Final chapter! Here we go!

Nadakan just stood on the steps of the Emerald Palace as thunder boomed loudly in the area. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. In a flash of lightning, Mac Antfee was standing in front of him with a look of anger in his face. "Hello, brother. I have returned home," Mac Antfee told him in a calm voice. "This is not your home anymore, brother."

"Yes... I hear you have a new favorite student. So, where is this... Randy?" Mac Antfee chuckled a bit. "Did scare him off?" Mac Antfee asked with amusement in his voice. "No. This fight is between you and me. No one else," Nadakan told him. "So... that is how it's going to be?" Mac Antfee asked. "That is how it will be, brother." Nadakan got into a fighting position. Mac Antfee turned away just for a moment then he jumped into the air and tried to kick Nadakan into the ground but he dodged it and Mac Antfee just kicked the ground leaving a large crack on the ground.

Mac Antfee lifted a giant piece of rock from the cracked ground and threw it at Nadakan but Nadakan destroyed it with a fire punch. Mac Antfee came storming at with a punch just seconds after Nadakan destroyed the rock. He punched Nadakan through the door of the Emerald Palace. Nadakan caught himself and skidding on the floor then he returned to a fighting position. Mac Antfee stormed in with a look of anger on his face. "I rotted in jail for 20 years because of your weakness!" Mac Antfee shouted with anger in his voice. "Obeying our master is not weakness!" Nadakan countered. "You knew I was the Tengu Warrior. You always knew from the moment that Naru told us about the legend. But when Naru said otherwise, what did you do? What did you do?!" Mac Antfee shouted. "Nothing!"

"You were not meant to be the Tengu Warrior! That was not my fault!" Nadakan told him. "Not your fault?!" Nadakan started to back up as Mac Antfee got closer. "Who filled my head with dreams?!" Mac Antfee shouted as he destroyed one of the pillars by destroying it. Nadakan dodged falling debris quickly. "Who drove me to train until my bones cracked?!" Mac Antfee threw a shield at Nadakan and he dodged it and it got stuck in the pillar. "Who denied me my destiny?!" Mac Antfee threw a rack of weapons at Nadakan and he blocked or dodged all of them. Mac Antfee then picked up a large sword and threw it at Nadakan. Nadakan used his ninja skills to expertly go around the sword and stick it into the ground. "It was never my decision to make!"

Mac Antfee growled in anger and ran over to Naru's walking stick. Nadakan watched in sadness as Mac Antfee picked up the walking stick from Naru's memorial. "It is now... brother..." Mac Antfee told him as he tried to hand Nadakan the walking stick. In anger, Nadakan ran at him and. the two fought. They threw kicks and punches at each other than Mac Antfee punched Nadakan into a wall hard. Then, using Naru's walking stick, he started to choke Nadakan. "Give me the scroll, brother!" He said forcefully.

"I would rather die." Nadakan was holding the stick back as best as he was able to until Naru's walking stick broke in two. Nadakan looked at the broken walking stick in sadness as pink petals flew in the wind past it. Nadakan then turned around only to see Mac Antfee kick him hard but he caught it and he hit the wall with his feet leaving a large crack. Nadakan jumped to one of the pillars and Mac Antfee followed in pursuit. It was brother vs. brother. They were jumping from pillar to pillar throwing one punch/kick to another until Mac Antfee grabbed Nadakan by his foot and threw him through the roof. Lightning flashed through the sky as the two fought like brothers should never fight until they started to fall to the ground. Nadakan was able to grab Mac Antfee's arm and hold him as they were falling to the ground but Mac Antfee was able to release the hold on himself. He grabbed Nadakan by the throat and held him as they crashed through the roof once more.

Mac Antfee then kicked Nadakan hard and he hit the pillar and fell to the ground in pain. Mac Antfee skidded down a pillar and a small bin that had fire in it spilled on the ground causing the fire to grow on the ground. Mac Antfee got some fire on his hands and rushed at Nadakan and punch him hard. "All I ever did, I did to make you proud! Tell me how proud you are, Nadakan! Tell me! TELL ME!" With one hard punch, Nadakan flew near the small pond that was under the Tengu statue.

