Line 10: Daffodils of Discourse

"and the sky of the sky of a tree called life.."

'I Carry Your Heart'

Line 9, Stanza 4

-EE Cummings

Midday normally means a short break before going back to work but for Itachi, his work day ends here. Sakura is adamant about him getting an evaluation despite his insistence that the check-up is unnecessary. He still doesn't understand his connection to the dead. He doubts some shinobi psychiatrists could navigate the intricacies that is his mental landscape, let alone understand and diagnose a formly dead man. It is a waste of time and words and resources.

But Sakura's persistence will be his burden.

As his guardian, her words are final with regards to his movement and he has no choice. He can find ways to get out of seeing a counselor but Weasel is his ever present Anbu, standing as a silent reminder to leave the premises. If he delays even in the slightest, Weasel reveals him a short distance away drawing ever closer the long Itachi lingers.

So Shikamaru takes over activities on-site with clear instructions on what to do with the residence they were working on. In exchange, Itachi takes over paperwork. There is plenty of that to do and after refining particulars with his colleagues, the Uchiha takes the bulk of proposals with him, leaving Shikamaru and the village planner with the rest. Before going home, Itachi stops at Minami's food stand for groceries. Happy as always, Minami's delight is his reprise and he entertains her for the moment. Her uncle is there as well, sitting on a stool bundled up to his neck despite the slightly warmer temperatures.

The young woman, however, is grateful for the change of seasons, excitedly showing off new fruits and vegetables for him to choose from.

"They call it a pudding fruit." she tells him, the aforementioned fruit carefully hidden beneath her palms. "I tried one and it's very interesting in texture and test. You'll need a spoon."

Itachi places his existing items aside and adjusts his satchel of work materials so he can try this new 'pudding fruit'. The name conjures something sweet and he swallows in silent anticipation to try a potentially healthy dessert. When Minami cuts it open, at first glance it looks like spoiled brown mush. His nose twitches expecting a rotten smell but the fruit hardly gives off any odor. The seeds, thick spiky looking things, stand straight up from the soft flesh.

"Minami-san…" Itachi mutters his caution and disappointment, not wanting to offend or dull her excitement.

"Try it before you say anything." she quickly assures, then offers him a spoon to scoop out his portion. "We're designing a special dessert for the Spring Festival and your pallet for sweets will really help us."

He does enjoy sweets. Actual sweet things. This fruit hardly looks edible let alone enticing to his love for sugary desserts. But then Minami's uncle jumps in, explaining the experiment custard they are trying to make, a juice and cream mixture.

Itachi doesn't hesitate because the old man knows his produce even if he can barely open his eyes. He goes right in with a generous glop of pudding fruit and is met with a pleasantly delicate sweetness. It's not candy like at all, not the overly sticky sweetness of dango. It's mild, earthy, honey like but also not. He rubs it against the roof of his mouth, trying to place the familiar undertone. Smooth to the touch, not grainy or gritty but thick like a custard. It tastes nothing of custard but more…

"Persimmons?" He asks. "Are they related in any way?"

It's the uncle who eases off the stool, walking over with his cane to assist. "Close relation. These have more of a squash or pumpkin flavor to them, and adds some nice thickness to an orange drink. Tastes even better with honey added…"

Itachi needs no more coaxing and buys several of the pudding fruit along with careful instruction on this experimental drink. He brings the overstock of groceries home, unloads his haul then starts a light snack before the main course. Using one of the pudding fruits as instructed, Itachi concocts his own version of Minami's uncle's drink. He chills it and redirecting his attention to work stuff.

He and Sakura's home is too small to boast a home office. Itachi makes do with rearranging items to suit his reading purposes. The shogi game moves to another corner of the room, giving him enough space to put a temporary work table. The table is relatively small in size and faces towards the back garden, giving him more room if he opens the sliding doors. Tea is put on. He arranges cushions for more comfortable seating then neatly places the small stack of paperwork as well as a writing utensil before him.

Pouring tea he grabs the first stack of papers and sits back on his heels, ready to read.

The proposals given to him and Shikamaru from the village planner are all about leasing property. The Uchiha Compound is still in the cleaning and clearing phase, but several businesses inquire about the property and place their bids on the new real estate. From restaurants to furniture shops to pet stores, a wide variety of people seem interested in utilizing the space.

Itachi was admittedly skeptical at first that any business would want to do dealings in a building with such tainted history. People still manage to surprise him. Property is property and business is business.

That's all they see.

That's all he focuses on.

The land itself follows the same layout of his former home. All of the shops make up the front most part of the district in terms of where the gates are. The current workers have only been tasked with clearing the buildings then demolishing the surrounding wall, leaving the gate as a reminder of what that place once was. A second wave will come later in the year to clean everything. Once that's done, Itachi will have to make decisions on whether to lease the land or sell it out right. Some forward thinking businessmen look into both. The mixed bags of inquiries range from leasing to buying to a joint partnership on some projects. Itachi sips tea and scans flowery letters, peppered with subtle hints of their true meaning. Some make him smile while others make him snort at the attempted guise of being clever. But it seems the Hokage hasn't made it clear to whom they will have to do dealings with. Every proposal is addressed to Konoha and thus Kakashi. This preliminary batch seems unaware of the fact that the land is actually his . Any agreements made will need to be negotiated upon and finalized by him, save for the public areas that he's already agreed to donate to the Village.

Sitting a proposal for a small bank aside, Itachi reaches for more tea but doesn't drink. Fingers idly tap the porcelain cup as much more pressing thoughts come to mind.

Shikamaru mentioned once that my cooperation in the Uchiha District would be a show of solidarity towards the village. But I fear a far bigger problem is afoot...

The taps come more rhythmically as he starts blankly out at the horizon. Memories from a lifetime ago foretell a future he is leery of encountering. Because the way his friend and partner presented the solidarity resonated with Itachi on a shinobi level. Yet he will not be dealing with shinobi, but people. Regular people. Business people.

He frowns from experience, recalling every business deal he's ever made. Most of which took place in the Akatsuki and the men he encountered were degenerate swindlers.

I would hope none here will stoop so low.

But business is business and there's a formula to getting things done in such a field. As soon as the word gets out that the Itachi Uchiha owns 90% of the new neighborhood, his reputation will skyrocket among that demographic. Followed by favors, dinner requests, marriage proposals, bribes, gifts and the like. His small fortune will be his fame, even if he has no desire of being rich. Land is money and money is power and power is influence and men long for all of these things.

These letters are a testament to some of the citizen's desires. None of them seem malicious but no city is without its charlatans. Konoha is no different.

"They will pounce at the chance if they knew I was looking for a second wife." Itachi's disgust makes him frown. Things could go a number of different ways, most of which he does not want. A lot of them will undone the work he and Sakura have done. And Itachi is not willing to let her hard work be undone by greed and misunderstanding.

"I will have to curb the onslaught." Itachi reasons, takes a sip of tea then goes for pen and paper to write a rough contingency plan for both business and marriage.

The six months he'd given himself should be just enough time to solidify his choice and shutdown any other offers that might come. But he will need to make his choice now so as to dissuade anyone with vested interest in his property or their business. She will be as far removed from the Uchiha Compound as possible but also strong and able to bear and raise children in the shinobi way. If she is a shinobi then someone with no vendette or malice towards him. She needs to be trustworthy in order to persuade Kakashi but kind enough to understand the tale he and Sakura will spin. Although a small matter, a degree of attractiveness is necessary. She will be his wife after all. Itachi will love her for the mere fact of restoring his family but he would also like to like her.

With that out of the way, he makes a rough draft for business procedures. Itachi spends a good amount of time on it, working into the early evening hours. Though not the final draft by any means, Itachi is pleased with the ideas he's laid out and realizes that he will need another team to handle the sheer volume of business requests as well as someone to differ inquiries to.

"I will need to meet with Kakashi then," the Uchiha states, flexing his fingers before gathering the empted tea cup and kettle to bring to the kitchen.

The sun is already halfway through its descent when he starts dinner. Sakura hasn't made it home yet, a common occurrence these days. So he makes a simple soup with rice, has dinner alone and enjoys the pudding fruit dessert while admiring the crocus flowers in their small garden. He spends about an hour there before retiring for the night. Sakura would be home when she could be so there is no need to wait for her. He takes his medicine, showers then readies for bed. But his day's work turns into nighttime musing and Itachi lays in bed, eyes to the ceiling in contemplation until the door opens downstairs. The hour feels late and he hears her sighing as the bedroom door creaks open. The thud of a bag hits the floor and Sakura closes the door behind her, going back downstairs.

He reasons that she might be making dinner, waits for the sounds of kitchenware to move before getting up to go to the bathroom. In silence he draws a bath for her, then eases back in bed just as quiet as he left it. With her home their house feels fuller. Itachi sums it up to the ebb and flow of her chakra, not giving off any particular signals just there. The relative calmness reassures him that she is okay. He turns away from the door, returning to his earlier rudimations before giving in to tiredness. Eyes closed, the Uchiha allows his mind to drift, ignores sounds in favor of rest. Just as he is at the cusp of sleep, warmth presses against his back that startles him awake.

"Just checking," Sakura whispers.

He hadn't heard her when she came in but a brief inhale informs him she's already bathed. Itachi moves his head and shifts his eyes to see pink in the dark.

"Thanks for the bath by the way," she states.


"And the dessert, What was it?"

"A custard made from pudding fruit," he explains. "Minami recommended it."

