Hello and welcome to a very delayed Chapter 5, I apologize for the long wait but unfortunately, real life as always loves to rear its head, plus ever since my last update, I been doing my best to catch up in my video game backlog such as Marvel Spider-Man on the PS4 and the accompanying DLC then for Christmas, I acquired Spyro Reignited Trilogy and been pouring a lot of time into that classic since I never did a 100% completion of any Spyro games on the PS1 and then lastly, I been trying to get my FFXIV character to keep up with current content since Shadowbringers is coming soon.

I've started typing this chapter on the day before Kingdom Hearts III hits stores in the UK and it is very much likely I shall retreat into my cave and try to 100% the game, I have not seen any spoilers or leaks nor walkthroughs, literally anything up to this point despite people getting early PAL copies on 26th of January, I haven't bother cause even if I did buy one, it won't arrive on release day, plus I am in an internal debate wherever to go for the Limited Edition PS4 Pro at my local game store or stick with FFXV Limited Edition PS4, I'll likely make my decision when Tuesday comes.

Anyway, enough about me rattling on about my life, you're here for Chapter 5, well, I shall not delay you any further, I will only ask one thing, if you do leave a review containing ANY spoilers for KH III, I will not continue this story because I want to be genuinely surprised since a previous game I was excited about had a major plot point spoiled for me and the impact wasn't as meaningful when I did get to that point, I hope you understand and will respect my wishes. -bows-

I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any of it's characters, I also do not own any of Disney or Pixar characters be they currently announced or in the foreseeable future, I also do not own the franchises or worlds that appear in Kingdom Hearts as they respectively belong to their companies. All I own is my OC and my creative imagination.

Chapter 5
Natural Progression

-Land of Departure-

The sunlight of a new day was what stirring Daniel from his slumber but for some reason, he found himself enveloped in an unfamiliar warmth on either side of his face, he looked drowsily to try to try and confirm the source, his brain did register something was holding him in place yet not so tightly as to cause panic, he's eyes trailed upwards and was greeted by the sleeping face of Aqua

"Oh, it's just Aqua..." Daniel sleepily thought and attempted to close his eyes again to resume dreaming where his face once lay, however something about that didn't feel right.. ""Wait.." Daniel thought, his brain was quickly asking why and Daniel opened his eyes again, this time, his brain being more alert and he looked to investigate what else there was to this strange scene.

Aqua was lying on her back, her head on his pillow, dressed in nothing but her ocean wave designed nightgown, her arms embracing him as he noted he was actually on top on her and Daniel paused. "How...?" Daniel was utterly confused and tried to think back.

"Well... I was talking with Aqua last night and broke down in tears and she held me... I must of... probably cried myself to sleep..." Daniel thought and his face heated up a bit. "How embarrassing for her to see that..." Daniel thought and looked down to see where his head was resting moments before, it was in-between her breasts and Daniel's face heated up even more and with his registration of the fact, he could feel a certain appendage was becoming more alert too.

"Nononono! Go back down! I don't need this!" Daniel started panicking internally and took a moment to try and rationalize the situation and shut his eyes, trying to breathe in and out to calm himself, already his heart was thumping like he done a runner or something.

"Okay Daniel, right now you are in Aqua's embrace in your bedroom, you're both plainly dressed so no sexual intercourse happened... Ah mou! Now I'm starting to.." Daniel's brain was starting to delve into naughty thoughts, after all, he couldn't blame himself, he was a growing young man with hormones and Aqua was the most beautiful woman he's seen to date, he shook his head to try to shake off the perverted thoughts.

"Okay, stop! Lets try and think of a way out of this without giving the wrong impression!" Daniel thought, he seen enough anime to know a situation like this could only end badly, he tested the waters but trying to shift his arm to see how tight Aqua was holding him, it wasn't too tight or loose, but he could probably gradually get out of he was going at a snail's pace.

"Okay, it's a small possibility... but I don't know if she's a deep sleeper or not... Well, lets at least give it a go." Daniel thought and trying to shift his body downward slightly and paused, cursing his small solider, it was his hormonal body rubbing against Aqua's despite the sleepwear being in the way and he felt a small movement from Aqua, her face twitching a bit, Daniel stopped moving, the colour draining from his face as Aqua's embrace tightened around him, sad part was he didn't get much distance at all and his face was level with her chest.

