite the contrary, the protests were becoming more violent since then. And Adam seemed too pleased with the change But maybe that's what they needed, humans were starting to listen to them, maybe that was the only way...

Her thoughts were haltered when the sound of a trash can dropping against the floor startled her, accompanied by a voice


The voice was from a young male, it didn't belong to a cop, but that didn't meant it was safe to reveal herself, humans were tricky, and had showed themselves willing to go to rather long extents in order to harm their species, even poisoning donated food, if it wasn't for the developed noses of some Faunus, a lot more of them would have already perished. And maybe this was another trick to harm her.

"Where are you, come on..."

This boy was clearly looking for her, maybe he wanted to throw stones at her, or pull her ears, said ears twitched with every step the boy took, with every step he got closer to her hiding spot.

She could feel him over her, and also felt the moisture in her own eyes, and she covered her Faunus ears, in hope that whatever he would do, he did it fast, that way she could return with Adam and Ilia.

He lifted the box she was using to cover herself, and she shrunk trying to disappear before he did anything…

"There you are"

...Only that he didn't, he stayed there, staring at her. For a moment she thought he left, losing any interest in her for whatever reason, but then she felt a hand touching her head, the touch was gentle, caring, but it startled the Cat Faunus, and she lashed out managing to scratch the boys arm with her nails and causing him to back down with an startled yelp

'Here it comes' She shrank herself again, waiting for him to hit her with pure anger. But the hit never came, she could only feel the small breath of the boy who was trying to endure the pain she just caused.

After a few breaths more, she slowly opened her eyes, trying to get a look of the boy, amber meet deep blue eyes. He was tall, blond scraggly hair, wearing an oversized hoodie with a bunny on it, his face was a little bit red filled with complex emotions, but no anger. His left hand was covering his right arm, blood dripping from the scratches she just made.

"You...You are not gonna hit me?"

The boy gave a light chuckle "Why because of this?" He said signaling his right arm "I think it was my fault, it was rude to touch you without your permission."

She could only stare, this was the first human she found in months who showed no hostility, towards her. 'You cant trust him, he's a human'

"Then what do you want?"

"I wanted to return this, you dropped it when running by the streets"

He took out a small black bow from his pocket and showed it to her.

"That's not mine"

"Wait really? Oh man, then I followed you here for nothing?"

The look he had on his face caused her to produce a small giggle before she could notice it.

"Wait, I got an idea! Please stay still"

He got up and moved his hands towards her head, it took the cat Faunus every inch of her will to try and not react violently. He could feel his fingers brushing against her cat ears. But she had to stay still and not attract any damage towards herself, the kid was no threat, but maybe his parents were near looking for him, and she already caused him some damage as superficial as it was.

"There you go"

As fast as he started he ended, but what exactly did he do?

"Oh right you can't see it...ah, here use this"

He grabbed a piece of a broken mirror that was in the floor and pushed it on her hands.

When she looked at her reflection she couldn't see almost any change, except that around her left ear there was a black boe tied to it as if it was some kind of hairpin.

"You like it? I think it makes you look pretty...not that you wouldn't look pretty without it, I mean you are naturally...I better shut up, there goes your advice dad…"

He was getting worked up all by himself, when she realized the heat building up her own checks and tried to hide it.

"Anyway...what's your name? Mine is Jaune Arc, sweet, short, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it"

Unsure of what to do she got up and extended a shaky shy hand towards Jaune

"Im Blake, Blake Belladonna"

"Nice to meet ya"

They both shared a brief moment just staring at each other with nervous smiles slightly showing

"Hey Blake, ummm, maybe you wanna, I don't know, play at the arcade or go to the soda fountain?"

She was about to say no, but was interrupted by the growling of her stomach. Which just made her turn a deeper shade of red

"...Or maybe eat something, man I'm really hungry, wanna come?"

