Hey guys new chapter yay. Just some quick notes there are more at the end but I wasn't entirely sure about the time lime at first but then I decided to not have infinity war timeline in here but then I thought about it more and I've decided yeah infinity war has happened but its like being a few months since it has happened and they've gone on different missions and that stuff during those few months and I wanted it to have it after infinity war because I realised the plot line has something to do with it so I'm like yeah gonna have it in. Anyway, should stop rambling now and let you guys continue reading the story ooh also thanks for the reviews so far also not a bad theory by the way miss mysteri and I'm glad you guys are enjoying this story so far :)

"D'akeress? Please." He scoffed as he walked around towards the bookcases; his cape swiped up as he turned. "Don't be ridiculous."

"Yeah, Sherlock? Well, newsflash it's true."

"Listen, if I had known aliens had come to Earth I would've, but since I didn't pick up any strange abnormal activities going on I didn't. So, there's no race of the dead. And there is no D'akeriess. Got it?"

"Docter, why is this so hard for you to believe. They literally came to Earth not to long ago, this morning actually, and we just need help finding imformation on them." She sighed. "Why is it so hard for you to believe us? It's been all over the news. On the internet and everything." Her hands flew up in annoyance, and complete confusion was written all over her face.

Peter looked at her, then Docter Strange and then back at Mr Stark, who was stitting to get even more annoyed, if it was even possible. Peter was sat on one of the couches in the main hall where all the Avengers were gathered with docter Strange. Peter decided to sit quietly for this conversation, unsure of what to say and was also freaking out about his in the same room as Docter Strange again. This was literrally amazing! Although if he was being honest here he would much rather have seen him again under different circumstances like with the Avengers from before. But oh well.

"Look. We're just here to know if you have any imformation any at all?" Strange loooked at the other guy who was standing next to him who had his hands behind his back and shrugged.

"Do we?" He asked. Strange sighed and pinched the brim of his nose. He didn't say anything then suddenly the room changed.

He wasn't back down stairs anymore he was in a completly different room. He landed on his but with a grunt. He looked around the room to find the others stumble over in surprise a bit as well.

"What the the-" Tony was about to mutter but then the room suddenly changed again.

"What the hell was that?" Rhodey asked, using one hand to get up from fallling onto the floor agan.

"What?" Strange asked.

"The-the room changing thing?" He asked, moving his hands around in exsasperation. Docter Strange gave him a look before rerurning to flip the pages of the book he was carrying. Rhodey throgh his hands up in the air annoyed, making Peter chuckle a little.

"What's that book anyways?" Sam asked, pointing at the book in Docter Stranges hand.

"It's a book that tells me the beginning of the universe and the origin of everything.

"Ok. Cool." He said and crossed his arms.

"Here it is." He muttered staring down at the page he stopped at. "D'akeriess, race of the dead-"

"Yeah, we already know that. Tell us something new." Tony said, interrupting. Strange gave him a look then continued reading. "Invaded planets including, Haraa, Ja'kleir, and Fuoko." He scanned doen the page some more and flipped towards the next page. "There isn't that much there. All the history on the D'akeriess had vanished when the dissappeared themsevles thousands of years ago."

"Great, so there's nothing," Tony muttered, sitting down on one the of chairs and rubbing his face in frustration.

"There's gotta be something though," Clint said standing up.

"There might be another book with something in it, let me check." He said and Peter really hoped he wouldn't do the room changing thing again, I mean don't get Peter wrong he totally thought it was super cool but it made his stomach do flips.

As if the universe had heard his wish wich provably could be true st this moment the wizard didn't do the room changing thing and instead, a book appeared right in his hands.

"Did you do that just to show of your magic?" Clint asked. "The doctor gave him a side glance.

"No." And he looked down at the book. "Now this book isn't really like any other book-"

"It's not gonna be like that book from Harry Potter, is it? Cause that thing was terrifying." Sam asked and the room gave him a weird glance. He took a step back and had a look of defence on his face that mae Peter wants to laugh.