Mac Antfee removed the fire from his hands with just a flick of his hands. Nadakan looked at Mac Antfee weakly as he slowly approached him with anger in his eyes. "Brother... I have... I have always been proud of you. You are a skilled warrior. Even better than me, which is why I am proud of you. It was my pride that got the best of me. It blinded me and for that... I am sorry. We are all alone after our parents die and I loved you too much to see what you were becoming... what I... was turning you into. I am sorry, brother."

The two looked at each other for a minute then Mac Antfee growled in anger and grabbed Nadakan by his throat. "I don't want your apology." He lifted Nadakan in the air by his throat. "I want my scroll!" Then he noticed that the Tengu Scroll was gone. "What?!" He said in disbelief. He slammed Nadakan on the ground and shouted, "WHERE IS IT?!"

"The Tengu Warrior has taken the scroll halfway across Japan by now. You will never see that scroll, Mac Antfee. Never. Never..." Nadakan was losing air as Mac Antfee was tightening his hold on him. 'This is it. At least the five and Randy are safe...'

"HEY!" Mac Antfee turned around and saw an exhausted Randy. He was breathing hard. "Give me a minute. Stairs. Lots of stairs, dude..." Mac Antfee looked at him then asked, "Who are you?"

"Dude, I am the Tengu Warrior," Randy told him as he got into a fighting position then started to breathe heavily again. "You?" Mac Antfee started to laugh like he heard a joke. He threw Nadakan back to the ground and said in disbelief, "Him? He's a teenager. A teenager with purple hair. You're a teenager. What are you gonna do, kid? Complain about life? Grow pimples and hair in weird places?" Mac Antfee said jokingly.

"I can complain like it's my job so don't tempt me and I can't control when and where I grow pimples or hair," Randy quipped back. Randy laughed a bit at his own joke then got back into a fighting position. "No, no. I'm gonna use this..." Randy then pulled out the Tengu Scroll from his back pocket. "You want it? Come get it..." Suddenly Randy was thrown up in the air since Mac Antfee skidded down and he grabbed the Tengu Scroll. He stood up and said with success in his voice, "Finally."

Randy fell down on top of Mac Antfee and kicked him into the pillar. This action shocked Mac Antfee. "HA! Bring it on!" Randy shouted after he caught the Tengu Scroll and got into a fighting position. Mac Antfee charged at Randy and he tried to run but Mac Antfee shot him out and the fight was on.

Mac Antfee kneed Randy in the roof and he flew through the air until he landed in a tree and pushed it back. 'This just perfect! Just like at the competition!' Randy thought to himself as released the tree and it hit Mac Antfee hard. Mac Antfee caught himself by landing on a roof and he charged at Randy and punched him. He ran on the ground as Randy was flying through the air. "That scroll is mine!" He jumped at Randy and tried to grab the scroll but Randy wasn't budging.

The two went down the stairs throwing punches at each other while hitting the stairs and Randy was able to punch Mac Antfee in the stomach causing him to gasp out of breath. The two then destroyed a roof and this caused Randy to let go of the scroll. He crashed into a food stand and a pot full of noodles landed on his head. He removed the pot and it covered his head and most of his body with noodles. 'This gives me an idea.'

Mac Antfee ran on the rooftop to try and grab the Tengu Scroll. He tried to grab it but fail with Randy used the noodles like a lasso and tried to grab the Tengu Scroll but it hit him in the head and flew through the air. Mac Antfee landed next to Randy then tried to jump in the air to grab it but Randy pulled him down but since he threw Mac Antfee on a cart. He flew through the air and landed in a mass of trees and bamboo while the scroll went into a paper lantern.

Randy walked out with bamboo sticks as longer legs. He had a hard time walking with them since he went into a pile of black pots and pans and caused them to make a mess on the ground. The Tengu Scroll came out of the paper lantern and Mac Antfee landed on the ground. 'Oh no!' Randy then used the bamboo sticks to hit Mac Antfee in the face which left his shocked face on the pot.

