Hello and welcome to my new Kingdom Hearts fanfic, I gotten the inspiration to write this just after E3's Trailer and well, the hype was contagious so I decided you know what? Screw it, make a fanfic about this dream of a game!

I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any of it's characters, I also do not own any of Disney or Pixar characters be they currently announced or in the future, I also do not own the franchises or worlds that appear in Kingdom Hearts as they respectively belong to their companies,

Chapter 1
Unexpected Circumstances


Within a bedroom that a singular bed that had a snow wolf on it, there was a cabinet with various DVDs stacked together while the bottom of it was a Slim PS4 with a decal of a moon with Final Fantasy XV on it with the names of the titular characters, close to this cabinet was a grey metal desk with someone sat in a blue and black gaming chair, his hair was a messy brown as his eyes were brownish green, his skin a fair colour, he wore what appeared to be sleep clothes a short-sleeved shirt, pants and brown socks, the curtains to the room were shut as he was turned toward the top of the cabinet that had a 40 inch TV as he held a PS4 controller, he was currently within PlayStation Store, looking at the Pre-Order selection and was looking at a difficult choice all gamers undertake.

"Hmm, do I pre-order the game on its own or get the All-in-One Package?" The male asked, his voice sounding British as he looked to the prices. "Well, I haven't played any of the games nor know the timeline, still, £89.99? That's a lot... oh well, I can save up again after all, not like i'll get low on money, plus I do have Minamoto-no-Raikou on Fate Grand Order, just have wait for Archer Arturia in Summer which isn't like for another month or so." The youth said and clicked some buttons.

"Disney and Final Fantasy mixed together, it's a dream come true for me who loves both series, ah no, wait, Pixar is joining in too, even better, I doubt the graphics are going to be any better than 3 but it'd be nice to know the timeline and get attached to the characters..." The youth said before purchasing the package and waited for the additions to download onto his console, he turned his phone on and just decided to grind on the app he just mentioned.

While he was doing that, more of the room was explored, it seems like a mess with some blue clear boxes housing some stuff inside while he had books piled on top of them, a plastic stack of shelves with some plaster of the wall flaking onto it, and a closed cupboard, the room wasn't overly large enough for him to store everything unlike his previous house with a large cupboard that could pack away at least maybe a hundred clothes away, moving house was a right pain and he was basically trying to get rid of stuff he didn't need.

The youth paused for a moment, there was one good thing about living here, the Wi-Fi speed was fast so in no time, the game was ready and waiting, he set his phone aside and rubbing his hands eagerly, from what he read online, Birth by Sleep was the first in the KH timeline as Back Cover was basically a movie and right now he didn't plan on watching it, just play for the Summer Holidays.

Little did he know however, he had the curtains shut, if the battering of rain hitting the roof was any indication, it was quite stormy outside and lightning cackling off the distance but he did not care, he booted up Birth by Sleep, it was at this moment, lightning struck the antenna of the house and unfortunately the youth held the controller as the electrical current coursed through the sockets and before he could even see the beginning of the tutorial, everything blacked out, even his vision.

The youth's hand twitched , something felt... different, one it felt like.. stone? He was lying face-down as he raised his head as he blearily opened his eyes, the area slowly coming into focus, he saw a white stairway to a castle that looked like it wasn't properly straight on the left and right part of the building leaning while the centre stood on it's foundations, he noted three figures coming down the steps but he couldn't remain focused any longer as the only colours he recognized were white, brown and blue before darkness overtaken him again.


Wearing a white, red lined haori that has a hood, along with slightly shorter than normal, light-colored hakama while underneath his haori, wass a navy blue shirt with a large white X pattern on the front as he also had jagged scars over his right eye and left cheek while notably he had pieces of armour, in his case gold and black armoured boots and a dull blue-green section that covers his abdomen while a second piece of armour sports the same symbol worn by what must be students nearby the top, The man's black hair is tied into a short, high topknot, with one bang falling off to the right side of his face. He also has a short, triangular soul patch and a moustache.

To his left was a tall young man with brown hair that reaches to the base of his neck in the back and is styled into rather messy, vertical spikes and bangs that frame his face having blue eyes and slightly tanned skin while his attire consisted of wears two intersecting straps over his chest, though his red ones are rather different, dropping much lower down and almost resembling criss-crossed suspenders. he wears a badge on his belt with what appeared to be a skintight, black, high-collared shirt, showing that he is rather muscular while the pants bear a distinct feudal Japanese style; his belt is tied like an obi-sash and he wore hakama which were dark grey near the top, with several loops for his belt and two buttons, both of which are undone. The rest of the pants are tan with a small, lighter stripe of tan on the bottom hem, there was a plain black wristband on his right arm, while his left arm is significantly more armoured.