Sakura's hand and the warmth of her chakra travel up to his neck then down the length of his arm "Lungs look good. No inflammation either. Meds must be working." she tries to stifle a yawn that slips through anyway.

He waits until she completes her exam before turning slightly in her direction. "Are you off tomorrow?"

"Technically, yeah. But I'm going to Naruto's tomorrow to check on Hinata."

Itachi slides back a few centimeters, rearranges the sheets to partition the space as much as possible. "What's happening with Hinata?"

Sakura groans softly as she gets in bed, eyes already half closed and voice filled with sleep. She mumbles through words while getting under covers and turning her back to him. "She's been having some minor complications with this pregnancy but the Hyuga midwives won't let her go to the hospital. Something about traditions or whatever."

Though the change is subtle, her chakra flexes for the briefset second. Itachi, curious, presses the conversation. "Hyuga midwives have delivered many children successfully. I am sure they have their reasons."

"There reasons are stupid and outdated. The whole point is to protect the Byakugan but what am I going to do with that ?"

"It's no insult to you." Itachi reasons.

Sakura grabs a pillow, pulls it close then buries her face in it. "Yeah well it's an insult to my skills and my friend. Stupid Hyuga."

Itachi smirks at her half sleeping complaining. Any children of his would have also been born with an Uchiha midwife and his wife would have seen only Uchiha doctors. It is traditional for all clans with innate jutsu. And Sakura's indignation is at the very thing they are using to solve a problem.

"Are all clan traditions stupid?"

She seems to have picked up on his point, looking over her shoulder slightly towards. "This one yeah. Yours...some of them are but not everything. Clans are still weird in general."

He chooses not to poke holes in her theory, detouring the conversation slightly. "Would you be able to start your training tomorrow?"

Sakura rubs her eyes then turns away from him, face once again half buried in a pillow. "I'll spar with Naruto after but then I'm done."

He nods, drawing covers near then turning away as well. "I will come after that then."

The next morning Sakura offers for him to join them but Itachi refuses. He has things to gather for the training as well as dropping off the documents he drew up yesterday.

"Another time," he says and she shrugs, giving him a time to come by later in the day.

Itachi lets her go, leaving shortly after with his own work and heads to the Hokage Tower

"The Hokage is out of the office right now." The receptionist says, handing him a rather unscrupulous note outlining to whom he should redirect in queries too.

The Uchiha groans inwardly, fighting the need to roll his eyes at the Hokage's lack of leadership-like behavior. As it stands, his line of inquiry is not mentioned on this...list.

"Lady Tsunade is in there at the moment. Do you want to leave these with her?" the receptionist offers, trying to quell his displeasure.

Itachi declines, choosing to leave the documents at the clerk's desk per the note's instructions. He has little time to go through the motions and explain things to Tsuande. But Kakashi has to come back and he is sure the man will stop off at the desk eventually.

He leaves for the Uchiha Compound, on to his second item of business.. There isn't much he needs since the majority of their time will be inside today. After convincing both Weasel and a guard that he is picking up something, they let him through on a time limit.

Despite working at his old home everyday, there is always pain here no matter how many times he comes. Memories of both good and bad, ghost and shadows vie for his attention. He closes his eyes, clears the noise, opens them then walks to his former home.

Itachi opens the sliding doors to the living area as he's done many times before. Except there is no food awaiting his arrival. No clansmen moving along the corridors to his father's office. Sasuke doesn't run to greet him. It's just him and dust and snippets in time.

He shakes his head, removes his shoes then heads towards his parents bedroom. His first time back here brought him to his knees, as not a trace of what transpired remained. It left him wondering whether Sasuke cleaned up the mess or if the Village spared the boy the trauma.

There exists a part of him that hurts when he comes here. But Itachi pushes it aside to look for a small personal journey. He goes to their closet and with great reverence, opens drawers that haven't been touched in years. It's hard to skip over familiar things, jewelry and trinkets and winter scarves. At one particular scarf he has no choice but to stop, sitting back on his heels as he pulls it out and into his lap.


Its softness is just as he remembers, fingers fan over the tightly woven black fibres. Giving over to memory, Itachi brings it to his face and rubs the material against his cheek. Though faint and tangled with the stale odor of storage, he smells his mom and his heart sinks.

This was her favorite scarf. She wore it almost everyday in winter. Itachi distinctly remembers the rare occasion she let him wear it when they went to the fish market. He had a mild cold but insisted on coming. She kneeled down in front of him and bound the scarf around and up to his cheeks. She smiled at him and told him he would be protected against any cold. Itachi was young enough to believe the scarf was strong enough to protect him simply because she said it could.

He brings it to his neck but it is much smaller on him now. Itachi loops it around once and tucks the excess into his shirt then continues his hunt until he finds the book.

Pocketing it, he stands having no further reason to be here. After putting everything back in its place, he goes to meet his escort at the front door.

The Anbu makes no remark about the scarf, letting Itachi through to leave. He brings his items home, sitting the book on the table and making himself a quick lunch before leaving once more, following the pull of Sakura's chakra.

It's strange, he thinks, how in such a short time this little oddity they share is commonplace. An oddity that only he knows about as far as he can tell. Itachi contemplates explaining in further detail exactly what he feels when he says he feels her. He could explain but the last time that happened, she shut him out unconsciously. Her chakra withdrew in moments. He doesn't want that to happen again, especially since he wants to explore it to its fullest extent.

As of now, he's narrowed down and categorized feelings into warm and round, sharp and precise then withdrawn. But even that has variations and her mood plays a huge part in it. Positive feels warm her chakra, smoothing sharp edges to something more tender. Skepticism is either scattered waves of back and forth, up and down or a harsh wall to indicate hesitation. When she needs to take control, her chakra feels in control like thick tendrils grabbing everything in sight.

By far the most amazing thing is when she feels there is a threat. Like a good medic, Sakura's chakra almost feels like a shield, hiding you and her from danger. Protecting those she cares about even without really knowing she's doing it. He's only felt that twice before. Both times were slightly different because of her motivation.

When Itachi was sick, her shield was comforting, soft and soothing. If he needed any reassurance of his safety, she'd done that and then some. The second time was on the bench in his mother's garden. It was only for a few seconds at most but her chakra shot up and swaddled him. She didn't need to say anything because he felt her trying to ward off bad thoughts. Her chakra screamed defense, posed to ponce on an invisible enemy. Itachi could do nothing but smile at the almost possessive way she attempted to protect him.

Every day is a little bit different and today is no exception. He knows she's using her chakra by the feeling of it. But that's all it is: a feeling . It feels warm, it feels hot, it feels like it takes a certain shape. His mind fills in the rest and it gives her chakra color. Medical chakra by its nature is green but Sakura's chakra? Sakura's chakra is a blazen, fiery, dainty, sparkling pink . As complex as the woman who wields it and as shifting as the seasons.

Sometimes it pulls him.

And he follows colors and sensations and sharp edges.

The training grounds they are in is a popular one. Open to all, littered with tall trees and clears alike. Winter tetters between fading and getting its last hurrah. The day is warmer than the days before, sunny and pleasant. He takes to the shadows cast by tree trucks on a small hill, listening to a sparring match between old friends, moderated by the Hokage of all people.

"So he is here…" Itachi subciously reaches for the scarf, rubbing his hands against it as he scans the terrain.

He's tested this theory on several occasions and found that Sakura is not the only person he senses on an almost intimate level.

I can sense the Nine Tails chakra in Naruto. They two have become inseparable.

Uchiha have always been sensitive to the malicious chakra that can make a man's blood run cold. As a child the Kyubi was this untamed beast but recent years changed his perception. Naruto tends to do that or so he's heard. At the moment, that same vibrant chakra dances lightly across the field. No malice or murderous intent: harnessed and almost as sharp as Sakura's pinpoint precision.

Naruto is easy to spot because he doesn't hide. He's even easier to be noticed because his chakra hangs over the Village like a covering, reminding those that reside within that they are safe. This chakra is unmistakable, unlike so many others. If not for visibly seeing them he would not have guessed that Kakashi or their other audience were present.

Looking ahead, he watches Hinata sitting a good distance away with a happily squealing Boruto plucking at blades of brown grass. Neither of them quite show up on his radar like Sakura does. By all accounts, he would not be able to distinguish them from any other presence he senses.

It is only Sakura…

Leaning his back against a nearby tree, thoughts come and go in quick succession all pointing towards one goal. He will freely admit that five years ago, he needed such singularity. A sudden rush of new life would overwhelm any man. There was little time to explain. All he knew was to save Konoha and it was enough. Outside of the mission, outside of Sakura, there only exists uncertainties and unknowns. Questions he has yet to navigate or even ask to find out how to proceed. There is no one to ask aside from himself. Everyone outside only gives directives, where he should go, how he should live. Five years ago he let them lead because it's taken him that long to find stable ground and set his own goals.

My desire has always been for the betterment of those who reside here .

Slightly narrowed eyes, observant and clear, follow Boruto's movements across the grass. The child takes heaps of it into his chubby fingers then runs back to his mother to show her his prize. Itachi finds himself smiling softly at the scene, a future he helped to secure and protect.

The Massacre fell short of this goal but he was determined to secure it, even at the risk of losing a most beloved brother.

He'd mentally prepared for his own personal agony but did not prepare himself for Sakura's.

The rain did nothing to drown it out. Even if it could, Itachi would know the sound immediately, the shrill cry of one who realizes too late the consequences of their actions. The resolution to fate but desperate to fight against. The agony of loss and pain with the guilt of knowingly being the cause.