"What it was terrifying. It had large teeth and everything." He shuddered, just thinking about the thought. Peter laughed a little but soon stopped as Strange started to speak again.

"This book will show as a memory sort of-a flashback. As soon as I say what I want to know it will show me but I cannot be certain if it will or not. "Well go on, open it." Tony ushered him standing up. He whispered something so quietly that even with Peter's super high sensered ears he couldn't herr it the only word he could pick up on was, he gulped, D'akeriess.

He opened the book and a bright blinding white light emerged from the book and they were all suddenly engulfed in the light. It took a few minutes before Peter's eyes adjusted and they were no longer standing in the house but were on some gravel or dirt. It was as if he was in one of those old black and white movies, there was no colour at all.

He suddenly yelped in surprise as someone had just run through him, literrally. It looked like a young girl, but there was something wrong- she was screaming, and running as if her life depended on it. He soon discovered it actually did as he yelped again as another figure ran through him and this time it was one of the D'akeriess. He stood back into battle stance, fists were up and were ready to pounce on it when a voice spoke up to him.

"That would be useless." The wizard said who was still standing where he was a minute ago. Peter looked at him confused.

"What do you-?"

"This is a flashback. You can see and here them but you cannot touch them, or talk to them or make any contact with them at all. They can't see you either." Peter stood back to his original stance but he didn't relax. How could he when this-whatever this was, was going on. It didn't seem right.

He turned around in a circle, taking in everything. He could just barely see at the corner of his eyes that everyone was doing the same thing, watching in awe and shock. He turned around to see someone run through BlackWidow as she was walking around, it looked like she barely noticed as she stared at everything.

As he looked, he could see mountains of buildings, in different shapes and forms, they were a lot different from the ones in New York-or on Earth for that matter. He thought it would've looked cooler if they weren't on fire. A crumbling building made him jump a little, he watched as it crumbled inside, dust flying up everywhere along with bits and pieces of it's building. He cringed as a memory of when the Vulture crushed the building on him at Homecoming, but he quickly shoved that thought away. Now was not the time. He turned around but instantly regretted as he was about to witness a a family get shot by the D'akeriess but he snapped his eyes closed just as the sound of the guns were heard. He clenched his fingers and quickly closed his eyes. Peter jumped a little as he felt something on his shoulder but relaxed a little when he realised that one of the Avengers put their hand on his shoulder; he thought it was possibly Tony. He kept his eyes closed though, he was too scared to open them now, too afraid to dind out what was happening around him.

"What's happening?" He heard BlackWidow ask from behind him.

"This was one of their fights," Wong answered. "This was also one of their last locations."

"What planet is this?" Rhodey asked who Peter could tell was walking near him. He opened his eyes slightly and almost laughed whne he saw Rhodey tried to kick a rock on the ground but it went right through it with him almost tripping over but straightened himself up. He faintly heard Scott snicker near him.

Peter took a deep breath and dared to open his eyes fully, trying not to glance at the area where that family was and looked up to find that infact it was Tony! He was about to say something to him when Docter Strange spoke up again.

"This... was their planet." Peter swivelled atound in him in shock barely registering the fact that Mr Stark had stumbled when he turned around.

"What?" he nearly shouted. He felt a small blish creep on his face as everyone stared at him, but he ignored them and continued. "Why would they be attacking they're own planet?" He gestured around him and watched as the D'akeriess ran up into the tall building a few metres infront of them.

"Now that was the mystery that nobody knew. It is said that the D'akeriess was raised by a strong and powerful being from this planet and were searching for something."

"What happened next then?" Sam asked who jumped back as a D'akeriee was about to run into him.

Well-" He was about to reply when suddenly a huge an explosion erupted from the building where Peter saw the other D'akerieess had gone into. Peter covered his ears and crouched down as the same light from before reappeared.

A few seconds later Peter blinked his eyes open to find himself laying on the floor. He groaned as he stood up with Tony's help.

"What happened?" He asked as he grabbed the side of his head, a throbbing pain was starting.