Like the white clothed man, he wore armour on one arm being much longer, reaching all the way to the bottom of his hand, he also wore a black, fingerless glove on his hand and what appears to be a black gauntlet on his forearm, over the segmented armour, which also has small pieces of dark red armour on it. finally, his armoured boots are dark brown and gold.

To the right was a woman with a tall and slender figure, about as thin and standing a few inches shorter than brown haired man, having blue eyes and medium-length blue hair, mostly parted to her left wearing a black and navy blue, high-collared halter top, a black corset with two pairs of white laces and black shorts with has two pink straps intersecting over her chest, with a silver badge similar to badges also worn by the men over the intersection. On her arms were white bell-sleeves and tan, fingerless gloves, she even also wore a small, segmented piece of armour on each of her upper arms, for the lower body, she wore black stockings reaching about halfway up her thighs, leaving a small area of bare skin while there are two strips of blue cloth draped over each of her hips, along with a smaller, white strip of cloth tied around her waist and draped in the same manner. Her silver boots are pointed and armoured, with a sharp hook-like extensions on the outer side of each.

The trio descended down the steps as the brown haired man spoke. "Well, Aqua, I'm just gonna have to show you my strength can beat your magic any day!" the brown-haired youth said to the blue haired girl aptly named Aqua who spoke back her voice sounding surprisingly older than what her appearance made her out to be. "You can try Terra but I've been learning a few new things since our last battle, Master Eraqus, would you like to watch?"

Eraqus gave a small smile and a low laugh. "Come now children, I'm not your judge for your sparring sessions, besides I need to be surprised on what you both can accomplish on your Marks of Mastery in the future." Eraqus said before coming to a stop, his eyes noting something different as Terra and Aqua paused as well.

"What's wrong Master?" Terra asked before his eyes looked ahead, noting the difference and Aqua too looked. "Is that... a boy?" Aqua said in a worrying tone as Eraqus lead the two down in a hurried pace, the boy seemed to be conscious for a brief moment before his head hit the ground again and a she looked the boy over as Aqua got on her knees, inspecting the unconscious youth.

"He doesn't appear to be hurt, just... out cold." Aqua said as she looked closely upon the boy and Terra knelt down, looking across the body's body. "His clothes certainly don't fit in either, Master, could he be...?" Terra begun to ask as Eraqus spoke in a serious manner.

"Indeed, I believe this young man is from another world, he may not look like he's suffered any notable injuries but whose to say how he fares mentally? We should bring him inside and let him rest until he is awake, perhaps then he can tell us more in detail what has happened." Eraqus said and Aqua got up onto her feet.

"We'll take turns to watch over him Master." Aqua stated with confidence and Terra nodded as Eraqus gave a small smile at his student's willingness to aid the foreign visitor. "That is a good suggestion Aqua... Terra, bring the boy to one of our spare rooms, the practice session is hereby cancelled." Eraqus stated and the two spoke in unison. "Yes Master."

Terra leant down and picked the unconscious boy up, he was deceptively light and carried the boy up into the castle, Eraqus and Aqua following behind him, Aqua's face being one of concern and worry while Eraqus's was one of questions.


The youth felt himself stir awake, for some reason, his back felt like it was lying on something soft compared to before, his eyes opened and he saw the orange sky of the evening or was it morning out of a silver nine sectioned window, his head was resting comfortably on what felt like a pillow.

"It's morning... or evening? When did I fall asleep?" The youth wondered and forced himself to sit up, the bed covers falling off his upper body as he appeared to have fallen asleep in his clothes but as his mind begun to register his surroundings, he came to realize this wasn't his bedroom, the bookshelves and a telescope being in the room since he didn't have those, especially the latter, the bed's covers were a dull blue with some pattern stitched on and outside, there was mountains clearly in view, there was no other houses in sight and the ceiling had plenty of room, the youth brought a hand to his face, and used his index finger and thumb to try and wipe the remnants of sleep out of his eyes, it did certainly help out.

"Wh.. Where am I?" the youth asked himself, his throat dry,, he tried to remember what happened, last thing he did was trying to play something but then he blacked out, the room was well furnished, obviously he was someone's house but whose? He heard a door open and he turned to see the large wooden door opening up and he saw a tall and slender woman with short blue hair with the bluest eyes he ever seen, he didn't take note of the rest of her attire as her eyes met his, the silence only lasting for what felt like an eternity before she spoke, her hands over her mouth in a small audible gasp, her voice came out, sounding older than she appeared to be.

"You're awake! Thank goodness! Terra, Master Eraqus!" The woman called out in the hallway and the youth tilted his head slightly as the woman focused his attention back upon him. "Are you.. an angel?" The youth asked and the girl's face turned red slightly.