It stopped him in his tracks. Under the shroud of a rainstorm created by his brother's infamous attack, he clung to Sasuke's lifeless body, off-balanced and winded by an invisible blow. He clung and cried, and cringed and cursed the circumstances that put him in the same situation twice. Sakura's distraught was the same as his aunt, his uncle, his cousin, his neighbor. A pleading, suffocating, suffering sound, begging for mercy, beckoning him to stop. But he couldn't. The deed was done, Sasuke was dead. There he was, covered in the blood of someone dear with the screams of another at his back.

Too familiar.

Too close.

Too much.

He could do nothing to save his family. But Sakura? She was alive and within reach. She gave him life to take a life. For him that was enough to be in her debt.

One mission became two.

Konoha and kunoichi.

He contented himself with following through and following-up with both.

We did what needed to be done, she and I, for our own personal missions. For the sake of Konoha. For the sake of peace.

Yet Kakashi spoke to him before as if there were more to the story. As if his view of what his partner wishes is wrong.

From his perspective, Sakura has always had one goal.

She craves to be done with this, to be done with me. To be left alone. She deserves hope for a future she desires.

Is that not his motivating convictions? To provide hope for the future of all of Konoha? Otherwise the Massacre was for nothing.

A disgruntled sigh escapes and he looks at the sky. The Massacre stopped everything and started it anew. Such large scale consequences I could not control. But this is different.

Dark eyes narrow beneath the shadows of the tree trunk, looking on as the two teammates square off with each other. Kakashi tags in. A quick exchange of words happens before Naruto runs over to Sakura's side. The blond points his finger, self assured and rightly smug while Sakura holds her hips. If he has to guess, a challenge will emerge. Seconds later, the three take to the skies.

Itachi watches their ascent and, sure enough, Naruto's shadow clones surround Kakashi, engulfing his form.

"It is a substitution." he says, honestly surprised that the future Hokage missed the transformation.

Sakura is a bit quicker on the change, dropping to the ground and looking around for where the older shinobi is hiding. Itachi scans around as well, spotting the looming shadow from amidst a tree branch. Apparently Sakura did as well because moments later she's scaling it, pooling chakra into her feet to run up the trunks. Fingers cross and two shadow clones pop into existence. Kakashi only has a few heartbeats to make a move before she catches him. The clone runs around the other side while the real Sakura charges him. Kakashi pushes off the branch just as her feet come down on it, shattering it into several pieces. But he doesn't notice the shadow clone that gets him from behind. It's too late though and she pulls him down to earth where Naruto waits, ready to attack.

Not alone. Itachi concludes while watching them go round for round. She is most at home around those she cares for. If not loneliness, then what does she want? Friendship? Companionship?

Kakashi told him to assess and consider. Itachi thought he'd done that already. What did he miss?

There is nothing left to consider...

Ensuring the happiness of an entire Village is near impossible. Especially since he is no longer classified as a shinobi. But securing a future for one person, this person , is well within his reach.

"It's too pretty a day to be creepy."

He tsks at the whisper, eyes sliding shut though it does nothing as wind brushes past his cheeks. "I am waiting."

"On what? The gods to speak?" Izumi's arms are the barest caress across his shoulders, circling around his neck as if reaching through the tree to embrace him. "You could go over there and wait with them. Standing 100 feet away, peeking through the trees covered in a black cloak makes you look like a stalker."

"I care very little about appearances. You should know this more than any one."

Izumi hums and the faint scent of orange tickles his nose. "Are you going to tell her today?"

"Only what needs to be known." Itachi whispers.

She tugs harshly at his collar, grumbling in his ear. "How come Shisui gets a proper mention and not me? He told me, you know and now he won't stop talking about it."

His fingers twitch with a desire to touch arms that aren't there. The weight on his shoulders isn't real and reaching up will only see him touching his neck. Sighing, he tries to push off the tree. Surprisingly Izumi let's him, the air stirring around him as she lets go.

"You are not Shisui," he mutters, eyes averted as memories of times past remind him of what they were.

Izumi takes steps forward and Itachi's gaze shifts sideways. He watches her solid form come right up to his side but poses to disappear the minute he looks directly at her. Her brown hair catches the wind as if she were human. As if she were alive. He wonders for a moment if she resents him at all for the way he killed her.

He'd thought giving her all that they wanted was the least he could do. Waking up on the other side of eternity realizing it all was a lie must have been miserable.

But Izumi's smile is pleasantly soft. She grabs her elbows, leaning to the side so that he just barely feels the brush of her hip. Itachi knows the minute her face turns and leans forward to look at him that she's forgiven him a long time ago.

"I'm no different than anyone else you care about." Izumi teases then, with a kind smile, she adds. "I'm not jealous either that you'll finish your vow with someone else."

She pauses and her eyebrows lift in the center, dipping in the corners as concern takes hold. "Are you worried about that?"

Itachi exhales slowly and tired. "I never considered you being jealous…"

"But you don't want to go on without me?"

He hesitates because the truth is he's struggled going on without all of them. Though he's made up his mind about doing what he wants to live. Though he's decided that he will live. It doesn't always take away the reality that the rest of his family is dead.

And that he killed them.

And that he should be dead too.

He feels the scarf around his neck and it suddenly becomes more choking than comforting.

"Close your eyes, Itachi." Izumi orders.

And he does without a second thought because his mind wanders places he would rather not go right now. Her hands are on his face. Cheek and cheek, she pulls down until his forehead feels the cool of her forehead. Orange and jasmine and her smell fills the space around. Itachi takes a deep breath for several reasons and Izumi hums her approval while whispering softly to him.

"When are you going to get out of your head?" She chides him with a soft chuckle. "Do you want to know what I think?"

"Tell me."

"I think as soon as you find someone who loves you just as much as you love this Village and you love your family and you love Sasuke, you won't need me or Shisui anymore. I won't be sad when that day comes because I know you'll be taken care of. All I want is your happiness."

"I have not been happy for a long time." Itachi admits.

Izumi chuckles playfully. "I know. Such a grump. You could be if you tried. This is your moment."

"My happiness will be assured eventually…"

"That's not what you're concerned about, is it?"

Itachi shakes his head slightly. "Not at the moment. There are others..."

Izumi pulls back. "Why don't you just ask her what makes her happy?"

"I thought I did."

"Well ask again. Or give her options. Sometimes we don't know what we want until it's presented to us…"

Just as those words are spoken, Itachi senses his partner's eyes on him.

Izumi chuckles. "I guess that's my cue. Talk to Sakura. She isn't so far removed that she won't understand."

Just like that, phantom senses fade. Itachi looks up to Sakura watching him intently. Her chakra matches her expression, the same as the night he came home feeling sick. Cautious and concerned.

Naruto's waving frantically for him to join them in the field while Kakashi waits near Hinata. He obliged, closing the distance and going to Sakura's side.

Naruto is the first to speak, stepping around the ladies to meet him where he is. "I thought you were gonna stand there all day."

The Uchiha braces for the embrace, not bothered by Naruto's sweat from sparring or the familiarity with which the blond treats him.

"I was watching the match," he says.

Naruto chuckles cheekily and rubs his neck. "You should have joined us. It could've been two on two instead of us tag-teaming against Kakashi."

"Perhaps another time, Naruto. I did not come particularly prepared to spar. I was simply looking for Sakura."

Pink brows draw together and Sakura allows her confusion to manifest in several blinks. When it clicks, the shift is almost dizzying. Bright, shimmery, excited .


"Ohh," Sakura practically sings. "Is it about the thing?"

He nods once.

"Okay," turning her attention to the crowd, Sakura looks at Hinata. "I'll come by another time so we can talk more about those symptoms you're having."

Hinata reaches down to scoop Boruto into her arms. "If you want, sure. The midwives may be a bit put out again…"

"Let them be put out," Sakura states. "You're basically like a sister to me and I want to be there for you. I get that it's a clan thing but still. You need a good medic. I'm a good medic. Case closed."

A blush sprinkles the other woman's face. "I wouldn't want to take too much of your time, Sakura. I know that you and Itachi are busy with what's going on at the Old Uchiha Compound."

"You've heard of it?" Itachi cuts in, genuinely surprised.

"Who hasn't?" Hinata questions. "My father was talking it over with some advisors days ago. He thinks the idea of a cultural center is interesting."

Itachi hums his approval. "I haven't gotten around to speak with the Clans for their support but would indulge a meeting if Hisahi-sama is willing."

"I'll let him know then."

"Thank you, Hinata-san."

She smiles kindly to him before looking over to Naruto. "I'm going to go get him ready for bed. Will you still be working with Kakashi-sama tonight?"

Naruto looks over to where Kakashi should have been but Itachi notices the absences of the Hokage before anyone else realizes he's left. Naruto's whine and Sakura's gripe must have been a familiar scene as it only makes Hinata laugh.

"This disappearing act is getting old really quick." Sakura complains.

Itachi steps up, offering comforting words to the visibly sullen blond. "Perhaps a lesson in what to be is in order?"

Shoulders hung, Naruto only grabs his hair. "Kakashi's been doing this for years."

" Years ." Sakura reiterates. "I don't know what he was like when he was your Anbu captain but for us he was either late or missing or both on the same day."

Itachi thinks back to his Anbu days. Kakashi is far different from what he is now. Calculating and distant but there. He did disappear on them plenty of times but never during critical moments. These days, he would hardly say the reasoning is the same. The Hokage seems to be stuck in old ways but not old motivations.

