Anthony and Emolga were in their house. Anthony was talking on the phone and Emolga was dressed like The Flash.

Anthony: Ok, see you later. *hangs up* Ok, so my mom's finally coming back. She said she's gonna be home in a few minutes and she's got some surprise.

Emolga: Emolga.

Anthony: I wish! But there's no way Eureka's coming back from her Pokémon Journey yet. It honestly wouldn't even surprise me if she decides to go to some other region after she's done in Alola.

Emolga: Emolga.

Anthony: Oh yeah, like Eureka cares about Thanksgiving.

George came in dressed as Cyborg.

George: Who's HYPED to see Justice League?!

Emolga: EMOLGA!

Anthony: ….Why are you already wearing the costume? The movie's not 'til tonight.

George: Uhh…a better question would be…Hey! How come Emolga gets to wear her costume now, but I don't?

Anthony: Because when Emolga does it, it's adorable, when you do it, it's weird.

George: I don't care that it's weird, I think it's cool. But anyway, the whole reason I came here was to give some bad news. Our Justice League is gonna be Batmanless. Karli's not gonna be able to make it.

Anthony: Of course she's not.

George: Of all the movies for her to miss, it had to be the one where we had an awesome group cosplay planned. Now people aren't gonna say "Look! Those people are dressed like the 5 main characters of the movie." They're gonna say "Those people are dressed like the 5 main characters of the movie EXCEPT BATMAN." That's stupid!

Anthony: Yeah, well…wait, is Twin Anthony still gonna be Wonder Woman?

George: Oh no, she noped out as soon she found out Karli ain't gonna be there.

Anthony: But then that means we'll be "except Batman and Wonder Woman."

George: No it doesn't. Leni said she'd be Wonder Woman.

Anthony then got super bummed out.

Anthony: *sound a 21-year-old would totally make*

He went upstairs to his room.

George (yelling from downstairs): Is a Loud being with us seriously THAT movie ruining for you?

Anthony: No, it's not that. You talked about Leni wearing Twin Anthony's Wonder Woman costume. The day Twin Anthony wore that costume was the same day I found out I'm…you know.

George: ….allergic to Professor Sycamore?

Anthony: No! Related to the Louds.

George: Ohhhhh…I don't get what your point is.

Anthony: My point is you reminded me of that day, and now I'm sad.

George: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh…'re still comin' with us to the movie, right?

Anthony: Of course I am.

George: Yes!

Emolga: Emolga!

Anthony: But I'm not wearing the Aquaman costume.

George: No!

Emolga: Emolga!

George: It's bad enough we gonna be Batmanless, I don't wanna be Aquamanless too. We need to cheer up Anthony. Any ideas?

Emolga: Emolga Emogla.

George: That's a good one. Hey Anthony, if we let you be Batman instead of…Actually, I've got a better idea.

George and Emolga went up to Anthony's room.

George: When I say, "I want-", you say "Pie!", I want-

Emolga: Emolga!

George: I want-

Emolga: Emolga! Emolga, "Emol", Emol, "ga", Emol-

George: Pie!

Emolga: Emol-

George: Pie!

George: Apple…

Emolga: Emol…

George: Peach…

Emolga: Emol…

George (with Emolga singing it at the same time): Any kind, we don't care!

Emolga: Emolga!

George: Yeah, I love pie!

George (with Emolga singing it at the same time): Oh, we l-l-l-l-l-l-love love pie!

George & Emolga: *laughing*

Emolga: Emolga!

George: I love you and pie!

Anthony: …*starts to clap* I loved that.

George: So are you cheered up now?

Anthony: Oh absolutely. I'm just not sure if it's enough. I'm gonna need something really…

Anthony happened to glance out the window and saw that his mom was back. With her was Lightning, Lillie, Rotom, and…

Anthony: EUREKA!

Anthony ran outside and hugged Eureka.

Anthony: You have no idea how much I have missed you!

Lightning: I missed you too!

Anthony: Not now, Lightning! I am SO GLAD you're finally back, Eureka!

Eureka: Well, then I should probably tell you that I'm only gonna be here for the week then I'm going back to Alola.

Anthony: What?!

The surprise from hearing that made Anthony accidentally hug Eureka harder.

Eureka: Ow! Will you please let me go?

Anthony: I let you go once, and look what happened.

Grace: Anthony, put her down.

Anthony let go of Eureka. He then kneeled down and stared at her like the creepy creeper creep.

Grace: ….Uh…Anthony, you're ACTUAL sister is here. And so is her daughter.

Anthony continued staring at Eureka.

Rotom: You don't have a reaction to a 3-year-old having a daughter?

Anthony: Eureka's here. I don't have time to react to anything.

Eureka: ….Please stop.

Anthony: If it's what you want, I'll do it….So, Lightning's a mom now? What's that about?

Everyone went inside.

Anthony: Wait, you said her daughter was here. Is she invisible?

Lightning: She's right here.

Lightning pointed at Lillie.