"...Crap... she must think I'm a teddy bear or something... If I try to move any more, she may just hold me tighter... I don't want to wake her up since she looks so peaceful and she may misunderstand." Daniel thought, after all, as evidently proven, one doesn't think clearly when waking up.

Daniel breathed out, well it was official, he was trapped between an Aqua and a hard place and it seemed like there was no way out and Daniel continued to think. "Maybe if Terra or Master... Oh god no, if they see this, I'm in serious trouble!" Daniel though tin a panic, he'd never hear the end of it from Terra and how would Eraqus take with two of his pupils sleeping together?

"...I'm screwed on all sides aren't I?" Daniel thought with a resigned tone of defeat, he looked up at the sleeping Aqua, it was odd seeing her so defenseless but yet at the same time, being adorably cute, her stomach notably rising up and down in a slow tandem.

"I mean, she was cute when teased but this sight, I could get used to seeing..." Daniel thought in a relieved tone, this was Aqua who was 16 years old and probably nearing the end of her growing spurt and development, of course, he wouldn't know how a girl develops and such, her looked to her chest since well, it was eye level, she wasn't exactly too big or too small, then again, he didn't really have a preference like some guys having their own opinions, plus how many guys wake up with a woman's chest as their pillow in the real world? Not many was a good guess since it was a anime trope, lord, Daniel was not going to go exploring on Aqua's body

"I'd probably get frozen in an instant like what Mitsuru did to the males in Kyoto..." Daniel thought, making a comparison and shivered at that thought and sighed lowly. "I'll have to wait until she wakes up..." Daniel thought and reluctantly rested his head back into Aqua's bosom.

Time ticked on for what felt like forever until Daniel felt some movement, he had been resisting falling asleep in Aqua's embrace and shut his eyes to feign being asleep as Aqua's bleary eyes was noting her surroundings. "Wait... this isn't my room..." Aqua thought before seeing the young man on top her, looking like he was resting peacefully.

"Oh right... Daniel was having a breakdown... I remember now, I couldn't let go and was getting tired as well so I fell asleep..." Aqua recalled and moved one of her arms and hovered a hand over his brown hair before caressing it , messing it up in the process but she had a soft gentle smile. "It's been tough for you but I'll try and help you anyway I can so you aren't alone." Aqua thought, it was strange for her, she felt a motherly instinct coming deep from within her, while she did get that feeling with healing up Terra's bruises, she viewed him as an older brother.

Aqua took a moment to reflect. "Do I view him as a younger brother?" Aqua thought and recalled the teasing from that dinner when Daniel donned his new wardrobe. "Maybe...? He was so lost and unsure of himself and got nervous to the point of vomiting..." Aqua recalled in slight disgust but also concern, she couldn't blame Daniel for reacting that way, torn from home and thrown into an unknown world, anyone would likely be the same in the regard.

Aqua took a moment to think of what growing Daniel had achieved so far with them. "It's been over a month yet he does learn very quickly, maybe it's because if he learns and pours everything into that, he can go home faster... already he exhibited a talent for strategy against Terra and asking some insightful questions while he isn't shutting us out and doing everything on his own." Aqua looked down to the sleeping boy.

"Hmm... what is...?" Aqua felt something hard poking between her legs though thankfully she was dressed and she needed a few moments to register what it was... if she recalled in a book, guys kind of... have that when they are sleeping or dreaming about something good and her face flushed red.

"O-Oh... its... um... big... I don't want to wake him up though... if..." Aqua flushed redder than she has ever been, if her Master or Terra saw this, she'd never live it down and gently shook Daniel awake. "Daniel... Wake up..." Aqua quietly said and kept shaking a bit until Daniel was opening his eyes, blue eyes met brown ones, the silence hung in the air as the two were registering their predicament.