'He's a human'

"I'm sorry but I've got no money"

"Oh don't worry, my treat, I am inviting you, so its just fair that I pay"

'You can't trust him'

"I can't accept that, I've got no way of repaying you"

"Just let me pay, I just got my allowance and I'd rather spend it on some pretty girl I just met then forced to buy something by my sisters...I've just gone and said it again haven't I? Please ignore my rambling"

Was he, a human kid, offering to treat her to a meal, a Faunus girl that just hurt him?

"But i already said i've got no way to pay you"

"And I said that's not a problem, or am I a bother ?"

"No, not at all" Honestly Jaune seemed so sweet and caring and honest, but one didn't learnt to live on the streets without learning to distrust people.

"Then what is?"

She pointed at her ears and the ribbon he just gave her.

"Im a Faunus"


"And you are a human"


The look of utter confusion was almost hilarious

"Shouldn't you hate me, be afraid, disgusted?"

Just for a second she thought she could see a glimmer of pure anger in his eyes. But it disappeared like it was never there.

"Honestly I think that's all a load of bullcrap, Faunus and humans are all the same, just because they look slightly different some people think they are superior to them. And because of them, we keep attracting more and more Grimm towards ourselves, and make the Hunters job harder… sorry I started rambling again"

He shrugged it off like it was no big deal, but to Blake it was, a human kid just said both of them were equal, a human just said he was disgusted by the treatment Faunus got.

"Hey" She tried to meet his eyes but found herself staring at her own legs. Every instinct, every part of her body told her she shouldn't, she couldn't trust him, yet another part of her, wanted and needed to believe in him. "...Do you like Tuna?"


"There's this restaurant near here that serves great tuna and it's cheap" This time, she was the one who made the offering, afraid that he would say it was all a joke and call her stupid and hit her and-

"If you want to, then let's go"

-only to prove her wrong once again.


They were talking outside the restaurant, Jaune noticed the stares some not so mindful customers where giving her, and got them out of there saying it was hot. Of course Blake knew it was all an excuse just for her to be more comfortable, but it speaked tones of how Jaune was mindful enough not to bring out the topic.

Blake was savoring the Tuna sandwich Jaune just bought for her, talking between bites.

"Seven sisters?"

"Your reaction has been the tamest so far, yeah seven, not as bad as everyone think, its just tiring sometimes"

"I can imagine" She often had to take the role of big sister for the youngest members of the White Fang.

"Are you sure you don't want anything? I feel bad taking from you when you're not even eating something yourself"

"I'm not hungry don't worry"

"You said you were just a minutes ago though"

"Oh...I guess I did huh? It must have been my imagination or something hehe"

"Of course" ´It was just you acting like a gentleman, again.´

After that they talked more, and when she finished her sandwich they walked and talked more, almost forgetting about anything else but them. Almost every part of the conversation was about Jaune, his family, his school, his short list of friends. There was some kind of sad nostalgia when he talked about them, but Blake knew better than to pry.

And honestly, it was disappointing for her when Jaune said it was time for him to go to his home.

"Blake would know...givemeyourscrollnumberplease?!"

He was so nervous the words were tripping on each other but Blake got the message.

"I'm sorry but I don't have a scroll"

He visibly deflated when she said that,and she herself did so too.

"Oh...then I guess this is goodbye?"

"You know, I'm conveniently gonna be near the alleway tomorrow by the same hour, you could, if you want to,come…"

Why was it so difficult to bring the correct words out of her mouth?!

"Then I ll be there tomorrow! You know if it's okay to…."

"See you tomorrow Jaune"

"Yeah see you"

He skipped his way down the street to who knows where, leaving Blake alone with her thoughts and a warm smile plastered over her face

´Can I really trust him?´


She was there, waiting, fidgeting with the book on her hand and the bow on her ear.

"The Beauty and the Beast", it was one of her favorites, maybe it was because her mother used to read it for her.

´Will he really come?´

He acted as a gentleman all day, and never gave her a reason to distrust him, but it was just embedded in her head to distrust humans, greatly thanks to Adams influence.

