At Kira's house, this Sunday is always an interesting day of the week. Sundays are usually Fortnite day with Kira, Aero, Sally, Rinnie and Charlotte are usually one team that would dominate the other teams in the server. However, they usually play with their game consoles and the library computer. Aero and Sally stay in their bedroom, which has their own consoles. Rinnie and Charlotte usually play in the console in the living room. And Kira uses the library computer for gaming; no exceptions. Today, however, they would have to do this game round themselves.

Because someone needed Kira to do something else with his hands.

Happy sits on a chair in the bathroom, smiling at Kira kneeling in front of her. Her pink cheeks light up, blushing at him as he gently massages her breasts. Like always, Kira stays careful with her as she makes certain motions to keep her in heat. And like she promised, she would wear her new sneakers whenever she's around him. Happy stays in eye contact with her, sharing her gentle smile. Kira looks down as she slowly unbuttons her blouse. Happy bites her bottom lip when she lets Kira pull her shirt open and sliding it off her arms. Her blouse falls to the tiled floor when Kira uses her hands to squeeze and rub her breasts, making Happy almost squirm.

She was getting use to the other girls doing this for her, due to her daily breast enlargement and constant swelling arousal. It's not that she would have that sort of thing physically, but she feels it somehow. She closes her eyes and gasps when Talon leans his head down at lick her nipples. From her left, to her right, and then to her left again. Kira continues this pattern while he massages her in the utmost care. Happy separates her legs and relaxes, letting Kira move a bit closer and sucking her. She pants and moans, leaning her head back and having her cheeks light up brighter. Her beanie falls off her head and lands harmlessly on the floor.

Kira smiles, looking up at Happy before she closes her eyes and sucks her harder. In a session like this, she couldn't help but admire at how sexy and how relaxing Happy's pants and her moans are. For a girl who likes to be immature. Kira also loves how her heartbeat pounds in her chest, and the vibrations seem to tremor through her artificial flesh. He lets go of her breasts, but keeps her lip work on her as he wraps his arms around her waist. Happy gasps softly and sighs when Kira lifts her up for a bit and keeping her close. She wraps her legs around her waist and hugs Kira tightly, feeling her body feeling wet and in a heat so hot, steam might as well be a cold to her. She opens her eyes for just a peek down on Kira switching breasts, and she couldn't hold it back anymore. She squeals softly and hugs him tightly when she starts feeling her breasts releasing her fluids. Kira feels a sting of pleasure when she tastes her bubble-gum-flavored fluids once again, and she sucks to get every once of it from both of Happy's breasts. This, like before, slowly shrinks her breasts to a comfortable state.

Happy pants and breathes heavily when she watches her Onii-Chan lean back and lick her teeth, and smile sweetly at her. Happy smiles back, exhausted all of a sudden. Kira leans forward to pull her sneakers off of her feet, and he slips her socks off of her feet. Kira raises her hands to strip Happy of her jean skirt and colorful panties. Kira looks down at her exposed body before he picks her in his arms and steps near the shower. Right when he lets her sit on the shower floor, Kira hears a ringing coming from her phone on the sink. He turns his head and leaves Happy to turn the shower valve. Kira picks up the phone to see the phone number of Freya's. Kira watches the hot water pour on Happy's body as she answers.

"Hey, Kira!" Freya said through the phone, "We just got packed up, and we're ready for you to pick us up."

"Alright." Kira replies "I haven't gotten a call from Christine, yet. So, you're gonna have to wait."

"Okay. Oh, Mike and Mari say hi. We hope we'll see you soon!"

Kira smiles as she hangs up. She puts the phone down and walk into the shower. Happy was waiting for her, and she sits in front of her. Kira takes a body wash to wash Happy's body. They both need to get ready for the trip before Christine's van arrives. She watches Happy rub the sweet soap-like fluids on her skin, making bubbles on herself. She presses her back against Kira's stomach and chest when she rubs the body wash on her. Kira watches her smile and hum as she tries her best to clean her body for her. Washing her stomach. Her chest. Her pelvis area, Happy was aware of Kira making that expression as she kisses her chest.