"I'll find him," Naruto declares, rotating his shoulders with a grin that promised success.

Itachi nods. "When you do, let him know I left documents for him to review with the receptionist."

A grin is enough and with a kiss to Hinata's forehead, Naruto disappears in a poof of smoke. Itachi turns to Sakura.

"Shall we accompany Hinata home first?"

Hinata blinks. "You don't have to."

But Sakura jumps in, waving a hand and reaching for a sleeping Boruto. "It's fine. We can walk with you."

Hinata hands over the boy with ease then cradles her slightly swollen belly. "Thank you Sakura and Itachi-san."

The three of them head out of the training grounds. Itachi lingers behind a few steps while Sakura keeps pace with Hinata. The two women talk for most of the walk. Sakura keeps the conversation going with several topics, causing Hinata to laugh and smile. He watches without focusing, only giving his full attention when Sakura occasionally glances back at him. He settles into slow strides, occasionally touching his chin to his mother's scarf as they meander through the streets. Passersby go mostly unnoticed but he's aware of every one of them. A silent shadow behind both women, he lets his mind wander to what will happen after. His mother's book will help Sakura and hopefully speed up her learning. He considers Izumi's recommendation though he sees no real point in doing so. What good would it do for Sakura to know that he has indeed been through this process once before. Or intended to start it.

Itachi stares at her back, wondering why.

Relatability perhaps.

As far as Sakura knows, he would eventually get married. She did not know that he'd initiated the conversation with his mother. True enough it would have been his duty to choose an Uchiha bride but Itachi was a step ahead as usual. He'd found someone on his own and wanted to initiate the process before anyone else even considered him for it. Maybe Izumi means to ease Sakura's consciousness about his choice. Or to show her that he too knows the loss of love and a hope for a future.

Sakura rarely speaks of Sasuke anymore. Not to me…

His brows furrow and he tunes into the conversation about pottery. Perhaps not to me. She has others to talk to .

For the briefest moments Itachi imagines Izumi following Sakura, listening to private moments between friends. It stops him in his tracks, eyes widening slightly because where does she go when she leaves?

"Itachi? Is something wrong?" Sakura gets his attention. "The house is right here…"

He refocuses, bringing himself back to the present. "I'm fine, Sakura."

She looks over him, glances at Hinata and then back to him. "Okay well, we're almost there."


Sakura waits a moment then turns slow, walking with Hinata again for a few more feet to their front door. Itachi hangs back while Boruto is transferred between the two. With a promise to visit soon, Sakura meets him at the gate to the Uzumaki home.

"Are you sure you're fine?" she presses, walking through the gate he holds open for her.

"Yes." he says but adds just to be sure... "Do you smell orange and jasmine?"

"Orange and jasmine?" Sakura takes a deep breath and then another. "I smell...air. Do you smell orange and jasmine?"

Itachi says nothing.

"Oh wait, is this a test?" she asks. "Are we starting training right now? Does that mean something, orange and jasmine?"

He shakes his head. "Have you smelled this fragrance before?"

She shrugs, lacing her fingers behind her as they walk towards their home underneath the orange red skies. Itachi watches her out of the corner of his eye, waiting for her response.

"At the flower shop, maybe? It's in some perfumes I've tried. It's a little too sweet smelling for me. But I've smelt it before. Is it important? Why'd you ask me that?"

He considers saying nothing but changes his mind and offers parts of the truth. "I'm partial to the scent."

Sakura looks at him in disbelief. "You like it?"


"Oh." Sakura hesitates then stretches her arms over her head. "That's...good to know I guess. Maybe you're smelling it because you're thinking about flowers. Or it could be phantosmia."

He raises a brow, prompting her to go on.

"Phantosmia is a phantom smell. Where you smell things that aren't really there. It's common in people who recover from a respiratory infection. You were sick not too long ago and your lungs were filled with fluids. Though not an inflection, your body responds like there is an infection with fluid and inflammation."

"I see."

"Yeah, so just monitor when that happens and I bet they coincide with your flare ups. At least it's a smell you like. Some people smell metal or sulfur. The body is weird and amazing that way."

Itachi takes the opportunity to change the subject. "Is that why you studied the body?"

His partner laughs. "That's why I study it now . Back then when I was searching for Lady Tsuande, I just wanted to find something I could do . Instead I found something I love."

"You don't regret it."

"Never." Sakura declares, full of passion and resolve. "Medicine never gets old. There's always something to learn, somewhere to grow. Something to discover. I'm never bored and am always challenged. Case in point."

She gestures towards him with a smile. "I don't think I would've considered being a medic if not for everything going on. So I guess I really have Naruto and Sasuke to thank for that. They pushed me towards my passion without even knowing it."

"You chose your own personal legend." Itachi states.

As expected, she looks confused. "My what ?"

They turn a corner. Itachi lays out a truth he'd read years ago. "A personal legend is a desire deep within ourselves to be more, to live for a purpose greater than ourselves. When we decide to live out our personal legend, everything in the universe comes together to make it happen. You desired to do something and that desire led you to where you are now. Everything along the way only helped you to find your personal legend. But you chose it."

Sakura looks contemplative at him then looks back out at the road. He isn't sure what she's thinking as her expression cools to something neutral. Her chakra gives him nothing either and not for the first time.

He would not know her simply by checking the sharp or roundness of her chakra. People are far more complicated.

Itachi dismisses his own thoughts, resolving to let Sakura reveal her musings when she is ready.

And she does with a simple question. "What's your personal legend?"

An easy question with an easy answer.

"To free Sasuke." he says.

Sakura tilts her head at him much in the same way Izumi did earlier. "Maybe six years ago. What's your personal legend now?"

Very true.

His eyes slant oblique towards the anticipation in her face. Sakura knows his answer for he has made it known on several occasions.

"To free you."

"After that…?"

That question is far more challenging. He shrugs a shoulder, offering honesty. "It remains to be found."

She sighs. "How about we do those last two together and at the same time? Speaking of, can I shower first before we start training? Being clean helps me think."

He doesn't question her process, inclining his head to the request.

When they make it home, Sakura rushes upstairs to the bathroom. Itachi goes about making an orange juice and pudding fruit drink. He chills it while arranging the living room to suit their purposes. Every training has to start from the beginning and this is where he intends to start today.

His mother's scarf is close by, folded and settled on the floor next to his seat cushion. When Sakura comes bolting down the stairs, hair still slightly wet and a notebook in her hands, he looks over to her while sitting their treats down. Her eyes light up, landing on the journal in the center of the table.

"I have a textbook?" she asks, moving her cushion closer to lean her elbows on the table.

Itachi smiles at the lightness in the air around her for he can all but taste her enthusiasm. This is as close as he thinks he's gotten to making her happy. It's an accomplishment he flies away for no other reason than to say that he had. Sliding her drink and spoon across the table, Itachi takes a seat on the cushion closest to the way where his mother's scarf lay. Sakura's already flipping through her book and writing things down. He waits for her to finish, letting his arms rest on his knees, a statuesque picture of patience

"Okay." she declares, custard and spoon in hand. "I'm ready."

Itachi nods in response, bringing his own dessert closer. "We're going to start from the beginning."

As soon as the words are out of his mouth, Sakura flags him to stop as she swallows. "Is that what the book is for?"

"Yes and no."

She pauses, Itachi assumes for him to continue but he waits for the inevitable question that soon follows.

"Are you going to explain it then?" she questions.

He offers her the faintest twitch of his lip as if to say that is what I am trying to do. Sakura shakes her and rolls her eyes.

"Go on…"

Itachi does just that.

"The book belongs...belonged to my mother. She used this to teach me some of the basics about courtship and flowers. You will use it to study but it is incomplete. I will teach you the rest."

"Can I open it now?"

"Not yet. There is a tale you need to hear first."

"Oh," Sakura sits back then resituates herself on the cushion. Pen in one hand, custard spoon in the other. "Really ready."

"Very well," Itachi says, then continues with a tale older than the foundations of Konoha. "Courtship has changed many times. Mine will not look like my father's nor does my father's look like my grandfather's. Regardless of intricacies, all of them start from one legend. The garden of two sisters."

"...the garden of two...sisters…" Sakura repeats in mumbles, writing it down in her notebook then looking back up to him.

"It is the story of flowers, two sisters and one man." Itachi says then huffs as she immediately interrupts him again.

"Don't tell me some guy dated two sisters." Sakura asks in disgust.

"Listen to the story," he calmly instructs and much to his gratitude, she does. "A young Uchiha farmer fell in love with a merchant's daughter. They would see each other when he sold goods from house to house. When he had no work, they would be seen in the flowering fields together. During this time marriages were approved by fathers and sealed with the payment of a bride price. The farmer could not afford the cost of his intended and worked twice as hard to save money for their marriage. However, the father grew impatient, claiming the farmer did not love his daughter but merely enjoyed her company. The farmer denied the allegation and begged for the chance to marry her by any cost. So the father laid out a plan for him to prove his love."

Itachi pauses, giving Sakura time to finish writing her notes. She prompts him to keep going so he continues

"The father told him: 'If you truly love my daughter then let me offer you a test. Should you pass the test, I will let you marry my daughter and it will be your bride price.' The farmer readily agreed and demanded to know what he must do. The first test challenged how much he knew her personality. She and her sister would plant separate gardens at the edge of the flowering field. Since this is where they frequented, he needed to select flowers from her garden. The second test challenged his physical knowledge of his intended, for she and her sister were twins. Once he had his bouquet, he needed to present it to the right sister. The father warned that since the test was his bride price, whomever he presented to, that is who he will marry."