"You fainted for a second there, some of the others did too but they're ok. Are you alright?" He asked as Peter stood up, concern written in his eyes. Peter nodded, flushing in embarresement but quickly shoved that away.

"Yeah, yeah I'm all good. What was that?" He asked, facing the Docter, who was helping Wong up on his feet.

"I'm not entirely certain. Nobody is." He said. "That's about all we've got on them I'm afraid." He sighed.

" So, that's it then?" Tomy asked angrily walking up to him. "No, there's gotta be something else. Do you have any idea why they would want Peter?"

"No, I'm sorry I couldn't be much of a help."

"Sorry?" He asked outraged. "Listen here you little-"

"Tony. Calm down." BlackWidow said holding her hands in a placated way, sensing an argument coming on. "We'll figure something out," Tony said something in reply, but Peter couldn't here him. His Spidey senses had suddenly gone off, but he didn't know why. He looked around quickly for any signs of danger but there seemed to be none.

"Hey Peter, are you ok?" Scott asked suddenly standing up to walk over to him slowly. Peter ignored him but continued to dart his eyes around every spot of the room, trying to find the danger.

"Hey, Tony somethings wrong with Peter?" He shouted to Tony and Tony stopped arguing with Natasha and quickly walked over to him.

"Kid what's the mat-"

"Somethings coming," Peter said. He felt it. It was coming from the South, something very large and very heavy and it was moving way too fast.

Suddenly, as if it was happening in slowmotion. Something big shot through the corner of the building heading straight towards Peter, Tony and Scott. Tony grabbed Peter by the shoulders and pushed him out of the way, landing on the floor with a grunt. On the other side, Scott dived out of the way at the same time.

Peter glanced up.

The-uuhhh-whatever the thing was shot through to the other side and crashed into the street, sending people into a panic.

Peter stood up with the help of Tony and looked around at the place. Half of it was now in dust and rubble making Peter sneeze.

"What the hell was that?" Scott asked, getting up of the ground from where he had dived. Clint jumped on a piece of rubble and looked at the thing and shrugged

"No idea. Let's go find out." He said and he ran off toeards the thing that had blasted them.

Peter's ears were ringing, but not too much like it had when he fought the Vulture-god, he just kept popping up in Peters mind today didn't he? He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned his head to face Mr Stark.

"You alright kid?" Mr Stark asked again. He nodded in a sort of daze and looked back at the thing and replied.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright." He swallowed nervously and looked at the large, gaping hole that looked as if a truck had just rammed through in and asked. "What was that?"

"Like ArrowHead said, let's go find out." He said and called out to F.R.I.D.A.Y and his suit was forming on him and he took of with Peter following behind him.


"Are you sure this is the right way?"

"Ah, yes." He sighed from the sit.

"Alright fine, but just make sure you don't crash into anything alright? I can't aford this thing to be scratched." Thor gave him a confused look and then back at the window.

The Starlord looked at him one more time before going over to Gamora who was pushing some buttons on her sit, probably just checking they're on the right track, Quill thought which was weird since that place doesn't exist. He still didn't understand why they were going but unfortantely for him if he didn't trust them Gamora would have his head.

"Are you sure these are the right cordinates?" Quill asked Thor, looking down at the map he gave him. Thor looked down at it from where he was standing next to him and nodded.

"Yes, I am sure." Quill rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I am sure." He mimicked quietly in a deep voice.

"What did you say?" He asked, curiously looking back at him. It looked like he really hadn't heard what he said so Quill back tracked it.

"Uh, nothing, nothing at all."

"He said what you said," Mantis asked from behind him. Quill gave her a 'are you serious look?' butput his 'innocent' face back on.

"No, no I didn't. Why would I say that? I said nothing." Complete utter lies.

"Why would you say the word 'nothing?'" Drax asked from down in his seat, he looked like he had been startled awake again, wait, had he seriously been asleep for this whole time? Welp, that's Drax for ya. Quill sighed and rubbed his eyes on annoyence.

"Gamora, you agree with me right?" Gamora who was singing along to the song and stopped and looked up at him.

