A Tale of a Princess and a Hoodlum

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that is related to Gilmore Girls since that all belongs to Amy Sherman-Palladiano (damn her) I wish I did own Milo though I must say tres sexy!!!
Pairings: Literati and bits of Javajunkie L/D P/J
Summary: What would happen if Rory did the one thing that Lorelai feared the most? What if Rory got pregnant? How would everyone take it?

Rating: PG-13 because of language and some violence
A/N: Ok I changed something's to my liking
- Rory didn't go to Washington
- She broke up with Dean after the wedding
- Jess isn't leaving (what is ASP thinking) Jimmy might make an appearance though
I don't think that my characters are exactly like the show but I tried my hardest (Jess is hard to write) and I changed Dean to my own liking
This starts at the end of march during spring break 2003
Oh and I wanted to have a nickname that wasn't so common for Jess to call Rory so I decided on Pixie

Season 3 never happened (unless I mention an event that took place during it by mistake)

"Ror, are you okay" asked Lorelai

"Yeah why" asked Rory

"You just sound a little distracted" said Lorelai as the two walked into the diner

"No I'm fine just a little tired" said Rory

"Hey Luke can I have a coffee to go I'm really late for work" asked Lorelai

"No" grunted Luke

"I asked nicely"

"Luke she is really late so will you please get her coffee or I'm coming back there and getting it for her" announced Rory

"Fine" grunted Luke as he turned and filled a cup for Lorelai

"Thanks Lukey! Bye babe, have fun with Jess!"

"Always, love you"

"Love you too hon. Bye Luke" smiled Lorelai as she walked out of the diner

"Luke is Jess upstairs" asked Rory


"Can I go up "?

"Go ahead he's sleeping though, so don't blame me when he tries to bit your head off in his delusional state"

"Who me? Who's he going to have to kiss then" smirked Rory

"Just go" snapped Luke as he pointed to the steps obviously embarrassed

"Thanks Luke" yelled Rory as she ran up the stairs and into the apartment. She walked up to Jess's door and carefully opened it to find Jess lying on his back sleeping. Rory walked over to Jess and straddled his stomach causing him to wake.

"What the hell" mumbled Jess as he opened his eyes

"Hey Dodger" whispered Rory as she leaned down to kiss him

"Why can't I be woken up like this everyday" smirked Jess as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down causing her to lie next to him

" I don't think Luke would want to wake you up the same way your girlfriend does"

" Ok thanks for the image" grimaced Jess causing Rory to giggle

"I have something really important to tell you" said Rory getting serious

"How important"

"Life changing" sighed Rory

"What is it?" said Jess as he started to rub her arm

"I'm late" whispered Rory

"For what?" asked Jess confused

"What the hell do you think Jess?" snapped Rory as she sat up

"Oh…Whoa…wait, are you sure" stammered Jess realizing that she meant

"A week and a half sure" mumbled Rory

"We used protection and you're on the pill. How did this happen"

"Jess there is still a chance even with them." whispered Rory on the verge of tears

"Oh baby don't cry please" pleaded Jess wrapping his arms around her

"I can't help it" whimpered Rory

" Do you want me to go get a test at Doose's?" asked Jess wrapping his arms around her

"Jess you know we can't get it from Doose's everyone will find out what you bought before we get a chance to see for ourselves"

"Point taken" said Jess "Why don't we go to Hartford instead"?

"Ok" sighed Rory

"We'll take my car just let me go take a shower"


-45 minutes later Rory and Jess are in his car on the way to Hartford. -

"What are we going to do if its positive Jess" asked Rory moving over to the middle of the front seat and leaning into him

"Lets discuss that if it's necessary, ok" said Jess wrapping his arm around her


-Later that day back at Rory's house-

Rory was in the bathroom and Jess was in Rory's room on the bed on the verge of tears

"Jess we have to wait a minute before anything happens." said Rory as she walked into the room

"Ok come here," said Jess as he held out his arms for Rory to come and sit with him.

"I'm scared Jess" whispered Rory

"So am I" said Jess pulling her closer

"We're 18, we're not ready to be parents"

"We are going to get through this together no matter how hard it's going to be" said Jess before looking at his watch "It's been a minute"

"I can't do it," whimpered Rory "You look"

"Ok" said Jess as he reached for the test

"Am I pregnant?" whispered Rory

"Yeah." said Jess as he leaned back and pulled her onto his lap

"What are we going to do?" cried Rory as she laid her head on his shoulder

"Do you want to keep the baby?" asked Jess hesitantly

"Of course I'm keeping it" snapped Rory a little taken back

"Rory I had to ask I just needed to know whatever you decide I will support you all the way" sighed Jess as he started to rub her back

"Ok I'm just really confused about all of this"

"Baby you know I'm not leaving you right" asked Jess

"Yeah I know Jess I am just really scared what about our plans and everything"

"We'll talk about that later just shush," cried Jess as he pulled Rory closer to him and let her fall asleep.