Then Randy kicked all the pots and pans near or on the Tengu Scroll. Once Mac Antfee removed the pan from his face, Randy started to move the pots and pans quickly. "Lightning, baby!" Getting frustrated, Mac Antfee kicked the pots and pans away which revealed the location of the scroll. Then Randy used his bamboo stilts to block him from getting the scroll. Mac Antfee swiped out the stilts which brought Randy down on top of him as the scroll rolled down the steps toward the river.

Mac Antfee threw Randy into a fireworks booth then ran off to chase after the scroll. 'I always did want to try out fireworks.' Randy lit a small fire and turned on all the fireworks and sped up and slammed into Mac Antfee then he caught the scroll just seconds before it fell into the river. Randy crashed into a rock wall and the scroll flew out of his hand and landed in the mouth of a gargoyle. He looked back at Mac Antfee, who has now seen where the scroll has landed.

'Okay. I have to get up there fast!' He concentrated and the scroll turned into a red scarf. 'It works.' It turned back to normal and Randy started to climb the rocks like they were nothing. Mac Antfee was shocked at this. "The scroll has given him power. NOOO!"

He took a giant leap and kicked the wall hard which caused a shockwave big enough to destroy the building. 'Oh no!' Incredibly, Randy jumped across the falling roof tiles to reach the scroll. He caught it and laughed in victory but the Mac Antfee came from behind and kicked him hard into the ground. As he landed, Mac Antfee delivered a final punch which caused a cloud of dust to linger across the area.

As the dust settled, Mac Antfee is standing over Randy in the impact crater. Out of breath, Mac Antfee says, "Finally... oh yeah baby! The power of the Tengu Scroll is mine!" He opened the scroll and he had a face of disappointment. "What the juice is this?! There's nothing on here!"

In a pained voice, as he got up, obviously in pain, Randy said, "It's okay, dude. I didn't get it the first time, either." Mac Antfee looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?!" Randy dusted himself off and said, "It doesn't matter what other people see." Mac Antfee threw the scroll on the ground in anger. "You just have to believe in the power in yourself. It's just you." Randy smiled at his reflection.

Mac Antfee growled in anger and he threw a poison attack at Randy but it did nothing. "Was that suppose to do something?" This confused him so Mac Antfee threw another poison attack but again nothing happened. "Dude, it that attack suppose to do something?" Randy asked. 'If this is the poison attack, then why didn't it work?' Frustrated that nothing was working, he threw two punches at Randy but he caught them in the nick of time and he threw Mac Antfee through an arch. 'I can't believe I just did that!'

Mac Antfee came out of the rubble and ran at Randy and this time Randy was 100% ready. Mac Antfee charged at Randy with a punch but he skillfully dodged it. He kicked and punched Mac Antfee and dodged his coming attack. Randy then grabbed him by his bandana and kicked him hard enough for him to skid across the ground and crash into a building.

Mac Antfee emerged from the rubble and in a growl of anger, he charged at Randy. Randy was prepared. He got into a ready stance as just seconds before Mac Antfee could attack him, Randy moved and tripped him. Mac Antfee fell face first to the ground then Randy lifted him and kicked him high in the air. He watched as Mac Antfee disappeared in the sky then he fell back down. Randy took a couple of steps back then Mac Antfee landed in the carter making his own imprint.

He came out of the hole. He was battered but not defeated. "You... can't defeat me. I'm the world's greatest butt-whooper and you are just a... dumb teenager... with stupid purple hair!" Mac Antfee said as he struggled to walk over to Randy and he tried to punch him but Randy grabbed his index finger with his index finger and thumb. "I'm not a stupid teenager with purple hair. I am Randy Cunningham and fun fact, Tyrian Purple is my natural hair color and it's not stupid." Randy lifted his pinky up and Mac Antfee gasped in fear. "The Wasureru Finger Hold!"

"Oh, you know this hold?" Randy said with a smirk on his face. "You're joking, man! You're bluffing! My brother didn't teach you that! I didn't even learn it!" Mac Antfee said fearfully. "Nope, he didn't teach it to me. I figured it out." He flexed his pinky and said, "Boom!"