"Onii-Chan?" She asks.

"Yes?" Kira replies.

"So, this Freddy's that where we came from?"

"In a way. Freddy Fazbear's was the first pizzeria."

"Do you think we would find an old me?"

"I doubt it. I was researching that that place was torn down before the place we're going."

Happy nods as she lays her cheek on his chest, disappointed. She was very curious on what they will find there. Maybe old versions of Freya, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy, but she wishes that there will be more. She looks up at Kira again.

"Onii-Chan?" She asks.

"Hmm?" Kira replies.

"When you get back to playing with your friends, can I play with you?"

Kira looks down at her, she smiles, lays a hand on her cheek, and watches her cheeks light up in bright pink.

"That will be fun." Kira said.

Happy smiles brightly, nuzzling her head in Kira's palm. She watches shower water drip off her skin when he turns the valve. The shower ceases on letting water out before they both step out. Kira grabs a towel and dries them both, and he grins at how Happy shakes drops off of her like a cute animal. Kira leaves the bathroom to let Happy get dressed, and Kira walks into the library. She keeps the phone in her hand when it starts vibrating simultaneously. She looks down at it to see that someone from Task Force is calling. And her phone shows a picture of Christine holding a criminal in her arm. Kira grins as she swipe the screen lock and raises the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Hey, Kira!" Christine calls.

Kira jerks her head away by the way that Christine screams through the phone.

"Oh. Sorry." She said, "Was I being too loud again?"

"Yeah." Kira answers, cleaning her ear with her nail, "A little bit."

"Sorry. Anyway, we're on the driveway now. You want us to wait out here?"

"Yeah. I'm just getting Happy ready. It will just be a minute."


"Hey, Kira." A voice of Mangle suddenly goes through the phone, "Don't make us wait too long out here."

She smirks as she hangs up. Kira turns to the computer to exit out of the game and turn off the monitor. She turns her head to see Happy leaning to her view in the doorway. Her hair and body completely dry and ready to go to this road trip, Happy smiles adorably at her. Kira gives her a casual smile back as she steps out of the library and walking downstairs with her following. Downstairs, Kira could see Rinnie and Charlotte still playing with Aero and Sally. He also sees Chica and Foxy cuddling on one couch, watching them. Kira walks into the living room and into the kitchen to pack a few things into an icebox and a picnic basket. She knows that the girls will only need water, but she needs other things to go with it. With that in mind, she packs several water bottles into the icebox first. Anytime they would run out of water bottles, they would just pick more on the way. Kira then packs a couple of freshly-prepared sandwiches that Happy helped her make into the icebox and a couple of bags of Fiery Doritos into the picnic basket. What he also puts into the icebox is a couple of Snapples and a couple of Red Bulls. The Red Bulls she find pointless to take, but you can never be too careful on energy. Especially when driving during the night.

She hands Happy the picnic basket before Kira feels someone hugging him from behind. She looks down and smiles at a pair of feathered wings before he turns to Sally nuzzling her cheek on her back. The way Sally gives Kira a goodbye hugs was really cute.

"I'm going to miss, Kira." She said.

Kira turns to her and hugs her back. She soon pulls away and lifts her chin up with one finger.

"Keep Aero out of trouble for me." Kira replies.

Sally nods happily, and Kira turns away to pick up the icebox. Sally steps out of her way while Happy follows Kira out of the kitchen. Kira turns her head to Chica and Foxy.

"You girls are gonna alright without us around?" Kira asks.

"We'll be fine." Foxy answers, "We would always have this place to crash while you're gone. Besides, I know all about Rinnie's bondage sessions."

"My what?" Rinnie asks.

Foxy smiles as she turns her head away, acting like she said nothing. Chica gets off the couch and walk up to him. Kira smiles when the chicken hugs her tightly.

"Bring us a soveneir." Chica said, "Okay, Kira?"