"W-What... No... I..." The girl begun to stutter before a brown haired man looking muscular and one with white clothes ha dhurrie din, saving the girl some embarrassment and they had looks of relief while the youth wondered why had they such expressions.

"Who are they? Owners of the house?" The youth was confused as the white haired man stepped forward, his voice sounding mature and wise. "Greetings young man, I am Eraqus and these are my students, you have already met Aqua and this is my other student, Terra, would you be so kind as tell us your name and where you come from?" Eraqus asked in a politely calm manner.

The youth cupped his chin and closed his eyes tight to try and remember, only thing he knew as his name and the usual day to day things, but he for the life of him, couldn't think of how he ended up here and thought to himself. "Better be honest here, I got nothing to lose."

The youth breathed and spoke. "Well... may I have some water first Mister Eraqus sir?" The youth asked and the man nodded and looked to Aqua who left the room and not moments later, did she return with a cup filled with water as the youth took it from her hands, sipping it, it tasted cold and fresh with no salt in it then he looked to the three.

"My name is Daniel and as to how I got here... I honestly do not know, I was in my own room, sitting in a chair and ready to play a game then everything blackened out for me, when I woke up, I found myself here." Daniel sincerely answered without any hesitation in his voice.

"I see... Is there anything else you can tell us that we may be able to learn?" Eraqus asked once again and Daniel looked thoughtful. "Well, I don't think there is anything else, where am I Mister Eraqus?" Daniel asked genuinely and Eraqus folded his arms, eyes closed in thought of how to proceed.

"This is my home where I trained those in the arts I have learned from my own Master, we found you unconscious outside of this castle but we found no injuries on you nor any valuables, just what you are wearing, you have been out for two days, we were honestly getting worried." Eraqus said and Daniel had his eyes widened.

"Two days?! I never been asleep that long in my life!" Daniel thought in surprise and Eraqus spoke up, "Rest for now, we will bring you food shortly." Eraqus said and Daniel just lightly nodded as the three left the room to give him space and they walked down the hallway and into the main room as Eraqus sat in his chair, looking to his two pupils as the light shone upon the atrium

"What do you think we should do Master?" Terra asked and Eraqus was in deep thought as Aqua spoken up. "He certainly isn't from this world and likely doesn't know how to get back home." Aqua helpfully added and Terra nodded in agreement.

"The boy certainty shown no deception in his posture nor his eyes, it appears he has no memory of how he truly ended up here, he didn't seem to be impaired by any difficulties., however we cannot just take him to a random world and hope he adapts there..." Eraqus said in a contemplative tone.

The room remained quiet for a few minutes and Aqua's voice cut through the silence. "Why not have him live here Master?" Aqua inquired and Eraqus raised an eyebrow and motioned for her to continue. "We have plenty of rooms available and we can keep an eye on him since it wouldn't feel right to leave him on another world with no one he knows."

"What about him seeing us wielding the Keyblade? I doubt his world has any notion of it nor the abilities we learn here." Terra stated and Eraqus could see what he meant and spoke. "True, the boy may come from a world where such things are considered a fantasy,.. however, we aren't meddling in the affairs of his world and we cannot very well hide from him this place is entirely different to where he originated.. so that may give us some leeway." Eraqus explained calmly.

"What if.. we were to take him in and teach him our ways?" Aqua suggested and she felt both eyes of the men on her. "Go on Aqua." Eraqus said to push her and Aqua breathed. "Well, if we can't take him home, why not give him a new one? We can't hide the fact of our what we learn here or he'll get suspicious and maybe feel alienated. If we hide secrets from him." Aqua said and Eraqus put his hands together in thought.

"What you say does ring true, we do have spare rooms and the concerns of alienating the young man when you two train, I do not have any doubt your intentions are pure Aqua, however, do we have the right to keep him here and make him one of us?" Eraqus asked his student and Aqua looked hesitant for a moment before composing herself.

"Then.. since I suggested we teach him Master, I'll take full responsibility to help him learn our ways and hopefully, make him feel welcome and feel like he isn't alone in the world." Aqua said and the silence hung in the air as Eraqus observed the bluenette.

"You won't be alone Aqua, we'll take care of him like a brother, it'll be nice to have more company than just the three of us right?" Terra said suddenly and Aqua looked surprised for a moment and nodded with a smile. "Thank you Terra." and Eraqus puts his arms on the armrests of his chair.

"Very well, I will take both of your opinions into account and see if the boy has the potential to wield the Keyblade, I do hope for all of our sakes, we are doing the right thing." Eraqus said with bated breath as the two students nodded in agreement.

And that's Chapter 1 of this story! Hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see you all again next time, this updates will be a bit sporadic as I want to give myself breathing room and not update new chapter every two days like with Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC: Red-Eyes with all the Reviews motivating me to bring them out rapidly.