"M-Morning Aqua." Daniel said in a stutter and Aqua nodded. "Y-Yes... Morning, did you sleep alright?" ad Daniel nodded immediately. "Y-Yeah... U-Ummm, thank you for... being there." Daniel said bashfully and Aqua smiled lightly, her face still red. "I-Its no problem, I couldn't just ignore you... so... Can you maybe... get off?" Aqua asked and let him go as Daniel rolled off to the side, notably keeping his front down on the covers.

"I-I need to head back to my room." Aqua said, moving her legs over the side of the bed and putting her blue slippers on the floor, putting them on and getting up. "I-I'll see you at breakfast okay?" Aqua said and Daniel nodded as Aqua walked out and Daniel found himself staring at the curvature of Aqua's bottom through the grown as she opened the door and shut it, Daniel put his head into his pillow, letting out a muffled groan.

"Gah! What's wrong with me!? She's a friend, a F-R-I-E-N-D! She just was helping me calm down!... Why am I attracted to her butt of all things? God I hope she never felt my... No No! Stop!" Daniel thought, and let out another muffled cry of irritation and laid there. "Did... Aqua always smell like blueberries?" Daniel thought and cursed himself again, no doubt today was going to be remembered as one of the best wake-up of his life or the worse, for Aqua, maybe the same.

-Land of Departure, Some Time Later-

Daniel was practising his motions with Terra and Aqua as he lost track of how many days have passed, but it been a while, who knew Terra, Aqua and Eraqus celebrated Christmas? That was at least a common theme of the months and days, during the long training, Daniel sparred with Terra or learning magic with Aqua, he was growing more proficient at dual-wielding as well as one-handed, his magic courses were making some leeway with the first tiers of magic, the shock when Terra was met with a splash of cold water in one spar from one of his Keyblades was the most hilarious moment Daniel ever, needless to say Terra was not amused and the sparring was harder.

As for Shotlocks, that too was eventually learned with Eraqus who taught him the Keyblade can can be altered into a variety of magic altering effects with the properties of the Keyblade intact, of course, learning that was difficult since it was making the Keyblade change shape.

Command Styles were also taught, the basic ones like Firestorm, Diamond Dust and Thunder Bolt, Terra and Aqua had their own unique styles like Critical Impact and Spellweaver so Dnaiel wanted to craft his own Command Style and used a similar style of Eraqus's except using the power of light and darkness to widen his Keyblades reach like broadswords, similar to how Archer made his Kashou and Bakuya go into their Overedge form.

"Okay lets stop." Terra said and the three were sweating and went to a bench, taking their towels to soak it up. "You're getting better Daniel, I swear you have a knack for battle." Terra complimented as Daniel drunk from his white water bottle. "I just think on the fly, like I tell you each time, after all I can't very well put it into practice without trying it." Daniel answered and Terra nodded in agreement.

"You're on your way to acquiring your Mark of Mastery, keep this up and you may even be able to take the exam with me and Aqua." Terra pointed out and Daniel almost dropped his bottle. "I doubt that... I mean... The Master is teaching us all and there's no special treatment between us, you and Aqua taught me hwo to fight and cast magic, the Master helped me learn how to Shotlock... " Daniel trailed off and Aqua laughed a bit.

"Yeah but you are helping us be on our toes with your Keyblades, I never would of thought using the Keybalde as something to throw and call back if someone's out of range." Aqua admitted and Daniel looked sheepish, he did show some moves the two never thought possible, with Aqua, he made a suggestion of maybe manipulating Water magic and using it maybe in a whip-like manner similar to Katara in the Last Airbender or shooting Blizzard in front of her to ski across, getting in closer faster.

"So.. what's next on the agenda apart from a another sparring down the line?" Daniel asked and heard the Atrium doors opening and the three dismissed their Keyblades, running to the railing to looki down and Daniel saw what to be two individuals, one was appeared to be an old man, bald except for thin eyebrows and a curled, silver goatee as his ears are pointed and his eyes are yellow with has broad, hunched shoulders and a crooked back, overall appeared as a somewhat feeble old man, his attire composed of a white and black coat with a red inner lining, over a white shirt with two thin black belts, as well as white gloves and calf-high black boots.

