I do not own any of these characters. I am only borrowing them for my own amusement.

Chapter 1:

I have always wondered

how it would be to see the world through someone elses eyes.

But come on fate!

Somedays I wondered if it was cruelty or if this was fates punishment for something I had done in a previous life. How should I know. I definitely didn't approve of it though. My situation was of course a little different than you might expect. I certainly didn't believe it either when it first happened. Who would have thought? This was magic beyond my comprehension, or anyone elses for that matter.

I remember seeing Albuses face when he heard. He couldn't believe it either. Imagine that. Albus Dumbledore not having a clue of what was going on. Of course, he handled the news better than I did but then again, it didn't affect him. Maybe he'd react differently if he was the one caught in the middle. I shudder to think what might have happened if he was the one to drink a butterbeer with me that fateful night my problems began.

Well, more problems at least. On top of all the other things happening in the wizarding world at the moment. We are, after all, about to enter a war against one of the most powerful wizards in history. His only goal is to gain power over the muggles and muggleborns and wreak havoc across the country while he's at it. Full-blooded first his minions say, and I still am not sure what they mean by that.

I haven't expressed my concerns to anyone about my family if we were to enter an open war against the death eaters. I myself, would more or less be considered a half blood. My mother, Andromeda, comes from one of the oldest and most esteemed pure blood families in Britain and would have been welcomed into the inner ranks of lord Voldemort if she had chosen to. In fact, as morbid as it may sound, her two sisters are already there. However, she chose to marry a muggleborn, Teddy Tonks. For that her family disowned her. Together they had me, and I am no better than my mother in their eyes.

My father will be targeted by the deatheaters no matter what happens to my mother. If so happens, he will have to go into hiding. Unless we all flee together. My mother might be safe because of her heritage, but I doubt it. Her marrying a muggleborn was crime enough and she has more than once openly expressed her dislikes of Voldemorts methods.

I have done nothing to improve the matter. Joining the Order of the Phoenix was one of my big declarations against Voldemort. My preference in men might be another (if they ever find out).

I do not regret joining the order. I strongly support fighting for what you believe in. Mad-eye was the one who invited me. He saw me as a strong and useful additive to the group and I must say, I see that as a compliment. I am only twenty-three, I've come straight from auror training, and yet I would still be his first choice for backup in a fight. I really love Mad-eye. He is a fierce, cunning and crazy bastard sometimes and that is exactly what we need in this war.

My first few days in the order were both thrilling and terrifying. I don't want to seek a fight. I am no Gryffindor. But the deatheaters are real killers and the work we did was really dangerous at times. But I was determined to continue fighting.

That however, changed abruptly not too long ago.

It was that terrible morning in early July that I woke up with a start and felt something was terribly wrong.

I was not in bed in my apartment in London, in fact I wasn't even in a bed. I lay on the floor in a dark and dusty room that I did not recognize. I could not remember how I got there. At first I feared I had been kidnapped by deatheaters and I sat up in panic.

Ouch! That had not been a good idea. My head hurt like hell, and my stomach threatened to empty its content on the floor. But only for a few minutes. When my vision finally stopped spinning I realized where I was. It was the living room of Grimmauld place 12, the headquarters of the order. Thank Merlin! No death eaters could get in here so that excluded the possibility of kidnapping. But I still didn't know how I got there.

I tried to remember that when I noticed someone else laying by my feet.

It was a woman with pink hair.

Wait. Pink hair?

I stared.

I could hardly believe it. There on the floor, sleeping sweetly, was an exact copy of myself.

My thoughts went haywire. What could this be? Some kind of hoax? Perhaps a prank?

While I stared at the woman on the floor in stunned silence, she, whoever it was, suddenly stirred from her sleep. Her eyes flew open and for several seconds she stared at me before she scrambled to her feet. Apparently, that was a bad idea because she groaned loudly and crouched together while she held her head in both hands. It looked like she tried to stop it from falling off.

I could do nothing but gape at her.

"What is the meaning of-" my copy began, but then she covered her mouth with her hand as if the sound of her own voice had shocked her.

"What-" I began, but then I felt a sudden urge to cover my own mouth. My voice was much deeper than usual.

While I continued to stare at my copy, she examined her clothes with a horrified expression on her face before she ran out of the room with a string of curses. It took me only a second to glance at my own clothes before I too got to my feet and ran after her. I got a sinking feeling in my stomach while I ran and my greatest fears where confirmed when I reached the second-floor bathroom.

The face staring back at me from the mirror belonged to no other than Severus Snape.