Chapter 2

The class started and everyone focused on their work.

Almost everyone except Yui who kept sneaking a peak at Hachiman who seemed remarkably focused in class,jotting down notes.

It seemed unusual that looked attentive rather than laidback and slouched.

After the morning classes ended and recess arrived instead of putting on earphones and sleeping in class like he usually did he brought out a different notepad and started writing down something.

Yui stayed with her clique and decided to ask about it in the clubroom.

"Good morning Hachiman!"Totsuka greeted as he walked up to Hachiman's desk.

He looked up from his notebook and took him a moment to realize someone was talking to him.

"Good morning"Hachiman replied and smiled slightly in a way that didn't look creepy.

A few students actually noticed it but not Totsuka it seemed.

"I was hoping if I could be part of your group for the school trip"he asked.

Hachiman blinked at this

"School trip..?"

"To Kyoto.

Sensei told us about it this morning"

"Oh right,sorry I was thinking about something.

Sure,if you want"

Totsuka smiled on hearing this went to talk with this other friends.

Hachiman put his notepad in his bag and got up to leave.

Hayato and Ebina were just entering the classroom as he reached the door.

"Ah!Hikitani-kun"Hayama greeted.

Hikigaya looked at him in the eyes and said with slight anger.

"It's Hikigaya,not Hikitani"

Hayato was slightly caught offguard as it the first time he had corrected anyone about his name.

"Could it be?My Hiki×Haya ship finally coming to..."Ebina gushed,drifting off in her fantasy but Hikigaya got her out of it.

"Enough!It's disgusting"he hissed at her which actually got her frightened.

He sighed and muttered "Sorry" before rushing out of class.

Hayato's clique saw this exchange and soon became a topic for many of the students in class.

Yui excuse herself and went to talk about what has gotten into him.

A/N : A short chapter.

I was reluctant to write Oregairu fanfic because the amount of character depth and need to understand subtleties to fully enjoy the series.

I decided to try writing again because there were so many reviews for such a short first chapter.

I can't make any promises though