Later that day Lorelai came home to find Jess and Rory sleeping in each other's arms with sad, wet faces as if they'd been crying. If it weren't for their faces she would have left them alone, but as she looked around she noticed something at Rory's feet and when she got closer she realized that it was a pregnancy test. Her little girl was pregnant. Lorelai didn't know what to do. She had to talk to someone but she didn't think Sookie would understand yet, she hated Chris and her mother well that was self-explanatory. She had Luke though and since he was Jess's uncle she ran out of the house and towards Luke's. When she got to the diner she opened the door and rapidly looked for him. Luke walked out of the kitchen and was hit with Lorelai wrapping her arms around him crying.

"You can't always come running here when something's wrong." said Luke

"Shut up and close the diner please its important." cried Lorelai


"Just do it then I'll talk it's really important and I don't want the whole town knowing" whispered Lorelai

"Ok everyone out foods on the house" screamed Luke

As the last person walked out the door Lorelai collapsed into a chair and said "Luke she's pregnant"

" Who is?" asked Luke confused


"Are you sure?" asked Luke as he sat next to her

"I saw the test." cried Lorelai as she sank into Luke's arms and cried on his shoulder

"It's going to be ok." Said Luke in shock

-Back at Rory's house later that night-

Rory woke up later that night and looked around thinking that day had all been a dream. She then realized that Jess was lying next to her asleep and it looked like he had been crying. That was when she knew that she was pregnant.

"Jess wake up." said Rory shaking him

"What do you want Luke let me sleep?" mumbled Jess rolling on to his back

"Jess!!!!!" whined Rory

"Whoa, geez I'm up." said Jess as he opened his eyes

"We have to go tell my mom and Luke."

"Do we have to?" asked Jess rolling back onto his stomach

"Jess after awhile I think that they will start to notice."

"Then you can wear baggy clothes" mumbled Jess pulling her pack down and trying to fall asleep.

"Oh and they wont get suspicious if I all of a sudden start wearing baggy clothes" said Rory wiggling out of his grip

"Fine lets go your mom's probably at the diner anyways." said Jess rolling off the bed and onto his feet

"Help me up." demanded Rory as she held out her hand

"Geez you may be pregnant but I don't think that you're helpless" said Jess as he pulled her up

"Yeah and its your fault "
"And why is it all my fault it does take two to tango" smirked Jess

"You're too damn irresistible" smiled Rory ignoring the 2nd comment

"Sorry it just comes so naturally" said Jess as he grabbed her hand and led her off to the diner. Jess had his arm around Rory's waist and Rory was leaning into him as they walked to the diner. The just walked in silence when they ran into the last person they wanted to see.

"Hi ya Rory!" said Dean approaching the couple

"Leave her alone" sneered Jess trying to walk away

"I can talk to her if I want to" said Dean staring down at him

"Leave us alone" whispered Rory as she leaned closer to Jess

"Are you ok Ror" asked Dean

"Leave her alone" snapped Jess "It's none of your fucking business"

"Rory did he hurt you" asked Dean

"No" whimpered Rory as Jess pulled her closer

"Leave us alone bag boy she wants nothing to do with you" sneered Jess as they walked away

-In front of the diner-

When they got to Luke's they saw that the diner was empty. As they got closer they realized that Lorelai and Luke were sitting at a table away from the window. Jess and Rory approached the door and walked in. Lorelai sat up at the sound of the door opening and gave Jess a death stare. Luke kept a hold on her knowing what she wanted to do.

"Mom, Luke here" cried Rory as she handed them the test

"Rory are you sure" asked Lorelai as she looked at her daughter in the arms of her boyfriend

"Yeah I'm sure," cried Rory leaning in Jess's arms

"Rory I'm not mad at you ok hon. I'm just disappointed. This is a hard thing to have to go through believe me I know. We're going to get through this ok." cried Lorelai

"Thanks mom I'm really scared though"

"I know you are come here" said Lorelai holding out her arms

"I love you so much mommy" whispered Rory as she sat in Lorelai's arms.

"I love you to sweetie the four of us will get through this together right guys"

"Yeah." answered Luke and Jess in unison

"Lorelai I just want to tell you that I'm not going to leave Rory's side through all of this" said Jess

"I know that Jess"

"You wanna go upstairs" asked Jess to Rory


"Don't try anything mister" said Lorelai

"Hey who do you think I am she is carrying my child for your information"

"Wait Jess how do you know its yours" smiled Rory

"You better run really fast Gilmore"

Rory ran as fast as she could up the stairs, through the door and into Jess's bedroom where she jumped on to the familiar bed. Jess was right behind her and fell next to her on the bed.