"The farmer waited for one month for the small gardens to be planted. When he received instructions, he went to the field. The legend says he picked the flowers in seconds. Overcome with joy at being correct, he ran all the way to his intended's house. He knew this was the time of day she normally fed the chickens, and headed straight towards the chicken coup, bouquet outstretched for her to take it. When she looked up at him, his smile immediately fell, for it was not his intended at all, but her sister."

He stops because this time he can feel her chakra, sizzling quietly below the surface. A prominent frown decorates her features and Sakura, leaning back on her heels, looking shamelessly dissatisfied.

"You are not pleased," he wagers.

Sakura leans her elbows on the table. "I thought this was supposed to be a love story?"

Itachi cocks his brow. "I never said as such."

"Yeah but this is the story of courtship. Courtship is about love ! This guy is about to marry the wrong sister!"

"The story isn't finished."

"It doesn't matter." Sakura complains, rolling her eyes in a huff. "He did all of that work for nothing. Or does he get a second chance?"

Itachi shakes his head. "The father saw him coming afar off and stood in the doorway watching. Once the bouquet was offered, the bride price was paid. They were by all accounts, married at that moment."

"Where was the sister?"

"On that day she attended her mother to the market so her sister did her chores for her. When she heard what happened, she fell into despair and planted new flowers that spoke of her everlasting love for him. Every day the farmer would leave his home and wife, go to the fields and pick the flowers she planted then leave her a token of his lasting affections. Although they could not physically be together, her flowers and his token spoke of their love. As for his wife, she too planted flowers in the fields, hoping he would see hers and pick hers as well. Her flowers spoke of longing and lost and the unmet desires of a wife. After years of planting the gardens grew until they stood side by side: flowers of love and flowers of longing."

His partner signs heavily, biting her lip in obvious discontentment. Itachi waits for her to gather her words and takes to eating his dessert while she voices her thoughts.

"Nobody wins here." Sakura says with a frown. "The man doesn't marry the woman he loves. The woman loses her sister and her future husband and the other sister is stuck in a loveless marriage where her husband is indirectly cheating on her. And this is how Uchiha courtship starts?"

Itachi swallows. "It is the source of the language flowers. Courtship is the story of love and longing, of desire and distance. It is love under control."

"This story is sad." Sakura points out.

"Courtship is not." Itachi counters.

He tries not to smirk at her pout, finishing his dessert while she muses. His reaction to this story wasn't quite so...candid. Perhaps because his mother told it better. Maybe because he knew that there was happiness to be found even if there was none in the legend.

Mother simply said this was how courtship started but it is not how it ends. Itachi's leg brushes against the scarf on the floor. Reassured and determined to proceed, he finishes the pudding fruit custard and picks up where his mother left off. Leaning forward, he slides the book to her across the table.

"Shall we continue?"

Sakura dismisses his question with a sully wave of her hand. "Yeah sure. It can't get any worse right?"
"Why are you disappointed?" He asks in genuine curiosity of her displeasure.

"Because!" Sakura declares, looking at him and then away. Dropping her chin in her palm, her free hand taps the table and she stares at the living room door. "I don't know, I feel like everything with you guys starts with tragedy. Guess I was hoping for a good story for once."

Green eyes find him in hesitation, looking away just as quickly and then back again. Itachi realizes with a start that her chakra feels far, tight and...withdrawn.


He's felt this in passing but could not put a name to it. Seeing her face confirms his theory though it clears up nothing. What is she uncertain about? Her desire for Uchiha to have a happy beginning and a happy ending? His reaction to her kindness? Both?

Itachi offers her hope. "We are only at the start, Sakura. Courtship should always end in happiness, if done correctly. Open the book."

She obeys, pulling it closer and looking at the very first page. Itachi's eyes rest on the drawing and his heart smiles. Most didn't know his mother's talents. But when blooms were few, she took to illustrating the flowers for him and he was commissioned with filling in the colors.

"It's a daffodil." his partner states. "This drawing is beautiful."

Itachi chooses to skip over the collaborative efforts for a later time. "They are also a great flower to explain courtship. All flowers fall into two categories. What are they?"

"You're asking me?"

"Hnn. To see if you are paying attention."
"Flowers of longing. Flowers of love."

"Correct," Itachi confirms. "Within these categories are subcategories. Longing can be of lost or desire. Love can be platonic or romantic. There are also flowers that are both longing and love. There are different flowers with the same meaning as certain flowers only bloom during certain seasons. There are fall courtship flowers and there are spring courtship flowers. Knowing the difference makes the messages clearer. Do you understand?"


"Very good." Itachi points to the page, drawing her attention downwards. "Daffodils begin a spring courtship by indicating preference. To give a daffodil means you prefer this person to all others. Daffodils are among the few flowers that are never paired with another. Because of the sap they release when cut, a daffodil will inevitably kill any other plant it shares a bouquet with. Hence why this is the flower of preference. There is no other with it."

"That's...really sweet actually." she says, brushing her finger along the old page. "So you use a flower that doesn't allow other flowers to be around it. By its nature, daffodils prefer to be alone. Do all flowers go into detail like this?"

"No. Some are much simpler or the meanings have changed over time. There are also flowers added that were giving meanings after becoming popular."

"If you like someone, you give them a daffodil?" Sakura asks.


"That means...this is a flower of love?"

"Of longing." Itachi corrects. "They are meant to make the intended aware of her suitor's hopes. After marriage, it is not unheard of for husbands to occasionally give daffodils as a reminder but there are other flowers to show preference with regards to love. Daffodils are far more...innocent."

"Why are the men giving the flowers? Do the women give bouquets too?"

He inclines his head, shifting a bit in his seat. "Traditionally it is the men who give bouquets. Women also give flowers but not in the same way."

Something like indignation crosses her features and shifts the air. "So if a girl liked a guy she couldn't just give him a daffodil?"

I see. Itachi thinks, noting the annoyance under control. He is not surprised by this response at all. Courtship is an old practice that does not always fit in a modern world.

Old doesn't mean wrong and new isn't necessarily better.

"There are roles in courtship." he says slowly, carefully. "No one role is greater than another but all work together. Women use flowers to make their desires known. If a woman prefers a man, she may wear a daffodil in her hair or sit it on a seal where others could see she has her eye on someone. Men use flowers to provide their ability to fulfil or make their vows. If it is known that she has a choice, it is the man's job to find out what she likes."

"So the girl just stands there and waits around for some guy to realize she likes him?"

"Courtship is active from both parties." Itachi quickly corrects. "If a woman wants to be courted by a man, she will make sure he knows that her desires lay only with him by choosing flowers that send messages only he would know. It is like mother says, women set the pace for courtship and men keep it going during marriage."

"Sounds like patriarchy to me but okay. He gives her the daffodil to let her know he likes only her. Correct?"



"Have you forgotten that courtship is a game of distance? The courter does not give the flower directly. Instead he uses a go-between to pass his messages along. A mutual party that both persons trust."

Understanding dawns, Sakura taps the daffodil in his mother's notebook. "That's going to be my role."

"Yes. Traditionally go betweens were chosen by the family of the intended. They were used to ensure sincerity on the part of the suitor. If the go-between found the suitor to be unable to uphold his vow, then the go-between would recommend ending the courtship. Recently, this person has been chosen by the two parties involved, usually a friend, that could properly convey the meanings of flowers."

Sakura twirls the pen in her hands. "I'll be the one to explain that you're not just being nice when you send some girl a dozen daffodils."

He huffs, frowning slightly at the mere thought. "I would never be so desperate as to send twelve daffodils . One will suffice. Two is being generous."

She pauses and stares at him for several seconds before, much to his surprise, she laughs. A brief, curt chuckle that develops into a full on laugh to the point she covers her mouth and offers an apology in the form of a frantic hand wave.

"I, sorry" Sakura wheezes between breaths. Itachi only blinks, face devoid of any particular expression at her mirth. "You looked so serious and I just...I hadn't expected you to answer that way. Is that some faux pas or something? I thought you guys were all about bouquets?"

His brow slowly raises at her explanation. Itachi looks down at her with a mixture of amusement and unabashed haughtiness. Did she not expect him to take this seriously? He wouldn't have suggested it if he was not going to do it right. True there were some things he simply couldn't with help. But this , this is elementary.

Itachi lays out the lack of propriety in her recommendation, pointing out the equivalent to what she suggested. "I will make my preferences known but I will not beg. One flower is enough to show regard just as one statement is enough to state one's feelings."

His statement helps her contain her laughter enough to offer a slightly rebuttal. "You're the only one who knows that. No other woman in the Village will understand why you're giving them one flower."

"Incorrect," He informs. " You will know."

Sakura's mouth opens then closes a bit, his scrupulous reply drawing a bit more concentration to her features. He wonders if, up until this point, she did not realize that he would follow the rules of courtship so conscientiously. Her eagerness to learn seems to have been contingent on some shortcuts somewhere along the way.

What will you do now, Sakura?

This is her idea, afterall and he agreed to finding a second wife per her recommendation of the Clan Provisions. This is the way he would have done it regardless of the circumstances. His partner appears to have picked up on his desire to thoroughly follow through, if her contemplative continence are anything to go by. Sakura's fingers tap the table and she leans her chin into one of her palms.