"No, I heard." He looked back ip at the window, annoyed.

"Great." He sighed. "Great team I have."

"I am Groot."

"It was retoricle Groot and put that thing away seriously how many times do I have to tell you?"

"I am Groot."

"No, put it away right now not after the next level."

"I am groot."

"Whoah, what? What have we told you about language huh?: The Gaurdians and Thor looked at Groot in shock who looked back down at his game and ignored the rest of them.

"Is he always this grouchy?" Thor asked.

"Lately, yes. it's always about that pain in the ass game." Rocket grumbled from his sit.

"Space radars? How did he come across this game? I haven't seen this in a while." Cap said walking towards where Groot was and peering down at the game. Groot didn't reply.

"I built it for him," Quill answered. "And regretted it immediately."

"Hey. Don't get all the credit. I helped." Rocket said, annoyed, pointing a finger at himself. Peter looked at him, his smirk of pride was replaced with a grim line of annoyence.

"You did one thing and that was passing me a screwdriver."

"I helped with way more of that, you were the one who passed me the screwdriver, screwdriver boy." Hs sneered back. Peter shook his head in confusion and moved his hands. ScrewDriver boy? What?

"Screwdriver boy? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I am Groot."

"Seriously Groot? No, you cannot have a word in this, you wouldn't listen to me so I'm not going to listen to you."

"I am Groot."

"Still not listening." Gamora sighed, and rubbed her forehead, feeling a slight headache coming on.

"Come on you guys. No fighting. We don't have time for this." She said. The two boys stopped Peter, giving Groot one last look as if to say 'I'm watching you' before rurning back to facing the window.

Quill decided to focus on other things than Groot at the moment, like more important things. One is the fact that he had Captian freakin America on his ship! He literally could not believe it. When he was younger he had heard tales about him and read the comics and now he has actually met the dude! This was so awesome.

His mind then changed directions from Captian America towards the matter at hand. The D'akeriees. They say that th ey invaded Earth, but that's impossible because they went into existintion a few thousands of years ago. Maybe they got the aliens name wrong? Maybe.

"Hey, are you guys sure that it was the D'akerieess? I mean, maybe they could've looked like them but they were different?" He asked.

"Nope. They were them, I know what they look like and they were definitly them." Thor replied a hint of annoyence in his voice, Peter could just here the roll of his eyes from behind him. Jeeze, he was only asking.

"What is your problem Quill?" Drax asked, biting into a chip. He didn't reply, but instead, he decided to focus on the map that was laying down next to him on the arm of the chair.

It was a map of the planets that Thor had drawn, ot wasn't really useful since it looke like squibbles to him, but at least they had hi mm in person, unfortunately. Man, Quill really didn't like the guy. He didn't know why but he just didn't. Well anyways, apparently it doesn't take too long to get there and it is still in Midgard even if it is there. Quill knew it wasn't real, he knew it. This was just a big waste of ti-

"We are nearly there," Mantis said, looking up from her screen.

He looked up at her confused then back at the window and there he could see a giant planet. It was like really big, bigger than Terrain and probably bigger than Jupiter itself!

"Is that it?" He asked and Thor nodded. "Are you sure? I mean, it could be a completly different pla-"

"No, that is the one." He said, voice rasiing with a little frustraition making Quill shut his mouth.


Quill landed the ship down on a cobblestone road and opened the hatch and everyone filed out. Once they were outside, he took in the view-it was-well-it was rustic? He wasn't wuit sure he had the words for it, but just wow. It was like a frozen wasteland, abandoned almost as if it was forgotten. There was no sign of life forms, no different type o speaking-nothing. The only sound that could be heard was from the wailing wind that had picked up.

"So, this is it?" He asked unsurely, his words echo through the planet again Thor nodded. Man, this guy was really pissing him off.

"So, where do we need to go?" Cap asked, crossing his arms and walking to stand next to Quill.

Thor points up ahead and there through the old town was a giant, old comcrete building. It almost looked like a castle out of a Fairy tale except it was more creepy and old lokinf and less sparkly-very less sparkly. It was like walking into a horror movie.

