Ch. 1

This wasn't what neither Splinter (Hamato Yoshi) or Kirby O'Neil excepted to happen or really believe. The thought of their children having...Quirks. From what Splinter knew, he and his humanoid turtle sons where mutated into what they are now. A man turned into a rat, living in the sewers of New York City. By a freaky accident. Lived for years and years in secrecy, training his children in art and ways of ninjutsu. Becoming the protectors of New York City itself. Learned to live and stay in the shadows, now was being offered and informed about coming out of that life so his sons could attended a school for those like themselves.

In Japan.

The birth place of himself and family. His old life before coming here to New York. How long had been away for this to happen? Well, living in the sewers could do that. His sons, yes, his sons seem rather surprised by this. Especially by the man who came all the way from Japan to offer the invention. Also, throwing a bonus, Splinter seemingly having a Quirk himself could come back and live as he once did; even having his old home back. And, and...offered a position at this school to teach.

Everything was like package deal. Splinter wasn't sure...sure he wanted this. His sons going to where they would be trained to use their quirk and should they choose to..become heroes. They've faced danger before, the only difference with this one is they'd be exposed to world. The whole world and well..he wasn't sure he was ready for that. Even if the thought of returning back home was oh so sweet.

He wondered...

Just as Kirby wondered, this man...Mr. Aizama. Shota Aizama, who sat across from him on the floor in his apartment. A worn-out looking man, his unkept appearance made one wonder if he lived on the street. With his messy, shoulder length black hair and light facial hair. Eyes that drooped. Even at the sweet lemonade that was kindly placed before him, by Kirby's youngest daughter. That just looked nothing like the man or his eldest daughter who at least had her father's ginger hair color and blue eyes. Though clearly inherited her mother's looks (thank goodness). She didn't even look like the That stood behind them, wearing sharp black suit and sun glasses to match and hair for that matter. A face so stoic it was hard to tell if he was a wall or not. Yeah, she looked like none of them. Polite looking face. Long, wavy pink hair. A sort of fuchsia color, reaching mid-back. Unlike her um...sister who was fair skin, she was had more a tan complexion. A bronze one. Blue eyes...nope. Golden-yellow ones, bright ones. That just seem to naturally smile and remain open and fresh.

She was shorter than her sister, befitting for one her age. Well she just a bit shorter. But still a healthy height and also...size. Body wise, that made Shota grunt at the thought of one his students...a certain perverted one that would have a field day with her many...assets and other...making a mental note to give her a much larger shirt should she choose to come to the school.


Shota's eyes fall to the sweet lemonade, that innocently waited for his lips to drink it. If that wasn't taunting enough, these...these...his eyes slide to the two blondie brownies resting on the saucer just a few inches away. From the lemonade. His fingers twitched to take one, but he resisted. Grudgingly resisted. He wasn't here for snacking.

He was here on recruitment. Well, more so an invite. For the two O'Neil daughters. For their quirks. Which was still rather of a shocker to the two. Cause from what Shota heard and was told, apparently. The eldest April is the product of genetic tampering in her family's DNA throughout generations. Which is why she has her powers (quirk). Moving things with her mind, as she demonstrated to him and sensitivity beyond that of the normal mind. Instantly knowing his desire to just take a drink of the lemonade. So, she could read minds.

For the youngest, May. Apparently her history is that she was built. Artificially created, soul and all shared some of her sister's mental energy which provided her with her own powers (quirk). Though Shota believed it to be her own. She didn't read minds. No. Could she move things? In some sort of...way. Did she sense things? Yeah. She could though as she demonstrated, emit or was produce energy of some kind. Whatever it was, it happened.

Both sisters seemed to have some control over their...'powers'. Good enough for Shota. Made it settled. Just like he did with Splinter...Yoshi Hamoto passed the same letter to them. To attend U.A. High School in Musutafu, Japan. To get a better understanding of their quirks and train to becoming heroes. If of course they choses too. Shota threw in the fact if they wanted to come, accommodations would be made for them to live in Japan. The school kindly would provide them a place to live. Simple living. Most likely an allowance.


The uncertainty wrinkled on Kirby's brow spread everywhere on his face. While the other man remained solid, unreadable. Looking at the letter again, Kirby's eyes waivered, his daughters would many miles another country. Away from him. Away from home. The plus side...they'd get better control over their powers. And help others outside of the shadows. Make a difference. Something any parent would be proud of. It was evenly weighed...evenly. What to do...what to choose...

His daughters...they seem happy at the thought especially knowing the invite was extended to their mutant friends. Especially the youngest. Who floated at the thought...literally she did, just floated from her spot into the air.

At least...Kirby thought..they wouldn't fully be alone.

Shota patiently for either parent to decide the course of action they wish to take. The choice they would make for...their children. For their future.