When her eyes meet his, Itachi thinks he is ready for whatever she has to say but is slightly caught off guard by her questions. "Can you show me what I'm supposed to do in this situation?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like an example scenario," she elaborates. "Say you give me a daffodil to give to someone, what exactly am I supposed to do with it or say to her?"

He hadn't considered giving a demonstration up until this point. Itachi nods because it makes sense now that he thinks about it. Some things are better taught through action and the more comfortable and familiar Sakura is with the practice, the better it will go for all of them.

I'll be sure to make stops at the Yamanaka shop for our next teaching sessions.

For now Itachi beckons her to follow, already standing to venture outside. Sakura does as she's told, leaving her note book behind to linger near the door inside the house while he steps off the porch into their backyard.

These days he's been far too busy or sick to tend to his garden. A pity really as you would be useful at the moment . Thankfully the flora he planted in early winter seem to be fair well with the occasional rain and warm mornings. Despite the chill in the air, the crouses are still in bloom. Itachi goes to the flowerbeds closest to the foundation of their house. The pinkish purple little flowers give easily to his touch, though he would have preferred trimming them with his shears. After two quick plucks, he meets Sakura by the door, flowers behind his back.

"I will be you and you will be her." he informs. "I will show you first then answer any questions afterwards. To avoid confusion, I will still use our names."

She stands a bit straighter, watching him with a calculating look he's seen on several occasions. It's the look of one used to dissecting things to its smallest degree. It's cold, concentrated and observant, clinical . Itachi gives her room to commit to memory as much as she likes. When green eyes land on his hidden arm, he holds back his approval of her narrowing eyes.

Very good .

Even without a notebook she's taking notes and he sees glimpses of what her medical studies must have been like. "Good afternoon, Sakura. Do you have a moment?" Itachi starts.

Sakura's eyes jump to his face, as if remembering what they were doing. Back straight, she tucks her hands behind her back and relaxes into a more welcoming stance.

"Hey... you , I'm not busy at all. Did you need something?"

"I have a gift for you from Itachi." he moves his hand from behind his back and holds up the flower. "Since you agreed to go through with assisting us, he asked me to give you this daffodil."

The switch between character and student is interesting. Sakura keeps her eyes on the flower and he can see the questions behind them. "That's very nice of him. Do Uchiha normally give just one flower as a gift?"

She doesn't ask what he thinks she will but a valid question nonetheless. Twirling the steam between his fingers, he takes a half step in her direction. Closing the distance just enough to fill most of her field of vision, Sakura does a good job of hiding her internal reaction but the briefest flare in chakra gives her away. It's gone as soon as it comes and she's back to studying his body language.

For Itachi, her reaction is wholly appropriate to the situation as his movement is meant to incite curiosity and excitement. Courtship is a game of both afterall. Flowers are only a part of it and as his go-between, she needs to bring the added elements of intrigue.

Remember this moment . He thinks then continues with their scenario.

"Daffodils are used to show preference or put simply, attention and interest. That is to say, something about you has caught his attention and incited his interest."

She rocks back on the foot that's slightly behind her, creating a little space between them. "I didn't realize, there was interest."

"Hnn. The flower is a testament to his thoughts towards you."

Sakura quickly clears her throat, then addresses the obvious. "If it's mine, why haven't you actually given it to me yet?"

His approval appears as a slight twitch in his lips. Sakura reponses with a look of her own. Clever girl .

Her reactions are in tantum with one expects in this situation. Though there are no set rules as to how an intended is supposed to respond, there should be a response. Preferably a good.

She plays her part well.

"I'm doing so on purpose." Itachi finally tells her. "Courtship is always voluntary even though you agreed to assist. There is no obligation here and you have three ways to appropriately respond to his declaration. First, you can refuse to take it and deny him outright. Second, you can take it and wear it on your person to show your complete acceptance of his advances. Third, you can take it and place it somewhere of importance like the window seal of your home or office for him to find. This says that you are...considerate of his feelings but not wholly impressed."

She purses her lips at the last one with questions in her gaze. "Is that an insult or a compliment?"

"It's an invitation of a different kind. Putting it somewhere he sees that is not you means, as most would say, playing hard to get."

Her concentration breaks just long enough for a brief titter of shock. Sakura bites her lip to hold it back. When he extends his hand for her to make a choice, she forces a straight face.

"You want me to take it?"

He tilts his head curiously at the inflection in her tone. "The choice is yours."
"Are we still role-playing?"


"Oh." his partner hesitates but reaches up for the flower, taking it from him without making eye contact. "So what am I supposed to do now?"

"An appropriate question," Itachi encourages, "What you do with the flower is entirely up to you. You can send him a message with a flower of your own but for now, your actions will be sufficient.

"What if I hide it somewhere he can never find it?" Sakura challenges with enough hidden mischief that Itachi takes the time to ponder yet another unforseen scenario.

His mother never said anything about a situation like that though and he reasons it may have been very rarely done.

Not wholly unimpressed because she took it but not impressed enough to indicate interest.

An entirely tantalizing situation at best and something he would not turn down if presented. "Then I would say you have his attention, interest and intrigue. He would see it as a challenge."

Sakura takes another step back towards their living room. "Challenge it is then," she states and emphasises it by hitting her fists in her palm. "Can't make it too easy now can we."

"Indeed…" Itachi says, following her inside and towards the table again.

"But I got it now," Sakura goes on, kneeling before her book to write in it. "Present the flower, explain all four options then offer it to her to choose. I think I can do that. And if she decides to give you a flower back…?"

"Read the book." he tells her, "It tells you more flowers and some that women use to respond or initiate. I think I've taught you enough for one day."

Her eyes wander towards the flower sitting by the notebook on the desk. "Sounds good to me."

Itachi walks to the other side of the table then drops the second flower next to its twin. "I should start dinner. Do you have a taste for anything specific?"

A brief shake of the head. "Whatever is fine. I'll just read over this while you cook."

Itachi nods and settles for reheating the soup from the day before. He makes new rice as well as stir fried mixed vegetables to accompany it.

When dinner is spent and the night is spent, Sakura stands in the doorway of the bedroom using the doorpost for purchase and calls to him across the room.

Itachi looks up from his spot on the bed where he brushes his freshly washed hair. "Yes, Sakura."

"I was wondering if crouses had any meaning in Uchiha courtship?"

He stops long enough to offer an answer then continues brushing where he left often. "Not at the moment."

"I mean, since you guys took into consideration how daffodils work, it only seems fitting that a flower that basically promises something new and literally starts spring would have some kind of courtship meaning too."

He sees where she is coming from and offers a solution to their gap in meaningful flowers. "There's no reason it can't be added. Perhaps you should give it a proper place."

" Me ?"

Itachi moves his hair aside, standing to sit the brush back in its place. "Why not? You can add to a tradition you are already a part of. Leave your mark on what you've helped preserve."

She laughs a little, turning to press her back against the doorway. "I'm sure you guys thought of everything by now."

"Yet we missed the crocus," Itachi assures. "You have time. Think of a reason you would want to receive one."

She hums but offers no reply. They go to bed without any further question of it. Itachi gives her space to study for the rest of the week. Much like when she was looking for their solution, his mother's book is never too far from where Sakura is. He leaves room for questions but she asks very little and it gives him more time to focus on his other task of the museum. Naruto made good on his promise to remind Kakashi of his business documents. Itachi expects an immediate response but a summons doesn't reach him until later the next week via a shinobi awaiting him outside of the tea shop.

He recognizes the young man as he's seen him a lot around the Hokage Tower and even around Naruto from time to time.

"What is your name?" Itachi asks out of curiosity as there is a familiarity to his features that he can't quite place.

The young man snaps to attention, straightening his back and squaring his shoulders. "Konohamaru Sarutobi, Uchiha-san."

"Sarutobi?" Itachi questions, raises a brow, noting the slight similarity between this shinobi before him and the Third Hokage.

Konohamaru nods once, with pride Itachi notes. "Yes. I am the Third Hokage's grandson."

"Hnn." Stepping out into the street, the Uchiha turns towards the direction he is meant to go. The Hokage Monument on the horizon. Looking up, his gaze lands on the Third. His last interaction with the man was not most pleasant but Itachi has the highest respect nonetheless.

"You come from a strong and honorable clan."he finally says, starting in the direction of the Tower.

Konohamaru comes right up next to him, following him down the street. "What makes you say that?"

Itachi looks obliquely at him and then away and ahead. "Because it's true."

"You knew the Third Hokage, right?"
"More than most."

Konohamaru stays quiet for a moment, processing, Itachi assumes. He gives the boy a once over and decides he doesn't mind having two escorts but is curious as to why. Did the boy not know they were being followed by Weasel?

"Where are you going, Konohamaru?" Itachi asks.

"Huh?" the boy blinks, confused. "I'm bringing you to see Lord Kakashi."

" Bringing me?"

"Escorting you." Konohamaru quickly corrects.

"Hnn. And the Hokage needs all three of us?" Itachi questions, mostly teasing but Konohamaru surprises him with a grin that resembles one blond jinchuriki.

"You mean the Anbu tailing us, right?"

"Aa, you've noticed."

"When I got to the teahouse he was just sitting on the roof in plain sight. Kind of hard to miss."

Growing lax, Weasel? Itachi wonders. "I don't mind your company."

Konohamaru only laughs. "Good because you'll have for the next few minutes."

For a moment Itachi did not know whether to attribute the boldness to Hiruzen or Naruto or both. Konohamaru is too young to know all of the tragedies his grandfather endured or sponsored. Itachi reasons he was just a baby when the Massacre happened. It could explain why the boy seems so at ease walking along the street with him or speaking to him so self-assured.