The other was a young blonde with unusual hairstyle wears a jacket that resembles a fusion of two jackets with white on the right side and black on the left side, also reminiscent of the Yin and Yang symbol like Daniel wore on his haori. The collar of the jacket is red and pleated. Underneath this, he was wearing what appears to be a grey vest with a single button and several white, angular patterns on it. He wears a third layer under this, in the form of a plain, high-necked, black shirt. He also has a chunk of dull green and blue armor on his midsection that appears to be under his vest, and another piece of armour on his left shoulder. While the boy's pants are ballooned outward slightly before closing up about halfway down his legs, similar to caprice pants which were coloured in shades of grey, black, and white. He also wears an ornate, dull green and blue piece of armour on his upper-left arm, along with a black and white chequered wristband but with white edges as opposed to black-edged wristband. Like Aqua, he wears two criss-crossing straps on his chest, on which he wears a silver Keyblade Master emblem. His boots are rather odd when compared to Aqua's and Terra's, as they resemble an armoured version of normal street shoes in shades of dull green and blue so more or less closer to Daniel's own shoes.

Daniel noted Eraqus approaching the bald man and the two animatedly talking before proceeding to ascend the stairs back up to the Atrium. "That boy... is he okay?." Aqua asked since the boy whose head stayed hung low. "I'll go and see." Terra said and descended down the other flight of stairs and approaching the boy, being cautious.

"I'm Terra, what's your name?" Terra asked politely and the youth spoke slowly in response. "Ventus..." and Terra looked relieved. "That's good, you can talk..." Terra muttered quietly and turned around. "Aqua, Daniel, come here!" Terra called for them and two went down to meet the boy.

Daniel looked at the boy, his eyes were.. devoid of light he noted and Aqua spoke up. "Hello, i'm Aqua." and Daniel rose a hand with a small wave. "I'm Daniel, it's a pleasure to meet you." Dnaiel said and the yyouth looked to them individually, reciting their names. "Terra... Aqua... Daniel..." and Terra nodded. "So, you here to train with us? Where did you come from? Who was that man with you? You good with a Keyblade?" Terra asked in almost rapid fire and Daniel had stopped him by raising his left arm.

"Terra, slow down!" Daniel said as he noted the boy was struggling to comprehend the questions and fell to his knees, holding his head, letting out a scream and a old wise voice spoke from behind them. "What did you do!?" and Daniel turned to see the bald man and Eraqus returned and the man walked and crouched down to check on the boy.

"Nothing..! I just asked him some questions." Terra said and Eraqus looked to him. "Ventus cannot answer anything because he doesn't remember anything." Eraqus stated as Ventus was unconscious.

"Master, I'm sorry to ask but who is this...?" Daniel said, looking to the bald man and Eraqus folded his arms. "This is my old friend and fellow Master, Xehanort, we were both taught under the same Master when we were much more younger, he has been tutoring Ventus until a recent incident took his memories and has come to me to care for him, unfortunately, Master Xehanort cannot tend to his needs since he has chosen the other path when he graduated from an apprentice, so I've chosen to take him under my wing until he recovers and if he wishes to pursue learning to be a Keyblade Master or not... Terra, can I ask you and Aqua to help Ventus to a room to recuperate?" Eraqus asked and Terra nodded and lifted Ventus in his arms, Aqua speaking up.

"We'll take turns watching over him until he wakes up." Aqua reassured Eraqus and left with Terra, leaving Eraqus, Daniel and Xehanort in the room as the latter stood upright, hunching over "So... You are Eraqus's new pupil?" Xehanort asked and Daniel turned to face the man, his unnatural yellow eyes were a bit unnerving and there a sense of power behind them.

"Yes sir, I'm Daniel and I been under Master Eraqus's tutelage for a while, I never knew there was other Masters out there." Daniel said with a bow and and Xehanort gave a small chuckle. "It is understandable, my history with Eraqus didn't end in good terms so I am quite pleased he has put the past behind us for Ventus's recovery." Xehanort stated.

"Indeed... Well, Xehanort, shall I accompany you outside so you can be on your way?" Eraqus asked and Xehanort raised a hand. "No, need to I can sense this youth has questions for me, so may I have him accompany me to satiate his curiosity?" Xehanort asked and Eraqus gave a nod. "Daniel, please do." and Daniel nodded, the two walking outside towards the outside world.