A mushroom cloud of dust and light swept across the area and it passed the Furious Five and the fleeing villagers. They went back to the village to see what was happening. "Look!" Someone shouted in awe. Randy walked out from the mist and everyone saw a shadow of a ninja with a scarf flying in the wind. "The Tengu Warrior." When the dust settled down, it showed to be Randy with a piece of black cloth around his neck. Randy smiled and everyone cheered loudly at the defeat of Mac Antfee. Bash and his friends even lifted him up in victory. "Yeah! We know this guy!" Bash shouted. Randy rolled his eyes then they set him back to the ground. Ms. Garcia, along with many of the orphans from his home emerged from the crowd, they cheered for their friend/older brother. "That's our brother! That awesome ninja warrior is our older brother!"

"Thanks, guys!" Randy bent down to their level and the black cloth flew away in the wind. Randy stood up then he noticed Theresa and the rest of the five. "Hey, guys..." Randy said awkwardly. "Master," Theresa said as she put her fist in her hand respectfully then she bowed. The others then followed her. "Master."

Modestly, Randy said, "Master..." Then he remembered Nadakan. "Master Nadakan!" Randy ran to the Emerald Palace and he quickly climbed up the thousands of steps. He ran breathlessly in the Emerald Palace and Nadakan is still lying in the scroll room with his eyes closed. He rushed over to his side and asked worriedly, "Master! Nadakan! Nadakan! Are you okay?!" Nadakan weakly opened his eyes. "Randy! You're alive!" He said hopefully then said darkly, "Or we're both dead." Randy shook his head. "No, Master. I didn't die. I defeated Mac Antfee."

"You did?!" Nadakan smiled and shook his head in disbelief. "Is he okay?" He asked. Randy nodded. "Yeah, I used the Wasureru Finger Hold. His memory has been wiped clean. I defeated him and now he is no longer a threat."

"Wow. It is as Naru foretold... you are the Tengu Warrior. You have brought peace to Norrisville... and to me. Thank you. Thank you, Randy. Thank you..." Nadakan closed his eyes and was still. Randy then started to freak out. "No! Master! No, no, no! Don't die, Nadakan! Please..." His eyes snapped open and he shouted irritated, "I'm not dying, you idiot..." He calmed down then said, "as... Tengu Warrior. I'm simply at peace... finally." He returned to a relaxed position on the floor then Randy said, "Oh! So... um... I should... stop talking?"

"If you can..." Randy nodded then laid down next to Nadakan. Randy tried his best to remain still but it proves to be hard. He's about to say something but quickly stops himself. He fidgets for another minute then asks, "So... want me to make us something to eat?" Nadakan sighed then said, "Yeah."

That's pretty much my story of how I, Randy Cunningham, an orphan, became the Tengu Warrior. I still need to train in learning how to become a ninja but I got the five and Master Nadakan to help me with that.

I visit the orphanage all the time. I help everyone find a home. I even train some of them in ninjutsu so they can defend themselves from bullies.

In case you're wondering about Mac Antfee, he's fine. The Wasureru Finger Hold erases memories so all of his memories are gone. So, he doesn't remember that Nadakan is his brother. While Nadakan was saddened by this, he understood that it was necessary. He's now a motivational speaker and he travels all across the world. He still has a few ninjutsu skills but he just chalked it up to being his natural skills. He seems a lot happier.

As for me, I finally got one of my greatest wishes. Not to be a ninja warrior, not to meet the five, but to find a family to call my own. Now, as the Tengu Warrior, I am going to defend my home and all of Japan and Norrisville from anyway who wants to hurt us and nothing is going to stop me.

Deep in a mountain outside of Norrisville, a figure with glowing turquoise eyes is smiling evilly. "Finally, after almost 15 years of waiting. I will get back the throne of my home and destroy all of Japan and nothing is going to stand in my way now that I have destroyed the prophecy." The figure laughed evilly as he watched his minions get giant cannons filled to the brim with metal and magical items.

I am done! Yes, there will be a sequel but it's going to be a while since I want to start a story that's been on my mind for a while but I will start the sequel after I finish one of my other stories. Thanks for reading, following, favoriting, and reviewing! I will see Y'all in my next story and the sequel! Bye! :)