Or Naruto could have said something to destigmatize the last Uchiha, the blond is very good at doing so. Those who are closest to Naruto seem more at ease around him. Whereas other shinobi come in one of three categories: curious, indifferent or leary.

He is none of those things. I am just another shinobi to which he holds enough regard to be mildly respectful.

The change is always refreshing and Itachi settles in the silence, observing those around them for the next few minutes. Konohamaru seems okay with the absence of conversation and walking quietly side by side.

When they make it to the Tower, the boy leaves him at the stairs, citing another duty to do. Itachi thanks him and goes on his way to meet with Kakashi. He fully expects a short meeting but is surprised to find the Fifth Hokage lounging sideways in the chair across from Kakashi, sake cup in hand.

A sense of deja vu washes over him and equal apprehensions as the last time he came here and sake was involved. Itachi enters the room because he has to but is no way looking forward to dealing with both of Sakura's former teachers. Especially not with the way the Godamie eyes him over the rim of her glass. He came to discuss the business of business but he would only be fooling himself if he did not accept the fact that this meeting will go beyond that.

To what end do the both of them need me for? Irksome.

His skepticism of their intentions, forces a slight frown with no regard for their thoughts on his displeasure. The former Hokage offers nothing but a drink while Kakashi contends himself with moving papers.

"Lady Tsunade," his greeting is neither rude nor welcoming. "I didn't expect you to be joining me at a business meeting."

The blonde grins, unbothered, sitting her sake cup on the desk next to her. "I wasn't expecting to join either until I was bombarded by two old, grumpy, senile councilmembers demanding I do something about this whole Clan Provisions mess."

"Do you intend to?"

Tsunade cock a brow at him, perhaps sensing his willingness to rebuttal whatever objections she may hold regarding he and Sakura's decision.

He knows Tsunade to be direct, a brashness his partner embodies at times. And while their interactions are numerous, he's internations with the former Hokage were few and limited to the points during his recovery and after the War. Tsunade made it clear that she knew what happened all of those years ago at the Uchiha Compound. That Jiraiya hinted at an informant outside of Konoha and she believed then that it was Itachi. Still there was reluctance to immediately let him back in the Village. She advocated for him to continue his informant role outside of Konoha, stating that it would be the wisest choice.

He, of course, harbors no ill will towards her for her opinion and on many levels agreed with her. But there was a certain protectiveness Sakura's teacher tended to take with regards to her. And not just her but Naruto as well. Kakashi and Tsunade seemed to struggle with letting go like any good parent tended to do. If she would be so forthcoming with her ideas of keeping him out of Konoha, he can only imagine the triad that might come if she has words about what he and his partner decided. Should she agree with the Elders that could cause trouble as he wholeheartedly believed they would take any support they could from someone so influential, especially influential to Sakura.

Would she attempt to dissuade her ? Itachi wonders, feeling suddenly defensive. While he doesn't know all of the nuances surrounding Sakura and Tsuande's relationship, he imagines their closeness could be used for power though he doubts the former Hokage is the manipulative type. She could talk Sakura into another way. For some reason the thought nearly angers him.

Had Kakashi summoned him here to threaten him with Tsunade's presence? To intimidate him into changing his mind then using Tsunade as a last resort to get to Sakura?
They would not stoop so low. He thinks, wants to believe. For a few tense seconds he watches the blonde with intent until, suddenly, she laughs, curt and to the point. Then honey eyes narrow with disdain and she grabs her sake cup.

"I wouldn't do anything those two buffons ask me even if I agreed." she states then sips. "As it stands, I disagree with them wholeheartedly and I applaud Sakura to force them out of it."

Something like relief washes over him. Itachi dips his head in a brief bow. "Thank you, Lady Tsuande."

"Of course….they did ask me to request a meeting with all of us in attendance."

"I respectfully decline," he answers and she snorts.

"Not surprised." She turns towards Kakashi. "Well, at least you can say I tried."

The current Hokage offers a dubious look, resting his chin in his hand. "Don't sound so please, Lady Tsuande."

"They should've known better than to ask me to do shit."

Kakashi shrugs lightly. "They have their reasons.."

Tsunade swings her legs off the chair handle leaning over and onto the desk. "Don't tell me you agree with them?"

Unfazed, Kakashi looks up at the ceiling. "Well," he drawls, "I am also on the outside as a result of these Provisions being invoked. In that sense, I'm not happy . This is still my mission."

"It will be accomplished," Itachi interjects.

The Hokage's shoulders sag in both an undignified but resigned way. "Yes, yes, that's what I keep hearing. Just because I am not happy doesn't mean I don't support your ability to choose. I did commission you to find a solution, ne?"

Itachi makes a noncommittal noise but Kaksahi smiles with his eyes. "Anyway," the older shinobi continues, "Please sit down, Itachi. Tsuande is here for something very important."

Immediately the Uchiha looks at her and noticed the sudden sharpness of her gaze. It is the same look Sakura had not too long ago. The same cold and critical look of study. Tsuande is unabashedly studying him and Itachi tetters between curiosity and uncertainty.

What is she looking for?

Despite his emotions, he does sit down, hiding his reservations behind a stoic expression.

When Tsuande pulls out a scroll and ink, following medical gloves, Itachi cannot withhold his questions.

"What is this?" he asks Kakashi.

"Your psych evaluation." The Hokage supplies. "We couldn't very well have anyone probing your mind for secrets. Lady Tsunade seemed to be in high demand so we had to wait a bit."

I see. Turning his gaze to her, Itachi relaxes his guard a bit and mutters. "I was unaware your skills extended to psychology, Lady Tsuande."

The blonde keeps her attention on the scroll, writing things down. "The brain is just an extension of the body. Most of the time, mental disorders can be associated with damage to or around the brain. I'm not going to ask you to tell me the last time you cried but I can put you under and reconnect some loose neurological pathways."

"Is that what you believe to be the issue?" he inquires, eyeing the scroll for context.

Tsunade pulls away from the desk and reaches for her gloves. Looking at him briefly she shakes her head. "Nothing can be ruled out. Shinobi life can be hard on the psyche even for a genius. Hold your head down slightly."

Itachi does as he's told, tilting his chin down. Tsuande scoots close enough that their knees touch then pulls a small light from her pocket and instructs him to follow. He does as he's asked, moving his eyes and tracing the path of the light.

"Hold your arms out like this," she extends her arms in front of her, palms down.

Itachi mimics the movement. She drags her fingers down both of his arms. "Sensations feel the same?"

He nods. Placing her hand in his downturned palms, she instructs him to squeeze as hard as he can and he does. Tsunade pulls back, going back to her scroll to write the results he assumes. Coming back to him, she test his reflexes, at one point making him stand to practice balance

"These are all physical tests," he points out, settling in for what may prove to be a longer meeting. He crosses one leg over the other. Lacing his fingers together, he rests them in his lap and leans back in his chair.

Tsuande chuckles with confidence. "Every neurological test doesn't need to be invasive. Beside, I was instructed to look for reflexes first before going in deeper."

"By whom?" he questions, hiding his bewilderment at who Konoha's greatest medic needs to seek advice from.

Tsuande removes her gloves as well as paper with notes on it, checking things off the list. Then, turning to him, she explains. "If you were any other patient, I would have sent you straight to the counselors. Like I said, all factors need to be considered and the most pressing one for you is the jutsu holding you together."

Itachi blinks slowly as dots connect. Dots that he is not particularly pleased with. If a jutsu is holding his life together, that means the caster of said jutsu essentially has his life in their hands. He is well aware of the origins of his...rebirth and his jaw tightens. Sakura's chakra may have pieced him together but Orochimaru pulled his soul from the realm of the dead.

Unacceptable . Itachi thinks, a brief tap of a finger against his knuckle being the only outside sign of his ire. "You believe Orochimaru is behind my...encounters?"

Tsuande gives him a once over then sighs. "No. He can't be. The jutsu used was an adaptation of his Reanimation Jutsu but the effort was a joint affair between himself, Sakura and I to avoid such an issue. The Reanimation Jutsu summons both body and spirit, effectively giving the jutsu caster control of the person being resurrected. For you there were two jutsu used, one that heals damage to the body, even those done by death. It was enough to get your heart beating but Sakura and her team worked to get your body functioning. After it was in good enough form, then Orochimaru called you back from the dead. The rest was on us to keep you alive like any other shinobi with life threatening injuries."

He nods once at her explanation though he doesn't answer the question of why Tsunade is following the Sound ninja directives. "Does he have ideas as to why I am seeing what I am seeing."

"Yes," Tsunade supplies mildly and looks down at her notes. "According to him, there is a chance that not all of you was resurrected. A part of you, your consciousness at least, may effectively still be dead."

"Still under his jutsu," Itachi says with distates.

Tsuande seems to pick up on his irritation and grins. "Not liking that thought much? Don't worry, Uchiha, you are in full control of yourself. The modified Reanimation Jutsu allowed for us to break the contract made with Orochimaru. Normally, you would be able to do this yourself if you knew the signs but Sakura had to do it for you since your body was physically unable. While the contract is effectively broken, Orochimaru believes some parts of you were disconnected even from us and remain freely in a reanimated state, maintaining that link with the dead. Of course, he wanted to test this theory himself by having you come to his hideout but I didn't think you'd fancy having him poking and prodding around in your mind."

"Thank you for your consideration," Itachi says. "This method is much prefered."