She wore the best set of clothes she could find between her belongings, washed herself carefully and brushed her raven hair equally carefully. She would have used makeup but she didn't had any nor knew how to use it. Blake didn't knew why she wanted to be as presentable as possible, she only knew she wanted to.

It was getting late, they didn't set a specific time, just around the time they met yesterday, but it was getting later than that.

Then golden locks picked through the corner, setting his blue eyes on her.

"Sorry I'm late, had to get my sisters off of me"

"It okay, i just got here myself"

That was a lie, she got here almost an hour before set. But she wouldn't tell him that.

"Anything you wanna do? Please make it cheap, I have to save money, blame my family for that"

"Actually…" She put the book in front of her face trying to hide her red cheeks. "... I brought this book,maybe you wanna read it with me…?" She was tempting her chances right now, either she would say something like Adam about how fiction was useless and she needed to focus in her reality, or she would find someone she could share a little part of her world with.



"Yeah, but maybe I could read it to you, my sister like it when I read to them, they say my voice is charming or something like that, lets just find a place where it's comfortable and quiet...actually I think I have the perfect place"

"O...Okay, can you take me there?"

"Follow my lead"

Jaune motioned for her to follow and after a few blocks they arrived to a tiny place called "Dusty Bookcase"

"I found this library a few days ago, it's small but its nice and familiar, come"

They both passed through the front door and Blake found herself submerged in a world of almost infinite words and paper. A world where she could escape from reality by reading, even if just a second.

"This place is...beautiful"

It was tiny but not claustrophobic, it was cozy, 3 rows of bookcases extended and in the end she could see a big space with couches and chairs"

"Oh my, thank you"

The source of the voice was a young woman with long peach hair, round glasses that suited her perfectly and a sharpy nose wich fitted almost too well with her freckles. She was wearing a long red autumn dress which reached her legs. It was not formal, but it made her look classy.

"Hello there Jaune, and who is this little cutie here?"

"Au..Autumn! She's my friend"

"My name is Blake Belladonna"

"Hello Blake, Im Autumn Grace, nice to meet you"

She extended her hand towards Blake and she hesitated until Jaune got near her human ears to whisper something.

"It's okay, She's not like the rest"

How did he knew how she felt? And why was she trusting him so easily?!

"So, do you want to rent a book?"

"Actually we already have one. I was just hoping you could let us read it here"

"As long as you buy snacks sure, I'll leave you two lovebirds to it then"

"Mrs. Grace!"

This time it was Blake´s turn to get flustered.

"Come on, let's get comfortable"

"How did you find this place?"

"I was exploring the town and I eventually stumbled upon it,its nice and Autumn reminds me of one of my sisters so she is easy to talk to...maybe we could...keep coming here if you want to"

"I'd really like that Jaune"

They both sat down in individual couches and Blake passed the book to Jaune

"Oh The beauty and the beast, one of my favorites"

"Once upon a time, in a far-off country, there lived a merchant who had been so fortunate in all his undertakings that he was enormously rich. As he had six sons and six daughters, however, who were accustomed to having everything they fancied, he did not find he had a penny too much..."

As Jaune narrated the story Blake found herself tuning out the words and getting lost in the sound of his voice and his young but strong deep blue eyes that showed determination and innocence. As she drifted into the sea that was his voice, she felt like everything else could simply disappear, White Fang, Humans, Faunus, Adam and everyone, she could simply ignore them when she looked at Jaune, because she made her feel special while being herself, he made her happy just with his mere presence.

And Blake liked that, no, she loved that.

What do you think, is it good?

For now Ill leave it as a One shot, but if you want more of this, I already have some ideas about the next chapters. This one would be short, like 10 chapter tops i think. If you want to just leave a review or PM me and Ill get to work on it.

Btw. Im opening a poll soon, I feel like i have enough followers to do that, youll vote for my next work, I have a lot of ideas for future fics, but I cant decide wich one to start with, so youll decide. I wouldnt publish the new fic soon, but i would start to work on it and publish it when I have a satisfying number of chapters already made.

See you Later!