Kira nods, and she lets Kira and Happy walk out of the house. Kira immediately sees the Task Force van parked in the driveway. He can also see Christine waiting patiently on the driver's seat while Molten Freya applies lip gloss. Something that she didn't had time to do before. Christine sees Kira walking to them and starts the van. They already know that they have to pick up the others at Freya's. Kira carries the icebox in one arm as She opens the back doors for Happy to step in. Once she sits on one seat of the van, Kira steps in as well and closes the doors behind her. And by that, the Christine drives the van back off the driveway and drives it down the road to Freya's.

Back at the pizzeria, the girls wait outside of the building for the van to come. Well, except one, who is apparently taking her sweet time getting ready. Freya, Mike and Lefty wait patiently before they see the van driving down to their parking lot. And they smile happily at the van stopping in front of them and Kira stepping out as it stopped. Kira stands in front of Mike, and she gestures Freya and Mari to get in the back. Christine and Molten Freya step out of the van, but Christine keeps the engine on. Kira turns to them standing side-by-side behind her.

"You girls understand the rules of this job?" Kira asks, "I'm relying on you to keep this place safe for me."

"Don't worry, 'Darling'." Molten Freya replies, despite getting a dark look from Mike, "We'll keep this building strict and safe. It won't get a scratch."

"Yeah." Christine said, "It will be just like you guys never left."

"Okay. Your first shift for the week is tonight at eleven fifty. If you want to stay before then, you can. If you want to be on your usual places, then don't be late. There's some new additions waking up tonight. And Candy isn't exactly the type of person who would appreciate all of their attention."

"You can count on us, Kira." Christine said confidently.

Kira smiles as he watches them walk to a Task Force car, which was waiting in the parking lot ever since they took the van, and get in. They'll be back for that shift time. At least, she hopes. She turns around to see Scrap Cindy just stepping out of the building. She has her katana sheathed on her hip, and she has a sheathed broadsword on her back. She wears her green, light leather armor on her breasts, thighs and shoulders. All Kira could think of is where the hell is this girl getting this stuff.

They walk up to each other, and Cindy smiles up at him.

"I'm ready, Senpai." She said.

"Um...Is it really necessary to be bringing all of that?" Kira asks.

Suddenly, Cindy turns her head to the direction of the sound of ruffling in the trees. Ever since the time with Mike's beserk, she's been feeling edgy. And ever since their fight with Glitterstrap, she feels that there will always be a new threat coming to slay her Senpai. There will always be someone to settle a score with Kira. To make her skin as a rug. At all costs, she will not let that happen. And she could've sworn she saw movement in the trees, but she smiles up at him, assuring.

"One can never be too careful, Senpai." She replies, "And one can never feel safe unless she has an arm to bear."

Kira smiles at that. Somehow, she has a good way with words. As if she was created to speak in warrior and poetic. She nods, and Cindy walks pass her to get into the back of the van. Without Kira noticing, Cindy gives one last glare to the trees before she takes her seat. Kira turns her head to see Mike waiting for her at the passenger seat, smiling seductively at her. She smiles back as She walks to the other side of the vehicle and takes her hands on the stering wheel.

The front of the van is big enough to fit someone like Christine. So, having her driving isn't a problem. She smiles when Mike leans close to her, resting his head on her shoulder.

And Kira waits for Christine and Molten Freya to drive out of the parking lot before she starts driving the van after them.

"I missed you, Sweetie." Kira said, "What should we do while we take this trip?"

"Anything we can, love." Mike replies, "We've got a long way to go."

Kira cuddles against his shoulder, smiling delightfully. Mike decides to turn on the radio and set it to a classic station. He and Kira instantly hear Do You Believe in Love by Cher as they take their trip out of the city borders and into the open road. Goodbye home town. And hello to the road to Fazbear's!

However, peering onto the van leaving the city, dark eyes watch in the shades of the trees nearby. The creature's humanoid limbs grip onto the branches as its batlike wings fold on its back. And its fangs expose themselves at the sight of Mike, but in a sudden sadness.

The creature had a long history with Mike had before he was killed in that rabbit suit. This history was not made by war and rage, but a long sense of loyalty and love.

Mike was thought to have been killed, and the creature saw it with its own eyes. Now that it knows that he's alive, SHE will have to follow him.

And reclaim what he has forgotten.