"Master, what is it like, the other worlds out there?" Daniel asked and Xehanort looked up at the sky. "All of them are very intriguing with varying levels of development, it is almost unfathomable to imagine there are so many worlds yet we cannot see them with the walls between them." Xehanort answered and Daniel could see the words in that.

"One day, when you are ready, you will see them... but now I have a question for you, I know Eraqus prefers the light and believes all manners of darkness must be extinguished... what do you think of the balance between light and darkness?" Xehanort inquired and Daniel looked thoughtful.

"Well, I haven't said what I think about that to my Master because I wouldn't want to upset him, but... I think the two of them are needed, you can't have one without the other can you? Without darkness, how do have night-time or in the manner its used?" Daniel asked and Xehanort raised his eyebrows.

"You're more open-minded than my friend, tell me have you been calling upon the power of darkness at all in your training?" Xehanort asked and Daniel shook his head. "I haven't or rather, not sure how to... I've only been learning how to fight, casting the elemental magic and how to Shotlock but beyond that, I only been able to channel light to augment my Keyblade but... it's not easy." Daniel admitted, rubbing a hand behind his head in embarrassment.

"Indeed, the powers of Light and Darkness are probably the most purest form of the elements that we know, but mastering them is a task in itself, Eraqus is probably the closest in that aspect, did you know the darkness can augment both physical and magical aspects of the Keyblade?" Xehanort asked and Daniel titled his head.

"No I didn't, are you saying there's like Dark Fire or something?" Daniel asked and Xehanort nodded slightly. "Darkness can take on many forms as can the Light, it will be interesting to see where your path goes with a more open mind than my friend, you are more wiser in that than he is." Xehanort said, stopped at the plateau.

"Why do you want to be a Keyblade Master?" Xehanort asked and Daniel took a few moments to answer. "Well Master... my circumstances are a bit... out of the ordinary." Daniel said sheepishly and Xehanort chuckled a bit. "Isn't everything?"

"You see, I was torn away from my world and ended up here with no way back... the reality of the situation I was in terrified me and when I learnt I could become a Keyblade Master... I thought it just might be my ticket home.. but there's so many worlds so I don't know if I'll be able to find it but... I got to at least try., my family must be worried sick." Daniel said seriously and Xehanort looked to him.

"I see... a noble goal indeed, well, hopefully the next time we meet, it'll be when you've graduated into a Keyblade Master and I will see about lending you my aid as I am sure Eraqus and his fellow pupils will do the same." Xehanort said and Daniel was taken aback and nodded.

"You may leave, no doubt the state of my pupil has you concerned since you and him share the fact you both have been taken from your worlds without any warning." Xehanort said and Daniel nodded. "Thank you Master!" Daniel said and started jogging back to the building as Xehanort looked on.

"What a unique young boy... although... with his open-mindedness, he may not be an easy target to become into my new vessel... I need someone with a strong body and not afraid to use the darkness but still... he will most certainly be one to keep an eye on." Xehanort said, manifesting his Keyblade and opening up a portal as he stepped through.

And that was Chapter 5, a bit short but at least we now have been introduced to Xehanort and Ventus! Almost all the main cast is here, I had a bit of fun typing out this chapter especially with our hero's situation with Aqua and the ever so annoying hormones since well, KH doesn't exactly explore puberty with Sora or Riku.

As for Chapter 6, I'll give you a little hint on what it'll have, the Mark of Mastery Exams and the beginning of Birth By Sleep, however, do not expect it to come out in a week or two as I'll likely be glued to my PS4 and enjoying 100% pure Kingdom Hearts III after a thirteen year long wait... wait... thirteen years!? Crafty Nomura...

Thank you all for reading this long delayed Chapter and I wish to each my readers, be they current or in the future, a late Happy New Year and hope you all will experience Kingdom Hearts III with your own satisfaction and enjoyment, until then, this has been StardustXtreme bringing you another Chapter and I hope to see you all again next time! TO KINGDOM HEARTS III! AQUA i'M COMING TO SAVE YOU!