"Come here" said Jess as he held out his arms so Rory could sit in his lap

"Huh" mumbled Rory as she leaned against his chest

"I'm sorry" whispered Jess as he wrapped his arms around her

"For what"

"Getting you pregnant" whispered Jess as he stroked her hair

"Jess we both took a chance and we used protection it's not like we tried to have a baby. I love you so much Jess. I wouldn't have taken the risk if I didn't truly love you"

"How did I ever get you"?

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Rory

"Think about it Ror. I came here and everyone hated me except you. When I came here I didn't care about anything because in my eyes I was going to be gone by the end of the year. Then you became my friend and slowly I forgot about that. Your friendship was important to me even though I had more then platonic feelings for you. I realized how strong my feelings for you were when you walked up to me in Washington Square Park. I knew that there was some sort of connection between us and I had to be with you. I'm the bad kid form the streets of Brooklyn and you're the perfect girl from the small town. No one wanted us together but here we are baby. I never believed in love until I met you. I thought love was for sissy's and I would spend the rest of my life going to from girl to girl. But you had to come into my life and ruin it all. I fell for you the second I saw you. You showed me so many things that no one dared show me. You showed me friendship, respect and trust. Then you gave me your love and your heart. I never thought anyone could love me because I was never raised in a loving environment. Rory you trusted me enough to let me into your life. You gave me so many things that I didn't deserve. I finally could truly see how much you loved me when you gave me your virginity. Rory you were taught to wait for when you were truly ready and truly in love. And you decided I was that person. You told me that you loved me all the time but I think deep down I was scared that you were lying until that night. Yeah technically I wasn't a virgin but as cliché as it sounds I was. I had had sex before but I had never made love. That night you completely knocked down every single brick that was used in building the wall around me. I became vulnerable to you. I was able to show you who I truly was. I never wanted to get you pregnant. I am so scared right now. I don't know how to be a father but I am going to try my hardest to be the best father ever. I am going to love this child with all of my heart and I will never abandon you. We both know what it's like to not have a father around and I don't want my child to grow up the same way. Rory I love you with all of my heart. I always thought that the concept of soul mates was a bunch of bullshit until I met you. Rory I know that you are my soul mate and if anything ever happens to us there is no one else out there for me." whispered Jess as he held onto Rory as she cried.

"Do you mean it Jess" asked Rory through her tears.

"Ever word baby every word" said Jess as he wound his arms around her waist. "You are everything to me Rory"

"Why did this have to happen to us?" asked Rory yawning

"I don't know pixie but we going to get through this," said Jess as he was stroked her belly "Our child is in there"

"Our child" whispered Rory absorbing those two life-changing words "I love you Jess"

"I love you to Ror" said Jess as he laid back and drifted asleep

-Back in the diner-

"I have to go home" said Lorelai as she went behind the counter and poured herself a to-go cup of coffee "Is it ok that Rory spends the night here"

"Yeah they need each other right now" said Luke "Do you want to go up and say good night"

"Yeah" sighed Lorelai as she followed Luke up the stairs and into the apartment. Luke walked over to Jess's door and quietly opened it up. Once the door was opened they realized that Rory and Jess were sleeping. Rory was asleep with her head on Jess's chest. While Jess was holding her tightly against her with his arm around her stomach.

"She really changed him" whispered Luke

"Hey you had a part in that change too" whispered Lorelai

"No it was Rory if it wasn't for her he would be in jail by now" said Luke

"I guess" whispered Lorelai "He really did a 360 and changed his life around for her"

"Yeah he did" smiled Luke

"I guess it takes seeing this to realize what Rory fell in love with" sighed Lorelai looking at her daughter wrapped in her boyfriends arms

"He's loves her too" smirked Luke looking at his nephew

"Yeah I know" said Lorelai "But there two great kids why did this have to happen to them"

"God only knows Lor" said Luke "But they will get through it together this kid is going to have the best parents in the world."

"Yeah and the only parents that will read their child Hemmingway and Rand before it's out of the womb." said Lorelai "Oh and have them listen to The Clash and The Sex Pistols from the womb"

"They're going to be fine Lorelai nothing will stop these two from their futures"

"Yeah you're right I guess" sighed Lorelai as she walked away from the door and into the main part of the apartment. "I have to get home and digest this"

"Yeah I'll walk you down stairs I have to clean up anyways and it will help me from going nuts" said Luke as he led her down the stairs and into the diner.

"Thanks for letting Rory stay here" said Lorelai as she headed to the door and opened it up "I'll see you in the morning"

"Yeah I'll have the coffee all ready for you" said Luke as he watched her walk to

her car and drive out into the night.

A/N: this is my first story so please review!!!!!!