A/N: And here's your last chapter! But first, reviews!

IAmHelenOfTroy: XD but yes it's true ;)

SoMeOnEnEw8: Yes, there's more ;) Here ya go

Romantica 123: AWWWWW! Well, let me return the gratitude. Thank you so much for the consistent, amazing reviews that make me blush and make me want to write more. And don't worry, there's only a month until I have a week off school. So in that month, I'll upload a one-shot at one point, and as soon as I'm off school, look out for another multi-chapter fic, probably The Coward's Way (see my profile for more details and updated). So I'm not going anywhere ;) I'm so glad you liked that chapter, and please keep reviewing :)

Anyway, chapter 7!

It had taken longer than she had expected to fight off the Dragon Hunters. She supposed that the enthusiasm with which their enemies fought was for fear of their furious leaders. She had seen it herself; Ryker was furious. And Viggo... she couldn't think of a fitting word to describe what his facial expression portrayed. He had seen victory so close... and yet so far. She was so relieved they had swooped in when they had. She wasn't sure how much more torture Hiccup could endure. He really needed to stop being such a caring, selfless person. He had been willing to put himself in harms way so that they could escape, with the knowledge that either Viggo or Ryker could kill him. And although it sometimes frustrated her, she couldn't bring herself to get angry at him. It was one of the reasons she loved him, she guessed. And even if it wasn't, how could she be mad at him when he was so... loving, caring, adorable, hot... woah, woah, woah, Astrid. Don't get could up in those thoughts. This is war. He also brought a new strategy to battle, one that was so simple yet so complicated to a Viking brain. She had seen Hiccup win against Viggo because of it and she was sure this wouldn't end. She had faith that they would win this war, under the leadership of her amazing boyfriend, Hiccup Haddock. Speaking of which...

The Riders, A-Team plus Gobber and the chief flew back to the village after fighting the Hunters away from Berk. She couldn't help but smile at the way all of the dragons and riders worked together to protect the people and the village. It was unity, not only a unity in dragon and rider but in the Berkians, who they covered each other's backs, flew in harmony together. It made her feel so much stronger. She had grown with fighting being a main element of life, and although she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it, when it came to war, things always got unpleasantly ruthless and bloody. But from the backs of dragons, it made it so much better. And to think it was all because of Hiccup...

She tore herself away from her thoughts as Gothi's hut came into view. It had been a few hours since she sent Toothless on the escort mission, and she and had to admit she was bursting to see him. The group of riders split to go their separate ways once they reached the village, all to recover from the battle, and for some, days of captivity. And she and Stoick were the ones heading straight for the highest house of the island. Stormfly and Skullcrusher landed smoothly on the platform outside the hut. The two riders wordlessly dismounted and opened the door into the hut. Hiccup lay on his stomach, allowing to Gothi to walk on his back.

"You're still working? I'll leave and come back later then," Astrid started, slightly reluctantly.

"No, don't worry. Gothi was just finished," Hiccup muttered, pain clear in his voice as Gothi rolled him over onto his back, satisfied with the bandages with strangely coloured ointments oozing out of places. Stoick looked at Gothi, who nodded, granting permission for conversation as she hobbled into a different room.

"Son, how are you feeling?" Stoick asked quietly, kneeling down beside the bed Hiccup lay on.

"I'll be alright. Once the burns have healed to some extent, Gothi may need to put stitches in. But it all depends. Right not it's up to my body to heal." Hiccup paused after getting comfortable, looking up into his father's eyes. "Did you guys fight Viggo off alright?"

"It took a while, but yes. He and Ryker weren't too pleased about your Riders' escape that ruined his plan, but that's to be expected." Stoick replied, smiling at how well his son was coping.

"Did you get Inferno back?" Hiccup asked, looking at her girlfriend.

"I think Fishlegs got it, you can pick it up once you're all healed," She replied, kneeling beside him and running a hand through his hair. A moment of silence passed, and Stoick glanced between the two.

"Eh... I think I'll give you two a minute. I'll be back to check on you in an hour, son," Stoick chuckled slightly, earning a nod from his son. He ambled out of the door, and soon the beating of dragon wings could be heard.

"So how are you actually feeling?" Astrid asked, taking his hand in hers and caressing it.

"Haven't I already answered that?"

"You said you would be alright, not if you were alright." Hiccup sighed at his girlfriend's response.

"Well, saying I'm peachy would be lying. It stings, badly. But the painkiller Gothi smothered on should kick in soon. She's hoping the gashes will start to heal by themselves while the burns heal so that by the time stitches are possible, I won't need them. Which I'm also hoping. I've had enough pain in my back to last me a year..." He answered reluctantly. "And you, you didn't get injured, did you?"

"No, Hiccup. You need to stop worrying about others and actually look after yourself for once," Astrid laughed in reply.

"But protecting you guys protects me. At least, it protects my peace of mind. You save me, I save you, that's how it works. And the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Hiccup answered.

"But I can't imagine a world without you in it. Protecting you protects my heart," Astrid whispered, leaning in.

"Since when did Astrid Hofferson get all lovey-dovey?" Hiccup teased, impersonating Snotlout as he said the last two words. Astrid punched him lightly in the shoulder, trying to suppress her laughter but failing epically.

"You're not escaping my wrath that easily," She muttered in reply, holding him by the collar and kissing him aggressively. Hiccup returned the gesture, as both lovebirds moaned with pleasure. Saliva was exchanged, their tongues invaded each other's mouth and their lips folded over each other in sync. The kiss slowed down as the two grew breathless, Astrid hands in his hair and Hiccup's around her waist. And when they both pulled away for their much-needed oxygen, Hiccup was the first to speak.

"You know, I'm starting to learn that coincidences are very rare. I mean, how much of this was a coincidence? Not only were those dragons attacks that got us into this mess not a coincidence, but back when we were still kids. I fail to believe that shooting down Toothless was a coincidence and, um..." He paused, almost nervously. "...and I refuse to believe that falling for you was a coincidence either," He looked up at his girlfriend, watching as the blood rushed to her cheeks, painting them a rosy pink.

"Since when did Hiccup Haddock get all lovey-dovey?" Astrid chuckled, returning the retort.

"I've never stopped being lovey-dovey since I fell in love with you back when I was 12," Hiccup smirked back, wrapping an arm around her neck and pulling her lips onto his. His kisses landed on her lips, then trailed down her chin and onto her neck, causing Astrid to sigh contently.

"I love you, Dragon Boy,"

"I love you too, milady. And I always will,"

A/N: Was the Hiccstrid alright? I've never written a scene like this, I'm kind of experimenting. But did you like it? Or was it a bit too much? Let me know in the reviews! In the mean time, look out for more stories coming your way soon, and I'll be back to regularly writing when the holidays swing around again. Thank you for your reviews and support, and til next time!