Anthony: …You put your daughter in Lillie's backpack? You really shouldn't do that.

Grace: No, Lillie's the daughter.

Anthony: …So…did you…okay, how is that at all possible?

Lillie: Because I'm…no wait, I've gotta do this right.

Lillie went outside then came right back in.


Anthony: ….Cool.

Lillie: …..That's it? I thought you'd have a lot more of a reaction than that.

Anthony: Well, Karli and Whatshername are time travelers too, so…you know…

Lillie: …Anyway, now that you know, let's get this over with.

Lillie picked Anthony up.

Lillie: Ok, go ahead…..Pee on me.

Grace: …..Did you just say…?

Lillie: I have no idea why, but before I went back in time, that's what Uncle Anthony said he wanted me to do. He said it was a Back to the Future reference, but I have no idea what that means.

Anthony: You've never heard of Back to the Future? Well then put me down, you don't deserve to be peed on.

Lillie put him down.

Lillie: You wanted me to watch it with you on the day after my 8th birthday, but I thought it looked stupid.

Anthony: *gasp* No, no, that's ok. We don't all have to have the same opinions on movies. Like, what's one you like?

Lillie: Singin' in the Rain.

Anthony: …Singin' in the Rain? That's…different.

George and Emolga came downstairs.

George: So Anthony, Season 8 Episode 30 Of SpongeBob?

Anthony: Yes, I am happy now. But there's no way I'm going to the movie.

George: You gotta be kidding me!

Anthony: I can see Justice League some other day. I gotta spend all the time I can with Eurek…I mean EVERYBODY, not just Eureka.

George slapped Anthony in the face.

George: Whatever happened to friends who are boys before girls who may or may not be yucky?! Come on Emolga, let's go get some pie!

Emolga: *singing the pie song*

Grace: Ok, enough with this nonsense. Let's talk about what's important.

Anthony: Asking Lillie about the future?

Grace: Uhh…I was gonna say telling you about what happened in Alola, but now that you mention it…

Lillie: Nope! I ain't tellin' anybody anything about the future.

Anthony: But I wanna know the complete rosters of all yet-to-be-made Super Smash Bros. games.

Grace: I wanna know if Anthony ever does anything with his life.

Rotom: I wanna know if Eureka ever gets me my freaking unicycle!

Eureka: Everyone! If Lillie wants to keep it a secret, she gets to keep it a secret.

Lillie: Exactly. No one should know too much about their own density…I mean destiny.

Anthony: …Are you sure you've never seen Back to the Future?

Lillie: I've never seen it.

Anthony: But you've seen Singin' in the Rain?

Lillie: Yeah.

Anthony: …Is it a Singin' in the Rain remake?

Lillie: No, it's the original.

Anthony: Are you sure it's not a remake that people THINK is the original, like with The Mummy?

Lillie: No, it's the one from 1952. But the remake they ARE making looks horrible.

Anthony: Ah-ha! You just told us something about the future!

Lillie: Deh…well I'm not tellin' you anything else!

Lightning: Telling us I'm your mommy is something about the future.

Lillie: Yes it was. But that and the SITR remake are the only pieces of information you're gonna get outta me! Nothing else!

Anthony: Who wins the Super Bowl this year?

Lillie: I said no more!...Especially not stuff I don't know the answer to. Can we talk about Alola now?

They all sat down to talk about what happened in Alola. This included, but was not limited to, how Eureka had finished several of the Island Trials. One of those had her new friend Cliff's older sister Mallow as its Captain. Mallow was a huge jerk to them because she was mad about how she would soon be too old to be a Trial Captain.

Lillie: And that's everything that happened in Alola… far.

Anthony looked out the window.

Anthony: …Wow. I didn't think it would be dark by the time we were done.

Lightning had fallen asleep because the story telling had taken so long.

Grace: Leigha, wake up.

Lightning: *waking up noises* Antny, can I play Smash Bros.?

Anthony: You sure can!

Lightning went up to Anthony's room and noticed something odd.

Lightning: Reeka, your bed is in Antny's room.

Eureka: What?

Anthony: Oh right, I completely forgot. I thought it was dumb that your room is under the stairs while mine is the entirety of the 2nd floor, so I moved your stuff up to my room. I don't know why we didn't just do that in the first place.

Eureka: Oh. Well, thanks for doing that, but…I'd really prefer to stay in the room under the stairs.

Anthony: Really?

Eureka: Yeah. I need a private place of my own to get away from Diancie.

Anthony: Oh. That makes sense. But can you at least sleep in my room tonight? I'm way too tired to move everything back right now.

Eureka: ….I guess, I just know Diancie's gonna annoy me.

Anthony: Actually, I've got some good news for you, Diancie's not here.

Eureka: …What?

Anthony: And she's gonna be gone for a while because she and Celebi are looking for her missing friend.

Eureka: …

Eureka walked over to the fridge, grabbed a 2 liter bottle of a soda called Ditto, shook it up, and opened it. She started spraying it all over the place in celebration.