It was big, it had two columns at the front with what looked like old decerations on it but had been ripped of overtime. The columns held a balcony on the top, which was unoccupied at the moment with nothing but two statues at either end of it, statues of something he wasn't sure of. The roof had stone roses at the top, some of the petals had fallen of and some were now in half on the ground or had dissappeared. On the balcony there was a picture of a star, the top point had been ripped off and the left point had completly dissapeared as if it wondered of to a mich less boring place or something.

"I can't seem to pick up any life forms of any kind around here, but my senses are up. We must be careful." Vision said flying up to them, his head turning very slowly as if something were to jump out on them. The Cap nodded

"Let's move." He ordered and they immedietly did. They walked through the old abandoned town in silence, except for Groot who was still playing that bloody game that he told him not to but he chose to let it go at the moment and talk to him later after this mess was cleaned up.

Quill looked back at Gamora who had was looking at the houses, no emtion in her eyes although Quill could detect a little curiousity. Be decided to walk go and walk next to her. He nudged her elelbow a little when she didn't seem to notice him.

"Hey. You alright?" She jumped a little and turned to him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright." Quill was about to ask something else but was cut off.

"We're here," Cap said and the group stopped.

"Still no lifeforms showing. I suggest we should still move catiously th-" Vision was saying, but he was cut off by a loud-battle yell and then suddenly Drax was running inside full-force with both of his knives out! Umm, what?

"Oi DRAX! What the hell are you doing?" Quill shouted, but Drax ignored him as he continued to run inside the building.

"Should we do the same thing?" Mantis asked.

"Not exactly like that," Quill replied. He aighed and jogged ahead a little with the others following him (Groot miraculously hadn't looked up from his game, also started running afrer them).

"Why is he running? He doesn't need to?" Thor shouted who was behind Quill.

"It's Drax! It's what he doe-well what we all do I guess." He said, tilting his head a little as he realised they weren't great with following plans so he just ran ahead as well and shouted.

"I hope they realise that there's actually nothing inisde there to attack." Vision muttered to Cap.


Bang! Peter dodged another bullet that was aimed at him. Once he and the other Avengers had gone outside to find out what it was, a whole bunch of different aliens had appeared from it and started attacking. At first, he and AntMan had helped the surrounding citezens escape while the other Avengers were fighting them off. He helped a family get out of a building that started collapsing after the ship had hit it then he joined in the battle.

He shot a web at one of the aliens, it wrapped around it and using all his strength, he lifted him of the ground and spun it around a few times then flung it of into the air, landing on the ground with a thud, clearly knocked out.

"Pete? How' you holding up?" Tony asked through the comms. Peter dodged a punch to the head and then punched the other alien back and was now in a fist fight.

"I-I'm alright." He replied, back flipping and dodging another punch. He punched out his right arm, landing a head punch on the alien, making it make a weird noise before it's eyes rolled back and it collapsed.

"I'm alright." He said again, breathing a sigh of relief as he lent on his knees, taking in deep breaths.

Suddenly his spidey sense went of, it was strong making him grunt a little but he fought throught it and turned around to find an alien behind him. He shot another web at it; twisting it in a web, he threw it up in the air and into an abandoned building nearby.

A noise nearby got his attention and he turned around again to find the exact same spaceship as before land.

"Uhhh, hey guys?" He said through the comms, " I think there's more coming." He hated being right. As soon as the ship landed and the doors opened, more and more aliens spilled out of it and headed towards his direction.

"Oh shit." He muttered and swung his web onto one of the buildings and started swinging away.

"Hey guys, need a little hand over here." He grunted as he shot a web at one of the alien's guns and swung it away.

"Hang on Kid," Tony replied. "We're coming. Antman, Flacon, you free?"

"On it," Antman said.

"Coming," Falcon replied and not a minute later Peter could here a woosh of wings and above him, Falcon appeared.

"Hey, guys." Peter smiled.