"I figured," Tsuande teases. "We can't exactly say for sure if that's the case though. Orochimaru is the best person to analyze this but I'll be gathering information on his behalf. According to him, being connected to do the dead and being haunted by them is very different. I'm going to ask some rather personal questions, so be prepared."

Itachi stiffens slightly at the notion, not particularly liking the idea of having to divulge his thoughts to another.

It can't be helped . He reasons with himself. Though Tsuande makes it clear Orochimaru has no bearings on his life, the fact that he is involved at all is enough.

"I will cooperate on one request," Itachi states, drawing a sigh from Kakashi and a raised brow from Tsunade.

"What are your conditions, Uchiha?" she asks him.

"Either allow my answers to be vague or remove personal details from your report to Orochimaru."

The blonde woman mirrors his posture somewhat, crossing her legs as well, scroll and pen in her lap. She looks over to Kakashi who offers a wayward shrug. "It's your call," he tells her.

"I'll level with you, Uchiha. You're allowed vague answers this go round. But if I need more details, they'll be off the record. This is still my case file, after all."

"I agree to your terms."

"Good," Tsunade declares. "Now, when was the last you saw a spectre?"

"Yesterday," Itachi answers mildly.

She writes it down and goes on professionally. "What form do they take?"

He ponders his answer for a moment, recalling all he's seen in his five years of new life. "Some take human forms, others shadows." Itachi pauses to consider, then adds one final bit. "The one from yesterday is always fully human and fully themselves."

As he predicts, the information intrigues the Godaime enough to offer a follow-up question. "You've seen this spectre before?"

"Several times," he says with ease.

Blonde brows dip in concentrate. Tsunade makes a note on the scroll before looking up to him again. "Who is the sceptre?"

Knowing this was coming, Itachi tells her without hesitation. "Another Uchiha."

"I see," Tsunade mutters, perhaps recognizing his unwillingness to give names.

Honey eyes meet his and he unlaces his fingers, waving a dismissive hand to gently goad her into continuing. "Ask what you wish to ask."

Tsunade's lip thins slightly though he means no insult. The woman recrosses her legs and holds his gaze.

"Did you kill this Uchiha?"

"No," Itachi promptly but softly offers. "Though it was wildly speculated that I had. His was one of self sacrifice."

It's Kakashi who shifts, drawing Itachi's eyes to their audience. The man rubs his chin, looking up and oblivious but Itachi knows better than to believe he is not paying attention. If he'd connected the dots so quickly, Itachi would not be surprised.

After all, they were in Anbu together.

"This...Uchiha, you see. Is he always in the same place? He can leave that spot?" Tsuande asks.

He shrugs. "He does as he wishes, appearing and disappearing in several places."

"You always see him in this case?"

He thought it obvious by now that Shisui appears to him. Raising a brow, Itachi tilts his head. "What do you mean, Lady Tsunade?"

"It's not just a feeling or some reminances of his presence. Your eyes physically see him."

He exhales slowly and attempts to cover all bases. "See. Feel. Smell. Hear. All of these. If I look at him directly, he visibly disappears. If I look away, he is there again."

"They touch you?"

"Some do," he replies elusively.

"We're almost done here, Uchiha," she attempts to reassure him. "You said you saw him yesterday, what were you doing when you saw him?"

"I was at the place he fell." Itachi states, knowing that if Kakashi did not make the connection then he most certainly would now. Weasel often reports on his visits to the waterfall and he is sure the Hokage can draw a conclusion with what little details he has.

"Were you looking for him or did he call to you?" Tsunade continues.

"I sought him out." Itachi declares calmly.

Something he can't quite place passes over the woman's face. She taps her pen against the scroll then meets his eyes. "I'm guessing if I ask you why you won't tell me."

Itachi ponders the question then offers what he feels may be helpful. "I did so because that is what we do."

The Godaime blinks then rolls her eyes, adding it to her writing in silence. Itachi watches directly across from her, noting the similarity in her and Sakura's concentration style. It is often said that people take after their teachers. He certainly is a product of all involved in his upbringing, even Kakashi to a small degree. It's no real surprise that, when it comes to medicine at least, Sakura and Tsuande's approach will be similar. Though, if he were honest, he is still not completely clear on the concepts spoken about at this moment. He's often wondered if his ability to see his old friends were somehow connected to him once being dead. That much he agrees with. The line of questioning seemed odd to him, however. How could such information prove or disprove the reanimated parts of his subconscious remain in such a state? He trusted Tsuande much more than Orochimaru and reasons that she vetted his streamline of questions before coming here to ask them.

To what end will these answers accomplish? Are they an effect or a cause?

"Lady Tsunade," he calls, not wanting to remain uncertain. "What do you plan to do with this information?"

She rotates her shoulders once, leaning back and slouching a little in her seat. "As of right now, I need a second opinion from a psychologist to confirm a theory. Up until this point, I wasn't sure if I needed one but I see that will be the case."

"My answers led you to this conclusion?"

She nods once. "That and Orochimaru's hypothesis. Consciousness and states of consciousness are layered and complex. If there is some subconscious part of you that remains in its reanimated state, there is a chance a psychological component may be the root cause."

"You have a hypothesis already?" Kakashi asks.

"Only a term," she corrects, then looks to Itachi. "It's not uncommon for children, even shinobi children to develop alternate states of consciousness due to trauma. It's one of the reasons we advocated so heavily against having shinobi join the academy too young. Repeated trauma or exposure to trauma can lead to dissociation, or separating oneself or consciousness from the situation they are in."

"You believe I have some form of dissociation?" Itachi reasons.

"We all dissociate," Tsuande corrects, then pulls herself to a stand gathering her materials. "Repeated dissociation is when it may develop into a problem. At the moment I can't remember all of the symptoms or types of mental issues associated with dissociation. But if that is the case, the only way we will find the reanimated parts of your subconscious, is to find the events you may be dissociating from."

Itachi says nothing at her conclusion though internally he frowns. He has always been aware of himself and the idea that some part of him may be hidden is he admits to himself he knows very little about the subject matter, that does not mean he has to like. By Tsuande's explanation, children who lack the ability to handle stress dissociate. And if he is expressing some latent form of it, there existed a point where he was unable to handle the stresses of shinobi life.

Remembering traumatic moments from his childhood, all Itachi did was think. He was always aware, too aware of the senselessness of senseless killing. It haunted his dreams at night. Life. Death. War. Peace. He'd rumulated those concepts until they were a part of him. He simply could not separate his consciousness from what the Third Shinobi War so cruelly presented him.

"Do you have any questions, Itachi?" Kakashi's voice filters through. The Uchiha shakes his head.

"Not at the moment."
"Very well," Tsuande declares. "Once I have this casefile completed, I'll give Sakura a list of symptoms to be aware of. You too, Itachi."


After a quick debriefing, Kakashi dismisses Tsuande, leaving the two of them alone. Itachi expects the next item of business to be brought up but instead the Rokudaime stands up and stretches, knocking the kinks from his shoulders.

"I could do with some lunch, yeah." he says pleasantly, crossing his arms in thought. "Maybe some...or what about...hmmm...perhaps I can…."

"The business agreements, Lord Kakashi?" Itachi interrupts, "Have you considered my proposal."

For the brief second, Itachi wonders if Kakashi forgot this is why he came. The man blinks, scratching his head as if trying to recall what it is. "Ah, right! I'll have Shikamaru look into forming that committee for you."

Itachi offers him a bland look. This is not the first time the head of the Nara Clan appears to do most of the Hokage's work. "Thank you, Hokage-sama."

"Now that that's done, pizza?"

Itachi inclines his head respectfully. "I've already eaten but thank you for offering."

"Yes, yes," Kakashi shoos at him with a wave of his hand. "I suppose I will just have to talk Guy into joining me for food."

"I'm sure he will oblige." with a curt bow, Itachi turns towards the door. "If you will excuse me,"

He takes his leave though the conversation with Tsuande linger fresh in his mind. Dissociate could explain how he was able to slaughter the majority of his family in a single night. But Itaachi assumes guilt would be the only ramification of such an act.

Perhaps I am wrong.

A/N: Happy Quarantine! I hope everyone is staying alive as best they can and, you know, staying 6 feet away and stuff. On a serious note, take care of yourself guys, for you and your loved ones and neighbors and even your enemies!

Okay! This chapter took awhile not because it actually took that long to write, but because I was hesitant about the last part. It just so happens that this chapter coincided with influencer drama about a similar topic of mental health disorders. Some of you may know what I'm talking about, others may not. Regardless, I debated whether or not I wanted to include this or change the latter part so as not to improperly portray people who have dissociative related mental disorders.

In the end I decided to keep it but add this to my notes. First, I am not a medical doctor (despite what some of you my think). Second, I do not have any dissociative mental disorders and am therefore not an authority on the subject. I'm merely a writer who did some research for a fanfic she wanted to write! Some people with dissociative disorders can hallucinate but that doesn't mean they are seeing ghost like our boy Itachi here. That being said, there are a variety of dissociative disorders, with an equally wide range of symptoms. I implore you to do some research into this fascinating topic if you want to learn more! Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Itachi was a plot hog in this chapter and I am here for it because I love him. Daisies and Hydrangeas will give you more Sakura...hopefully. :D And, yes, almost all chapters from this point onward will be named after flowers. Sue me!

-Cece ^^

Word Count: 16,003

Musical Inspiration:"Moonlight Serenade"- Ben L'oncle, "Lust for Love"- Lana Del Rei