"Hey there kid, let's get this show on the road," Antman said making Peter jump a little as Antman said and jumped of his arm and ran toward the sqarm of aliens.

The aliens growled as they ran forwad, there mouths twisted and they held there guns infront of them. Peter gulped and watched as Sam flew down and watch as he smashed a few aliens with his wings and watch as (he was assuming it was Antman) a couple of aliens flipped over nothing and falling onto the ground. Peter couldn't help but laugh.

Peter watched as all the aliens were knocked down by Sam and Scott and smiled as they walked over to make sure he was alright.

"Thanks, guys"

" No problem kid." Scott said going and suddenly going into 'dad' mode. "You alright?" He nodded.

"Yep." Sam sighed with relief.

"Good. Because if you weren't than Tony would've had a heart attack if you weren't." He said making Peter laugh but he suddenly stopped. Sam and Scott both gave him weird looks at the kid but he didn'r answer any of their concerned questions as he was to busy looking around the area. His sense was going heywire again but this was ten times worse. He clenched his head from the pain as it grew more and more and he could he Sam or Scott (he couldn't really tell which one.) talking through the comms and something about Mr Stark. He was probably telling him what was wrong and then suddenly it stopped. The pain in his head stopped but he could tell something was wrong and instinctively he turned around.

There stood this giant-ass alien. It was seriously giant, it was bigger than the Hulk but smaller than when Antman turns into giant Antman and it was holding a gun at him and his eyes widened with shock.

"Kid!" Antman shouted and he and Sam had both grabbed his arms and pulled him back behind them and they got into battle stance.

The alien said something in their language that Peter couldn't understand and he nudged his gun in a way that told them to move out of the way like they did movies.

"Hey, tall-guy we can't understand you." Flacon said.

"Move aside and give me the boy." It said in English only this time it was much more creepier.

"Pfft, as if," Sam said and flew into the air and charged at it but he was knocked aside by the alien.

"SAM!" Peter and Antman shouted and this time Scott ran towards the guy without shrinking or growing but was also knocked over by the alien.

Peter gulped and took a step back as it came closer. And he took another step back as it got closer again and then another step and his pace got quicker and quicker as it's got quicker and quicker and his breath hitched as he fully staryed running backwards, away from it.

"Uhhh, Mr Stark? I need some help here." He said in a panicky voice as he kept his pace and his eyes never leaving the aliens.

"Hang on kid, I'm coming." A concerned voice replied hurriedly. "I'll be there in one minute." That one minute felt like an eternity to Peter. The alien was coming closer and closer and Peter frantically searched for a way out but he couldn't find anything to swing to, so he kept stumbling back.

Literally a minute later, he heard the sound of the ironmam repulsors from a distance and instantly knew that it was Tony.

Mr stark landed next Peterwhere they stood in the middle of the street. This didn't phase the alien one bit as it kept walking closer getting quicker and quicker each time. Man, they should rename these aliens to creepazoids instead.

It reached out his paley, slimy gross hand towarss Peter before a loud noise vame and the alien blew up right in front of them, blue guts flying everywhere and on Peter and Tony.

"Ugghh." Peter moaned and flicked some of his fingers. "Gross."

"That's the last of them. For now." Mr stark muttered before turning to face Peter. "You alright kid?" He asked concern filling his voice and peter nodded in reply.

"Yeah, I'm all good except for being really grossed out by that." He laughed nervously and tony nodded turningback to face a knocked out Sam and Scott.

"We should getthese guys some help and regroup. We need a safer place to stay, let's head back to the tower." He said to Peter and through the comm. Peter helped Mr Stark with Sam and Scott before flying back to meet the others.

Hey guys new chapter sorry for it being so long, it was just kinda hard writing this chapter cause I was worried about not writing the gaurdians of the galaxy in their characters or something if that made sense and also i hope this chapter wasn't confusing because I was re-reading it and I wasn't entirely sure but yay new chapter. thanks for reading tough and tell me what you think of it so far.

Also, I wanted to put this at the end because it was so sad what happened to stan leeI couldn't blieve it.

Rest in Peace Stan Lee.